I am a tenure-track assistant professor of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. I obtained my Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering at Stony Brook University working with Professor Shan Lin in 2022. I got my bachelor’s degree of Science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in 2015 with a major in Computer Science.
My research interests are broadly in the areas of Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things, Control, and Data Science.
Opening: I am looking for self-motivated PhD/master/undergraduate students to work with me on the area of Smart Cities. Please send me a short email with your C.V. and anything you believe relevant!
Email: yukun-yuan AT utc.edu
- 12-2024: One paper accepted by INFOCOM 2025.
- 09-2024: One paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computers.
- 08-2024: Grant: Project funded by NSF CISE-MSI (CPS).
- 06-2024: One paper accepted by MASS 2024.
- 04-2024: One paper accepted by IWQoS 2024.
- 01-2024: One paper, produced through collaboration with researchers from Lehigh University, accepted by ICRA 2024.
- 01-2024: One paper accepted by ACC 2024.
- 10-2023: Our paper won Best Paper Award in CIKM 2023.
- 08-2023: One paper, produced through collaboration with researchers from Lehigh University, accepted by ACM CIKM 2023.
- 07-2023: One paper, produced through collaboration with researchers from Florida State University, accepted by ACM Mobihoc 2023.
- 05-2023: Grant: A project about urban 311 systems funded by the CEACSE seed grant.
- 03-2023: One abstract paper accepted by ACM/IEEE ICCPS 2023.
- 07-2022: One paper accepted by IEEE SECON 2022.
- 05-2022: One paper accepted by ACM e-Energy 2022.
- 04-2022: I am selected as one of the CPS Rising Stars at University of Virginia, 2022.
- 03-2022: One paper accepted by ACM TCPS.
- 01-2022: One paper accepted by ACC 2022.
- 07-2021: One paper accepted by IEEE CDC 2021.
- 06-2021: One paper accepted by IEEE TMC.
- 05-2021: Our paper won Best Paper Award in ICCPS 2021.
- 12-2020: One paper accepted by ICCPS 2021.
- 01-2020: One paper accepted by IoTDI 2020.