The issue of Deuteronomy 6:4, which includes the monotheistic creed of Shema Yisrael, is often in... more The issue of Deuteronomy 6:4, which includes the monotheistic creed of Shema Yisrael, is often interpreted solely in the context of monotheistic dogmatics. Deuteronomy 6:4 is not limited to the framework of monotheistic dogma but also has an educational and legal dimension that shapes the moral identity of Israel. This article is an attempt to develop the concept that within the teaching of monotheism lies an effort to form the moral and identity of believers. The article proposes the idea that the call "Hear, O Israel" reflects a rhetoric repeated in Deuteronomy, and the imperative verb "to hear" is considered a fundamental call to monotheistic dogma. Israel's response to this call is deemed crucial because listening to God is indicated by remaining faithful to monotheistic dogma and loving God wholeheartedly. The call to listen is conveyed to the new generation of Israel. The importance of listening and responding to this call is illustrated through the phrase "Shema Israel," which asks Israel to acknowledge that Yahweh is One. Yahweh Ekhad has an educational and legal role in shaping and affirming the moral identity of Israel by emphasizing the importance of teaching and observing the law in response to the call to listen. The relationship between monotheism, religious education, and moral identity in the context of Deuteronomy 6:4 emphasizes the importance of listening and responding to God's call as the foundation for obedience and realization of the monotheistic identity of Israel.
The aim of this paper is to explore how the paradoxical nature of humans impacts educational prac... more The aim of this paper is to explore how the paradoxical nature of humans impacts educational practice. As paradoxical beings, humans are both free and responsible, existing for themselves while also being dependent and interconnected with others, thus highlighting their inherently social nature. This perspective on human consciousness as a paradoxical social being shapes how we view relations between individuals. This paper specifically examines Christian education, using the analytical descriptive method to analyze articles and draw conclusions. The study emphasizes the importance of both teachers and students engaging in learning activities together. The teacher contributes their time, energy, and expertise, while the students actively participate and follow the teacher's guidance. A mutual understanding of each party's responsibilities brings a sense of warmth to teaching and learning, which can only be achieved through mutual dependence and awareness.
The aim of this paper is to explore how the paradoxical nature of humans impacts educational prac... more The aim of this paper is to explore how the paradoxical nature of humans impacts educational practice. As paradoxical beings, humans are both free and responsible, existing for themselves while also being dependent and interconnected with others, thus highlighting their inherently social nature. This perspective on human consciousness as a paradoxical social being shapes how we view relations between individuals. This paper specifically examines Christian education, using the analytical descriptive method to analyze articles and draw conclusions. The study emphasizes the importance of both teachers and students engaging in learning activities together. The teacher contributes their time, energy, and expertise, while the students actively participate and follow the teacher's guidance. A mutual understanding of each party's responsibilities brings a sense of warmth to teaching and learning, which can only be achieved through mutual dependence and awareness.
Noh Ibrahim Boiliu, Haryadi Sarjono, Harun Y. Natonis, 2023
The purpose of this article is to carry out a theological analysis of "land" as one of the import... more The purpose of this article is to carry out a theological analysis of "land" as one of the important theological themes in the Old Testament. The approach used in this article is the deductive paradigm. Based on the results of the analysis of the theme of land theology in the Old Testament, the theological theme of the "land" refers to the land that belongs to God which was inherited (mahala) by Israel. The land became one of the prominent features of the series of stories and life in the Old Testament. Israel's responsibility on YHWH's land is to establish the Torah as a source of religious education. The paper recommends that any Christian that God places anywhere and in any field of work should strive to strengthen Christian teaching that is rooted in the Word of God as a source of teaching authority. It recommends that an understanding of "land" in the Old Testament should become the theological starting point in building the paradigm of Christian Religious Education.
Robby Igusti Chandra, Noh Ibrahim Boiliu, Budiman Widjaja, 2023
INTRODUCTION A few ideological, spiritual, or theological concepts concerning economic life have ... more INTRODUCTION A few ideological, spiritual, or theological concepts concerning economic life have appeared since the Middle Age. Among these concepts, is the Economy of the Kingdom of God from Bull, 1 and others. Kristianto proposes that the concept of Trinitarian God in Christian theology has embedded values that are applicable to economic praxis. 2 In this concept, God is one but also has three dimensionalities. The popular concept of dimensionalities consists of weight, height, and depth, but in the Trinitarian God concept, dimensionalities mean that the Almighty has the role and essence as the Creator who shapes the universe, the Saviour who redeems, and the Holy Spirit who transforms life. In these three dimensionalities, there is a unity in relationship and purpose. Thus, the economic praxis adopted by Christian practitioners should reflect such a perspective. It means that besides pursuing economic objectives such as gross national products, trade surplus, and others, economic practitioners should
Educational goals are important things that are pursued through the curriculum and the entire lea... more Educational goals are important things that are pursued through the curriculum and the entire learning process in the classroom. Educators have a responsibility to be able to overcome every problem and challenges faced in the learning process. No exception in learning Christian Religious Education (PAK), educators must be able to develop learning that is relevant in overcoming the challenges. This research is an attempt to apply adaptive PAK learning as a solution to face the challenges of educational technology. Using descriptive qualitative research methods and a literature study approach, this research shows that adaptive PAK learning is implemented by developing alternative learning models, maximizing the functions and roles of KKG and MGMP, and strengthening collaboration between schools, churches, and families in organizing PAK
Kehadiran Virus Covid 19 pada awal tahun 2020 menimbulkan berbagai perubahan dalam tatanan kehidu... more Kehadiran Virus Covid 19 pada awal tahun 2020 menimbulkan berbagai perubahan dalam tatanan kehidupan masyarakat. Dengan adanya kebijakan pemerintah untuk melakukan pembatasan sosial, maka pelaksanaan program gerejawi tidak dapat dilakukan secara tatap muka. Oleh karena itu, seluruh program gerejawi termasuk ibadah harus dilaksanakan secara online atau daring (dalam jaringan). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak pelaksanaan ibadah secara daring yang terhahadap spiritulitas warga jemaat GKJW Ponorogo melalui Pelayan Harian Majelis Jemaat (PHMJ) telah melaksanakan ibadah secara daring melalui channel youtube GKJW Jemaat Ponorogo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil dari peneltian ini menunjukkan bahwa GKJW Ponorogo menerapkan ibadah secara daring di masa pandemic Covid 19, Ibadah yang dilakukan secara daring dan pendampingan pastoral bagi jemaat dirasakan tidak efektif.
The purpose of this article is to carry out a theological analysis of “land” as one of the import... more The purpose of this article is to carry out a theological analysis of “land” as one of the important theological themes in the Old Testament. The approach used in this article is the deductive paradigm. Based on the results of the analysis of the theme of land theology in the Old Testament, the theological theme of the “land” refers to the land that belongs to God which was inherited (mahala) by Israel. The land became one of the prominent features of the series of stories and life in the Old Testament. Israel’s responsibility on YHWH’s land is to establish the Torah as a source of religious education. The paper recommends that any Christian that God places anywhere and in any field of work should strive to strengthen Christian teaching that is rooted in the Word of God as a source of teaching authority. It recommends that an understanding of “land” in the Old Testament should become the theological starting point in building the paradigm of Christian Religious Education. Keywords: ...
Many studies in Indonesia have analysed the metaverse from an education, communication, social re... more Many studies in Indonesia have analysed the metaverse from an education, communication, social relation and business view, but only a few from a theological perspective. This study questions whether theologically, the metaverse can be viewed as an opportunity where God-centred life and togetherness amongst humans are enhanced. To answer the question, the study uses literature analysis. The question is answered by exploring two issues. Firstly, the impact of the metaverse’s features on human awareness and values as the basis of their roles in creating togetherness is examined. Secondly, the changes in the human image of God and their roles in relation to the divine as the consequences of immersion in the metaverse are investigated. From the analysis of the previous studies concerning those issues, the findings show that Christians who regularly immerse themselves in the metaverse and obtain overstimulation might acquire a set of values that foster collaborative togetherness on the on...
Te Deum (Jurnal Teologi dan Pengembangan Pelayanan)
Tujuan pembahasan artikel ini adalah untuk memberikan penjelasan yang rinci tentang hubungan pemb... more Tujuan pembahasan artikel ini adalah untuk memberikan penjelasan yang rinci tentang hubungan pembelajaran PAK dan teknologi Pendidikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis adalah metode penelitian literatur dimana penulis mengumpulkan berbagai literatur atau sumber sumber pustaka untuk menganalisis hal hal yang berhubungan dengan materi tentang pembelajaran PAK dan teknologi pendidikan. Pembelajaran PAK adalah interaksi antara guru dan peserta didik yang terjadi secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan memanfaatkan media pembelajaran. Teknologi pendidikan adalah alat atau sarana yang digunakan dalam dunia pendidikan untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan yang sudah ditetapkan. Hasil analisis artikel ini menjelaskan bahwa teknologi pendidikan sangat diperlukan dalam pembelajaran PAK karena secara nyata teknologi pendidikan telah memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran PAK.
Artikel ini merupakan suatu upaya untuk menunjukkan teori belajar sebagai dalam dasar mendesain t... more Artikel ini merupakan suatu upaya untuk menunjukkan teori belajar sebagai dalam dasar mendesain teknologi dalam konteks Pendidikan Agama Kristen (PAK). Hingga saat ini, belum ada belum ada artikel serupa yang membahas teori belajar sebagai landasan dalam desain teknologi PAK. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini berusaha untuk menjelaskan tentang teori belajar sebagai landasan bagi desain Teknologi PAK. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan, yaitu mengumpulkan sumber-sumber secara tertulis seperti buku dan artikel ilmiah lainnya. Tentunya semua sumber tersebut merujuk kepada topik terkait teori belajar, teknologi pendidikan dalam konteks PAK. Hasil penulisan artikel ini adalah menguraikan teori belajar humanistik, lalu memberikan jawaban dan penjelasan mengenai teori belajar sebagai landasan dalam teknologi PAK.
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jakarta, 2019
This paper aims to look at Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi's concept of humans as moral beings... more This paper aims to look at Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi's concept of humans as moral beings. Morality is an achievement of human will, a result of good character that wins over feelings of selfish importance. To grow morally, we must feel deeply. The concept of humanity as a moralist creature became the rationale for Pestalozzi in developing his theological-philosophical educational theory. Morality is seen as an element of value referred to by Pestalozzi because in essence man was created by God and inherited moral elements, and family (parents) are the first and best school to become social teachers who teach humans to gain the natural experience needed to expand the moral, intellectual strength , and technicality in human beings themselves. ABSTRAK Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat konsep Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi tentang manusia sebagai makhluk moral. Moralitas merupakan suatu prestasi dari kehendak manusia, suatu hasil watak yang baik yang menang atas perasaan yang mementingkan kepentingan sendiri. Untuk bertumbuh secara moral, kita harus merasa secara dalam. Konsep manusia sebagai makhluk moralis menjadi dasar pemikiran bagi Pestalozzi dalam membangun teori pendidikannya yang teologis-filosofis. Moralitas dipandang sebagai nilai yang unsur yang diacu Pestalozzi sebab pada hakikatnya manusia diciptakan oleh Allah dan mewarisi unsur moral, dan keluarga (orang tua) adalah sekolah pertama dan terbaik menjadi guru sosial yang mengajarkan manusia untuk memperoleh pengalaman alami yang diperlukan untuk memperluas kekuatan moral, intelektual, dan teknis dalam diri manusia itu sendiri. Kata Kunci: johann heinrich pestalozzi, manusia, moralitas, pendidikan, teologia PENDAHULUAN Pestalozzi memandang manusia sebagai makhluk moralis. Moralitas adalah prestasi dari kehendak manusia, suatu hasil watak yang baik yang menang atas perasaan yang mementingkan kepentingan sendiri. Untuk bertumbuh secara moral, kita harus merasa secara dalam. Dengan kata lain, suatu tindakan atau kelakuan boleh dikatakan sebagai moral sejauh mana tindakan atau kelakuan itu dilaksanakan karena dipaksa oleh kebiasaan sosial atau hukum negara, tetapi dari keputusan pribadi. Rousseau memberikan pengaruh yang mendalam kepada Pestalozzi, Herbart, dan Froebel. Pestalozzi mengikuti Rousseau dalam "rekomendasi" agar anak dididik dengan menggunakan indera. Pestalozzi mengolah kembali pemikiran Rousseau, mengikuti Locke
Revolusi industri 4,0 membawa angin segar untuk semua orang karena semua kegiatan dan pekerjaan d... more Revolusi industri 4,0 membawa angin segar untuk semua orang karena semua kegiatan dan pekerjaan dapat dengan mudah dilakukan. Di sisi lain, revolusi industri 4,0 tidak hanya menyajikan tantangan menguasai dan menggunakan teknologi tingkat tinggi di berbagai bidang termasuk pendidikan. Tetapi juga tantangan dari "nilai manusia" di tengah kemajuan zaman. Hasil analisis teks Ulangan 6:5, dengan pendekatan campuran (diachronic dan synchronic) bahwa Ulangan 6:5 menyediakan dasar bagi sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, yang harus berlangsung secara humanis. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis adalah pendidikan moral. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis adalah partisipatif-dialogikal. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis adalah pendidikan berdasarkan kasih Allah. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis berfokus pada pengembangan rasionalitas, otonomi, pemberdayaan, kreativitas, kasih sayang dan kepedulian terhadap kemanusiaan.
Israel's election as God's people (am Yahweh) is the basis for God's relationshipwith... more Israel's election as God's people (am Yahweh) is the basis for God's relationshipwith Israel. "Election" becomes an important point in tne Old Testamenttheological structure, which is the testimony of the Old Testament faith. YHWH'selection of Israel was the subject of Israel's call to improve and be in YHWH'srelationship-Israel and Israel are responsible for witnessing YHWH's faith. Israelmust also strengthen the Law as a manifestation of YHWH's will in the midst ofIsrael, as well as in the witness of the faith of Yahwis to other nations. Israel as aYahwist faith community is responsible for responding to YHWH in responses inwords and responses in action. Inward and outgoing missions are important pointsin the framework of Israel's election and Israeli responsibility. To achieve thismission (in and out) within the framework of Israel's selection and responsibility,teaching centered on the Torah must be carried out, with a locus, Isr...
Independent learning (Merdeka Belajar) provides challenges and opportunities for teachers to deve... more Independent learning (Merdeka Belajar) provides challenges and opportunities for teachers to develop creativity, capacity, personality, and student needs. In independent learning, students are the main factor in the design of learning activities. In order to better understand the students as a major in independent learning, then Kant's Cognitive Revolution concept of the subject. Kant's Copernican revolution was a reversal of rationalism and empiricism in terms of understanding reality. Initially, philosophers based the assumption of understanding on the reality that the subject directs himself to the object. This assumption continues until Kant proposes an argument that contradicts this assumption, namely that the object directs itself to the subject. Kant's arguments are known through the critique of pure reason, the critique of practical reason, and the critique of judgment. Kant's Copernican revolution had philosophical implications for many methodological and pr...
Fakultas Keguruan dan llmu Pendidikan Universitas Kristen lndonesia, Jul 1, 2013
Mendidik Anak-anak bukan hanya sebagian kecil dari "hidup" anak atau parsialist... more Mendidik Anak-anak bukan hanya sebagian kecil dari "hidup" anak atau parsialistis. Sebab mendidika anak tidak hanya sebagian dari "hidupnya" atau bersifat parsialistis. Dalam memainkan perannya, guru harus memainkan konsep yang utuh (bukan partial) tentang anak didik sebagai manusia.
The issue of Deuteronomy 6:4, which includes the monotheistic creed of Shema Yisrael, is often in... more The issue of Deuteronomy 6:4, which includes the monotheistic creed of Shema Yisrael, is often interpreted solely in the context of monotheistic dogmatics. Deuteronomy 6:4 is not limited to the framework of monotheistic dogma but also has an educational and legal dimension that shapes the moral identity of Israel. This article is an attempt to develop the concept that within the teaching of monotheism lies an effort to form the moral and identity of believers. The article proposes the idea that the call "Hear, O Israel" reflects a rhetoric repeated in Deuteronomy, and the imperative verb "to hear" is considered a fundamental call to monotheistic dogma. Israel's response to this call is deemed crucial because listening to God is indicated by remaining faithful to monotheistic dogma and loving God wholeheartedly. The call to listen is conveyed to the new generation of Israel. The importance of listening and responding to this call is illustrated through the phrase "Shema Israel," which asks Israel to acknowledge that Yahweh is One. Yahweh Ekhad has an educational and legal role in shaping and affirming the moral identity of Israel by emphasizing the importance of teaching and observing the law in response to the call to listen. The relationship between monotheism, religious education, and moral identity in the context of Deuteronomy 6:4 emphasizes the importance of listening and responding to God's call as the foundation for obedience and realization of the monotheistic identity of Israel.
The aim of this paper is to explore how the paradoxical nature of humans impacts educational prac... more The aim of this paper is to explore how the paradoxical nature of humans impacts educational practice. As paradoxical beings, humans are both free and responsible, existing for themselves while also being dependent and interconnected with others, thus highlighting their inherently social nature. This perspective on human consciousness as a paradoxical social being shapes how we view relations between individuals. This paper specifically examines Christian education, using the analytical descriptive method to analyze articles and draw conclusions. The study emphasizes the importance of both teachers and students engaging in learning activities together. The teacher contributes their time, energy, and expertise, while the students actively participate and follow the teacher's guidance. A mutual understanding of each party's responsibilities brings a sense of warmth to teaching and learning, which can only be achieved through mutual dependence and awareness.
The aim of this paper is to explore how the paradoxical nature of humans impacts educational prac... more The aim of this paper is to explore how the paradoxical nature of humans impacts educational practice. As paradoxical beings, humans are both free and responsible, existing for themselves while also being dependent and interconnected with others, thus highlighting their inherently social nature. This perspective on human consciousness as a paradoxical social being shapes how we view relations between individuals. This paper specifically examines Christian education, using the analytical descriptive method to analyze articles and draw conclusions. The study emphasizes the importance of both teachers and students engaging in learning activities together. The teacher contributes their time, energy, and expertise, while the students actively participate and follow the teacher's guidance. A mutual understanding of each party's responsibilities brings a sense of warmth to teaching and learning, which can only be achieved through mutual dependence and awareness.
Noh Ibrahim Boiliu, Haryadi Sarjono, Harun Y. Natonis, 2023
The purpose of this article is to carry out a theological analysis of "land" as one of the import... more The purpose of this article is to carry out a theological analysis of "land" as one of the important theological themes in the Old Testament. The approach used in this article is the deductive paradigm. Based on the results of the analysis of the theme of land theology in the Old Testament, the theological theme of the "land" refers to the land that belongs to God which was inherited (mahala) by Israel. The land became one of the prominent features of the series of stories and life in the Old Testament. Israel's responsibility on YHWH's land is to establish the Torah as a source of religious education. The paper recommends that any Christian that God places anywhere and in any field of work should strive to strengthen Christian teaching that is rooted in the Word of God as a source of teaching authority. It recommends that an understanding of "land" in the Old Testament should become the theological starting point in building the paradigm of Christian Religious Education.
Robby Igusti Chandra, Noh Ibrahim Boiliu, Budiman Widjaja, 2023
INTRODUCTION A few ideological, spiritual, or theological concepts concerning economic life have ... more INTRODUCTION A few ideological, spiritual, or theological concepts concerning economic life have appeared since the Middle Age. Among these concepts, is the Economy of the Kingdom of God from Bull, 1 and others. Kristianto proposes that the concept of Trinitarian God in Christian theology has embedded values that are applicable to economic praxis. 2 In this concept, God is one but also has three dimensionalities. The popular concept of dimensionalities consists of weight, height, and depth, but in the Trinitarian God concept, dimensionalities mean that the Almighty has the role and essence as the Creator who shapes the universe, the Saviour who redeems, and the Holy Spirit who transforms life. In these three dimensionalities, there is a unity in relationship and purpose. Thus, the economic praxis adopted by Christian practitioners should reflect such a perspective. It means that besides pursuing economic objectives such as gross national products, trade surplus, and others, economic practitioners should
Educational goals are important things that are pursued through the curriculum and the entire lea... more Educational goals are important things that are pursued through the curriculum and the entire learning process in the classroom. Educators have a responsibility to be able to overcome every problem and challenges faced in the learning process. No exception in learning Christian Religious Education (PAK), educators must be able to develop learning that is relevant in overcoming the challenges. This research is an attempt to apply adaptive PAK learning as a solution to face the challenges of educational technology. Using descriptive qualitative research methods and a literature study approach, this research shows that adaptive PAK learning is implemented by developing alternative learning models, maximizing the functions and roles of KKG and MGMP, and strengthening collaboration between schools, churches, and families in organizing PAK
Kehadiran Virus Covid 19 pada awal tahun 2020 menimbulkan berbagai perubahan dalam tatanan kehidu... more Kehadiran Virus Covid 19 pada awal tahun 2020 menimbulkan berbagai perubahan dalam tatanan kehidupan masyarakat. Dengan adanya kebijakan pemerintah untuk melakukan pembatasan sosial, maka pelaksanaan program gerejawi tidak dapat dilakukan secara tatap muka. Oleh karena itu, seluruh program gerejawi termasuk ibadah harus dilaksanakan secara online atau daring (dalam jaringan). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak pelaksanaan ibadah secara daring yang terhahadap spiritulitas warga jemaat GKJW Ponorogo melalui Pelayan Harian Majelis Jemaat (PHMJ) telah melaksanakan ibadah secara daring melalui channel youtube GKJW Jemaat Ponorogo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil dari peneltian ini menunjukkan bahwa GKJW Ponorogo menerapkan ibadah secara daring di masa pandemic Covid 19, Ibadah yang dilakukan secara daring dan pendampingan pastoral bagi jemaat dirasakan tidak efektif.
The purpose of this article is to carry out a theological analysis of “land” as one of the import... more The purpose of this article is to carry out a theological analysis of “land” as one of the important theological themes in the Old Testament. The approach used in this article is the deductive paradigm. Based on the results of the analysis of the theme of land theology in the Old Testament, the theological theme of the “land” refers to the land that belongs to God which was inherited (mahala) by Israel. The land became one of the prominent features of the series of stories and life in the Old Testament. Israel’s responsibility on YHWH’s land is to establish the Torah as a source of religious education. The paper recommends that any Christian that God places anywhere and in any field of work should strive to strengthen Christian teaching that is rooted in the Word of God as a source of teaching authority. It recommends that an understanding of “land” in the Old Testament should become the theological starting point in building the paradigm of Christian Religious Education. Keywords: ...
Many studies in Indonesia have analysed the metaverse from an education, communication, social re... more Many studies in Indonesia have analysed the metaverse from an education, communication, social relation and business view, but only a few from a theological perspective. This study questions whether theologically, the metaverse can be viewed as an opportunity where God-centred life and togetherness amongst humans are enhanced. To answer the question, the study uses literature analysis. The question is answered by exploring two issues. Firstly, the impact of the metaverse’s features on human awareness and values as the basis of their roles in creating togetherness is examined. Secondly, the changes in the human image of God and their roles in relation to the divine as the consequences of immersion in the metaverse are investigated. From the analysis of the previous studies concerning those issues, the findings show that Christians who regularly immerse themselves in the metaverse and obtain overstimulation might acquire a set of values that foster collaborative togetherness on the on...
Te Deum (Jurnal Teologi dan Pengembangan Pelayanan)
Tujuan pembahasan artikel ini adalah untuk memberikan penjelasan yang rinci tentang hubungan pemb... more Tujuan pembahasan artikel ini adalah untuk memberikan penjelasan yang rinci tentang hubungan pembelajaran PAK dan teknologi Pendidikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis adalah metode penelitian literatur dimana penulis mengumpulkan berbagai literatur atau sumber sumber pustaka untuk menganalisis hal hal yang berhubungan dengan materi tentang pembelajaran PAK dan teknologi pendidikan. Pembelajaran PAK adalah interaksi antara guru dan peserta didik yang terjadi secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan memanfaatkan media pembelajaran. Teknologi pendidikan adalah alat atau sarana yang digunakan dalam dunia pendidikan untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan yang sudah ditetapkan. Hasil analisis artikel ini menjelaskan bahwa teknologi pendidikan sangat diperlukan dalam pembelajaran PAK karena secara nyata teknologi pendidikan telah memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran PAK.
Artikel ini merupakan suatu upaya untuk menunjukkan teori belajar sebagai dalam dasar mendesain t... more Artikel ini merupakan suatu upaya untuk menunjukkan teori belajar sebagai dalam dasar mendesain teknologi dalam konteks Pendidikan Agama Kristen (PAK). Hingga saat ini, belum ada belum ada artikel serupa yang membahas teori belajar sebagai landasan dalam desain teknologi PAK. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini berusaha untuk menjelaskan tentang teori belajar sebagai landasan bagi desain Teknologi PAK. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan, yaitu mengumpulkan sumber-sumber secara tertulis seperti buku dan artikel ilmiah lainnya. Tentunya semua sumber tersebut merujuk kepada topik terkait teori belajar, teknologi pendidikan dalam konteks PAK. Hasil penulisan artikel ini adalah menguraikan teori belajar humanistik, lalu memberikan jawaban dan penjelasan mengenai teori belajar sebagai landasan dalam teknologi PAK.
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jakarta, 2019
This paper aims to look at Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi's concept of humans as moral beings... more This paper aims to look at Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi's concept of humans as moral beings. Morality is an achievement of human will, a result of good character that wins over feelings of selfish importance. To grow morally, we must feel deeply. The concept of humanity as a moralist creature became the rationale for Pestalozzi in developing his theological-philosophical educational theory. Morality is seen as an element of value referred to by Pestalozzi because in essence man was created by God and inherited moral elements, and family (parents) are the first and best school to become social teachers who teach humans to gain the natural experience needed to expand the moral, intellectual strength , and technicality in human beings themselves. ABSTRAK Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat konsep Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi tentang manusia sebagai makhluk moral. Moralitas merupakan suatu prestasi dari kehendak manusia, suatu hasil watak yang baik yang menang atas perasaan yang mementingkan kepentingan sendiri. Untuk bertumbuh secara moral, kita harus merasa secara dalam. Konsep manusia sebagai makhluk moralis menjadi dasar pemikiran bagi Pestalozzi dalam membangun teori pendidikannya yang teologis-filosofis. Moralitas dipandang sebagai nilai yang unsur yang diacu Pestalozzi sebab pada hakikatnya manusia diciptakan oleh Allah dan mewarisi unsur moral, dan keluarga (orang tua) adalah sekolah pertama dan terbaik menjadi guru sosial yang mengajarkan manusia untuk memperoleh pengalaman alami yang diperlukan untuk memperluas kekuatan moral, intelektual, dan teknis dalam diri manusia itu sendiri. Kata Kunci: johann heinrich pestalozzi, manusia, moralitas, pendidikan, teologia PENDAHULUAN Pestalozzi memandang manusia sebagai makhluk moralis. Moralitas adalah prestasi dari kehendak manusia, suatu hasil watak yang baik yang menang atas perasaan yang mementingkan kepentingan sendiri. Untuk bertumbuh secara moral, kita harus merasa secara dalam. Dengan kata lain, suatu tindakan atau kelakuan boleh dikatakan sebagai moral sejauh mana tindakan atau kelakuan itu dilaksanakan karena dipaksa oleh kebiasaan sosial atau hukum negara, tetapi dari keputusan pribadi. Rousseau memberikan pengaruh yang mendalam kepada Pestalozzi, Herbart, dan Froebel. Pestalozzi mengikuti Rousseau dalam "rekomendasi" agar anak dididik dengan menggunakan indera. Pestalozzi mengolah kembali pemikiran Rousseau, mengikuti Locke
Revolusi industri 4,0 membawa angin segar untuk semua orang karena semua kegiatan dan pekerjaan d... more Revolusi industri 4,0 membawa angin segar untuk semua orang karena semua kegiatan dan pekerjaan dapat dengan mudah dilakukan. Di sisi lain, revolusi industri 4,0 tidak hanya menyajikan tantangan menguasai dan menggunakan teknologi tingkat tinggi di berbagai bidang termasuk pendidikan. Tetapi juga tantangan dari "nilai manusia" di tengah kemajuan zaman. Hasil analisis teks Ulangan 6:5, dengan pendekatan campuran (diachronic dan synchronic) bahwa Ulangan 6:5 menyediakan dasar bagi sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, yang harus berlangsung secara humanis. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis adalah pendidikan moral. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis adalah partisipatif-dialogikal. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis adalah pendidikan berdasarkan kasih Allah. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis berfokus pada pengembangan rasionalitas, otonomi, pemberdayaan, kreativitas, kasih sayang dan kepedulian terhadap kemanusiaan.
Israel's election as God's people (am Yahweh) is the basis for God's relationshipwith... more Israel's election as God's people (am Yahweh) is the basis for God's relationshipwith Israel. "Election" becomes an important point in tne Old Testamenttheological structure, which is the testimony of the Old Testament faith. YHWH'selection of Israel was the subject of Israel's call to improve and be in YHWH'srelationship-Israel and Israel are responsible for witnessing YHWH's faith. Israelmust also strengthen the Law as a manifestation of YHWH's will in the midst ofIsrael, as well as in the witness of the faith of Yahwis to other nations. Israel as aYahwist faith community is responsible for responding to YHWH in responses inwords and responses in action. Inward and outgoing missions are important pointsin the framework of Israel's election and Israeli responsibility. To achieve thismission (in and out) within the framework of Israel's selection and responsibility,teaching centered on the Torah must be carried out, with a locus, Isr...
Independent learning (Merdeka Belajar) provides challenges and opportunities for teachers to deve... more Independent learning (Merdeka Belajar) provides challenges and opportunities for teachers to develop creativity, capacity, personality, and student needs. In independent learning, students are the main factor in the design of learning activities. In order to better understand the students as a major in independent learning, then Kant's Cognitive Revolution concept of the subject. Kant's Copernican revolution was a reversal of rationalism and empiricism in terms of understanding reality. Initially, philosophers based the assumption of understanding on the reality that the subject directs himself to the object. This assumption continues until Kant proposes an argument that contradicts this assumption, namely that the object directs itself to the subject. Kant's arguments are known through the critique of pure reason, the critique of practical reason, and the critique of judgment. Kant's Copernican revolution had philosophical implications for many methodological and pr...
Fakultas Keguruan dan llmu Pendidikan Universitas Kristen lndonesia, Jul 1, 2013
Mendidik Anak-anak bukan hanya sebagian kecil dari "hidup" anak atau parsialist... more Mendidik Anak-anak bukan hanya sebagian kecil dari "hidup" anak atau parsialistis. Sebab mendidika anak tidak hanya sebagian dari "hidupnya" atau bersifat parsialistis. Dalam memainkan perannya, guru harus memainkan konsep yang utuh (bukan partial) tentang anak didik sebagai manusia.
Kini hukum tidak lagi dipahami secara sempit dan terbatas atau hanya sebagai daftar melainkan “hu... more Kini hukum tidak lagi dipahami secara sempit dan terbatas atau hanya sebagai daftar melainkan “hukum mulai diwartakan”. Pewartaan dan penjelasan hukum tentu sebagai pengingat kepada Israel agar tetap setia kepada Yahwe (Ul. 6:12, berhati-hatilah, supaya engkau jangan melupakan Tuhan, yang telah membawa kamu keluar dari Mesir, dari rumah perbudakan). Memaklumatkan hukum pun diharapkan berlangsung di tingkat bangsa dan keluarga (Ul. 6:4-9). Deuteronomi juga merupakan “penafsiran mengenai Sinai, lengkap dengan ektrapolasi-eksposisi guna menjaga agar klaim-klaim Yahwisme Musa-Sinaitik tetap berlaku untuk waktu, tempat, dan situasi yang baru”.
Revolusi industri 4,0 membawa angin segar untuk semua orang karena semua kegiatan dan pekerjaan d... more Revolusi industri 4,0 membawa angin segar untuk semua orang karena semua kegiatan dan pekerjaan dapat dengan mudah dilakukan. Di sisi lain, revolusi industri 4,0 tidak hanya menyajikan tantangan menguasai dan menggunakan teknologi tingkat tinggi di berbagai bidang termasuk pendidikan. Tetapi juga tantangan dari "nilai manusia" di tengah kemajuan zaman. Hasil analisis teks Ulangan 6:5, dengan pendekatan campuran (diachronic dan synchronic) bahwa Ulangan 6:5 menyediakan dasar bagi sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, yang harus berlangsung secara humanis. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis adalah pendidikan moral. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis adalah partisipatif-dialogikal. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis adalah pendidikan berdasarkan kasih Allah. Pendidikan dari perspektif humanis berfokus pada pengembangan rasionalitas, otonomi, pemberdayaan, kreativitas, kasih sayang dan kepedulian terhadap kemanusiaan.
Papers by noh boiliu