The media, an inseparable part of daily life, influences the thoughts, behaviour and attitudes of... more The media, an inseparable part of daily life, influences the thoughts, behaviour and attitudes of millions of people through the transmission of cultural images such as music, themes and visuals, has succeeded in reaching the masses with an attractive form of presentation and in a sense, has incorporates - almost immediately in the world of today - universal truths and developments into the lives of individuals with pictures and sounds, reporting on events and people, allowing individuals to internalise the images presented and has become a point of reference in social life. Together with the development of modern technology, media of mass communication and in extension, media channels, have transcended national and cultural boundaries to reach the masses.
The study evaluates superstitions and faiths that have maintained their contemporariness and occu... more The study evaluates superstitions and faiths that have maintained their contemporariness and occupy a significant place in people’s lives from the different perspectives of believers and non-believers; exploring their reasons for remaining contemporary as well as the fields in which they are readily observed. The article addresses the concepts of superstitious faiths and behaviors, and their conceptual boundaries; the current and naive connection between superstitions, marketing and advertising, to fill a gap in the current discourse. The study does not make normative value judgments on what is superstitious; instead, it is concerned with why we need them, and how they are internalized as well as their proliferation. The goal is to probe how this sustainability and positioning as well as the need for their spiritual auras have been maintained across generations.
It is impossible to distinguish mass communication means from the social values, cultural element... more It is impossible to distinguish mass communication means from the social values, cultural elements and structure in which they exist. As a matter of fact, the media re-transmits the data, obtained from social reality that it feeds from, by processing them. In order to validate such thesis, it will be sufficient to examine the produced arguments, from radio programmes to printed media, from cinema works to television news and broadcasts even to social media. Exchange of messages is carried out in two directions; transformation of data obtained by the media from the society it feeds from and internalisation of values and cultural elements of the society by media messages. Penetration of culture and values into mass communication means and penetration of mass communication means into social elements such as values and culture result in many arguments such as new and hybrid syntheses, changes of local elements and global homogenisation. The family institution, one of the most fundamenta...
Tarihi, ruhu, mimari yapisi, kulturel unsurlari, jeopolitik konumu, tabiat varliklari ve sosyal o... more Tarihi, ruhu, mimari yapisi, kulturel unsurlari, jeopolitik konumu, tabiat varliklari ve sosyal olusumlari ile bir kente doku ve anlam kazandiran ogeler, dunya cografyasinda varlik gosteren her bir kente dair farkli anlamlarin yuklenmesine sebebiyet vermektedir. Birbirlerinden farkli ogeleri uhdelerinde barindiran kentler, sahip olduklari ozellikler ile digerlerinden farklilasmaktadirlar. Ilgili farkliliklar, kentlerin sosyal dokularini da olusturmakta, birey ve toplumlar uzerinde aidiyet hissiyatini olusturmaktadir. Tarihi dokulari ile farkli medeniyetlerin kulturel ogelerini, estetik ve kulturel unsurlarini, mimari yapilarini, inanc faktorlerini ve sosyal yasam pratiklerini gunumuze degin aktaran kentler, zaman ve mekan mihverinde medeniyetlerin naksetmis olduklari kiymetleri gunumuze degin tasimaktadirlar. Naksetmis olduklari kiymetleri gunumuze degin tasima kabiliyetini haiz olan sehirler, bu yonu ile yasayan bir organizma olarak addedilmektedirler. Bu sebeple, maddi kultur bagl...
Etnisite, kimlik, kultur terimleri Turkiye dahil olmak uzere, hemen her dunya ulkesinde ozellikle... more Etnisite, kimlik, kultur terimleri Turkiye dahil olmak uzere, hemen her dunya ulkesinde ozellikle, sosyal bilimler alaninda ve diger pek cok arastirmada anahtar olarak sorgulanan kavramlar olmustur. Ilgili kavramlarin sinirlarinin belirlenmesi ve kavramsal cercevelerinin cizilmesi ile etnik kimlik ve kulturel ogelerin satin alma egilimi uzerine etkilerinin ortaya konulmasini amaclayan calismada, konu oncelikli olarak teorik manada ele alinmis, uygulama asamasinda ise Bati Balkan Gocmenleri olan Bosnak etnik kimligine mensup bireyler ile etnik koken ve satin alma egilimleri baglaminda anket analizi gerceklestirilmistir. Calisma ile etnik kokenlerin satin alma egilimleri incelenirken, tuketimin etnik temelli ogeler yonunde gerceklesmesinin sebepleri sorgulanmis, ilgilenim, gudulenme, kulturel ogelerin gunumuze degin muhafaza edilmesi gibi temel unsurlar incelenmistir. Calismanin onemli bir bulgusu Turkiye’ye Bati Balkan ulkelerinden uc farkli goc dalgasi ile goc eden gocmenler arasind...
Balkan cografyasi, Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti icin daima onemli bir yer teskil etmistir. Gecis y... more Balkan cografyasi, Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti icin daima onemli bir yer teskil etmistir. Gecis yollari uzerinde bulunan Balkan topraklari, tarih boyunca bircok medeniyetin dogumundan yikimina degin onemli bir sureci uhdesinde barindirmis, oldukca kucuk bir cografyayi nitelemesine karsin; ismi, tarihin her doneminde catismalar, savaslar ve gocler ile anilmistir. Balkanlar, gunumuzdeki yapisi itibariyle, Sirbistan, Karadag, Bosna-Hersek, Hirvatistan, Slovenya, Arnavutluk, Makedonya, Kosova, Bulgaristan, Romanya, Yunanistan ve Trakya'yi icine alan bir bolgedir. Gunumuzde; Slovenya haric, eski Yugoslavya’nin kullerinden dogan ve Arnavutluk cografyasini da icerisine alan kurgu, Bati Balkanlar (eski Yugoslavya sinirlari) seklinde tasnif edilmekte ve anilmaktadir. Ayrica; Balkanlar, Osmanli Imparatorlugu’nun yayilma alani icerisinde yer alarak, yaklasik 550 yil hukumranligini surdurdugu, cografi ve stratejik onemi haiz bir bolgedir. Islam dininin Bati ucu olarak kabul edilen eski Yugo...
The Caucasian Front, which opened against the Russian forces in the First World War, is important... more The Caucasian Front, which opened against the Russian forces in the First World War, is important because it is seen as the gateway of the Turks to Turkistan Geography and it is the first front in the defense of Anatolia. Enver Pasha, who realized the power of Russians on this front and predicted the future, prepared an offensive plan with the desire to not transfer the door to the Caucasus. This plan continued with Turkish offenders sent to the Caucasus and Russia region with Enver Pasha's predictive attitude in the background. While the attack was met by the Russians as astonishment and psychological delusions, he had gained the Ottoman psychological victory under the command of Enver Pasha and both parties collided and gave mutual casualties during the hot encounter. It has been an operation that has printed Turkish success, belief and courage to Russian resources, and succeeded by the enemy pen. In the long term, the rebellion by Enver Pasha sent by the agents, Russia has ca...
Gunumuzde bircok sirket urun ve hizmetlerinin reklamini yapmakla birlikte kurulusun imajina fayda... more Gunumuzde bircok sirket urun ve hizmetlerinin reklamini yapmakla birlikte kurulusun imajina fayda saglamakamaciyla kurumsal reklamlar da yapmaktadirlar. Kuresellesme ile birlikte artan rekabet, sirketleri hem dogduklari yerel pazarlarinda hem de uluslararasi pazarlarda kendilerini tuketicilerine tanitip onlarla iyi bir iletisim kurmaya zorlamaktadir. Bu baglamda, kurumsal reklam sirketlerin sikca kullandigi onemli iletisim araclarindan biri haline gelmistir. Bu calismada kurumsal reklamlarda sicaklik uyandirici, yani ask, arkadaslik, aile ici baglara deginen duygusal cekicilik kullaniminin kurumsal imaja etkisi olculmeye calisilmistir. 2012 Londra olimpiyatlari sponsoru olan P&G’in ‘Tesekkurler Anne’ kampanyasinin sirketin kurumsal imajina etkisi, odak grup arastirma yontemi kullanilarak degerlendirilmistir
Her bir argumani ile guncel yasam pratiklerinden soyutlanmaya olanak taniyan, buyusu ile sanatin ... more Her bir argumani ile guncel yasam pratiklerinden soyutlanmaya olanak taniyan, buyusu ile sanatin en cekici dallarindan biri olan sinema, kuskusuz ki olaylarin, oykulerin, karakterlerin ve hikayelerin betimlendigi mekanlar ile hafizalarda yer edinir. Gorkemli dekorlari ve buyulu mekanlari ile hayaller kurdurabilen, gercege en yakin goruntuleri ile yasami sorgulatabilen sinema, mekan kurgulari ile anlatilmak istenenin (icerik) kurgu, ideoloji, mizansen ve form gibi sembolik anlatim araclarini kullanarak, dusun dunyasini zenginlestirmektedir. Toplumsal referanslarin izdusumu niteligine haiz sinema, icerigi, mekanlarinin tasarimi, hikayenin gucu ve oyuncularinin ifadeleri ve ogeleri ile birey ve toplumlara, gercek veya hayal soylenmek isteneni, dusunsel ipuclari araciligi ile gorsel algi yaratarak akil gozune hitap etmektedir. Calisma ile ‘’insanlik icin, aydinlik icin, gelecek icin sinema yapiyoruz, filmlerimiz insanlik mucadelesi icindir, kriterlerimiz yoktur’’ soylemi ile hareket ede...
The study evaluates superstitions and faiths that have maintained their contemporariness and occu... more The study evaluates superstitions and faiths that have maintained their contemporariness and occupy a significant place in people’s lives from the different perspectives of believers and non-believers; exploring their reasons for remaining contemporary as well as the fields in which they are readily observed. The article addresses the concepts of superstitious faiths and behaviors, and their conceptual boundaries; the current and naive connection between superstitions, marketing and advertising, to fill a gap in the current discourse. The study does not make normative value judgments on what is superstitious; instead, it is concerned with why we need them, and how they are internalized as well as their proliferation. The goal is to probe how this sustainability and positioning as well as the need for their spiritual auras have been maintained across generations.
The media, an inseparable part of daily life, influences the thoughts, behaviour and attitudes of... more The media, an inseparable part of daily life, influences the thoughts, behaviour and attitudes of millions of people through the transmission of cultural images such as music, themes and visuals, has succeeded in reaching the masses with an attractive form of presentation and in a sense, has incorporates - almost immediately in the world of today - universal truths and developments into the lives of individuals with pictures and sounds, reporting on events and people, allowing individuals to internalise the images presented and has become a point of reference in social life. Together with the development of modern technology, media of mass communication and in extension, media channels, have transcended national and cultural boundaries to reach the masses.
The study evaluates superstitions and faiths that have maintained their contemporariness and occu... more The study evaluates superstitions and faiths that have maintained their contemporariness and occupy a significant place in people’s lives from the different perspectives of believers and non-believers; exploring their reasons for remaining contemporary as well as the fields in which they are readily observed. The article addresses the concepts of superstitious faiths and behaviors, and their conceptual boundaries; the current and naive connection between superstitions, marketing and advertising, to fill a gap in the current discourse. The study does not make normative value judgments on what is superstitious; instead, it is concerned with why we need them, and how they are internalized as well as their proliferation. The goal is to probe how this sustainability and positioning as well as the need for their spiritual auras have been maintained across generations.
It is impossible to distinguish mass communication means from the social values, cultural element... more It is impossible to distinguish mass communication means from the social values, cultural elements and structure in which they exist. As a matter of fact, the media re-transmits the data, obtained from social reality that it feeds from, by processing them. In order to validate such thesis, it will be sufficient to examine the produced arguments, from radio programmes to printed media, from cinema works to television news and broadcasts even to social media. Exchange of messages is carried out in two directions; transformation of data obtained by the media from the society it feeds from and internalisation of values and cultural elements of the society by media messages. Penetration of culture and values into mass communication means and penetration of mass communication means into social elements such as values and culture result in many arguments such as new and hybrid syntheses, changes of local elements and global homogenisation. The family institution, one of the most fundamenta...
Tarihi, ruhu, mimari yapisi, kulturel unsurlari, jeopolitik konumu, tabiat varliklari ve sosyal o... more Tarihi, ruhu, mimari yapisi, kulturel unsurlari, jeopolitik konumu, tabiat varliklari ve sosyal olusumlari ile bir kente doku ve anlam kazandiran ogeler, dunya cografyasinda varlik gosteren her bir kente dair farkli anlamlarin yuklenmesine sebebiyet vermektedir. Birbirlerinden farkli ogeleri uhdelerinde barindiran kentler, sahip olduklari ozellikler ile digerlerinden farklilasmaktadirlar. Ilgili farkliliklar, kentlerin sosyal dokularini da olusturmakta, birey ve toplumlar uzerinde aidiyet hissiyatini olusturmaktadir. Tarihi dokulari ile farkli medeniyetlerin kulturel ogelerini, estetik ve kulturel unsurlarini, mimari yapilarini, inanc faktorlerini ve sosyal yasam pratiklerini gunumuze degin aktaran kentler, zaman ve mekan mihverinde medeniyetlerin naksetmis olduklari kiymetleri gunumuze degin tasimaktadirlar. Naksetmis olduklari kiymetleri gunumuze degin tasima kabiliyetini haiz olan sehirler, bu yonu ile yasayan bir organizma olarak addedilmektedirler. Bu sebeple, maddi kultur bagl...
Etnisite, kimlik, kultur terimleri Turkiye dahil olmak uzere, hemen her dunya ulkesinde ozellikle... more Etnisite, kimlik, kultur terimleri Turkiye dahil olmak uzere, hemen her dunya ulkesinde ozellikle, sosyal bilimler alaninda ve diger pek cok arastirmada anahtar olarak sorgulanan kavramlar olmustur. Ilgili kavramlarin sinirlarinin belirlenmesi ve kavramsal cercevelerinin cizilmesi ile etnik kimlik ve kulturel ogelerin satin alma egilimi uzerine etkilerinin ortaya konulmasini amaclayan calismada, konu oncelikli olarak teorik manada ele alinmis, uygulama asamasinda ise Bati Balkan Gocmenleri olan Bosnak etnik kimligine mensup bireyler ile etnik koken ve satin alma egilimleri baglaminda anket analizi gerceklestirilmistir. Calisma ile etnik kokenlerin satin alma egilimleri incelenirken, tuketimin etnik temelli ogeler yonunde gerceklesmesinin sebepleri sorgulanmis, ilgilenim, gudulenme, kulturel ogelerin gunumuze degin muhafaza edilmesi gibi temel unsurlar incelenmistir. Calismanin onemli bir bulgusu Turkiye’ye Bati Balkan ulkelerinden uc farkli goc dalgasi ile goc eden gocmenler arasind...
Balkan cografyasi, Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti icin daima onemli bir yer teskil etmistir. Gecis y... more Balkan cografyasi, Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti icin daima onemli bir yer teskil etmistir. Gecis yollari uzerinde bulunan Balkan topraklari, tarih boyunca bircok medeniyetin dogumundan yikimina degin onemli bir sureci uhdesinde barindirmis, oldukca kucuk bir cografyayi nitelemesine karsin; ismi, tarihin her doneminde catismalar, savaslar ve gocler ile anilmistir. Balkanlar, gunumuzdeki yapisi itibariyle, Sirbistan, Karadag, Bosna-Hersek, Hirvatistan, Slovenya, Arnavutluk, Makedonya, Kosova, Bulgaristan, Romanya, Yunanistan ve Trakya'yi icine alan bir bolgedir. Gunumuzde; Slovenya haric, eski Yugoslavya’nin kullerinden dogan ve Arnavutluk cografyasini da icerisine alan kurgu, Bati Balkanlar (eski Yugoslavya sinirlari) seklinde tasnif edilmekte ve anilmaktadir. Ayrica; Balkanlar, Osmanli Imparatorlugu’nun yayilma alani icerisinde yer alarak, yaklasik 550 yil hukumranligini surdurdugu, cografi ve stratejik onemi haiz bir bolgedir. Islam dininin Bati ucu olarak kabul edilen eski Yugo...
The Caucasian Front, which opened against the Russian forces in the First World War, is important... more The Caucasian Front, which opened against the Russian forces in the First World War, is important because it is seen as the gateway of the Turks to Turkistan Geography and it is the first front in the defense of Anatolia. Enver Pasha, who realized the power of Russians on this front and predicted the future, prepared an offensive plan with the desire to not transfer the door to the Caucasus. This plan continued with Turkish offenders sent to the Caucasus and Russia region with Enver Pasha's predictive attitude in the background. While the attack was met by the Russians as astonishment and psychological delusions, he had gained the Ottoman psychological victory under the command of Enver Pasha and both parties collided and gave mutual casualties during the hot encounter. It has been an operation that has printed Turkish success, belief and courage to Russian resources, and succeeded by the enemy pen. In the long term, the rebellion by Enver Pasha sent by the agents, Russia has ca...
Gunumuzde bircok sirket urun ve hizmetlerinin reklamini yapmakla birlikte kurulusun imajina fayda... more Gunumuzde bircok sirket urun ve hizmetlerinin reklamini yapmakla birlikte kurulusun imajina fayda saglamakamaciyla kurumsal reklamlar da yapmaktadirlar. Kuresellesme ile birlikte artan rekabet, sirketleri hem dogduklari yerel pazarlarinda hem de uluslararasi pazarlarda kendilerini tuketicilerine tanitip onlarla iyi bir iletisim kurmaya zorlamaktadir. Bu baglamda, kurumsal reklam sirketlerin sikca kullandigi onemli iletisim araclarindan biri haline gelmistir. Bu calismada kurumsal reklamlarda sicaklik uyandirici, yani ask, arkadaslik, aile ici baglara deginen duygusal cekicilik kullaniminin kurumsal imaja etkisi olculmeye calisilmistir. 2012 Londra olimpiyatlari sponsoru olan P&G’in ‘Tesekkurler Anne’ kampanyasinin sirketin kurumsal imajina etkisi, odak grup arastirma yontemi kullanilarak degerlendirilmistir
Her bir argumani ile guncel yasam pratiklerinden soyutlanmaya olanak taniyan, buyusu ile sanatin ... more Her bir argumani ile guncel yasam pratiklerinden soyutlanmaya olanak taniyan, buyusu ile sanatin en cekici dallarindan biri olan sinema, kuskusuz ki olaylarin, oykulerin, karakterlerin ve hikayelerin betimlendigi mekanlar ile hafizalarda yer edinir. Gorkemli dekorlari ve buyulu mekanlari ile hayaller kurdurabilen, gercege en yakin goruntuleri ile yasami sorgulatabilen sinema, mekan kurgulari ile anlatilmak istenenin (icerik) kurgu, ideoloji, mizansen ve form gibi sembolik anlatim araclarini kullanarak, dusun dunyasini zenginlestirmektedir. Toplumsal referanslarin izdusumu niteligine haiz sinema, icerigi, mekanlarinin tasarimi, hikayenin gucu ve oyuncularinin ifadeleri ve ogeleri ile birey ve toplumlara, gercek veya hayal soylenmek isteneni, dusunsel ipuclari araciligi ile gorsel algi yaratarak akil gozune hitap etmektedir. Calisma ile ‘’insanlik icin, aydinlik icin, gelecek icin sinema yapiyoruz, filmlerimiz insanlik mucadelesi icindir, kriterlerimiz yoktur’’ soylemi ile hareket ede...
The study evaluates superstitions and faiths that have maintained their contemporariness and occu... more The study evaluates superstitions and faiths that have maintained their contemporariness and occupy a significant place in people’s lives from the different perspectives of believers and non-believers; exploring their reasons for remaining contemporary as well as the fields in which they are readily observed. The article addresses the concepts of superstitious faiths and behaviors, and their conceptual boundaries; the current and naive connection between superstitions, marketing and advertising, to fill a gap in the current discourse. The study does not make normative value judgments on what is superstitious; instead, it is concerned with why we need them, and how they are internalized as well as their proliferation. The goal is to probe how this sustainability and positioning as well as the need for their spiritual auras have been maintained across generations.
Papers by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sibel Akova