In the Islamic biography tradition, all works describing the lives of Poets, Scholars, and Sufis ... more In the Islamic biography tradition, all works describing the lives of Poets, Scholars, and Sufis are referred to as “tabakat,” while in Persian Literature, such works written for poets and sufis are referred to as “tezkire.” The Ottoman poets of the Classical Period were also influenced by Persian Literature and used the names “Tezkire” and “Tezkirat Al-Shuara” for the works describing the biographies of poets. Tezkires are biographical and anthological in nature and aim to keep a record of poets and to make a register of the poets. On the other hand, literary histories in the modern sense, which replaced poet Tezkires in the 20th century, bear the traces of a new world and thinking. Just as empires were replaced by nation-states, literary histories began to take the place of Tezkires. Changing political, social, and cultural life has led to the emergence of a new genre, literary history. These literary histories play an important role in the construction of nationalisms. Instead of keeping records like poetical treatises, literary histories contain a certain chronology-centered fiction within their own absoluteness and make preferences with a canonical approach by ranking them in order of significance-importance and create a list of poets, writers, and works within the framework of their point of view. In this article, the intellectual changes in the transition from the poet’s tezkires to modern literary histories will be tried to be revealed, and the difference in worldviews between the two will be demonstrated. In addition to this, it will be explained how literary histories display an ideological approach to literary figures and literary productions and assume a canonical task.
In the Islamic biography tradition, all works describing the lives of Poets, Scholars, and Sufis ... more In the Islamic biography tradition, all works describing the lives of Poets, Scholars, and Sufis are referred to as “tabakat,” while in Persian Literature, such works written for poets and sufis are referred to as “tezkire.” The Ottoman poets of the Classical Period were also influenced by Persian Literature and used the names “Tezkire” and “Tezkirat Al-Shuara” for the works describing the biographies of poets. Tezkires are biographical and anthological in nature and aim to keep a record of poets and to make a register of the poets. On the other hand, literary histories in the modern sense, which replaced poet Tezkires in the 20th century, bear the traces of a new world and thinking. Just as empires were replaced by nation-states, literary histories began to take the place of Tezkires. Changing political, social, and cultural life has led to the emergence of a new genre, literary history. These literary histories play an important role in the construction of nationalisms. Instead of keeping records like poetical treatises, literary histories contain a certain chronology-centered fiction within their own absoluteness and make preferences with a canonical approach by ran- king them in order of significance-importance and create a list of poets, writers, and works within the framework of their point of view. In this article, the intellectual changes in the tran-sition from the poet’s tezkires to modern literary histories will be tried to be revealed, and the difference in worldviews between the two will be demonstrated. In addition to this, it will be explained how literary histories display an ideological approach to literary figures and literary productions and assume a canonical task.
İkinci Meşrutiyet Dönemi'nde başlayıp Cumhuriyet Dönemi'nde devam ettirilen Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi... more İkinci Meşrutiyet Dönemi'nde başlayıp Cumhuriyet Dönemi'nde devam ettirilen Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi çalışmaları birtakım ideolojik saiklerle edebiyat tarihçileri tarafından kurgulanıp çeşitli dönemlere ayrılmıştır. İnkılapçı ve milliyetçi bir yaklaşımla hareket edilerek ortaya konan bu kurgu, isimlendirme ve dönemlendirmelerin elde edilen yeni bilgi ve belgelerin ışığında değişen ictimai, siyasi ve kültürel atmosferle birlikte tekrardan ele alınması zaruri görünmektedir. Bu bağlamda "Yeni Türk Edebiyatı" veya "Tanzimat Edebiyatı" olarak isimlendirilen dönemin de tekrardan ele alınması ve değerlendirilmesi elzem bir hâl almıştır. Türk Edebiyatı'nın XIX. asır ve sonrasındaki dönemlerini ve edebi hasılalarını inceleyen bu alanın isimlendirilmesi, bölümlenip dönemlendirilmesi ve başlangıcına dair verilen bilgiler ciddi problem ve tezatlar ihtiva etmektedir. Bu nedenle "Tanzimat Edebiyatı" isminin tartışmaya açılması, edebiyatımızda "yeni" olarak isimlendirilen dönemin ne zaman başladığına dair ortaya atılan görüşün yeniden ele alınması ve dolayısıyla "Yeni Türk Edebiyatı"nın ne zaman başladığına dair görüşlerin de güncellenmesi gerekmektedir. Elinizdeki bu makale mevcut isimlendirme, dönemlendirme ve tarihlendirmelere yönelik birtakım eleştiri ve teklifleri içermektedir.
Divan: Disiplinlerarası Çalışmalar Dergisi, Jun 1, 2015
Tanzimat doneminde ortaya cikan dil tartismalari Turkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurulusundan itibaren ye... more Tanzimat doneminde ortaya cikan dil tartismalari Turkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurulusundan itibaren yeni bir asamaya gecmisti. Bu surec once Harf Inkilabi’na, ardindan daha genis capli bir hareket olan Dil Devrimi’ne donustu. Biz bu makalemizde, bir Osmanli aydini olan Tosyevizade Doktor Rifat Osman’in, Harf Inkilabi’na karsi gelistirdigi tepkileri ve bu tepkilerde meydana gelen degisimleri A. Suheyl Unver’e yazmis oldugu mektuplar cercevesinde ele almaktayiz
Dumlupınar Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Jun 20, 2015
Bu makalede Tanzimat’tan once baslayan ve Tanzimat’in ilaniyla hizlanan siyer eserleri icindeki d... more Bu makalede Tanzimat’tan once baslayan ve Tanzimat’in ilaniyla hizlanan siyer eserleri icindeki degisiklikleri ele alacagiz. Onceleri yapilacak islahatlar icin dayanak noktasi olarak belli mesajlar iceren siyerler, daha sonra Şarkiyatcilarin calismalarinin etkileri sonucunda yeni bir mecraya girer. Boylelikle hem elestirel bir yaklasim ortaya cikar hem de birincil kaynaklara donme ihtiyaci iyice belirginlesir. Cumhuriyet ile beraber daha da keskinlesen modern, bilimsel, realist yaklasim 1960 sonrasinda ceviri eserlerle beraber yeni bir ivme kazanir. Siyer calismalari son zamanlarda meydan gelen Kutlu Dogum Haftasi etkinlikleri ile tekrar ilk bastaki o menkibevi, efsanevi niteliklerine geri doner
Mehmed Akif mentioning in his peom book Safahat what he lived and what he witnessed. He conveyed ... more Mehmed Akif mentioning in his peom book Safahat what he lived and what he witnessed. He conveyed us the period of Abdulhamit II, the period Constittution and the period of pre-Republic as history in is peoms. In doing so, several criticisms have been made and they are included in his poems. Here in this article, we tried to analyze in detail Mehmet Akif’s political and religous criticism his book Safahat
In the Islamic biography tradition, all works describing the lives of Poets, Scholars, and Sufis ... more In the Islamic biography tradition, all works describing the lives of Poets, Scholars, and Sufis are referred to as “tabakat,” while in Persian Literature, such works written for poets and sufis are referred to as “tezkire.” The Ottoman poets of the Classical Period were also influenced by Persian Literature and used the names “Tezkire” and “Tezkirat Al-Shuara” for the works describing the biographies of poets. Tezkires are biographical and anthological in nature and aim to keep a record of poets and to make a register of the poets. On the other hand, literary histories in the modern sense, which replaced poet Tezkires in the 20th century, bear the traces of a new world and thinking. Just as empires were replaced by nation-states, literary histories began to take the place of Tezkires. Changing political, social, and cultural life has led to the emergence of a new genre, literary history. These literary histories play an important role in the construction of nationalisms. Instead of keeping records like poetical treatises, literary histories contain a certain chronology-centered fiction within their own absoluteness and make preferences with a canonical approach by ranking them in order of significance-importance and create a list of poets, writers, and works within the framework of their point of view. In this article, the intellectual changes in the transition from the poet’s tezkires to modern literary histories will be tried to be revealed, and the difference in worldviews between the two will be demonstrated. In addition to this, it will be explained how literary histories display an ideological approach to literary figures and literary productions and assume a canonical task.
In the Islamic biography tradition, all works describing the lives of Poets, Scholars, and Sufis ... more In the Islamic biography tradition, all works describing the lives of Poets, Scholars, and Sufis are referred to as “tabakat,” while in Persian Literature, such works written for poets and sufis are referred to as “tezkire.” The Ottoman poets of the Classical Period were also influenced by Persian Literature and used the names “Tezkire” and “Tezkirat Al-Shuara” for the works describing the biographies of poets. Tezkires are biographical and anthological in nature and aim to keep a record of poets and to make a register of the poets. On the other hand, literary histories in the modern sense, which replaced poet Tezkires in the 20th century, bear the traces of a new world and thinking. Just as empires were replaced by nation-states, literary histories began to take the place of Tezkires. Changing political, social, and cultural life has led to the emergence of a new genre, literary history. These literary histories play an important role in the construction of nationalisms. Instead of keeping records like poetical treatises, literary histories contain a certain chronology-centered fiction within their own absoluteness and make preferences with a canonical approach by ran- king them in order of significance-importance and create a list of poets, writers, and works within the framework of their point of view. In this article, the intellectual changes in the tran-sition from the poet’s tezkires to modern literary histories will be tried to be revealed, and the difference in worldviews between the two will be demonstrated. In addition to this, it will be explained how literary histories display an ideological approach to literary figures and literary productions and assume a canonical task.
İkinci Meşrutiyet Dönemi'nde başlayıp Cumhuriyet Dönemi'nde devam ettirilen Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi... more İkinci Meşrutiyet Dönemi'nde başlayıp Cumhuriyet Dönemi'nde devam ettirilen Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi çalışmaları birtakım ideolojik saiklerle edebiyat tarihçileri tarafından kurgulanıp çeşitli dönemlere ayrılmıştır. İnkılapçı ve milliyetçi bir yaklaşımla hareket edilerek ortaya konan bu kurgu, isimlendirme ve dönemlendirmelerin elde edilen yeni bilgi ve belgelerin ışığında değişen ictimai, siyasi ve kültürel atmosferle birlikte tekrardan ele alınması zaruri görünmektedir. Bu bağlamda "Yeni Türk Edebiyatı" veya "Tanzimat Edebiyatı" olarak isimlendirilen dönemin de tekrardan ele alınması ve değerlendirilmesi elzem bir hâl almıştır. Türk Edebiyatı'nın XIX. asır ve sonrasındaki dönemlerini ve edebi hasılalarını inceleyen bu alanın isimlendirilmesi, bölümlenip dönemlendirilmesi ve başlangıcına dair verilen bilgiler ciddi problem ve tezatlar ihtiva etmektedir. Bu nedenle "Tanzimat Edebiyatı" isminin tartışmaya açılması, edebiyatımızda "yeni" olarak isimlendirilen dönemin ne zaman başladığına dair ortaya atılan görüşün yeniden ele alınması ve dolayısıyla "Yeni Türk Edebiyatı"nın ne zaman başladığına dair görüşlerin de güncellenmesi gerekmektedir. Elinizdeki bu makale mevcut isimlendirme, dönemlendirme ve tarihlendirmelere yönelik birtakım eleştiri ve teklifleri içermektedir.
Divan: Disiplinlerarası Çalışmalar Dergisi, Jun 1, 2015
Tanzimat doneminde ortaya cikan dil tartismalari Turkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurulusundan itibaren ye... more Tanzimat doneminde ortaya cikan dil tartismalari Turkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurulusundan itibaren yeni bir asamaya gecmisti. Bu surec once Harf Inkilabi’na, ardindan daha genis capli bir hareket olan Dil Devrimi’ne donustu. Biz bu makalemizde, bir Osmanli aydini olan Tosyevizade Doktor Rifat Osman’in, Harf Inkilabi’na karsi gelistirdigi tepkileri ve bu tepkilerde meydana gelen degisimleri A. Suheyl Unver’e yazmis oldugu mektuplar cercevesinde ele almaktayiz
Dumlupınar Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Jun 20, 2015
Bu makalede Tanzimat’tan once baslayan ve Tanzimat’in ilaniyla hizlanan siyer eserleri icindeki d... more Bu makalede Tanzimat’tan once baslayan ve Tanzimat’in ilaniyla hizlanan siyer eserleri icindeki degisiklikleri ele alacagiz. Onceleri yapilacak islahatlar icin dayanak noktasi olarak belli mesajlar iceren siyerler, daha sonra Şarkiyatcilarin calismalarinin etkileri sonucunda yeni bir mecraya girer. Boylelikle hem elestirel bir yaklasim ortaya cikar hem de birincil kaynaklara donme ihtiyaci iyice belirginlesir. Cumhuriyet ile beraber daha da keskinlesen modern, bilimsel, realist yaklasim 1960 sonrasinda ceviri eserlerle beraber yeni bir ivme kazanir. Siyer calismalari son zamanlarda meydan gelen Kutlu Dogum Haftasi etkinlikleri ile tekrar ilk bastaki o menkibevi, efsanevi niteliklerine geri doner
Mehmed Akif mentioning in his peom book Safahat what he lived and what he witnessed. He conveyed ... more Mehmed Akif mentioning in his peom book Safahat what he lived and what he witnessed. He conveyed us the period of Abdulhamit II, the period Constittution and the period of pre-Republic as history in is peoms. In doing so, several criticisms have been made and they are included in his poems. Here in this article, we tried to analyze in detail Mehmet Akif’s political and religous criticism his book Safahat
Papers by Yasin Beyaz
of a new world and thinking. Just as empires were replaced by nation-states, literary histories began to take the place of Tezkires. Changing political, social, and cultural life has led to the emergence of a new genre, literary history. These literary histories play an important role in the construction of nationalisms. Instead of keeping records like poetical treatises, literary
histories contain a certain chronology-centered fiction within their own absoluteness and make preferences with a canonical approach by ran-
king them in order of significance-importance and create a list of poets, writers, and works within the framework of their point of view. In
this article, the intellectual changes in the tran-sition from the poet’s tezkires to modern literary histories will be tried to be revealed, and the difference in worldviews between the two will be demonstrated. In addition to this, it will
be explained how literary histories display an ideological approach to literary figures and literary productions and assume a canonical task.
of a new world and thinking. Just as empires were replaced by nation-states, literary histories began to take the place of Tezkires. Changing political, social, and cultural life has led to the emergence of a new genre, literary history. These literary histories play an important role in the construction of nationalisms. Instead of keeping records like poetical treatises, literary
histories contain a certain chronology-centered fiction within their own absoluteness and make preferences with a canonical approach by ran-
king them in order of significance-importance and create a list of poets, writers, and works within the framework of their point of view. In
this article, the intellectual changes in the tran-sition from the poet’s tezkires to modern literary histories will be tried to be revealed, and the difference in worldviews between the two will be demonstrated. In addition to this, it will
be explained how literary histories display an ideological approach to literary figures and literary productions and assume a canonical task.