Benchmarking text-integrated protein language model embeddings and embedding fusion on diverse downstream tasks.
Young Su Ko , Jonathan Parkinson, Wei Wang.
bioRxiv preprint, 2024.
i'm a third year biophysics phd student working in the wei wang lab at ucsd.
my research focuses on using machine learning for protein-related research. currently, i'm interested in protein interactions, protein language models, and antibody engineering.
before ucsd, i studied chemistry at pomona college with professor roberto garza-lopez.
outside of science: aspiring home cook, v60 pourover amateur, houseplant enthusiast, 日本語も勉強しています。
TUnA: an uncertainty-aware transformer model for sequence-based protein–protein interaction prediction.
Young Su Ko , Jonathan Parkinson, Cong Liu, Wei Wang.
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2024.