郝思佳, 丁锡嘉, 胡真, 许倩, 韩智杰. RIA下PCMI行为的堆外验证试验研究[J]. 原子能科学技术, 2024, 58(2): 365-371. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2023.youxian.0123
引用本文: 郝思佳, 丁锡嘉, 胡真, 许倩, 韩智杰. RIA下PCMI行为的堆外验证试验研究[J]. 原子能科学技术, 2024, 58(2): 365-371. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2023.youxian.0123
HAO Sijia, DING Xijia, HU Zhen, XU Qian, HAN Zhijie. Experimental Study on PCMI Behavior of RIA outside Reactor[J]. Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 2024, 58(2): 365-371. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2023.youxian.0123
Citation: HAO Sijia, DING Xijia, HU Zhen, XU Qian, HAN Zhijie. Experimental Study on PCMI Behavior of RIA outside Reactor[J]. Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 2024, 58(2): 365-371. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2023.youxian.0123


Experimental Study on PCMI Behavior of RIA outside Reactor

  • 摘要: 目前国内的反应性引入事故(RIA)研究中尚未开展芯块包壳机械相互作用(PCMI)失效模式的相关试验研究。为探究有效的试验方法并获取相关试验数据以分析包壳失效的作用机理,本文基于自主设计的堆外模拟PCMI试验的压缩膨胀(EDC)试验装置,采用高速摄像技术辅助,获取了双轴加载燃料元件包壳失效过程中的载荷、应变、破口情况等数据。研究结果表明,试验得出的包壳管残余应变比位于-0.1~0.5之间,符合堆内残余应变比范围。研究结果可为将来开展堆内试验储备技术和积累经验,为安全准则的建立及补充提供可参考的基础数据。


    Abstract: The performance of zirconium alloy cladding has always been a concern during reactor accidents. Ensuring the safe operation of high fuel consumption under reactivity initiated accident condition is also the core issue that scholars from various countries pay common attention to. The United States, France, Japan, Russia and other countries have carried out a large number of tests under reactivity initiated accident conditions. Some countries have also carried out the most advanced biaxial loading tests outside reactors, which has laid a solid foundation for these countries to occupy a leading position in the field of nuclear fuel safety. At present, there was no experimental study on pellet cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) failure mode in Reactivity initiated accident (RIA) research in China. In order to establish our own safety criteria for reactivity initiated accident operating conditions, it is urgent to carry out domestic independent reactivity insertion accident test research, so as to provide data support for the commercial application of advanced fuel components. PCMI failure of cladding under reactivity insertion accident condition is a typical failure mode of high burnup fuel. Exploring effective test methods and obtaining test data to analyze the mechanism of pellet-cladding mechanical interaction is necessary. In this paper, out-pile simulated cladding failure was studied. Out-pile test device simulated PCMI was designed and domestic Zr-4 cladding was chosen as test material. High speed camera technology was used to assist. Hydrogen content absorbed in test material was used to simulate different high burnup cladding mechanical properties. The data of load, strain and fracture during the failure process of biaxial loading fuel element cladding were obtained. The macroscopic morphology and residual strain of test materials were analyzed after tests and stress state and maximum circumferential strain data of cladding tube under out-pile simulated reactivity insertion accident condition were obtained. The comparison with foreign research data verifies the feasibility and reliability of the PCMI failure test technology under out-pile simulated reactivity insertion accident condition. The results show that the circumferential strain of cladding tube decreases slightly with the increase of hydrogen content, and the damage degree of cladding is intensified. The circumferential strain of cladding tube increases obviously with the increase of temperature, and the lower limit of residual strain ratio tends to increase. The results of residual strain ratio are between -0.1 and 0.5, which accords with the range of residual strain ratio in reactor. The research results provide technical reserve and experience accumulation for future tests. It also provide reference data for the safety standards.