PluColl - The UNIPEN/NICI/HP data collection of Summer/Autumn 1994 * Lambert Schomaker „ August 1994 1 Introduction The necessity for cataloguing Western handwriting styles becomes more and more apparent as on-line handwriting recognition algorithms currently reach an asymptote in their performance, and a limited generalization from laboratory training set to real life conditions is observed. Although the algorithms as such still need to be refined, and an optimal approach has not as yet been identified, performance improvement is most likely to result from the availability of much larger training sets of on-line handwriting data than is current practice. Indeed, in the comparable fields of speech recognition and optical recognition of handwriting the situation is different. The speech recognition area already has a large, commonly accepted test bed for evaluating recognizers, like the TIMIT database. In the optical recognition of handwriting, the main international post companies all have a huge base of scanned texts from actual mail envelopes, and the continuous flow of data is regularly sampled to retrain recognizers in order to capture trends in change of styles. Consequently, the research area of off-line optical recognition but especially that of speech recognition is in a more advanced technological state than is the case in on-line handwriting recognition. In the HP/NICI collaboration project, the problem of handwriting style has been analyzed as to consist of two components: 1. Between-writer Style Variation 2. Within-writer Variability * Supported by Hewlett-Packard, Bristol. The name PluColl refers to Pluto collection, a tongue-in-cheek reference to the mars.dll software component of Microsoft PenWindows „ NICI, Nijmegen Institute for Cognition and Information, University of Nijmegen, P.O.Box 9104, 6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Tel: +31 80 616029 / Fax: +31 80 616066, E-mail: 1 Figure 1: Style variation between writers. Different samples of the word optimum for 32 different writers. The plot has been produced with the PRINT button in the program Upview V1.03, which generates a PostScript file. The words from several files were combined into a single Unipen file with the program Upread. 1.1 Between-writer variation Ad 1. In Western culture, a huge variation in writing styles exists. Between different European countries there are clear style differences. Even within a country, there are style variations (Figure 1) caused, e.g., by differences in writing methods at primary school. As a consequence, there may also be clear differences between writers from different school generations. Apart from work in forensic handwriting analysis (e.g., the German B.K.A. system FISH), there exists no catalogue of Western handwriting styles and little is know about algorithms to calculate quantitative measures which can be utilized in on-line recognition systems. 1.2 Within-writer variability Ad 2. In addition to differences between writers, however, there is also the phenomenon of variability of handwriting within an individual writer. Four types of variability exist: 2 (a) geometrical variability without change in the ”topological” characteristics of characters; (b) omission of strokes (fusion) due to fast or careless writing; (c) insertion of strokes or ligatures, in elaborate writing or in the case of hesitations or spurious pen movement; (d) letter shape (allograph) variability due to stylistic choice. The first type of variability (a) comes from the neural noise in the human motor output system, and leads to geometrical variability in the form of slant and roundness deviations per stroke, essentially however, preserving the ”topology” of the characters (Figure 2). Figure 2: Within-writer variation: the case of limited human-motor noise. Several samples of the word /algebra/. Rows represent eight different writers, the four columns represent different replications of the word, written at different points in time. Words written in column 1 vs 2 (and 3 vs 4) are separated maximally 2 hours in time. The two leftmost columns (1 and 2) are separated minimally two weeks in time from the two rightmost columns. In row 1, (cursive) the loop in the /g/ is missing, whereas the other three replications of /g/ are looped. In row 2, (mixed cursive) the pen is lifted at different points in different replications. A closed and three extremely open variants of /a/ are produced. In row 8, (mixed cursive) two allographs of the /r/ are used. 3 The second type of variability (b), stroke fusion, can theoretically be explained as follows. Let us assume that we can make a distinction between a central pattern generator and a pipeline of transforming filters, initially being neural, but the final filter being composed of the biomechanical effector system. The filtering properties of the output channel as a whole are essentially of a low-pass nature. The observed bandwidth of handwriting is about 10 Hz (Teulings & Maarse, 1984). According to the minimized-jerk theory (Flash & Hogan, 1985), the movement trajectory is generated on the basis of the constraint that so-called ”via points” are reached (in our case, topologically important points in a single character), and that the rms value of the first derivative of acceleration is minimized. The pattern generator plans the sequence of x,y via points. Under conditions of reduced mental concentration or speed requirements, the central pattern generator (partially) omits some via points in its output, leading to fused strokes, yielding less prominent character details (Figure 3). a b Figure 3: Fusion of strokes, differences within a single writer. (3a) The words /borax/ and /bouquet/ show that the /or/ transition leads to a fusion of the last stroke of the /o/ into the connection stroke with the /r/ in /borax/, whereas the /o/ in /bouquet/ is neat and complete. A similar phenomenon occurs in the /ax/ transition in /borax/. (3b) The word fjord shows a similar stroke fusion in /or/. The third (c) form of within-writer variability is caused either by similar high-level processes as in (b), this time however inserting strokes at will, or, alternatively by interruption of the central patterning process. The latter can be self-induced, when the writer thinks about the formulation of the text to come. This phenomenon is called ”phonemic-graphemic interference”. The phonemes of words-to-come are activated subliminally (i.e., without giving rise to speech musculature activation), but with sufficient levels of activation to produce a premature spelling process activation. The resulting allograph ”breaks into the current motor output buffer”. Other causes of inserted erroneous strokes are external events, such as loud noises, doors opening, phones ringing etc., after which the writing process resumes. The fourth (d) form of within-writer variability originates at a higher, cognitive level in the human writing system and has to do with the choice of letter shapes (allographs). For 4 example, it is often observed in user-trainable systems that writers enter different shapes in the training stage compared to the letter and word shapes entered in the actual use of an application. Within a single writer, there may even be a seemingly random choice of styles as different as isolated handprint and connected cursive. Both components of variability in handwriting: Between-Writer Style Variation and Within-Writer Shape Variability can only be handled effectively by on-line recognition algorithms if more is known about their statistics: Which variables are essential, and what are their distributions, and can we identify clusters of generic writing styles? In order to approach this problem in the areas of on-line recognition of handwriting, the HP/NICI collaborating project team has designed a data collection setup fulfilling the following purposes. 2 Criteria for an on-line handwriting data set suitable for addressing the variability problem The data set to be collected: 1. must capture style variation among writers, 2. must capture style variability within a writer, as measured at occasions sufficiently spaced apart in time, 3. must be large enough to allow for a number of large-scale training/testing experiments, 4. must be compatible with the UNIPEN project, so that data from other institutions may also be used in such massive training and testing, 5. must be of high quality as regards the signal properties, since deteriorated signal conditions can easily be imposed post hoc. 2.1 Additional constraints: input unit scope The data collection is WORD-oriented, since recognizers at both HP and NICI are based on isolated word recognition. Also, this is the input chunk size currently handled by most free style or connected cursive recognition systems. The letter level is only suited for isolated handprint and digit data. The sentence level and higher (paragraphs, pages) impose additional word segmentation problems which are difficult to handle at the moment. It is not completely possible to compute word segmentation on the basis of bottom-up features like white space or ink clustering: Often lexical or even syntactical top-down information would be necessary to disambiguate here. In many applications, however, the word-based input is already useful, especially if recognition speed can be fast enough to not disturb the human word production process (”train of thought”) (Nakagawa et al., 1993). The WORDS will consist of lower case characters. 5 2.2 Additional constraints: word lexicon The elements of a word list in handwriting collection setups is usually a subject of hot debate due to the large number of possible criteria for inclusion (size, word length, character content, digram content, trigram content, linguistic frequency of usage, etc.). In the collection setup, two basic constraints were chosen, sacrificing some other criteria: 2.2.1 Bilinguality The list must be bilingual in the sense that the same list can be written by Dutch and English writers. This allows for the incremental collection of words in both Nijmegen and Bristol. It will ensure that the Dutch writers will not feel uneasy writing a foreign language. 2.2.2 Maximized digram coverage In connected-cursive and mixed-cursive handwriting, the current character shape is determined by both predecessor and successor. The connecting strokes come from a previous character, retaining effects from the starting position and the angular velocity (clockwise, sharp, counter-clockwise), and may exert an effect on the first strokes of the current character itself. Similarly, the anticipation of the next character may lead to distortions of the final stroke(s) of the current character. To obtain a reliable overview on character production strategies, as much digrams from the 26x26 transition matrix must be present in the word list. Actually, there are 27 symbols, including the space symbol (identifying Begin-Of-Word and End-Of-Word conditions). In order to build a word list that fulfills the aforementioned criteria, the following approach was taken. 2.2.3 Steps in determining the word list ˆ Word List 1: 50k Dutch words. ˆ Word List 2: 50k English words. ˆ These two word lists were ran through Unix comm, yielding a list with 3251 words common to both languages. ˆ As the resulting list was too large for the data collection process, it condensed with a dedicated program in C which created a subset of words with the criterion of maximum digram coverage. This means that all (27x27) digrams present in the input list will be present in the output list. The program is based on stochastic optimization, iteratively picking a word from the input list with a low probability, and only adding it to the output list if it contains new unseen digrams. This was done several times, choosing a final list which was acceptable (decency, not too difficult to spell, etc.). The resulting word list contained 210 words. Due to the selection algorithm, the words are slightly longer than average English words. ˆ A number of words was manually added because of their interesting (but low frequent) digrams. An example is the /x-y/ digram in ”xylophone”. For this word, the English 6 spelling was used which is more acceptable to Dutch writers than ”xylofoon” would be for English writers. The final list consists of 210 words (Appendix I). The word list contains many international concepts (e.g., ”algebra”), geographical names, technical terms, latin-origin words, french-origin words, as well as words which happen to be spelled the same in both languages, but may have a different meaning (”trekking”). After the writing sessions, the subjects were asked from which (unmentioned) language they thought the word list was, and also they were asked to mark words which they thought were difficult to write. The list appears to be of medium difficulty, and there were no specific complaints by the subjects. 3 Recording Setup Since a representative ”real-life” application does not yet exist, it was decided to collect words in a visually prompted word setup with a provision for rewriting words the subject considers badly legible him/herself. Words are randomized on each session. Writers sat at a table in a room with dimly lit fluorescent lamps to prevent glare from the Wacom PL-100V LCD screen. The Wacom was placed on a normal desktop in an orientation preferred by the subject. A separation panel was placed between experimenter and subject to prevent additional stress or performance pressure which often develops in experimental setups. Subjects are eager to please experimenters, and sometimes weary of hidden motives (intelligence or personality tests). For our purpose it was important that writers used their own, i.e., their mostly-used handwriting, rather than a style they thought was acceptable. There was an introductory text on a sheet of paper, and writers were allowed to get accustomed to the setup by writing 20 habituation words. Classical music was presented on background to maintain a pleasant atmosphere during this more or less dull writing condition. 4 Session Schedule The subject came to the lab three times (Sessions), spaced two weeks apart. At each Session, two Sets of the 210 words were produced, yielding six Sets (totalling 1260 words written per writer). Within a Set, the writer was allowed to pause after 100 words. Run 1, assistant Natasha. Session 1: Set 1 Set 2 (two weeks) Session 2: Set 3 Set 4 (two weeks) Session 3: Set 5 Set 6 7 Data from 19 subjects has been collected, writers producing the word list 6 times each. The result is a total of 19 * 6 * 210 = 23940 words, 19 * 6 * 1514 = 172596 letters. The second run in the collection process was done according to the following schedule: Run 2, assistant Eliane. Session 1: Set 1 Set 2 (two weeks) Session 2: Set 3 Set 4 For the second set, data from 16 subjects, writing the word list 4 times each has been collected thus far. Subjects were asked if they were available for later collection occasions. The result is a total of 16 * 4 * 210 = 16 * 4 * 1514 = 13440 words, 96896 letters. Currently the totals for the NICI collection are: 37380 words (269492 letters). 5 Recording Software The recording software consists of a Visual Basic application (PLUCOLL) and a DLL package written in C (PLUTO) for the actual sampling of the pen-tip coordinates. The output consists of individual UNIPEN-format files per word. (the .INK files), as well as a writer description and a setup description file, written to the local hard disk on the PC. After each session the collected .INK files and information files are combined in a single UNIPEN file for a set (e.g. SET1.DAT). This is done by the program UNIWRAP, which produces a UNIPEN file on the basis of a checklist of constituent file names. PC-NFS was used for Unix disk access (the UNIWRAP output files are written to a remote disk on a HP 9000/735 workstation. Environment: DOS 6.x, Windows 3.1, Windows for Pen Computing 1.01a, Visual Basic V3. VBXs, PC-NFS V5.0a. 6 Recording Hardware 8 PC: IBM 486SLC2-66 MHz motherboard, 4 MB. Tablet: PL-100V 3COM 3C509 Ethernet adaptor. Tablet details are contained in the UNIPEN files. 7 Subject Group In this data collection setup, we tried to avoid the usual population of co-researchers and students. The target group was older than 25 years, and a number of professions in which writing is a usual activity was included. This was done by recruiting people through a newspaper advertisement in a medium-sized Dutch paper. The average age is about 30 years. Handedness L/R is distributed proportional to the whole population (approx 1 in 10 left handed). The average computer experience is 5.5 years, this is partly due to three subjects having more than 10 years experience. Two subjects have no computer experience. About half of the subjects have university training, the other half having various backgrounds. The profession was mainly from ”Services” (other categories were: Medical, Industrial, Education, Office, Technical, Research, None). The majority of the subject wrote mixed cursive, according to their own judgment. The others claimed to write cursive (They were shown four words samples from the categories Block print, Handprint, Mixed cursive, and Cursive). 8 Data Annotation The UNIPEN program UPVIEW was used to annotate the SETx.DAT files word by word. By clicking on a word box in UPVIEW, a flat text editor appears with on the first line the label of the word that should have been written. The annotator can place remarks in this file. The following categories of special, non-optimal word quality cases were defined: Coding Category /spelling/ /stroking/ /punctuation/ /capitals/ /disconnected/ Explanation This is the worst possible category: human readers read a different word from what has been written. This category refers to fused or omitted strokes Refers to unsollicited punctuation/diacritics lower case characters were sollicited only as in /cl/ or /ol/ denoting /d/, with a very clear white space in between two components. The annotation appears in individual files, e.g., the fifth word of set1.dat will be annotated in a separate file set1.dat-segment-4.log More details are given in Appendix II. 9 9 State of the Work in Progress Currently, individual character labeling is performed interactively. Words are sent to the NICI script recognizer. The recognizer is set to a strict recognition mode, i.e., individual characters must have a posteriori probability of p > 0.05. Furthermore, all individual characters in a word must be identified, yielding a contiguous letter path representing the correct word, never missing more than two strokes between two letters. If the word is recognized, the resulting labels are stored (in wordnnn.lbR files, where ”R” stands for Recognized). If a word is not recognized, the operator labels all the characters in a word manually, including the connecting strokes. If characters are illegible by human or if the words are misspelled, the corresponding characters are not labeled. The labels produced by the human operator are stored in separate files (named wordnnn.lbl). In order to maintain a consistent labeling strategy, there is regular supervision on the process. 10 References Flash, T., & Hogan, N. (1985). The coordination of arm movement: An experimentally confirmed mathematical model. Journal of Neuroscience, 5, 1688-1703. Nakagawa, M., Machii, K., & Kato, N. (1993). Lazy Recognition as a Principle of Pen Interfaces. Conference handout ( Teulings, H.L. & Maarse, F.J. (1984). Digital recording and processing of handwriting movements. Human Movement Science, 3, 193-217. 11 Appendices In Appendix A, the list of used words is shown, dubbed the NLUK-210 list. Also the digram frequency table is given for this word list. In Appendix B, the coding categories in global word annotation are given. These codes were used in truthing the word labels. In Appendix C, some basic statistics of a subset of the collected data are shown, such as slant, and number of pen-down pieces. Look at the GrandMean, which is the average of the writer averages over each 210-word set. Appendix D summarizes the database quantities and the state of the data. In Appendix E, ficticious writer names are shown which will be used to identify these sets in the future. In the development of knowledge on style clusters, it will be easier to refer to such styles using these names (as a kind of ”font” name). Appendix F shows the correspondence between what writers thought was their handwriting style, and a simple measure of ”connected-cursiveness”, i.e., the average number of pen-down ink pieces per word (N piece), for each writer. Indeed, writers who claim to write cursive, have the lowest average values of N piece ≈ 1.8, whereas writers claiming to write handprint yield an average of N piece ≈ 8.6. 10 A The 210-word NLUK list abdomen abstinent adherent adjunct advocate afghanistan album aldehyde algebra alluvium alp amanuensis analyst anecdote angst antecedent aorta appendix aqua arcsin auschwitz backup badminton bangkok batik bauhaus bazaar bhagwan bijouterie bladder bobby bodyguard bolster borax bouquet boutique bradford breakdown brisbane budget buffet byte calcium charisma checklist chevron chloride cockpit cocktail colonnade comfort concubine conjunct copywriter cornwall corps cowboy crawl croquet cycle czerny darwin dashboard deadline debugger dejeuner delhi delinquent deodorant diagnose disjunct dixieland dizzy dozen drink edelweiss entertainment equilibrium equipment essay excellent exodus export extract exuberant fascist feedback finland fjord flipflop frankfurt fuchsia genre gladiator god guyana gymnast halfback halve hamster hoffman hotdog hulk huxley hyena hypotheses immigrant inconvenient inexact informant inhumane input interviews israeli istanbul jacques jitter jujube kafka kamchatka keyboard kidnapping kiwi knowhow kremlin landcode The list contains 1514 characters. 11 larynx lincoln lunchroom luxe macbeth magtape major masker maxwell mazurka megahertz mysteries native newton nihilist object ohm onyx optimum oxford paperback papyrus partner persistent pigment pneumococcus poet popcorn portfolio potpourri potsdam projector prospectus quota reflex rembrandt revue rhesus samovar sandwich scherzo sheriffs showman shuttle sightseeing sleep snob society software squaw stanza stewards stockholm stopwatch strychnine studio stuttgart sweatshirt symposium tableau teamwork tokyo tomahawk tonic transfer trapezium trekking triplet turf turquoise update upgrade vacuum virgin voltmeter walrus wonderland workshop wyoming xylophone yoga yucca zigzag zwei Digram Frequency Table for the NLUK-210 List. # # a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 14 1 1 10 29 1 6 3 5 9 5 12 16 4 5 16 16 40 1 2 5 7 2 a b c d e f g h i& 21 21 19 14 10 1 3 9 10 1 10 1 - 1 3 3 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 16 5 2 6 3 3 1 1 - - 3 3 - - - 4 9 1 - - 8 3 1 2 2 6 1 - - - 3 5 - - 1 2 7 1 1 1 8 13 1 1 - 6 7 1 7 8 13 2 3 7 5 1 3 - 1 1 6 - - - - 14 1 1 7 9 3 1 3 1 4 9 - 1 1 17 3 3 2 2 7 2 - - - 3 6 1 - - 4 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 - - - 2 7 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 5 9 9 4 2 2 - 1 2 - 12 3 1 1 7 1 1 3 1 - 1 1 2 1 - - 3 4 1 - - 1 - 1 3 1 1 10 - - 3 6 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 3 - - 1 1 11 - 6 6 1 2 5 1 1 2 - - 3 - 1 4 - - 1 1 - - - 2 j 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - k l m 7 5 8 1 11 6 - 2 8 1 - 1 1 1 7 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 3 2 - - 1 1 1 4 1 - 1 1 2 1 1 2 6 5 - 1 1 - - 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 10 - - 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 2 - - - n o p 3 5 13 28 1 6 - 9 - 15 1 6 18 1 1 - 5 1 1 1 7 24 2 3 - 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 11 1 7 1 9 2 - - 3 5 1 1 2 1 1 9 1 5 2 3 - 2 1 3 - 1 1 1 3 1 - 1 - q r s t u 1 4 21 11 2 1 13 4 8 4 - 6 1 - 5 1 2 1 8 3 - 1 1 1 1 2 24 6 9 2 - 1 1 1 2 - 2 1 1 2 - 1 1 1 4 1 2 13 4 5 - - - - 5 - 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 3 - - 1 - 1 1 1 2 18 1 1 19 3 6 4 - 2 1 1 1 - - - - 11 1 1 1 10 2 1 1 2 20 1 - 6 3 3 5 1 5 8 5 1 - 1 - - 1 - 1 1 1 - - - 1 1 - 1 2 1 1 - - - - 1 v 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 - w 4 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x 1 2 7 2 1 1 2 1 - Legend: The ”#” code denotes a blank. A − denotes a zero count, and was used in this table instead of 0 because of its lower perceptual density 12 y 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 z 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 B Coding Categories in Annotation For the remarks in the log-files the following remark-categories were used: - CAPS To indicate the use of (a) capital(s). - CONNECTED If the connection of two or more characters could result into ambiguity. Example: / / \ \ ----/ | / / / ---/ = "or" / \--/ - DISCONNECTED For a character that is not properly connected, for example, a "d" -> "o l". - PUNCT To indicate the use of -not requested- punctuation-marks. - SPELLING(ADD/DEL/SUBST) ADD: If a character was added; DEL: If a character was missing; SUBST: If a character had been replaced by another character. ADD, DEL and SUBST are notated in order of occurence. For example, SPELLING(ADD,SUBST): "all(l)uviu(n)", where it should have been "alluvium". - STROKE(AMB) STROKE to indicate that a stroke of a character was not (properly) finished or to indicate an irregular stroke. STROKE(AMB) to indicate that a stroke could result into visual 13 ambiguity. For example, a "c" looking like an "e" and vice versa. 14 C Some basic statistics of the collected data Analysis for 172 sets (210 words each) Variable: nstrok Min Max GrandMean SD 22.2 35.8 27.2 2.5 npiece ycorp 1.5 9.2 5.2 2.4 1.0 5.2 2.1 0.8 slant 51.9 110.8 83.8 15.8 width nbars ndots 12.1 36.6 22.2 5.6 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.2 0.5 0.2 Legend: nstrok npiece ycorp slant width nbars ndots D Average Average Average Average Average Average Average number of velocity-based strokes/word number of pen-down segments/word vertical size of small letters (corpus, "x"-size) in [mm] angle of downstrokes at point of max. velocity [degrees] horizontal size of words in [mm] number of vertical bar strokes/word number of dots/word Database Quantities / State of the data There are two sets: the 6-pack, collected by assistant Natasha, with data from 19 subjects, writing the word list 6 times each. The result is a total of 19 * 6 * 210 = 23940 words, 19 * 6 * 1514 = 172596 letters. The second set, collected by assistant Eliane, with data from 16 subjects, writing the word list 4 times each. The result is a total of 16 * 4 * 210 = 13440 words, 16 * 4 * 1514 = 96896 letters. Currently the totals for the NICI collection are: 37380 words (269492 letters). 15 List of produced data (6-pack: Natasha) Writer 01 aa 02 as 03 ax 04 az 05 ch 06 eh 07 fe 08 hk 09 jf 10 jn 11 mj 12 mk 13 ph 14 px 15 pz 16 sm 17 ss 18 tn 19 ts set1 XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA set2 XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA XA set3 XA XA XA XA XA X X X X X X X X XA XA X X X X set4 XA XA XA XA XA X X X X X X X X XA X X X X X set5 XA XA XA XA XA X X X X X X X X X X X X X X set6 XA XA XA XA XA X X X X X X X X X X X X X List of produced data (4-pack: Eliane) Writer 20 cb 21 cs 22 db 23 es 24 jj 25 kd 26 pa 27 rh 28 ah 29 cm 30 jh 31 jr 32 lr 33 mh 34 rd 35 tb set1 XAL XAL XAL XA* XA XAL XAL XA XAL XA XA XAL XA XA XA* XA set2 XAL XAL XA* XAL XA XAL XAL XA XA* XA XA XAL XA XA XAL XA set3 XA* XAL XAL XAL X XA* XAL XA XAL XA XA XAL XA XA XAL XA set4 XAL XA* XAL XAL X XAL XA* XA XAL XA XA XA* XA XA XAL XA X=collected, A=annotated, L=labeled, *=testset 16 E Writer Names Typical Dutch names were attached to the writer sets, to be able to refer to the specific styles later. Internal Writer Code aa ah as ax az cb ch cm cs db eh es fe hk jf jh jj jn jr kd lr mh mj mk pa ph px pz rd rh sm ss tb tn ts Sex F M M M F F F M F M F M M F M M F M M F F F M M M M F F M M F M F F M Dutch Writer Name BEATRIJS WILLEM KLAAS PIET ANNEMIEK MARIEKE INEKE KAREL JANNEKE TEUN CORRIE JOHAN ONNO SASKIA EELCO ANTON MONIEK FLORIS GERRIT JULIANA MIEP KATRIEN MARTIJN RUUD JOOST MARK KLAARTJE LOESJE KEES JEROEN HELEEN KOEN HANNIE ANGELIEN KOOS 17 F Coarse writing style classification on the basis of the average number of pen-down pieces per word writer ineke angelien onno floris jeroen ruud johan willem gerrit koos miep piet loesje mark marieke heleen corrie juliana martijn hannie klaas janneke klaartje saskia katrien moniek kees eelco annemiek anton teun joost karel koen beatrijs Npiece /word 1.49 1.56 1.60 1.79 1.86 2.27 2.32 2.59 2.69 2.82 3.49 4.09 4.65 4.91 5.47 5.58 5.70 6.10 6.17 6.30 6.44 6.55 6.58 6.77 6.96 7.26 7.55 7.60 8.00 8.05 8.22 8.32 8.60 8.80 8.89 standard deviation 0.69 0.74 0.72 0.85 0.93 1.19 1.35 1.38 1.49 1.70 1.65 1.74 1.72 1.82 1.96 1.93 2.11 2.01 2.20 1.99 1.93 2.31 2.18 2.21 2.21 2.48 2.43 2.06 2.36 2.20 2.48 2.39 2.51 2.61 2.56 self-reported style CURSIVE CURSIVE CURSIVE CURSIVE CURSIVE CURSIVE CURSIVE CURSIVE MIXED CURSIVE CURSIVE MIXED MIXED MIXED MIXED CURSIVE MIXED MIXED MIXED MIXED MIXED MIXED MIXED MIXED MIXED MIXED MIXED MIXED MIXED MIXED PRINT PRINT PRINT MIXED PRINT 18