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Embed a ZoomHub image on your website with the following HTML code:

<script src="https://zoomhub.net/{id}.js?width=auto&height=400px"></script>

Replace {id} with the ID in the email you received from us. You can customize the width and height of the embed.


ZoomHub has a REST API that lets you easily convert all your images programmatically.

We currently require a valid email to prevent abuse. If you need to convert a large number of images, please request high volume access.

ZoomHub API reference

Example: curl

> curl --location 'https://api.zoomhub.net/v1/content?url={url}&email={email}'

  "url": "{url}",
  "shareUrl": "https://zoomhub.net/{id}",
  "embedHtml":"<script src=\"https://zoomhub.net/{id}.js?width=auto&height=400px\"></script>",
  "dzi": null,
  "progress": 0,
  "failed": false,
  "verified": false