Kolektivne identitete skozi prizmo zgodovine dolgega trajanja : slovenski pogledi, 2022
This article discusses the septennial pilgrimages of Slovenians to the Rhine Valley from the pers... more This article discusses the septennial pilgrimages of Slovenians to the Rhine Valley from the perspective of their ethnic collective identity. In the Catholic world, pilgrimages are an established form of veneration, but what came to the fore with the pilgrimages practiced by Slovenians was also their ethnological characteristics, which according to Pierre L. van den Berghe can be categorized under the third group of behavioral ethnic markers. On their way to Aachen and Cologne, the pilgrims sang Slovenian religious songs and performed a Slovenian folkdance (spoštljivi raj ‘respectful dance’). Also common were Slovenian folk weddings, which aroused the interest of the locals, as ultimately did the Slovenian language, which was the main reason for the formation of the concept of a Slovenian “nation” (natio Sclavonica).
The paper deals with the plague epidemic that in 1631 crossed the borders of the Duchy of Carniol... more The paper deals with the plague epidemic that in 1631 crossed the borders of the Duchy of Carniola from the west, affecting especially Loška Dolina, Loški Potok, and villages along the upper course of the Reka River. The main source for the research was the Provincial Estates’ Registry Protocol, which contains three direct and several indirect references to the spread of the contagious disease in the territory of the present-day Municipality of Ilirska Bistrica: between August and November 1631, the epidemic was recorded in Zabiče, Podgraje, Kuteževo, and Zemon. The Provincial Estates of Carniola attempted to prevent the spread of the disease by deploying plague guards, who first took control of the provincial borders in July; in August, they began to isolate the infected areas within the province itself and remained in place at least until November. Two documented barriers were set up by hired soldiers within the province: one at the northwestern edge of Loška Dolina and the other at an unknown location in the Reka River valley.
In 1728, Emperor Charles VI received the acts of hereditary homage (Erbhuldigungen) from the Inne... more In 1728, Emperor Charles VI received the acts of hereditary homage (Erbhuldigungen) from the Inner Austrian provinces of Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Gorizia and Gradisca, and from the ports of Trieste and Rijeka. On his way between Postojna and Rijeka, the emperor spent the night of 14 to 15 September and again the night of 18 to 19 September in Trnovo, today a part of Ilirska Bistrica. Three sources are particularly important for the reconstruction of the emperor’s journey and his stops in the wider area of the present-day municipality of Ilirska Bistrica, namely, the Ceremonial Protocol, preserved in the House, Court and State Archives in Vienna, the publication on the Carniolan Act of Hereditary Homage of 1739 by Karl Seyfrid Perizhoffer, and a travelogue written after 1735 by Johann Adam von Heintz. From the following source we know that the emperor spent both nights in the Trnovo parish house and that at that time the town had problems with water supply, which had to be fetched in buckets from the Bistrica River.
The article discusses the staging of sovereign power of Emperor Charles VI in Ljubljana’s public ... more The article discusses the staging of sovereign power of Emperor Charles VI in Ljubljana’s public spaces during the act of Hereditary Homage (Erbhuldigung) by the Estates of Carniola. To honour the arrival of the distinguished guest, who stayed in the Carniolan capital between 26 and 30 August, and again between 20 and 22 September 1728, the city authorities erected several (ephemeral) architectural artworks, such as two arches of triumph, one in front of the Vidame Gate and the other on the façade of the Town Hall. Whereas the former arch, for which Francesco Robba contributed a marble bust of the Emperor, was of permanent nature and graced the city gate until its demolition in 1791, the latter arch was an ephemeral artwork in front of the Town Hall, although a few of its sculptures have nevertheless been preserved to date. The Estates of Carniola also built a splendidly adorned “peota” boat, aboard which Charles VI left Ljubljana after the Hereditary Homage and then returned in Sep...
Kronika: časopis za slovensko krajevno zgodovino, 2022
Razprava obravnava vladarsko inscenacijo cesarja Karla VI. na javnih prostorih Ljubljane ob dedni... more Razprava obravnava vladarsko inscenacijo cesarja Karla VI. na javnih prostorih Ljubljane ob dedni poklonitvi kranjskih deželnih stanov. V počastitev visokega gosta, ki se je v kranjski prestolnici mudil med 26. in 30. avgustom ter 20. in 22. septembrom 1728, so ljubljanske mestne oblasti postavile več (efemernih) arhitekturnih stvaritev, kot sta slavoloka pred Vicedomskimi vrati in na pročelju rotovža. Medtem ko je bil prvi slavolok, za katerega je cesarjevo marmorno poprsje prispeval Francesco Robba, permanentne narave in je mestna vrata krasil do njihovega rušenja leta 1791, je bil drugi pred mestno hišo zgolj efemeren, čeprav se je nekaj njegovih plastik ohranilo. Za cesarja so kranjski deželni stanovi zgradili tudi bogato okrašeno ladjo tipa »la peota«, s katero je Karel VI. po dedni poklonitvi Ljubljano zapustil in septembra na poti v Gradec vanjo spet priplul.
Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, 2021
Although the Reformation in both Europe and Slovenia was primarily of a religious nature, its lon... more Although the Reformation in both Europe and Slovenia was primarily of a religious nature, its long-term impact on Slovenes is much more visible in their collective ethnic than religious identity. While the sovereign Counter-Reformation abolished Protestantism in the Inner Austrian lands between 1598 and 1628, the Catholic Revival used certain achievements of the movement in its own pursuits. For the further development of Slovenes as an ethnic community, especially four Reformation creations are important: 1) the linguistic norm, 2) the concept of the Slovene church, 3) the myth of the chosen ethnicity and 4) a topos about the great extent of the “Slavic”/Slovene language. In accordance with the ethnosymbolist paradigm, the discussion therefore estimates that in the second half of the 16th century Slovenes developed from an ethnic category into an ethnic network. The Slovene language, which was sporadically written from the end of the first millennium onwards, was finally consolidat...
The paper discusses the importance of the Reformation for the development of the Slovene ethnic i... more The paper discusses the importance of the Reformation for the development of the Slovene ethnic identity. Although the movement across Europe was primarily of a religious nature, its impact in the long-term history of Slovenia is more visible in the establishment of collective ethnic identity than in the domain of religion. While the sovereign Counter-Reformation abolished Protestantism in the Inner Austrian lands, especially between 1598 and 1628, the Catholic Revival used certain achievements of the Reformation period in its own pursuits. According to the discussion, four Protestant creations from the Reformation period were especially important for the further development of Slovenes as an ethnic community: (1) the linguistic norm, which was fully formed between 1550 and 1584, (2) the concept of the Slovene church conceived by Primož Trubar in 1550, (3) the myth of the chosen ethnicity based on a sentence from the Letter of Paul to the Romans: “and every tongue will praise God” (Romans 14:11) and (4) a topos about the great extent of the Slavic/Slovene language with the beginnings of a national myth.
The paper deals with the printed patent of the emperor Ferdinand II, dated on August 1, 1628, wit... more The paper deals with the printed patent of the emperor Ferdinand II, dated on August 1, 1628, with which the ruler ordered the Protestant nobility of three Inner Austrian lands: Styria, Carinthia and Carniola to convert to Catholicism or leave all his lands. Non-Catholic nobles were given a deadline of one year to convert or leave. Those who chose to leave, were obliged to sell their estates. However, since the Inner Austrian nobility did not join the rebellion of the provincial estates in other lands, the emperor exempted them from paying corresponding taxes to which the ruler was entitled due to the Augsburg Peace Treaty of 1555. The paper presents an introductory research, a diplomatic and critical transliteration and a Slovene translation of the discussed patent.
The treatise proposes a hypothesis about the change of importance of individuals’ ethnic belongin... more The treatise proposes a hypothesis about the change of importance of individuals’ ethnic belonging for the formation of collective identities, referring to this phenomenon as “amplitudes of the importance of ethnicity”. The research is based mainly on the ethno-symbolist paradigm of elucidating the formation of modern nations. Historiography has already noticed the “amplitudes of the importance of ethnicity”; however, this phenomenon is yet to be systematically researched. This treatise thus represents an overview of general European trends of the importance of ethnicity in arbitrarily selected historical periods. The phenomena of (proto)nationalism coincide with the “amplitudes of the importance of ethnicity” on the timeline of long-term history.
The treatise presents ethnic markers defining the Slovene ethnic community in the early modern pe... more The treatise presents ethnic markers defining the Slovene ethnic community in the early modern period, with the Slovene language being the most prominent one. It features an attempted application of a three-stage model of development of Slovenes’ ethnic identity, ranging from the loosest community, an ethnic network with its own standard language, and an ethnic group upon the emergence of the national movement in the late 18th century. Additionally, it is pointed out in the treatise that the development was not a linear one, as in the 17th and 18th century we speak about the age of “Baroque standstill of ethnogenesis”, when provincial identities surpassed the importance of ethnic identities.
Družbena in identitetna mobilnost v slovenskem prostoru med poznim srednjim vekom in 20. stoletjem, 2019
Die soziale Mobilität und Verschiebungen in der Identität der Krainer Landstände als Folge von Ge... more Die soziale Mobilität und Verschiebungen in der Identität der Krainer Landstände als Folge von Gegenreformation und katholischer Erneuerung.
Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Zeit der Gegenreformation und der katholischen Erneuerung sowie mit den Folgen dieser Prozesse auf die soziale Mobilität und auf Veränderungen in der Identität innerhalb der Krainer Landstände. Im ersten Teil wurde auf Grundlage des Konzeptes von Peter Burke die soziale Mobilität aus drei Blickwinkeln vorgestellt, und zwar: 1) im Hinblick auf die Richtung (aufwärts oder abwärts), 2) auf die Zeit (innerhalb einer Generation oder mehrere Generationen übergreifend) sowie 3) auf die Zahl (individuell und als Gruppe). Dieser Teil der Untersuchung stützt sich auf Verzeichnisse (neuer) Landleute und der vertriebenen protestantischer Adeligen. Der zweite Teil behandelt die kollektive Identität der Krainer Landstände und wendet sich den Veränderungen zu, die als Folge der Gegenreformation und der katholischen Erneuerung zu beobachten sind. Die Studie setzt voraus, dass die Identität der Krainer Landstände in der frühen Neuzeit hauptsächlich auf sieben Bausteinen beruhte. Als diese Bausteine galten: 1) das Land, 2) die in den Handfesten der Länder verankerten Privilegien, 3) Treue zur Dynastie der Habsburger und zum Landesfürsten persönlich, 4) Verteidigung des Christentums vor Angriffen der Osmanen, 5) Zugehörigkeit zum Heiligen Römischen Reich, 6) Religionszugehörigkeit und 7) die slowenische Sprache. Die größte Verschiebung der Identität erfolgte in der Religion; hier wurde der Protestantismus durch den Katholizismus ersetzt. Eine bedeutende Veränderung ergab sich auch im Verhältnis zum Landesfürsten und zur Dynastie, weil die sprichwörtliche Treue zwar noch immer eines der Fundamente der Identität darstellte, jedoch der Adel als Gemeinschaft die politische Initiative einbüßte. Auch die slowenische Sprache als Teil der adeligen (Eigen)Identifikation verlor ein wenig an Bedeutung. Der Beitrag widmet sich abschließend der Auswirkung der sozialen und der Verschiebungen in der kollektiven Identität sowie den veränderten Verhältnissen der politischen Macht auf symbolische Kommunikation und Rituale.
Hereditary homage was a ... more HEREDITARY HOMAGE OF THE DUCHY OF CARNIOLA TO KING FERDINAND III IN 1631 Hereditary homage was a ritual of inaugurating the new provincial prince and one of the central acts in the life of the early modern territory as a political entity. The Inner Austrian territories paid their homage to Ferdinand III, the future emperor and the then King of Hungary and Bohemia in the spring of 1631. The homage was received on Ferdinand’s behalf by the commissioner Hans Ulrich, Duke of Krumlov (Krumau) and Prince Eggenberg. Although eclipsed by the visit of the infanta Maria Anna of Spain and the estates’ assumption of high imperial debt, the Carniolan hereditary homage brought about an important novelty in the development of the relations between the estates and the sovereign, as it thenceforth became customary for the estates to pay homage to his successor, which facilitated the transition of power following his death.
Did the Slovene Ethnic Identity Exist in the Pre-National Period? Collective Identities
and Ampl... more Did the Slovene Ethnic Identity Exist in the Pre-National Period? Collective Identities
and Amplitudes of the Importance of Ethnicity in the Early Modern Period (Part I)
The Slovene nation as a political entity developed in the nineteenth century from an ethnic and linguistic community that was in the Early Modern Period marked mostly by its language. Ethnic identity was not always the main element of collective identities. It's significance varied in the course of history, wherefore we can refer to its amplitudes. Although lesser than that of religion, the importance of ethnicity and language was considerable during sixteenth-century Reformation, whereupon it decreased in the period of Baroque and gradually started to peak in the second half of the eighteenth century.
Marija Terezija : med razsvetljenskimi reformami in zgodovinskim spominom, 2018
Mit dem Tod Kaisers Karl VI. am 20. Oktober 1740 fiel die Herrschaft in den habsburgischen Erblän... more Mit dem Tod Kaisers Karl VI. am 20. Oktober 1740 fiel die Herrschaft in den habsburgischen Erbländern, gemäß der Pragmatischen Sanktion, die die weibliche Erbfolge ermöglichte, an Maria Theresia. Dem alten Brauch gemäß nahm der habsburgische Landesfürst nach seiner Machtergreifung die Erbhuldigungen seiner Länder und die ungarische und böhmische Krönung entgegen und bestätigte anschließend die Privilegien der einzelnen Länder. Diesbezüglich brachte aber die Herrschaft Maria Theresias manchen Ländern, außer der weiblichen Erbfolge und späteren Reformen, wichtige Veränderungen. Während die Herrscherin schon einen Monat nach dem Ableben ihres Vaters die Erbhuldigung der Stände Österreichs unter der Enns in Wien und im nächsten Jahr noch die ungarische Krönung in Preßburg (Bratislava) entgegennahm, verstrickte sich die Lage andernorts wegen des Österreichischen Erbfolgekriegs. Die Stände Österreichs ob der Enns und Böhmens, die durch bayrische und französische Truppen besetzt worden waren, huldigten 1741 dem bayrischen Kurfürsten Karl Albrecht. Als das Kriegsglück dem Bayern, der mittlerweile zum Römischen Kaiser Karl VII. wurde, den Rücken kehrte, konnte Maria Theresia sich schließlich 1743 in Prag krönen lassen und die Erbhuldigung in Linz entgegennehmen. Andererseits ließ sich die Herrscherin von einigen Erbländern nie huldigen. Obwohl sie 1728 als elfjährige Erzherzogin ihren Vater nach Graz begleitete, wo Karl VI. von den steirischen Ständen gehuldigt wurde, nahm Maria Theresia als Herrscherin weder die Erbhuldigungen innerösterreichischer Länder entgegen, noch bestätigte sie deren Privilegien.
Razprava obravnava identiteto kranjskih deželnih stanov med začetkom 16. in sredo 18. stoletja, i... more Razprava obravnava identiteto kranjskih deželnih stanov med začetkom 16. in sredo 18. stoletja, in sicer zlasti tiste prvine, ki so se odražale v političnem življenju. Korporacija deželnih stanov je v zgodnjem novem veku namreč predstavljala politični razred dežele, ki je bil po svoji sestavi sicer raznovrsten, vendar pa so nekatere prvine zazna-movale identiteto vseh njenih članov. Med štirimi kurijami prelatov, gospodov, vitezov in oprod ter deželnoknežjih mest je osrednjo vlogo igralo plemstvo, zastopano v drugi in tretji kuriji, zato mu je v pričujoči razpravi posvečena osrednja pozornost. Raziskave arhivskega gradiva in dveh topografskih opisov dežele iz 17. stoletja so pokazale, da je bilo za stanovsko identiteto ključnih sedem dejavnikov, ki pa vseh članov deželnih stanov niso zaznamovali v enaki meri. IDENTITY OF THE CARNIOLAN PROVINCIAL ESTATES IN THE EARLY MODERN PERIOD The contribution describes the identity of the Carniolan Provincial Estates between the early sixteenth and mid-eighteenth centuries, particularly the elements that reflected in political life. The corporation of the Provincial Estates in the early Modern Period represented the provincial political class, whose otherwise diverse composition contained a few elements that underscored the identity of all its members. Most attention in this contribution is devoted to the nobility, represented by the second and third curiae, which played the central role among the four curiae of prelates, lords, knights and esquires, and provincial princely cities. The examination of archival materials and two topographic descriptions of the province, dating to the seventeenth century, has identified seven crucial factors in determining the identity of the Provincial Estates, which, however, did not affect all their members to an equal degree.
Prispevek prinaša kratek pregled politično-konfesionalne zgodovine osrednje slovenske zgodovinske... more Prispevek prinaša kratek pregled politično-konfesionalne zgodovine osrednje slovenske zgodovinske dežele, vojvodine Kranjske, v času vladavine deželnega kneza, nadvojvode in cesarja Ferdinanda II. (1595-1637). V slovenskem zgodovinopisju, literaturi in zgodovinskem spominu je vladarjev lik namreč po navadi predstavljen v senci njegovega osemnajst let starejšega sodobnika devetega ljubljanskega škofa Tomaža Hrena, ki pa je kljub svoji protireformacijski gorečnosti kot vodja protireformacijske komisije na Kranjskem v resnici le izvrševal deželnoknežji politično-konfesionalni program na terenu. Razprava se zlasti posveča odnosu med katoliškim deželnim knezom na eni ter pretežno protestantskimi deželnimi stanovi na drugi strani ter spreminjajočemu razmerju moči med obema poloma dežele.
Izvleček: Članek predstavlja patent nadvojvode Ferdinanda, deželnega kneza notranjeavstrijskih de... more Izvleček: Članek predstavlja patent nadvojvode Ferdinanda, deželnega kneza notranjeavstrijskih dežel z dne 12. novembra 1599, s katerim je vladar sicer ponovil svoje že več kot leto dni stare ukaze. Gre za enega najpomembnejših dokumentov izdanih na prelomu 16. in 17. stoletja, v letih, usodnih za politično-konfesionalni razvoj. Namen prispevka je predstaviti dva nasprotujoča si politična pola, namreč deželnega kneza in kranjske stanove, njune poglede na politiko ter tako patent kontekstualizirati. V prvem delu članek predstavlja predzgodovino konflikta, nadvojvodo Ferdinanda in stanove. V drugem delu je predstavljena politična zgodovina dežele Kranjske od začetka Ferdinandove oblasti do objave patenta leta 1599. Potem sta predstavljena transkripcija in kritični prevod patenta. V sklepu se prispevek posveča še delu »reformacijskih komisij«, ki so na terenu izvajale deželnoknežje protireformacijske dekrete. Abstract (The 1599 Patent Issued by Archduke Ferdinand on the Final Banishment of Protestant Preachers and on the Abolition of the protestant Liturgy in Inner Austrian Lands): The article presents the patent issued on 12 November, 1599 by Archduke Ferdinand, provincial prince of the Inner Austrian lands, by means of which the ruler repeated his orders that had first been given over a year earlier. The patent in question is one of the most important documents published during the turning point in political and religious development at the end of the 16th and the start of the 17th centuries. The purpose of the article is to introduce two opposing political sides, namely that of the provincial prince and that of the Carniolan provincial estates, present their views on politics and in doing so contextualize the patent. The first part of the article discusses the history of the conflict and provides information on Archduke Ferdinand and on the provincial estates. In the second part, the political history of Carniola from the time of Ferdinand‘s succession to the throne until his issuing of the patent in 1599 is discussed. Following that, there is a transcription and critical translation of the patent. Finally, the author takes a closer look at the work of the »Reformation commissions« in charge of on-site execution of the Counter- Reformation decrees issued by provincial princes.
Izvleček: Kranjski deželni stanovi so 3. decembra 1607 deželnemu knezu, nadvojvodi notranjeavstri... more Izvleček: Kranjski deželni stanovi so 3. decembra 1607 deželnemu knezu, nadvojvodi notranjeavstrijskih dežel ter poznejšemu cesarju Ferdinandu II. poslali pritožbo zoper ljubljanskega škofa Tomaža Hrena, ki je na Kranjskem kot deželnoknežji uradnik vodil (proti)reformacijsko komisijo. Člani pretežno protestantskih stanovskih kurij gospodov ter vitezov in oprod so se uvodoma sicer izrekli za zveste katoliškemu deželnemu knezu, dejanskemu vodji protireformacije, nato pa so navedli vrsto pritožb na račun izvajanja »deželnoknežje reformacije« v deželi, zlasti njen vodja škof Hren naj bi prekoračil svoja pooblastila, kršil stare pravice deželanov ter se osebno okoriščal. Dokument je še zlasti zanimiv, ker omogoča vpogled v Hrenovo politiko slabitve plemiške protestantske stranke v kranjskem deželnem zboru, s podpiranjem četrte meščansko-trške kurije. Prispevek poskuša na podlagi arhivskih virov in strokovne literature predstaviti nekaj novih prispevkov k biografiji škofa Tomaža Hrena – ene najbolj kontroverznih oseb slovenske zgodovine – in njegovo spreminjajočo podobo v zgodovinopisju, ter dalje, kontekstualizirati stanovsko Quarelam proti škofu (tako v kranjski kot tudi širši evropski politično– konfesionalni okvir). Dotični dokument je namreč nastal v času, ko so tako notranjeavstrijske kot tudi ostale srednje- in zahodnoevropske dežele pretresale številne napetosti med katoličani in protestanti vseh družbenih slojev. Abstract (The 1607 Complaint of the Carniolan Provincial Estates Against the Ljubljana Bishop Tomaž Hren - Part 2): On December 3, 1607, the Carniolan Provincial Estates wrote a letter of complaint and sent it to their Provincial Prince, the Archduke of the Inner Austrian provinces and the future Emperor Ferdinand II. In it they expressed their dissatisfaction with the Ljubljana Bishop Tomaž Hren, the princely official in charge of the (Counter) Reformation commission in Carniola. Though initially declaring loyalty to their Catholic provincial prince - the actual initiator of the Counter-Reformation – the members of the predominantly protestant curia of lords and that of knights and squires then stated a number of complaints in terms of how the “provincial princely Reformation was being carried out in Carniola”. Hren in particular was being accused of abusing his power, violating the old privileges of the members of the estates, and benefiting personally from all this. The document is especially interesting for its insight into Hren’s policy of weakening the noble protestant party in the Carniolan Provincial Diet by supporting the fourth curia of towns and boroughs. Based on archival sources and expert literature, this paper first aims to add to the biography of the Bishop Tomaž Hren, one of the most controversial personalities in Slovenian history, and to his ever changing image in Slovenian historiography. Secondly, it tries to place the Estates’ Quarela against Bishop Hren in the local Carniolan and wider European political and religious contexts. After all, the document in question was created at a time when the Inner Austrian lands and the rest of the Central and Western European countries were all experiencing increasing tension between the Catholics and the Protestants in all social strata.
Kolektivne identitete skozi prizmo zgodovine dolgega trajanja : slovenski pogledi, 2022
This article discusses the septennial pilgrimages of Slovenians to the Rhine Valley from the pers... more This article discusses the septennial pilgrimages of Slovenians to the Rhine Valley from the perspective of their ethnic collective identity. In the Catholic world, pilgrimages are an established form of veneration, but what came to the fore with the pilgrimages practiced by Slovenians was also their ethnological characteristics, which according to Pierre L. van den Berghe can be categorized under the third group of behavioral ethnic markers. On their way to Aachen and Cologne, the pilgrims sang Slovenian religious songs and performed a Slovenian folkdance (spoštljivi raj ‘respectful dance’). Also common were Slovenian folk weddings, which aroused the interest of the locals, as ultimately did the Slovenian language, which was the main reason for the formation of the concept of a Slovenian “nation” (natio Sclavonica).
The paper deals with the plague epidemic that in 1631 crossed the borders of the Duchy of Carniol... more The paper deals with the plague epidemic that in 1631 crossed the borders of the Duchy of Carniola from the west, affecting especially Loška Dolina, Loški Potok, and villages along the upper course of the Reka River. The main source for the research was the Provincial Estates’ Registry Protocol, which contains three direct and several indirect references to the spread of the contagious disease in the territory of the present-day Municipality of Ilirska Bistrica: between August and November 1631, the epidemic was recorded in Zabiče, Podgraje, Kuteževo, and Zemon. The Provincial Estates of Carniola attempted to prevent the spread of the disease by deploying plague guards, who first took control of the provincial borders in July; in August, they began to isolate the infected areas within the province itself and remained in place at least until November. Two documented barriers were set up by hired soldiers within the province: one at the northwestern edge of Loška Dolina and the other at an unknown location in the Reka River valley.
In 1728, Emperor Charles VI received the acts of hereditary homage (Erbhuldigungen) from the Inne... more In 1728, Emperor Charles VI received the acts of hereditary homage (Erbhuldigungen) from the Inner Austrian provinces of Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Gorizia and Gradisca, and from the ports of Trieste and Rijeka. On his way between Postojna and Rijeka, the emperor spent the night of 14 to 15 September and again the night of 18 to 19 September in Trnovo, today a part of Ilirska Bistrica. Three sources are particularly important for the reconstruction of the emperor’s journey and his stops in the wider area of the present-day municipality of Ilirska Bistrica, namely, the Ceremonial Protocol, preserved in the House, Court and State Archives in Vienna, the publication on the Carniolan Act of Hereditary Homage of 1739 by Karl Seyfrid Perizhoffer, and a travelogue written after 1735 by Johann Adam von Heintz. From the following source we know that the emperor spent both nights in the Trnovo parish house and that at that time the town had problems with water supply, which had to be fetched in buckets from the Bistrica River.
The article discusses the staging of sovereign power of Emperor Charles VI in Ljubljana’s public ... more The article discusses the staging of sovereign power of Emperor Charles VI in Ljubljana’s public spaces during the act of Hereditary Homage (Erbhuldigung) by the Estates of Carniola. To honour the arrival of the distinguished guest, who stayed in the Carniolan capital between 26 and 30 August, and again between 20 and 22 September 1728, the city authorities erected several (ephemeral) architectural artworks, such as two arches of triumph, one in front of the Vidame Gate and the other on the façade of the Town Hall. Whereas the former arch, for which Francesco Robba contributed a marble bust of the Emperor, was of permanent nature and graced the city gate until its demolition in 1791, the latter arch was an ephemeral artwork in front of the Town Hall, although a few of its sculptures have nevertheless been preserved to date. The Estates of Carniola also built a splendidly adorned “peota” boat, aboard which Charles VI left Ljubljana after the Hereditary Homage and then returned in Sep...
Kronika: časopis za slovensko krajevno zgodovino, 2022
Razprava obravnava vladarsko inscenacijo cesarja Karla VI. na javnih prostorih Ljubljane ob dedni... more Razprava obravnava vladarsko inscenacijo cesarja Karla VI. na javnih prostorih Ljubljane ob dedni poklonitvi kranjskih deželnih stanov. V počastitev visokega gosta, ki se je v kranjski prestolnici mudil med 26. in 30. avgustom ter 20. in 22. septembrom 1728, so ljubljanske mestne oblasti postavile več (efemernih) arhitekturnih stvaritev, kot sta slavoloka pred Vicedomskimi vrati in na pročelju rotovža. Medtem ko je bil prvi slavolok, za katerega je cesarjevo marmorno poprsje prispeval Francesco Robba, permanentne narave in je mestna vrata krasil do njihovega rušenja leta 1791, je bil drugi pred mestno hišo zgolj efemeren, čeprav se je nekaj njegovih plastik ohranilo. Za cesarja so kranjski deželni stanovi zgradili tudi bogato okrašeno ladjo tipa »la peota«, s katero je Karel VI. po dedni poklonitvi Ljubljano zapustil in septembra na poti v Gradec vanjo spet priplul.
Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, 2021
Although the Reformation in both Europe and Slovenia was primarily of a religious nature, its lon... more Although the Reformation in both Europe and Slovenia was primarily of a religious nature, its long-term impact on Slovenes is much more visible in their collective ethnic than religious identity. While the sovereign Counter-Reformation abolished Protestantism in the Inner Austrian lands between 1598 and 1628, the Catholic Revival used certain achievements of the movement in its own pursuits. For the further development of Slovenes as an ethnic community, especially four Reformation creations are important: 1) the linguistic norm, 2) the concept of the Slovene church, 3) the myth of the chosen ethnicity and 4) a topos about the great extent of the “Slavic”/Slovene language. In accordance with the ethnosymbolist paradigm, the discussion therefore estimates that in the second half of the 16th century Slovenes developed from an ethnic category into an ethnic network. The Slovene language, which was sporadically written from the end of the first millennium onwards, was finally consolidat...
The paper discusses the importance of the Reformation for the development of the Slovene ethnic i... more The paper discusses the importance of the Reformation for the development of the Slovene ethnic identity. Although the movement across Europe was primarily of a religious nature, its impact in the long-term history of Slovenia is more visible in the establishment of collective ethnic identity than in the domain of religion. While the sovereign Counter-Reformation abolished Protestantism in the Inner Austrian lands, especially between 1598 and 1628, the Catholic Revival used certain achievements of the Reformation period in its own pursuits. According to the discussion, four Protestant creations from the Reformation period were especially important for the further development of Slovenes as an ethnic community: (1) the linguistic norm, which was fully formed between 1550 and 1584, (2) the concept of the Slovene church conceived by Primož Trubar in 1550, (3) the myth of the chosen ethnicity based on a sentence from the Letter of Paul to the Romans: “and every tongue will praise God” (Romans 14:11) and (4) a topos about the great extent of the Slavic/Slovene language with the beginnings of a national myth.
The paper deals with the printed patent of the emperor Ferdinand II, dated on August 1, 1628, wit... more The paper deals with the printed patent of the emperor Ferdinand II, dated on August 1, 1628, with which the ruler ordered the Protestant nobility of three Inner Austrian lands: Styria, Carinthia and Carniola to convert to Catholicism or leave all his lands. Non-Catholic nobles were given a deadline of one year to convert or leave. Those who chose to leave, were obliged to sell their estates. However, since the Inner Austrian nobility did not join the rebellion of the provincial estates in other lands, the emperor exempted them from paying corresponding taxes to which the ruler was entitled due to the Augsburg Peace Treaty of 1555. The paper presents an introductory research, a diplomatic and critical transliteration and a Slovene translation of the discussed patent.
The treatise proposes a hypothesis about the change of importance of individuals’ ethnic belongin... more The treatise proposes a hypothesis about the change of importance of individuals’ ethnic belonging for the formation of collective identities, referring to this phenomenon as “amplitudes of the importance of ethnicity”. The research is based mainly on the ethno-symbolist paradigm of elucidating the formation of modern nations. Historiography has already noticed the “amplitudes of the importance of ethnicity”; however, this phenomenon is yet to be systematically researched. This treatise thus represents an overview of general European trends of the importance of ethnicity in arbitrarily selected historical periods. The phenomena of (proto)nationalism coincide with the “amplitudes of the importance of ethnicity” on the timeline of long-term history.
The treatise presents ethnic markers defining the Slovene ethnic community in the early modern pe... more The treatise presents ethnic markers defining the Slovene ethnic community in the early modern period, with the Slovene language being the most prominent one. It features an attempted application of a three-stage model of development of Slovenes’ ethnic identity, ranging from the loosest community, an ethnic network with its own standard language, and an ethnic group upon the emergence of the national movement in the late 18th century. Additionally, it is pointed out in the treatise that the development was not a linear one, as in the 17th and 18th century we speak about the age of “Baroque standstill of ethnogenesis”, when provincial identities surpassed the importance of ethnic identities.
Družbena in identitetna mobilnost v slovenskem prostoru med poznim srednjim vekom in 20. stoletjem, 2019
Die soziale Mobilität und Verschiebungen in der Identität der Krainer Landstände als Folge von Ge... more Die soziale Mobilität und Verschiebungen in der Identität der Krainer Landstände als Folge von Gegenreformation und katholischer Erneuerung.
Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Zeit der Gegenreformation und der katholischen Erneuerung sowie mit den Folgen dieser Prozesse auf die soziale Mobilität und auf Veränderungen in der Identität innerhalb der Krainer Landstände. Im ersten Teil wurde auf Grundlage des Konzeptes von Peter Burke die soziale Mobilität aus drei Blickwinkeln vorgestellt, und zwar: 1) im Hinblick auf die Richtung (aufwärts oder abwärts), 2) auf die Zeit (innerhalb einer Generation oder mehrere Generationen übergreifend) sowie 3) auf die Zahl (individuell und als Gruppe). Dieser Teil der Untersuchung stützt sich auf Verzeichnisse (neuer) Landleute und der vertriebenen protestantischer Adeligen. Der zweite Teil behandelt die kollektive Identität der Krainer Landstände und wendet sich den Veränderungen zu, die als Folge der Gegenreformation und der katholischen Erneuerung zu beobachten sind. Die Studie setzt voraus, dass die Identität der Krainer Landstände in der frühen Neuzeit hauptsächlich auf sieben Bausteinen beruhte. Als diese Bausteine galten: 1) das Land, 2) die in den Handfesten der Länder verankerten Privilegien, 3) Treue zur Dynastie der Habsburger und zum Landesfürsten persönlich, 4) Verteidigung des Christentums vor Angriffen der Osmanen, 5) Zugehörigkeit zum Heiligen Römischen Reich, 6) Religionszugehörigkeit und 7) die slowenische Sprache. Die größte Verschiebung der Identität erfolgte in der Religion; hier wurde der Protestantismus durch den Katholizismus ersetzt. Eine bedeutende Veränderung ergab sich auch im Verhältnis zum Landesfürsten und zur Dynastie, weil die sprichwörtliche Treue zwar noch immer eines der Fundamente der Identität darstellte, jedoch der Adel als Gemeinschaft die politische Initiative einbüßte. Auch die slowenische Sprache als Teil der adeligen (Eigen)Identifikation verlor ein wenig an Bedeutung. Der Beitrag widmet sich abschließend der Auswirkung der sozialen und der Verschiebungen in der kollektiven Identität sowie den veränderten Verhältnissen der politischen Macht auf symbolische Kommunikation und Rituale.
Hereditary homage was a ... more HEREDITARY HOMAGE OF THE DUCHY OF CARNIOLA TO KING FERDINAND III IN 1631 Hereditary homage was a ritual of inaugurating the new provincial prince and one of the central acts in the life of the early modern territory as a political entity. The Inner Austrian territories paid their homage to Ferdinand III, the future emperor and the then King of Hungary and Bohemia in the spring of 1631. The homage was received on Ferdinand’s behalf by the commissioner Hans Ulrich, Duke of Krumlov (Krumau) and Prince Eggenberg. Although eclipsed by the visit of the infanta Maria Anna of Spain and the estates’ assumption of high imperial debt, the Carniolan hereditary homage brought about an important novelty in the development of the relations between the estates and the sovereign, as it thenceforth became customary for the estates to pay homage to his successor, which facilitated the transition of power following his death.
Did the Slovene Ethnic Identity Exist in the Pre-National Period? Collective Identities
and Ampl... more Did the Slovene Ethnic Identity Exist in the Pre-National Period? Collective Identities
and Amplitudes of the Importance of Ethnicity in the Early Modern Period (Part I)
The Slovene nation as a political entity developed in the nineteenth century from an ethnic and linguistic community that was in the Early Modern Period marked mostly by its language. Ethnic identity was not always the main element of collective identities. It's significance varied in the course of history, wherefore we can refer to its amplitudes. Although lesser than that of religion, the importance of ethnicity and language was considerable during sixteenth-century Reformation, whereupon it decreased in the period of Baroque and gradually started to peak in the second half of the eighteenth century.
Marija Terezija : med razsvetljenskimi reformami in zgodovinskim spominom, 2018
Mit dem Tod Kaisers Karl VI. am 20. Oktober 1740 fiel die Herrschaft in den habsburgischen Erblän... more Mit dem Tod Kaisers Karl VI. am 20. Oktober 1740 fiel die Herrschaft in den habsburgischen Erbländern, gemäß der Pragmatischen Sanktion, die die weibliche Erbfolge ermöglichte, an Maria Theresia. Dem alten Brauch gemäß nahm der habsburgische Landesfürst nach seiner Machtergreifung die Erbhuldigungen seiner Länder und die ungarische und böhmische Krönung entgegen und bestätigte anschließend die Privilegien der einzelnen Länder. Diesbezüglich brachte aber die Herrschaft Maria Theresias manchen Ländern, außer der weiblichen Erbfolge und späteren Reformen, wichtige Veränderungen. Während die Herrscherin schon einen Monat nach dem Ableben ihres Vaters die Erbhuldigung der Stände Österreichs unter der Enns in Wien und im nächsten Jahr noch die ungarische Krönung in Preßburg (Bratislava) entgegennahm, verstrickte sich die Lage andernorts wegen des Österreichischen Erbfolgekriegs. Die Stände Österreichs ob der Enns und Böhmens, die durch bayrische und französische Truppen besetzt worden waren, huldigten 1741 dem bayrischen Kurfürsten Karl Albrecht. Als das Kriegsglück dem Bayern, der mittlerweile zum Römischen Kaiser Karl VII. wurde, den Rücken kehrte, konnte Maria Theresia sich schließlich 1743 in Prag krönen lassen und die Erbhuldigung in Linz entgegennehmen. Andererseits ließ sich die Herrscherin von einigen Erbländern nie huldigen. Obwohl sie 1728 als elfjährige Erzherzogin ihren Vater nach Graz begleitete, wo Karl VI. von den steirischen Ständen gehuldigt wurde, nahm Maria Theresia als Herrscherin weder die Erbhuldigungen innerösterreichischer Länder entgegen, noch bestätigte sie deren Privilegien.
Razprava obravnava identiteto kranjskih deželnih stanov med začetkom 16. in sredo 18. stoletja, i... more Razprava obravnava identiteto kranjskih deželnih stanov med začetkom 16. in sredo 18. stoletja, in sicer zlasti tiste prvine, ki so se odražale v političnem življenju. Korporacija deželnih stanov je v zgodnjem novem veku namreč predstavljala politični razred dežele, ki je bil po svoji sestavi sicer raznovrsten, vendar pa so nekatere prvine zazna-movale identiteto vseh njenih članov. Med štirimi kurijami prelatov, gospodov, vitezov in oprod ter deželnoknežjih mest je osrednjo vlogo igralo plemstvo, zastopano v drugi in tretji kuriji, zato mu je v pričujoči razpravi posvečena osrednja pozornost. Raziskave arhivskega gradiva in dveh topografskih opisov dežele iz 17. stoletja so pokazale, da je bilo za stanovsko identiteto ključnih sedem dejavnikov, ki pa vseh članov deželnih stanov niso zaznamovali v enaki meri. IDENTITY OF THE CARNIOLAN PROVINCIAL ESTATES IN THE EARLY MODERN PERIOD The contribution describes the identity of the Carniolan Provincial Estates between the early sixteenth and mid-eighteenth centuries, particularly the elements that reflected in political life. The corporation of the Provincial Estates in the early Modern Period represented the provincial political class, whose otherwise diverse composition contained a few elements that underscored the identity of all its members. Most attention in this contribution is devoted to the nobility, represented by the second and third curiae, which played the central role among the four curiae of prelates, lords, knights and esquires, and provincial princely cities. The examination of archival materials and two topographic descriptions of the province, dating to the seventeenth century, has identified seven crucial factors in determining the identity of the Provincial Estates, which, however, did not affect all their members to an equal degree.
Prispevek prinaša kratek pregled politično-konfesionalne zgodovine osrednje slovenske zgodovinske... more Prispevek prinaša kratek pregled politično-konfesionalne zgodovine osrednje slovenske zgodovinske dežele, vojvodine Kranjske, v času vladavine deželnega kneza, nadvojvode in cesarja Ferdinanda II. (1595-1637). V slovenskem zgodovinopisju, literaturi in zgodovinskem spominu je vladarjev lik namreč po navadi predstavljen v senci njegovega osemnajst let starejšega sodobnika devetega ljubljanskega škofa Tomaža Hrena, ki pa je kljub svoji protireformacijski gorečnosti kot vodja protireformacijske komisije na Kranjskem v resnici le izvrševal deželnoknežji politično-konfesionalni program na terenu. Razprava se zlasti posveča odnosu med katoliškim deželnim knezom na eni ter pretežno protestantskimi deželnimi stanovi na drugi strani ter spreminjajočemu razmerju moči med obema poloma dežele.
Izvleček: Članek predstavlja patent nadvojvode Ferdinanda, deželnega kneza notranjeavstrijskih de... more Izvleček: Članek predstavlja patent nadvojvode Ferdinanda, deželnega kneza notranjeavstrijskih dežel z dne 12. novembra 1599, s katerim je vladar sicer ponovil svoje že več kot leto dni stare ukaze. Gre za enega najpomembnejših dokumentov izdanih na prelomu 16. in 17. stoletja, v letih, usodnih za politično-konfesionalni razvoj. Namen prispevka je predstaviti dva nasprotujoča si politična pola, namreč deželnega kneza in kranjske stanove, njune poglede na politiko ter tako patent kontekstualizirati. V prvem delu članek predstavlja predzgodovino konflikta, nadvojvodo Ferdinanda in stanove. V drugem delu je predstavljena politična zgodovina dežele Kranjske od začetka Ferdinandove oblasti do objave patenta leta 1599. Potem sta predstavljena transkripcija in kritični prevod patenta. V sklepu se prispevek posveča še delu »reformacijskih komisij«, ki so na terenu izvajale deželnoknežje protireformacijske dekrete. Abstract (The 1599 Patent Issued by Archduke Ferdinand on the Final Banishment of Protestant Preachers and on the Abolition of the protestant Liturgy in Inner Austrian Lands): The article presents the patent issued on 12 November, 1599 by Archduke Ferdinand, provincial prince of the Inner Austrian lands, by means of which the ruler repeated his orders that had first been given over a year earlier. The patent in question is one of the most important documents published during the turning point in political and religious development at the end of the 16th and the start of the 17th centuries. The purpose of the article is to introduce two opposing political sides, namely that of the provincial prince and that of the Carniolan provincial estates, present their views on politics and in doing so contextualize the patent. The first part of the article discusses the history of the conflict and provides information on Archduke Ferdinand and on the provincial estates. In the second part, the political history of Carniola from the time of Ferdinand‘s succession to the throne until his issuing of the patent in 1599 is discussed. Following that, there is a transcription and critical translation of the patent. Finally, the author takes a closer look at the work of the »Reformation commissions« in charge of on-site execution of the Counter- Reformation decrees issued by provincial princes.
Izvleček: Kranjski deželni stanovi so 3. decembra 1607 deželnemu knezu, nadvojvodi notranjeavstri... more Izvleček: Kranjski deželni stanovi so 3. decembra 1607 deželnemu knezu, nadvojvodi notranjeavstrijskih dežel ter poznejšemu cesarju Ferdinandu II. poslali pritožbo zoper ljubljanskega škofa Tomaža Hrena, ki je na Kranjskem kot deželnoknežji uradnik vodil (proti)reformacijsko komisijo. Člani pretežno protestantskih stanovskih kurij gospodov ter vitezov in oprod so se uvodoma sicer izrekli za zveste katoliškemu deželnemu knezu, dejanskemu vodji protireformacije, nato pa so navedli vrsto pritožb na račun izvajanja »deželnoknežje reformacije« v deželi, zlasti njen vodja škof Hren naj bi prekoračil svoja pooblastila, kršil stare pravice deželanov ter se osebno okoriščal. Dokument je še zlasti zanimiv, ker omogoča vpogled v Hrenovo politiko slabitve plemiške protestantske stranke v kranjskem deželnem zboru, s podpiranjem četrte meščansko-trške kurije. Prispevek poskuša na podlagi arhivskih virov in strokovne literature predstaviti nekaj novih prispevkov k biografiji škofa Tomaža Hrena – ene najbolj kontroverznih oseb slovenske zgodovine – in njegovo spreminjajočo podobo v zgodovinopisju, ter dalje, kontekstualizirati stanovsko Quarelam proti škofu (tako v kranjski kot tudi širši evropski politično– konfesionalni okvir). Dotični dokument je namreč nastal v času, ko so tako notranjeavstrijske kot tudi ostale srednje- in zahodnoevropske dežele pretresale številne napetosti med katoličani in protestanti vseh družbenih slojev. Abstract (The 1607 Complaint of the Carniolan Provincial Estates Against the Ljubljana Bishop Tomaž Hren - Part 2): On December 3, 1607, the Carniolan Provincial Estates wrote a letter of complaint and sent it to their Provincial Prince, the Archduke of the Inner Austrian provinces and the future Emperor Ferdinand II. In it they expressed their dissatisfaction with the Ljubljana Bishop Tomaž Hren, the princely official in charge of the (Counter) Reformation commission in Carniola. Though initially declaring loyalty to their Catholic provincial prince - the actual initiator of the Counter-Reformation – the members of the predominantly protestant curia of lords and that of knights and squires then stated a number of complaints in terms of how the “provincial princely Reformation was being carried out in Carniola”. Hren in particular was being accused of abusing his power, violating the old privileges of the members of the estates, and benefiting personally from all this. The document is especially interesting for its insight into Hren’s policy of weakening the noble protestant party in the Carniolan Provincial Diet by supporting the fourth curia of towns and boroughs. Based on archival sources and expert literature, this paper first aims to add to the biography of the Bishop Tomaž Hren, one of the most controversial personalities in Slovenian history, and to his ever changing image in Slovenian historiography. Secondly, it tries to place the Estates’ Quarela against Bishop Hren in the local Carniolan and wider European political and religious contexts. After all, the document in question was created at a time when the Inner Austrian lands and the rest of the Central and Western European countries were all experiencing increasing tension between the Catholics and the Protestants in all social strata.
Papers by Vanja Kočevar
von Heintz. From the following source we know that the emperor spent both nights in the Trnovo parish house and that at that time the town had problems with water supply, which had to be fetched in buckets from the Bistrica River.
leta 1791, je bil drugi pred mestno hišo zgolj efemeren, čeprav se je nekaj njegovih plastik ohranilo. Za cesarja so kranjski deželni stanovi zgradili tudi bogato okrašeno ladjo tipa »la peota«, s katero je Karel VI. po dedni poklonitvi Ljubljano zapustil in septembra na poti v Gradec vanjo spet priplul.
of ethnic identities.
Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Zeit der Gegenreformation und der katholischen Erneuerung sowie mit den Folgen dieser Prozesse auf die soziale Mobilität und auf Veränderungen in der Identität innerhalb der Krainer Landstände. Im ersten Teil wurde auf Grundlage des Konzeptes von Peter Burke die soziale Mobilität aus drei Blickwinkeln vorgestellt, und zwar: 1) im Hinblick auf die Richtung (aufwärts oder abwärts), 2) auf die Zeit (innerhalb einer Generation oder mehrere Generationen übergreifend) sowie 3) auf die Zahl (individuell und als Gruppe). Dieser Teil der Untersuchung stützt sich auf Verzeichnisse (neuer) Landleute und der vertriebenen protestantischer Adeligen.
Der zweite Teil behandelt die kollektive Identität der Krainer Landstände und wendet sich den Veränderungen zu, die als Folge der Gegenreformation und der katholischen Erneuerung zu beobachten sind. Die Studie setzt voraus, dass die Identität der Krainer Landstände in der frühen Neuzeit hauptsächlich auf sieben Bausteinen beruhte. Als diese Bausteine galten: 1) das Land, 2) die in den Handfesten der Länder verankerten Privilegien, 3) Treue zur Dynastie der Habsburger und zum Landesfürsten persönlich, 4) Verteidigung des Christentums vor Angriffen der Osmanen, 5) Zugehörigkeit zum Heiligen Römischen Reich, 6) Religionszugehörigkeit und 7) die slowenische Sprache. Die größte Verschiebung der Identität erfolgte in der Religion; hier wurde der Protestantismus durch den Katholizismus ersetzt. Eine bedeutende Veränderung ergab sich auch im Verhältnis zum Landesfürsten und zur Dynastie, weil die sprichwörtliche Treue zwar noch immer eines der Fundamente der Identität darstellte, jedoch der Adel als Gemeinschaft die politische Initiative einbüßte. Auch die slowenische Sprache als Teil der adeligen (Eigen)Identifikation verlor ein wenig an Bedeutung.
Der Beitrag widmet sich abschließend der Auswirkung der sozialen und der Verschiebungen in der kollektiven Identität sowie den veränderten Verhältnissen der politischen Macht auf symbolische Kommunikation und Rituale.
Hereditary homage was a ritual of inaugurating the new provincial prince and one of the central acts in the life of the early modern territory as a political entity. The Inner Austrian territories paid their homage to Ferdinand III, the future emperor and the then King of Hungary and Bohemia in the spring of 1631. The homage was received on Ferdinand’s behalf by the commissioner Hans Ulrich, Duke of Krumlov (Krumau) and Prince Eggenberg. Although eclipsed by the visit of the infanta Maria Anna of Spain and the estates’ assumption of high imperial debt, the Carniolan hereditary homage brought about an important novelty in the development of the relations between the estates and the sovereign, as it thenceforth became customary for the estates to pay homage to his successor, which facilitated the transition of power following his death.
and Amplitudes of the Importance of Ethnicity in the Early Modern Period (Part I)
The Slovene nation as a political entity developed in the nineteenth century from an ethnic and linguistic community that was in the Early Modern Period marked mostly by its language. Ethnic identity was not always the main element of collective identities. It's significance varied in the course of history, wherefore we can refer to its amplitudes. Although lesser than that of religion, the importance of ethnicity and language was considerable during sixteenth-century Reformation, whereupon it decreased in the period of Baroque and gradually started to peak in the second half of the eighteenth century.
IDENTITY OF THE CARNIOLAN PROVINCIAL ESTATES IN THE EARLY MODERN PERIOD The contribution describes the identity of the Carniolan Provincial Estates between the early sixteenth and mid-eighteenth centuries, particularly the elements that reflected in political life. The corporation of the Provincial Estates in the early Modern Period represented the provincial political class, whose otherwise diverse composition contained a few elements that underscored the identity of all its members. Most attention in this contribution is devoted to the nobility, represented by the second and third curiae, which played the central role among the four curiae of prelates, lords, knights and esquires, and provincial princely cities. The examination of archival materials and two topographic descriptions of the province, dating to the seventeenth century, has identified seven crucial factors in determining the identity of the Provincial Estates, which, however, did not affect all their members to an equal degree.
Abstract (The 1599 Patent Issued by Archduke Ferdinand on the Final Banishment of Protestant Preachers and on the Abolition of the protestant Liturgy in Inner Austrian Lands): The article presents the patent issued on 12 November, 1599 by Archduke Ferdinand, provincial prince of the Inner Austrian lands, by means of which the ruler repeated his orders that had first been given over a year earlier. The patent in question is one of the most important documents published during the turning point in political and religious development at the end of the 16th and the start of the 17th centuries. The purpose of the article is to introduce two opposing political sides, namely that of the provincial prince and that of the Carniolan provincial estates, present their views on politics and in doing so contextualize the patent. The first part of the article discusses the history of the conflict and provides information on Archduke Ferdinand and on the provincial estates. In the second part, the political history of Carniola from the time of Ferdinand‘s succession to the throne until his issuing of the patent in 1599 is discussed. Following that, there is a transcription and critical translation of the patent. Finally, the author takes a closer look at the work of the »Reformation commissions« in charge of on-site execution of the Counter- Reformation decrees issued by provincial princes.
Abstract (The 1607 Complaint of the Carniolan Provincial Estates Against the Ljubljana Bishop Tomaž Hren - Part 2): On December 3, 1607, the Carniolan Provincial Estates wrote a letter of complaint and sent it to their Provincial Prince, the Archduke of the Inner Austrian provinces and the future Emperor Ferdinand II. In it they expressed their dissatisfaction with the Ljubljana Bishop Tomaž Hren, the princely official in charge of the (Counter) Reformation commission in Carniola. Though initially declaring loyalty to their Catholic provincial prince - the actual initiator of the Counter-Reformation – the members of the predominantly protestant curia of lords and that of knights and squires then stated a number of complaints in terms of how the “provincial princely Reformation was being carried out in Carniola”. Hren in particular was being accused of abusing his power, violating the old privileges of the members of the estates, and benefiting personally from all this. The document is especially interesting for its insight into Hren’s policy of weakening the noble protestant party in the Carniolan Provincial Diet by supporting the fourth curia of towns and boroughs. Based on archival sources and expert literature, this paper first aims to add to the biography of the Bishop Tomaž Hren, one of the most controversial personalities in Slovenian history, and to his ever changing image in Slovenian historiography. Secondly, it tries to place the Estates’ Quarela against Bishop Hren in the local Carniolan and wider European political and religious contexts. After all, the document in question was created at a time when the Inner Austrian lands and the rest of the Central and Western European countries were all experiencing increasing tension between the Catholics and the Protestants in all social strata.
von Heintz. From the following source we know that the emperor spent both nights in the Trnovo parish house and that at that time the town had problems with water supply, which had to be fetched in buckets from the Bistrica River.
leta 1791, je bil drugi pred mestno hišo zgolj efemeren, čeprav se je nekaj njegovih plastik ohranilo. Za cesarja so kranjski deželni stanovi zgradili tudi bogato okrašeno ladjo tipa »la peota«, s katero je Karel VI. po dedni poklonitvi Ljubljano zapustil in septembra na poti v Gradec vanjo spet priplul.
of ethnic identities.
Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Zeit der Gegenreformation und der katholischen Erneuerung sowie mit den Folgen dieser Prozesse auf die soziale Mobilität und auf Veränderungen in der Identität innerhalb der Krainer Landstände. Im ersten Teil wurde auf Grundlage des Konzeptes von Peter Burke die soziale Mobilität aus drei Blickwinkeln vorgestellt, und zwar: 1) im Hinblick auf die Richtung (aufwärts oder abwärts), 2) auf die Zeit (innerhalb einer Generation oder mehrere Generationen übergreifend) sowie 3) auf die Zahl (individuell und als Gruppe). Dieser Teil der Untersuchung stützt sich auf Verzeichnisse (neuer) Landleute und der vertriebenen protestantischer Adeligen.
Der zweite Teil behandelt die kollektive Identität der Krainer Landstände und wendet sich den Veränderungen zu, die als Folge der Gegenreformation und der katholischen Erneuerung zu beobachten sind. Die Studie setzt voraus, dass die Identität der Krainer Landstände in der frühen Neuzeit hauptsächlich auf sieben Bausteinen beruhte. Als diese Bausteine galten: 1) das Land, 2) die in den Handfesten der Länder verankerten Privilegien, 3) Treue zur Dynastie der Habsburger und zum Landesfürsten persönlich, 4) Verteidigung des Christentums vor Angriffen der Osmanen, 5) Zugehörigkeit zum Heiligen Römischen Reich, 6) Religionszugehörigkeit und 7) die slowenische Sprache. Die größte Verschiebung der Identität erfolgte in der Religion; hier wurde der Protestantismus durch den Katholizismus ersetzt. Eine bedeutende Veränderung ergab sich auch im Verhältnis zum Landesfürsten und zur Dynastie, weil die sprichwörtliche Treue zwar noch immer eines der Fundamente der Identität darstellte, jedoch der Adel als Gemeinschaft die politische Initiative einbüßte. Auch die slowenische Sprache als Teil der adeligen (Eigen)Identifikation verlor ein wenig an Bedeutung.
Der Beitrag widmet sich abschließend der Auswirkung der sozialen und der Verschiebungen in der kollektiven Identität sowie den veränderten Verhältnissen der politischen Macht auf symbolische Kommunikation und Rituale.
Hereditary homage was a ritual of inaugurating the new provincial prince and one of the central acts in the life of the early modern territory as a political entity. The Inner Austrian territories paid their homage to Ferdinand III, the future emperor and the then King of Hungary and Bohemia in the spring of 1631. The homage was received on Ferdinand’s behalf by the commissioner Hans Ulrich, Duke of Krumlov (Krumau) and Prince Eggenberg. Although eclipsed by the visit of the infanta Maria Anna of Spain and the estates’ assumption of high imperial debt, the Carniolan hereditary homage brought about an important novelty in the development of the relations between the estates and the sovereign, as it thenceforth became customary for the estates to pay homage to his successor, which facilitated the transition of power following his death.
and Amplitudes of the Importance of Ethnicity in the Early Modern Period (Part I)
The Slovene nation as a political entity developed in the nineteenth century from an ethnic and linguistic community that was in the Early Modern Period marked mostly by its language. Ethnic identity was not always the main element of collective identities. It's significance varied in the course of history, wherefore we can refer to its amplitudes. Although lesser than that of religion, the importance of ethnicity and language was considerable during sixteenth-century Reformation, whereupon it decreased in the period of Baroque and gradually started to peak in the second half of the eighteenth century.
IDENTITY OF THE CARNIOLAN PROVINCIAL ESTATES IN THE EARLY MODERN PERIOD The contribution describes the identity of the Carniolan Provincial Estates between the early sixteenth and mid-eighteenth centuries, particularly the elements that reflected in political life. The corporation of the Provincial Estates in the early Modern Period represented the provincial political class, whose otherwise diverse composition contained a few elements that underscored the identity of all its members. Most attention in this contribution is devoted to the nobility, represented by the second and third curiae, which played the central role among the four curiae of prelates, lords, knights and esquires, and provincial princely cities. The examination of archival materials and two topographic descriptions of the province, dating to the seventeenth century, has identified seven crucial factors in determining the identity of the Provincial Estates, which, however, did not affect all their members to an equal degree.
Abstract (The 1599 Patent Issued by Archduke Ferdinand on the Final Banishment of Protestant Preachers and on the Abolition of the protestant Liturgy in Inner Austrian Lands): The article presents the patent issued on 12 November, 1599 by Archduke Ferdinand, provincial prince of the Inner Austrian lands, by means of which the ruler repeated his orders that had first been given over a year earlier. The patent in question is one of the most important documents published during the turning point in political and religious development at the end of the 16th and the start of the 17th centuries. The purpose of the article is to introduce two opposing political sides, namely that of the provincial prince and that of the Carniolan provincial estates, present their views on politics and in doing so contextualize the patent. The first part of the article discusses the history of the conflict and provides information on Archduke Ferdinand and on the provincial estates. In the second part, the political history of Carniola from the time of Ferdinand‘s succession to the throne until his issuing of the patent in 1599 is discussed. Following that, there is a transcription and critical translation of the patent. Finally, the author takes a closer look at the work of the »Reformation commissions« in charge of on-site execution of the Counter- Reformation decrees issued by provincial princes.
Abstract (The 1607 Complaint of the Carniolan Provincial Estates Against the Ljubljana Bishop Tomaž Hren - Part 2): On December 3, 1607, the Carniolan Provincial Estates wrote a letter of complaint and sent it to their Provincial Prince, the Archduke of the Inner Austrian provinces and the future Emperor Ferdinand II. In it they expressed their dissatisfaction with the Ljubljana Bishop Tomaž Hren, the princely official in charge of the (Counter) Reformation commission in Carniola. Though initially declaring loyalty to their Catholic provincial prince - the actual initiator of the Counter-Reformation – the members of the predominantly protestant curia of lords and that of knights and squires then stated a number of complaints in terms of how the “provincial princely Reformation was being carried out in Carniola”. Hren in particular was being accused of abusing his power, violating the old privileges of the members of the estates, and benefiting personally from all this. The document is especially interesting for its insight into Hren’s policy of weakening the noble protestant party in the Carniolan Provincial Diet by supporting the fourth curia of towns and boroughs. Based on archival sources and expert literature, this paper first aims to add to the biography of the Bishop Tomaž Hren, one of the most controversial personalities in Slovenian history, and to his ever changing image in Slovenian historiography. Secondly, it tries to place the Estates’ Quarela against Bishop Hren in the local Carniolan and wider European political and religious contexts. After all, the document in question was created at a time when the Inner Austrian lands and the rest of the Central and Western European countries were all experiencing increasing tension between the Catholics and the Protestants in all social strata.