A UCI compliant chess engine that may or may not be French.
- FEN Parser
- Bitboards
- Magic Bitboards
- UCI Compliancy
- Negamax with A/B Pruning
- Iterative Deepening
- Draw Detection
- Threefold Repetition
- 50-Move Rule
- Mate Distance Pruning
- Move Ordering Heuristics
- Hash Move Ordering
- History Heuristic with Gravity
- Killer Moves
- SEE (strong)
- Material Evaluation
- Piece Square Tables
- Quiescence Search (Captures + Promotions)
- Principal Variation Search
- Transposition Table
- Data Structure
- Cutoffs
- Reverse Futility Pruning
- Null Move Pruning
- Late Move Reduction
- Late Move Pruning
- Check Extensions
- Aspiration Windows
- Soft TM
- Improving Heuristic
- Quiescent SEE Pruning
- PVS SEE Pruning
- Continuation History
- Capture History
- History Pruning
- Singular Extensions
- Multicut
- Double/Triple/Negative Extensions
- Cutnode
- Static Eval Correction History
- Futility Pruning
- Quiescent Futility Pruning
- Internal Iterative Reduction
- Threading