Comparing Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes to see who can better predict CinemaScores and Box Office Gross
(1) movies.R - pulls a list of movies from my iTunes Library
--> MList.csv (109 Data Points)
(2) - uses BeuatifulSoup to parse rotten tomatoes and prints each movies tomatoscores to a new csv
--> TomatoList.csv (104 Data Points)
(3) meta _ - uses an Open Movies Database API to pull metacritic scores for each movie and save them to a csv
--> MeatList.csv (92 Data Points)
(4) cinema _ - uses pyautogui to save each movies cinema score as an image to be added to a csv manually
--> CimenaList1.csv (53 Data Points) - Contains only movies for which the script correctly pulled the score
--> CinemaList2.csv (84 Data Points) - Contains movies in CinemaList1 with the gaps filled in by hand
--> Cinema Folder Contains the image results of the script
(5) boffice _ - uses the Open Movies Database API to get the boxoffice numbers for each remaining movies
--> BofficeList.csv (49 Data Points) - uses CinemaList1.csv as base
--> BofficeList2.csv (76 Data Points) - uses CinemaList2.csv as base
(6) regression _ movies.R - Cleans and tries to find relationships between the data. Spoilers: There are none
--> RList.csv (49 Data Points)
--> Reg Vis folder contains the charts returned from the script
(7) vis _ movies.r - makes pictures with my data