- Professor, PI, microscopist, and data scientist at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT).
- His research interest focuses on biomedical imaging, machine learning, and bioimage analysis.
- His lab is building advanced optical microscopy for biomedical applications, as well as developing smart algorithms across modalities including optical microscopy, acoustic/photoacoustic imaging, and cryo-EM/ET.
- For imaging tool usage, please refer to SR-Wiki. The old projects have been moved to SR-Wiki, and will be maintained at there.
- Website: https://weisongzhao.github.io/
- Email: weisongzhao@hit.edu.cn
- Twitter: @weisong_zhao
- Blogs: CSDN
- 2024-01: SN2N is fully open-source;
- 2022-10: PANELpy is fully open-source;
- 2022-05: SACDm and SACDj are fully open-source;
- 2021-11: A Python version with GPU accelartion of the Sparse deconvolution is released at sparse-deconv-py;
- 2021-11: I post a 'behind the paper' blog about the Sparse deconvolution at Nature Research Community;
- 2021-07: PANELM and PANELJ are fully open-source;
- 2021-03: An OPEN scientific discussion about deconvolution/sparse-deconvolution is posted on GitHub as well as on Twitter;
- 2020-11: Sparse-SIM is fully open-source!
- 2020-01: img2vid v0.1.0 released.
- 2020-01: Adaptive filter imagej-plugin v0.1.0 released.
- 2020-01: Sparse-SIM v1.0.3 released
Name | MATLAB | Java (ImageJ) | Python | Other languages | Reference | Description |
SN2N | - | - | SN2N | - | Nat. Methods | Self-inspired Noise2Noise learning to denoise engine |
rFRC & PANEL | PANELM | PANELJ | PANELpy | - | Light: Sci. Appl. | Quantitatively mapping the local image quality at super-resolution scale |
SACD | SACDm | SACDj | - | - | Nat. Photon. | 100 times faster super-resolution fluctuation imaging. |
Sparse deconvolution | Sparse-SIM | - | sparse-deconv-py | - | Nat. Biotech. | An universal post-processing framework for fluorescence microscopy. |
ImagePy | - | - | ImagePy | - | Bioinformatics | An open source image processing framework (A Pythonic ImageJ). |
Simulation for Adaptive Optics | Adaptive-Optics-simulation | - | - | - | Rev. Sci. Instrum. | A light weight simulation framework for adaptive optics in microscopy. |
img2vid | img2vid | - | - | - | Nat. Biotech. | A light weight framework for making exsiting images to videos. |
Palette.ui | Palette.ui | - | - | - | Nat. Biotech. | Multi-color imaging tool to merge/composite frames. |
Adaptive median filter | - | Adaptive-Median-imagej | - | - | Nat. Biotech. | A median filter with adaptive threshold to avoid blurring effects. |
t-varianceJ | - | t-varianceJ | - | - | - | T-axial variance calculation will highlight the regions that have calcium signal transients. |
Clean Web Template | - | - | - | CleanWeb-Template (html/Javascript) | - | A light weight personal website template. |