Easiest-ever formal methods language! Designed for developers crafting distributed systems, microservices, and cloud applications
Feb 24, 2025 - Python
In computer science and software engineering, Alloy is a declarative
specification language for expressing complex structural constraints and
behavior in a software system. Alloy provides a simple structural modeling tool
based on first-order logic. Alloy is targeted at the creation of micro-models
that can then be automatically checked for correctness. Alloy specifications
can be checked using the Alloy Analyzer.
Easiest-ever formal methods language! Designed for developers crafting distributed systems, microservices, and cloud applications
railML validation tool
A Formal Method playground for limboole, Z3, nuXmv, Alloy, and Spectra
Formal specification for Miniscript in Alloy
A debugger for transition systems modelled in Alloy
my exercises for Alloy tool
Formal Methods Project and Exercises with Alloy (2022 Course)
Z/Alloy formal specification for client identifying data regulation for banks in Switzerland
An Empirical Evaluation of Pre-trained Large Language Models for Repairing Declarative Formal Specifications
SWEN90010 2022S1 Assignment 2 at Uni of Melbourne. Analysing vulnerabilities in an Alloy model of a smart contract program.
RASD/DD project developed in the course SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 2 of Politecnico di Milano during the academic year 2024/2025. RASD/DD mark: 14/14; Homeworks mark: 6/6.
Some examples and notes while learning Alloy modeling language.
online exam and justice project
Verification of Observational Determinism in ROS2-based systems using Alloy.
Alloy analyser running in gitpod.io
(my verification project for cs5110 / cs6110) A vscode extension that adds live visualizations of alloy type structures to vscode. (also includes some basic some basic langauge support)
Especificação formal de uma distribuição de funcionários para a disciplina Lógica para Computação.
Assignment Add the following to complete and execute the model 1. Write the following invariants: (20 marks) Each post is owned by at most one user A user cannot be his or her own friend Friendship is a symmetric relation Server capacity is positive Servers cannot exceed their capacity