UseTheSource is the organization that hosts and sustains the open-source community around the Rascal metaprogramming language. This includes:
- Core technology (runtime system, interpreter, type-checker, compiler, maven plugin)
- IDE technology (Eclipse, VScode, Language Server protocol)
- plugins and extensions for Rascal itself
- plugins and extensions generated from Rascal-defined DSL specifications
- Reusable libraries:
- code-as-data enablers: C/C++, Java, PHP, Python, JS, ...
- general tools: ambiguity diagnostics, UI frameworks, search, type-checking, ...
Find out more about the community's standards and values here
- rascal - interpreter and runtime system, standard library
- rascal-language-servers - VScode extension and LSP server for Rascal, including VScode extension generator and LSP server generator for DSLs
- typepal - generic type and name analysis framework
- rascal-maven-plugin
- vallang - Algebraic terms, Relational algebra and Numbers, the value implementations and exchange format under Rascal
- salix-core - Elm-style UI framework for Rascal
- flybytes - Reverse and forward engineering framework for JVM bytecode.
- capsule - hash-trie based fast immutable multi-sets and multi-maps that implement vallang