Página principal > Compact Superconducting RF-Dipole Cavity Designs for Deflecting and Crabbing Applications |
Article | |
Report number | CERN-ACC-2015-0167 |
Title | Compact Superconducting RF-Dipole Cavity Designs for Deflecting and Crabbing Applications |
Author(s) | De Silva, S U (Old Dominion U. ; Jefferson Lab) ; Delayen, Jean Roger (Old Dominion U. ; Jefferson Lab) ; Castilla, A (Old Dominion U. ; Jefferson Lab ; Guanajuato U.) |
Collaboration | Old Dominion University Collaboration |
Publication | 2013 |
Imprint | 12 May 2013 |
Number of pages | 3 |
In: | 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Shanghai, China, 12 - 17 May 2013, pp.2483-2485 |
Subject category | Accelerators and Storage Rings |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment | CERN HL-LHC |
Free keywords | High luminosity upgrade |
Abstract | Over the years the superconducting parallel-bar designhas evolved into an rf-dipole cavity with improved proper-ties. The new rf-dipole design is considered for a numberof deflecting and crabbing applications. Some of those ap-plications are the 499 MHz rf separator system for the Jef-ferson Lab 12 GeV upgrade, the 400 MHz crabbing cav-ity system for the proposed LHC high luminosity upgrade,and the 750 MHz crabbing cavity for the medium energyelectron-ion collider in Jefferson Lab. In this paper wepresent the optimized rf design in terms of rf performanceincluding rf properties, higher order modes (HOM) prop-erties, multipacting, and multipole expansion for the abovementioned applications. |