- –––––––––––––––––. 2017. Enduring Virtues: Saving and Investing as National Priorities in 2017. Commentary.Toronto, C.D. Howe Institute. January.
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- Achieving Balance, Spurring Growth: A Shadow Federal Budget for 2012. Commentary 344.Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. March.
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- Alexander, Craig, and Alexandre Laurin. 2015. “Tax Reform Priorities for Canada: Creating More Wealth to Go Around.†E-Brief.Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. November.
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Bazel, Philip, and Jack Mintz. 2016. “2015 TaxCompetitiveness Report: Canada Is Losing Its Attractiveness.†SPP Research Papers Vol. 9, Issue 37. University of Calgary School of Public Policy. November.
Bergevin, Philippe, and Finn Poschmann. 2013. Reining in the Risks: Rethinking the Role of Crown Financial Corporations in Canada. Commentary 372.Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. February.
- Boadway, Robin, and Jean-François Tremblay. 2014. “Corporate Tax Reform: Issues and Prospects for Canada.†Mowat Research 88.Toronto: University of Toronto, School of Public Policy & Governance, Mowat Centre.
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Boadway, Robin, and Jean-François Tremblay. 2016. Modernizing Business Taxation. Commentary 452. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. May.
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- Ciuriak, Dan, and Xiao Jingliang (2014). Should Canada Unilaterally Adopt Global Free Trade? Canadian Council of Chief Executives.
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- Clark, Scott, and Peter DeVries. 2016. “Liberals must reassess promises of both growth and prudence.†Globe and Mail. February 12.
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Dachis, Benjamin, and John Lester. 2015. Small Business Preferences as a Barrier to Growth: Not so Tall After All. Commentary 426.Toronto: C.D Howe Institute. May.
- Dachis, Benjamin. 2014. Full Throttle: Reforming Canada’s Aviation Policy. Commentary 398.Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. January.
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Dahlby, Bev, and Ergete Ferede. 2011. What Does it Cost Society to Raise a Dollar of Tax Revenue? The Marginal Cost of Public Funds. Commentary 324. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. March.
Dubrovinsky, Mati. 2014. “A Speedier and More Efficient Payments System for Canada.†E-Brief. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. November.
Fancy,Tariq. 2012. “Can Venture Capital Foster Innovation in Canada? Yes, but Certain Types of Venture Capital Are Better than Others.†E-Brief. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. September.
- Gros, Barry et al. 2015. “The Taxation of SingleEmployer Target Benefit Plans – Where We Are and Where We Ought To Be.†E-Brief.Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. March.
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Hamilton, Malcom. 2014. Evaluating Public-Sector Pensions: Are Federal Public Servants Overpaid? Commentary 405.Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. April.
Howitt, Peter. 2015. Mushrooms and Yeast: The Implications of Technological Progress for Canada’s Economic Growth. Commentary 433.Toronto: C.D Howe Institute. September.
- Kelly, Grant, and Peter Stodolak. 2013. Why insurers fail – Natural disasters and catastrophes. PACICC.
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Koeppl,Thorsten V., and James MacGee. 2015. Mortgage Insurance as a Macroprudential Tool: Dealing with the Risk of a Housing Market Crash in Canada. Commentary 430.Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. July.
- Lahey, William. 2011. “Is Self-regulation under threat.†Canadian Nurse. 107(5).
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Laurin, Alexandre, and William. B.P. Robson. 2017. Hidden Spending: The Fiscal Impact of Federal Tax Concessions. Commentary 469.Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute.
Laurin, Alexandre. 2015. “Shifting the Federal Tax Burden on the One-Percenters: A Losing Proposition.†E-Brief.Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. December.
Le Pan, Nichloas. 2016. Fault Lines: Earthquakes, Insurance, and Systemic Financial Risk. Commentary 454.Toronto: C. D. Howe Institute. August.
McDaniel, Christine, Simon Schropp and Olim Latipov. 2016. Rights of Passage: The Economic Effects of Raising the de minimis Threshold in Canada. E-Brief. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. June.
Milligan, Kevin. 2014. Tax Policy for a New Era: Promoting Economic Growth and Fairness. Benefactors Lecture.Toronto: C.D Howe Institute. November.
- Mirrless, James et al. 2011. Tax by Design. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
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- OECD. 2011. Fostering Innovation for Green Growth. P116. ISBN 978-92-64-11991-8.
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Pantaleo, Nick, Finn Poschmann and Scott Wilke. 2013. Improving the Tax Treatment of Intellectual Property Income in Canada. Commentary 379.Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. April.
Parsons, Mark. 2011. Rewarding Innovation: Improving Federal Support for Business R&D in Canada. Commentary 334.Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. September.
- Poloz, Stephen. 2016. From Hewers of Wood to Hewers of Code: Canada’s Expanding Service Economy. Speech. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. November.
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- Quebec. 2015. “Focusing on Québec’s Future.†Final Report of the Québec Taxation Review Committee. Volume 1. March.
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Robins, Steven. 2017. “A Better Flight Path: How Ottawa can Cash In on Airports and Benefit Travellers.†E-Brief.Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute.
Robson, William B.P. 2010. “Cutting through Pension Complexity: Easy Steps Forward for the 2010 Federal Budget.†Backgrounder.Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. February.
Robson, William B.P., and Alexandre Laurin. 2015. Adaptability, Accountability and Sustainability: Intergovernmental Fiscal Arrangements in Canada. Commentary 431.Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. July.
Robson, William B.P., and Alexandre Laurin. 2016. Worse Than It Looks: The True Burden and Risks of Federal Employee Pension Plans. Commentary 449. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. May. Scarth, William. User Discretion Advised: Fiscal Consolidation and the Recovery. Commentary 412. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. July.
- Steele, Jana, Angela Mazerolle and Mel Bartlett. 2014. Target-Benefit Plans: An Innovation Worth Expanding. Commentary 411.Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. July.
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