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A Holistic Approach to ECB Asset Purchases, the Investment Planand CMU by Natacha Valla, Jesper Berg, Laurent Clerc, Olivier Garnier & Erik Nielsen, No7, April 2015.
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- Aglietta, M., Aussilloux V., Espagne, É., & Fabert, B. P. (2015). How could we finance low-carbon investment in Europe? CEPII-France Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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- Aglietta, M., Espagne, É., & Fabert, B. P. (2015). Une proposition pour financer l’investissement bas carbone en Europe. La note d’analyse de France-Stratégie.
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ANewArchitecture for Public Investment in Europe: The Eurosystem of Investment Banks and the Fede Fund by Natacha Valla, Thomas Brand & SébastienDoisy, No4, July 2014.
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Central Bank Currency Swaps and the International Monetary System? by Christophe Destais, No5, September 2014.
- CEPII Policy Brief CEPII’s insights on international economic policy CEPII – Paris – 2016 All rights reserved. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) alone.
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- CEPII–Policy Brief No9–February 2016 11 PolicyBrief Pisani-Ferry, J. (2015). Four Roadblocks to a Global Climate Agreement. CEPII-France Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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- China’s Roadmap to Harmonious Society – Third Plenum Decisions on “major issues concerning comprehensively deepening reforms†by Michel Aglietta & Guo Bai, No 3, May 2014.
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- Corresponding Author: etienne.espagne@cepii.fr CEPII–Policy Brief No9–February 2016 Climate Finance at COP21 and After: Lessons from the CEPII/France Stratégie Climate-Finance Platform CEPII (Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales) is a French institute dedicated to producing independent, policy-oriented economic research helpful to understand the international economic environment and challenges in the areas of trade policy, competitiveness, macroeconomics, international finance and growth.
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Cramton, P., Ockenfels, A., & Stoft, S. (2015). An international carbonprice commitment promotes cooperation. Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 4(2), 51-64.
Currency Turmoil in an Unbalanced World Economy by Michel Aglietta & Virginie Coudert, No8, July 2015.
Editorial Director: Sébastien Jean Managing Editor: Natacha Valla Production: Laure Boivin CEPII 113, rue de Grenelle 75007 Paris +33 1 53 68 55 00 www.cepii.fr Press contact: presse@cepii.fr Previous Issues Transatlantic Trade: Whither Partnership, Which Economic Consequences? by Lionel Fontagné, Julien Gourdon & Sébastien Jean, No 1, September 2013.
- FinancingEnergy and Low-carbon Investment: Public Guarantees and the ECB by Michel Aglietta & Étienne Espagne, No6, March 2015.
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- Hines C. (2015). The Role of International Financial Institutions, Central Banks and Monetary Policies in the Low-Carbon Transition. CEPIIFrance Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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- Kalinowski W. (2015). Investir dans la Transition Ecologique en limitant les Effets Rebonds. CEPII-France Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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- Kazemi, M. A. M. (2015).Reorienting Financial Intermediation Towards Sustainable Financing: Bangladesh Bank’s approach. CEPII-France Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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- Kroll, M. (2015). Financing the Green Climate Fund. CEPII-France Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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- LCS-RNet (2015).A Moment of Truth for the Climate and Sustainable Development. CEPII-France Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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Lecocq, F., &Hourcade, J.-C. (2012). Unspoken ethical issues in the climate affair: Insights from a theoretical analysis of negotiation mandates. Economic Theory 49, 445-471.
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- Loorbach D. A., & Huffenreuter R. L. (2015). Trillions in Transition: Growing our Way out of Climate Change? CEPII-France Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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- Monnin P. (2015). Supporting the Energy Transition: The Role of Low Interest Rates. CEPII-France Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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- Morel R. & Cochran I. (2015). Thinking “Eco-systemically†to shift the Trillions. CEPII-France Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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- Moscovici P. (2015). Changement climatique: le secteur financier face aux trajectoires 2C – Discours. CEPII-France Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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- Pigou, A. C. (1920). The Economics of Welfare. Palgrave Macmillan. About the authors Étienne Espagne is Economist at CEPII. He teaches energy and environmental economics at ENSTA ParisTech. A civil engineer from Mines ParisTech, he holds a PhD in economics (EHESS, CIRED), and has previously worked at France Stratégie and ADEME.
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- Pisani-Ferry, J. (2015), Why Finance can Save the Planet. CEPII-France Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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- Pizer W. (2015). Guideposts for Low-Carbon Finance. CEPII-France Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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Pottier, A., Hourcade, J. C., & Espagne, E. (2014). Modelling the redirection of technical change: The pitfalls of incorporeal visions of the economy. Energy Economics, 42, 213-218.
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- Sirkis, A. (2015). Positive Pricing of Carbon Reduction: A Low Hanging Fruit.CEPII-France Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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- Van Tillburg R. (2015). What Role for Financial Supervisors in Addressing Systemic Environmental Risk? CEPII-France Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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- Villeroy De Galhau F. (2015). Changement climatique : le secteur financier face aux trajectoires 2C – Discours, CEPII-France Stratégie Climate Finance Platform.
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