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- Table 1. Distribution of European commercial banks and representativeness of the final sample Country All Banks Listed Banks Percent of total assets Austria 43 4 42.746 Belgium 23 1 94.104 Denmark 47 36 94.557 Finland 4 1 82.766 France 105 12 83.358 Germany 85 13 74.834 Greece 14 9 93.013 Ireland 16 4 64.299 Italy 109 17 87.852 Luxembourg 62 4 81.714 Netherlands 27 5 70.273 Norway 7 3 72.792 Portugal 16 3 86.346 Spain 41 9 80.601 Sweden 13 2 83.119 Switzerland 86 4 86.665 United Kingdom 90 5 73.284 Total/Average 788 132 79.54 Percent of total assets=percentage of total assets of the sample banks in a given country to the aggregate total assets of all commercial banks provided by BankScope in the same country over the 2002-2010 period. hal-00916550,version1-10Dec2013
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