- A.III The quantile regression was first introduced by Koenker and Bassett (1978). The model assumes that Pr (yi Æ | xi) = Fu◊ ! ≠xÕ i— | xi (17) where i = 1, ..., n, (yi, xi) is a sample from some population and xi is a K ◊ 1 vector of regressors. Readers may be more familiar with representation with the following functional form: yi = xÕ i— + ui (18) and q (yi | xi) = xÕ i— (19) where q (yi | xi) is the conditional quantile of yi conditional on the regressor vector xi. The model assumes further that q (ui | xi) = 0. The estimator of — at the th quantile, ˆ — , is the solution to the following minimisation problem: min — n ÿ i=1 fl (ui ) = min — Y ] [ ÿ i:yiØxÕ i— | yi ≠xÕ i— | + ÿ i:yiÆxÕ i— (1 ≠) | yi ≠xÕ i— | Z ^ \ (20) where fl (z) is the check function given by fl (z) = z ≠1[zÆ0] .
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