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Discrimination in the Irish Labour Market: Nationality, Ethnicity and the Recession. (2013). O'Connell, Philip ; McGinnity, Frances ; OConnell, Philip J. ; Kingston, Gillian .
In: Working Papers.

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  1. Barrett A and Duffy D (2008) Are Ireland’s immigrants integrating into its labour market? International Migration Review, 42(3): 597–615.

  2. Barrett A and McCarthy Y (2008) Immigrants and welfare programmes: exploring the interactions between immigrant characteristics, immigrant welfare dependence and welfare policy. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 24(3): 543–560.

  3. Barrett A, Bergin A and Duffy D (2006) The labour market characteristics and labour market impacts of immigrants in Ireland. The Economic and Social Review 37(1): 1–26.

  4. Barrett A, McGuinness S and O’Brien M (2012) The immigrant earnings disadvantage across the earnings and skills distributions: the case of immigrants from the EU’s new member states. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 28(1): 99–111.

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  8. Blau P.M. (1977) Inequality and Heterogeneity: A primitive theory of social structure. New York: Freepress.
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  9. Bond L, McGinnity F and Russell H (eds) (2010) Making Equality Count: Irish and International Research Measuring Equality and Discrimination. Dublin: Equality Authority.
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  10. Brekke I and Mastekaasa A (2008) Highly educated immigrants in the Norwegian labour market: permanent disadvantage?. Work Employment and Society 22(3): 507-526.
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  11. Bulgarians and Romanians were defined as the ‘Rest of Europe’ in 2004 and as EU NMS in 2010, following their accession in 2007. ii ‘Older EU States refers to the ‘Old’ EU15 Member States including Ireland and the UK. iii Ethnicity has been collected in the Census since 2006, but it is not collected routinely in the QNHS. iv As a robustness check we ran all models with ethnicity and nationality as separate categories. v
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  19. EU New Member States (NMS) refers to States that acceded in 2004 and 2007: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
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  21. Further analysis on duration spent in country was tested, results are available on request. xi The latter coefficients are not reported in the tables, results are available on request. xii Bulgarians and Romanians were in the White Non-EU group in 2004, and in the White NMS group in 2010.
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  26. McGinnity F and Lunn P (2011) Measuring discrimination facing ethnic minority job applicants: an Irish Experiment. Work, Employment and Society, 25 (4): 693-708.

  27. McGinnity F, O’Connell P, Quinn E and Williams J (2006) Migrants’ Experience of Racism and Discrimination in Ireland. Dublin: ESRI.
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  28. McGinnity F, Quinn E, Kingston G and O’Connell P (2013) Annual Monitoring Report on Integration 2012. Dublin: The Integration Centre/ESRI.

  29. O’Connell P (2013) Cautious Adjustment in a Context of Economic Collapse: The Public Sector in the Irish Crisis. In: Vaughan-Whitehead D (ed.) Public Sector Shock: The Impact of Policy Retrenchment in Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 337-370.
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  30. O’Connell P and Joyce C (2013) International Migration in Ireland, 2012. Geary Working Paper 2013/04. Dublin: UCD Geary Institute.

  31. O’Connell P and McGinnity F (2008) Immigrants at Work: Ethnicity and Nationality in the Irish Labour Market. Dublin: Equality Authority.
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  32. OECD (2012) Settling In: Indicators of Immigrant Integration. Paris: OECD Publishing.
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  36. Pager D, Western B and Bonikowski B (2009) Discrimination in a Low Wage Labor Market: A Field Experiment. American Sociological Review 74: 777-799.

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  38. Rafferty A (2012) Ethnic penalties in graduate level over-education, unemployment and wages: evidence from Britain. Work, Employment and Society, 26(6): 987-1006.

  39. Russell H, Quinn E, King O’Riain R and McGinnity F (2008) The Experience of Discrimination in Ireland: Analysis of the QNHS Equality Module. Dublin: Equality Authority and ESRI.

  40. Schneider S (2008) Anti-Immigrant Attitudes in Europe: Outgroup Size and Perceived Ethnic Threat. European Sociological Review 24(1): 53-67.
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  41. Sierminska, E and Takhtamanova Y (2010) Job Flows, Demographics and the Great Recession.

  42. Some of the national-ethnic groups are still somewhat ethnically diverse, however the groups are comparable in terms of their labour market experience and cultural background. vi EU 13 refers to the ‘Old’ EU15 Member States excluding Ireland and the UK: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden. vii Bulgarians and Romanians, who tend to have lower skill levels, on average, were in the White NonEU group in 2004 but the White NMS group in 2010. viii A small and diverse unallocated residual group of a combination of minority ethnicity that did not lend itself to a meaningful classification was excluded (0.5% sample). ix We exclude the self employed from the analysis. x
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  43. Turner T (2010) The jobs immigrants do: issues of displacement and marginalisation in the Irish labour market. Work, Employment and Society 24(2): 318–336. i


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