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The 2008 Chinese milk scandal was a significant food safety incident in China. The scandal involved Sanlu Group's milk and infant formula along with other food materials and components being adulterated with the chemical melamine, which resulted in kidney stones and other kidney damage in infants. The chemical was used to increase the nitrogen content of diluted milk, giving it the appearance of higher protein content in order to pass quality control testing. 300,000 affected children were identified, among which 54,000 were hospitalized, according to the latest report in January 2009. The deaths of six babies were officially concluded to be related to the contaminated milk.

Property Value
  • V létě 2008 došlo v Číně k jedné z nejmasovějších dětských otrav v historii. [zdroj?] (cs)
  • Als Chinesischer Milchskandal beziehungsweise Melamin-Skandal wird ein 2008 aufgedeckter Lebensmittelskandal in China bezeichnet. Dabei wurden stickstoffhaltige Kunstharzgrundstoffe, namentlich Melamin, in Milchprodukte eingemischt, um so trotz verdünnter Milch einen hohen Proteinanteil vorzutäuschen. Möglicherweise wurde bereits über Jahre unbemerkt Milch mit Kunststoffvorprodukten gestreckt, denn Melamin ist von selbst nicht besonders giftig. Die gepanschten Lebensmittel wurden aber 2008 auch in Säuglingsnahrung verwendet und führten zu Nierensteinen und massivem Nierenversagen, sodass knapp 300.000 Babys erkrankten und sechs Säuglinge starben. Der chinesische Marktführer Sanlu ging in der Folge des Skandals in Insolvenz. Etliche Verantwortliche wurden verurteilt, wobei auch Todesstrafen vollstreckt wurden. Weitere beteiligte Unternehmen und die chinesische Milchwirtschaft insgesamt mussten erhebliche Umsatzverluste hinnehmen. Der Skandal sorgte für weltweites Aufsehen und erschütterte das Vertrauen in Lebensmittel aus China nachhaltig. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation charakterisierte den Vorfall als einen der größten Lebensmittelskandale der jüngsten Vergangenheit weltweit. 2010 wurden erneut melaminhaltige Milchprodukte im Südwesten Chinas entdeckt. Daher mussten drei Milchfabriken aus der Provinz Guizhou die Produkte, die von Anfang 2009 stammen, zurückziehen. (de)
  • The 2008 Chinese milk scandal was a significant food safety incident in China. The scandal involved Sanlu Group's milk and infant formula along with other food materials and components being adulterated with the chemical melamine, which resulted in kidney stones and other kidney damage in infants. The chemical was used to increase the nitrogen content of diluted milk, giving it the appearance of higher protein content in order to pass quality control testing. 300,000 affected children were identified, among which 54,000 were hospitalized, according to the latest report in January 2009. The deaths of six babies were officially concluded to be related to the contaminated milk. The timeline of the scandal dated back to December 2007, when Sanlu began to receive complaints about kidney stones. One of the more notable early complaints was made on 20 May 2008, when a mother posted online after she learnt that Sanlu donated the milk she had been complaining about to the orphans of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Also on 20 May, the problem reached Sanlu's Board meeting the first time and they ordered multiple third-party tests. The culprit, melamine, was undetected in the tests until 1 August. On 2 August, Sanlu's Board decided to issue a trade recall to the wholesalers but did not inform the wholesalers the product was contaminated; however, Shijiazhuang's deputy mayor, who was invited to attend, rejected trade recall and instructed the Board to "shut the mouths of the victims by money", "wait until the end of 2008 Beijing Olympics to end smoothly and then the provincial police would hunt the perpetrators". New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra, which owned a 43% stake in Sanlu, were alerted to the contamination on 2 August's Board meeting. Fonterra alerted the New Zealand government and the NZ government confronted the Chinese government on 8 September. The Chinese government made the scandal public on 13 September. After the initial focus on Sanlu, further government inspections revealed that products from 21 other companies were also tainted, including those from Arla Foods–Mengniu, Yili, and Yashili. While more and more cases reached hospitals around the nation from December 2007, the first report to the government by any hospital was made on 16 July. The issue raised concerns about food safety and political corruption in China and damaged the reputation of the country's food exports. The World Health Organization called the incident "deplorable" and at least 11 foreign countries halted all imports of Chinese dairy products. A number of trials were conducted by the Chinese government resulting in two executions, three sentences of life imprisonment, two 15-year prison sentences, and the firing or forced resignation of seven local government officials and the Director of the Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ). The former chairwoman of China's Sanlu dairy was sentenced to life in prison. In late October 2008, similar adulteration with melamine was discovered in eggs and possibly other food. The source was traced to melamine being added to animal feed, despite a ban imposed in June 2007 following the scandal over pet food ingredients exported to the United States. (en)
  • La adulteración de leche para bebés fue un incidente acaecido en 2008 en China, en el que leche para bebés y otros productos lácteos fueron adulterados con melamina. (es)
  • Le scandale du lait de vache frelaté est un scandale sanitaire de santé publique en Chine survenu en 2008. Certains lots de lait de consommation courante et de lait infantile produits en Chine ont contenu pendant 10 mois de la mélamine, toxique, afin de les faire apparaître plus riches en protéines. De plus des lots impropres à la consommation achetés aux deux-tiers du cours ont été ainsi maquillés en lots répondants aux normes sanitaires. La compilation de la presse chinoise par Reuters suggère que le nombre de malades découlant de la contamination du lait par la mélamine a pu s'élever à 94 000 à fin septembre 2008. Les plaintes de malades ont été étouffées par les producteurs et les élus locaux jusqu'à ce qu'un importateur néo-zélandais découvre la toxicité du lait à la faveur d'un contrôle qualité poussé. L'ensemble du scandale a été rigoureusement censuré, et quatre personnes auraient été condamnées à mort ou à la perpétuité, dont deux auraient été exécutées. (fr)
  • Skandal susu Tiongkok 2008 adalah insiden keamanan makanan di Republik Rakyat Tiongkok yang melibatkan susu yang diduga mengandung melamin. Pada akhir September, diperkirakan terdapat 94.000 korban; empat bayi telah tewas akibat batu ginjal dan lainnya akibat gagal ginjal. (in)
  • 2008년 중국산 유제품 멜라민 오염사건(영어: 2008 Chinese milk scandal, 중국어: 三鹿奶粉污染事件)은 중화인민공화국에서 발생한 식품안전에 관련된 사건이다. 당시 언론은 이 사건을 주로 '멜라민 파동'으로 지칭하였다. 중국산 분유에서 멜라민이 검출되었다는 사실이 뒤늦게 알려지면서 중국산 유제품을 원재료로 한 세계 각국의 식료품에도 비상이 걸렸다. 2008년 9월 22일에 집계된 자료에 따르면 중국에서 멜라민이 포함된 제품들로 인해 신장결석이나 신부전증 환자가 53,000명이 발생하였고, 이 중 12,800명은 입원치료를 받고 있으며 4명의 유아가 사망하였다. 멜라민은 우유에 첨가할 경우 단백질의 함유량을 실제보다 부풀릴 수 있기에 이전에도 종종 사용되곤 하였다. 멜라민은 벤젠 고리에서 탄소 세 개가 질소로 바뀌고 수소 세 개가 질소 한 개와 수소 세 개로 이루어진 아미노기로 치환된 물질이다. 단백질의 펩티드 결합에는 질소가 포함되는데, 이것을 이용해 단백질 함량을 측정하는 것을 악덕 업자들이 악용하여 질소 원자가 많이 포함된 멜라민을 집어넣은 것이다. 2007년에도 멜라민으로 인해 대규모 리콜이 있었으며, 2004년에도 중국에서 물을 섞은 우유로 인해 13명의 아동이 사망한 적이 있었다. 맨 처음에 문제가 발견되었던 허베이성 스자좡(石家庄)의 외에도 21개 회사 제품에서도 멜라민이 검출되었다. 파동은 점점 커져 식품안전과 중국 정부의 부패에 대한 우려가 커졌을 뿐 아니라 중국산 식품에 대한 신뢰도 큰 타격을 입어 최소 11개국이 중국으로부터의 수입을 전면 중단하였다. 관련자들은 체포되었으며, 싼루 그룹의 책임자들과 몇몇 성의 관리들, 중국 국가품질감독검사총국의 책임자들은 사태에 대해 책임지라는 압력으로 인해 사퇴하거나 해고되었다. (ko)
  • Меламиновый скандал — скандал с китайским молоком в октябре 2008 года, когда выяснилось, что ряд китайских производителей пищевых продуктов добавляли в продукцию меламин с целью повышения измеряемой концентрации белка, в результате чего продукты, в число которых входили и широко применяемые сухие молочные смеси для грудных детей, становились опасными для здоровья. Скандал привёл к массовым протестам в ряде стран, широкомасштабному изъятию продукции из продажи, в ряде случаев — к вынужденному ребрендингу некоторых видов продукции, оказавшейся скомпрометированной. По некоторым источникам, меламиновые добавки стали причиной заболеваний у нескольких десятков тысяч детей, в том числе по меньшей мере шести смертельных случаев. (ru)
  • O escândalo do leite chinês foi um incidente de segurança alimentar na República Popular da China em 2008 envolvendo leite e fórmula infantil e outros alimentos materiais e componentes, adulterados com melamina. (pt)
  • 2008年中國奶制品污染事件(或稱毒奶粉事件、結石寶寶)是发生在中国的一起特大严重食品安全事件。事件起因是很多食用三鹿集团奶粉的婴儿被发现患有肾结石,随后在其奶粉中被发现化工原料三聚氰胺和三聚氰酸。據中国卫生部通报,「截至2008年12月底,全国累计免费筛查2240.1万人,累计报告患儿29.6万人,住院治疗52,898人」。2010年總理温家寶总结:“一个三鹿奶粉,我们付出了很大的代价,...我们普查了受到奶粉影响的儿童达到3000万,国家花了20亿。...教训应该说是很深刻的,不是一个企业,也不是一个地方,是我们整个民族应该汲取的。” 揭發時序如下:2008年2月25日,浙江泰顺县王大媽以為買了偽冒商品,向三鹿集团寄貨送檢。3月开始,三鹿集团陆续接到了患泌尿系统结石病的投诉。3月31日,王大媽向申请检验批次,被草率結案。5月20日,王大媽發現三鹿集团在2008年5月汶川大地震時捐奶粉給災區孩子,遂於天涯社區控訴,5月31日浙江送新奶粉給王大媽,帖文被凍結。6月28日,甘肅解放军第一医院首次接到病例,7月16日派调查组到医院,多名专家重点怀疑三鹿奶粉,但没直接证据而无法结论。7月,「三鹿优加奶粉」秘密停產。其後三鹿內部檢測發現16個批次之中有15個含毒,董事長田文華8月1日下令並通報;8月2日董事局同意公開向消費者召回產品,但席上石家庄副市长,市政府秘书长赵文峰等官员否決召回產品,官员建议「拿钱堵嘴」並指示要「等过了奥运会,再请河北省公安厅打击」。8月5日,三鹿下令各省經銷商從銷售鏈(批發商、門市等)召回產品。8月24日,北京奧運結束。8月22日,三鹿集团最大海外股东新西兰恒天然公司向人員當面反映。9月8日,經新西兰总理海倫·克拉克指令,新西蘭官員向中国国务院报告,中國政府開始嚴肅對待。9月13日,国务院新聞辦公室開記者會通報。 國家质检总局在9月16日公布三聚氰胺檢驗报告后,事件迅速发酵。包括伊利、蒙牛、光明、圣元及雅士利在內的多個厂家的奶粉都检出三聚氰胺。事件重創中國製造商品信譽,多国禁止了中国乳製品進口。2011年中國中央電視台《每周質量報告》調查發現,仍有7成中國民眾不敢買國產奶粉。 (zh)
  • 19356029 (xsd:integer)
  • 176073 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124804145 (xsd:integer)
  • Bee Wilson (en)
  • David E. Gumpert (en)
  • Zhu Yonglan, Director of the CGOSFSC (en)
  • 4.73364E9 (dbd:second)
  • The hopeful news in all this is that in the process of creating so much toxicity both the distressed loans and the distressed food are teaching us important lessons about the limits of scale and regulation that support the massive globalisation of the last decade. We are learning that regulators have lost the ability, if they ever had it, to truly monitor the extent of the danger. (en)
  • The State Council Party and State Organisations Special Food Supply Centre ... is supported by the State Council Logistics Base, Central Security Bureau farms, and supply bases spread over all 13 provinces, municipalities ... and autonomous regions. These bases supply the 94 ministries' and commissions' veteran cadres with high quality organic food products ... [Our] products accord with the highest standards. ... Everyone knows that at present average production facilities use large quantities of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Antibiotics and hormones are used in the raising of animals. Aquatic animal products are raised in polluted waters. All of these toxins end up in the final food products . It goes without saying that these are harmful when consumed by humans. (en)
  • 0001-08-18 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • San Francisco Chronicle (en)
  • The New York Times (en)
  • 30.0 (dbd:perCent)
  • 35.0 (dbd:perCent)
  • V létě 2008 došlo v Číně k jedné z nejmasovějších dětských otrav v historii. [zdroj?] (cs)
  • La adulteración de leche para bebés fue un incidente acaecido en 2008 en China, en el que leche para bebés y otros productos lácteos fueron adulterados con melamina. (es)
  • Skandal susu Tiongkok 2008 adalah insiden keamanan makanan di Republik Rakyat Tiongkok yang melibatkan susu yang diduga mengandung melamin. Pada akhir September, diperkirakan terdapat 94.000 korban; empat bayi telah tewas akibat batu ginjal dan lainnya akibat gagal ginjal. (in)
  • Меламиновый скандал — скандал с китайским молоком в октябре 2008 года, когда выяснилось, что ряд китайских производителей пищевых продуктов добавляли в продукцию меламин с целью повышения измеряемой концентрации белка, в результате чего продукты, в число которых входили и широко применяемые сухие молочные смеси для грудных детей, становились опасными для здоровья. Скандал привёл к массовым протестам в ряде стран, широкомасштабному изъятию продукции из продажи, в ряде случаев — к вынужденному ребрендингу некоторых видов продукции, оказавшейся скомпрометированной. По некоторым источникам, меламиновые добавки стали причиной заболеваний у нескольких десятков тысяч детей, в том числе по меньшей мере шести смертельных случаев. (ru)
  • O escândalo do leite chinês foi um incidente de segurança alimentar na República Popular da China em 2008 envolvendo leite e fórmula infantil e outros alimentos materiais e componentes, adulterados com melamina. (pt)
  • The 2008 Chinese milk scandal was a significant food safety incident in China. The scandal involved Sanlu Group's milk and infant formula along with other food materials and components being adulterated with the chemical melamine, which resulted in kidney stones and other kidney damage in infants. The chemical was used to increase the nitrogen content of diluted milk, giving it the appearance of higher protein content in order to pass quality control testing. 300,000 affected children were identified, among which 54,000 were hospitalized, according to the latest report in January 2009. The deaths of six babies were officially concluded to be related to the contaminated milk. (en)
  • Als Chinesischer Milchskandal beziehungsweise Melamin-Skandal wird ein 2008 aufgedeckter Lebensmittelskandal in China bezeichnet. Dabei wurden stickstoffhaltige Kunstharzgrundstoffe, namentlich Melamin, in Milchprodukte eingemischt, um so trotz verdünnter Milch einen hohen Proteinanteil vorzutäuschen. Möglicherweise wurde bereits über Jahre unbemerkt Milch mit Kunststoffvorprodukten gestreckt, denn Melamin ist von selbst nicht besonders giftig. Die gepanschten Lebensmittel wurden aber 2008 auch in Säuglingsnahrung verwendet und führten zu Nierensteinen und massivem Nierenversagen, sodass knapp 300.000 Babys erkrankten und sechs Säuglinge starben. (de)
  • Le scandale du lait de vache frelaté est un scandale sanitaire de santé publique en Chine survenu en 2008. Certains lots de lait de consommation courante et de lait infantile produits en Chine ont contenu pendant 10 mois de la mélamine, toxique, afin de les faire apparaître plus riches en protéines. De plus des lots impropres à la consommation achetés aux deux-tiers du cours ont été ainsi maquillés en lots répondants aux normes sanitaires. (fr)
  • 2008년 중국산 유제품 멜라민 오염사건(영어: 2008 Chinese milk scandal, 중국어: 三鹿奶粉污染事件)은 중화인민공화국에서 발생한 식품안전에 관련된 사건이다. 당시 언론은 이 사건을 주로 '멜라민 파동'으로 지칭하였다. 중국산 분유에서 멜라민이 검출되었다는 사실이 뒤늦게 알려지면서 중국산 유제품을 원재료로 한 세계 각국의 식료품에도 비상이 걸렸다. 2008년 9월 22일에 집계된 자료에 따르면 중국에서 멜라민이 포함된 제품들로 인해 신장결석이나 신부전증 환자가 53,000명이 발생하였고, 이 중 12,800명은 입원치료를 받고 있으며 4명의 유아가 사망하였다. 멜라민은 우유에 첨가할 경우 단백질의 함유량을 실제보다 부풀릴 수 있기에 이전에도 종종 사용되곤 하였다. 멜라민은 벤젠 고리에서 탄소 세 개가 질소로 바뀌고 수소 세 개가 질소 한 개와 수소 세 개로 이루어진 아미노기로 치환된 물질이다. 단백질의 펩티드 결합에는 질소가 포함되는데, 이것을 이용해 단백질 함량을 측정하는 것을 악덕 업자들이 악용하여 질소 원자가 많이 포함된 멜라민을 집어넣은 것이다. 2007년에도 멜라민으로 인해 대규모 리콜이 있었으며, 2004년에도 중국에서 물을 섞은 우유로 인해 13명의 아동이 사망한 적이 있었다. (ko)
  • 2008年中國奶制品污染事件(或稱毒奶粉事件、結石寶寶)是发生在中国的一起特大严重食品安全事件。事件起因是很多食用三鹿集团奶粉的婴儿被发现患有肾结石,随后在其奶粉中被发现化工原料三聚氰胺和三聚氰酸。據中国卫生部通报,「截至2008年12月底,全国累计免费筛查2240.1万人,累计报告患儿29.6万人,住院治疗52,898人」。2010年總理温家寶总结:“一个三鹿奶粉,我们付出了很大的代价,...我们普查了受到奶粉影响的儿童达到3000万,国家花了20亿。...教训应该说是很深刻的,不是一个企业,也不是一个地方,是我们整个民族应该汲取的。” 國家质检总局在9月16日公布三聚氰胺檢驗报告后,事件迅速发酵。包括伊利、蒙牛、光明、圣元及雅士利在內的多個厂家的奶粉都检出三聚氰胺。事件重創中國製造商品信譽,多国禁止了中国乳製品進口。2011年中國中央電視台《每周質量報告》調查發現,仍有7成中國民眾不敢買國產奶粉。 (zh)
  • 2008 Chinese milk scandal (en)
  • Otravy mlékem v Číně (2008) (cs)
  • Chinesischer Milchskandal (de)
  • Adulteración de leche para bebés en 2008 (es)
  • Skandal susu Tiongkok (in)
  • Scandale du lait frelaté en 2008 (fr)
  • 2008년 중국산 유제품 멜라민 오염사건 (ko)
  • Escândalo do leite chinês em 2008 (pt)
  • Скандал с китайским молоком (2008) (ru)
  • 2008年中国奶制品污染事件 (zh)
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