- بدأت سلسلة من أعمال الشغب والحوادث العنيفة في شمال شرق دلهي في 24 فبراير 2020، والتي قتل فيها 27 شخصًا وأصيب حوالي 189 شخصًا بجروح. كانت الاحتجاجات مستمرة ضد قضايا تعديل قانون المواطنة، والسجل الوطني للمواطنين (NRC) والسجل الوطني للسكان (NPR) حينما تعرض زعيم حزب بهاراتيا جاناتا والمشرع السابق كابيل ميشرا للهجوم من قِبل مؤيدي تعديل القانون، وذلك أثناء قيادته لاحتجاجٍ ضد إغلاق الطرق ومحطات المترو، إلا أن خطابه كان تحريضيا، بعد ذلك وقعت اشتباكات متعددة في اليوم التالي في شمال شرق دلهي مما أسفر عن مقتل أفراد من الشرطة والمدنيين. (ar)
- The 2020 Delhi riots, or North East Delhi riots, were multiple waves of bloodshed, property destruction, and rioting in North East Delhi, beginning on 23 February 2020 and caused chiefly by Hindu mobs attacking Muslims. Of the 53 people killed, two-thirds were Muslims who were shot, slashed with repeated blows, or set on fire. The dead also included a policeman, an intelligence officer and over a dozen Hindus, who were shot or assaulted. More than a week after the violence had ended, hundreds of wounded were languishing in inadequately staffed medical facilities and corpses were being found in open drains. By mid-March many Muslims had remained missing. Muslims were marked as targets for violence. In order to have their religion ascertained, Muslim males—who unlike Hindus are commonly circumcised—were at times forced to remove their lower garments before being brutalised. Among the injuries recorded in one hospital were lacerated genitals. The properties destroyed were disproportionately Muslim-owned and included four mosques, which were set ablaze by rioters. By the end of February, many Muslims had left these neighbourhoods. Even in areas of Delhi untouched by the violence, some Muslims had left for their ancestral villages, fearful for their personal safety in India's capital. The riots had their origin in Jaffrabad, in North East Delhi, where a sit-in by women against India's Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 had been in progress on a stretch of the Seelampur–Jaffrabad–Maujpur road, blocking it. On 23 February 2020, a leader of the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Kapil Mishra, called for Delhi Police to clear the roads, failing which he threatened to "hit the streets". After Mishra's ultimatum, violence erupted. Initially, Hindu and Muslim attacks were equally lethal. Most deaths were attributed to gunfire. By 25 February 2020, the balance had shifted. Rioters wearing helmets and carrying sticks, stones, swords or pistols, and the saffron flags of Hindu nationalism entered Muslim neighbourhoods, as the police stood by. Chants were heard of "Jai Shri Ram" ("Victory to Lord Rama"), a religious slogan favored by prime minister Narendra Modi's party. In the neighbourhood of Shiv Vihar, groups of violent Hindu men attacked Muslim houses and businesses for three days, often firebombing them with cooking gas cylinders and gutting them without resistance from the police. In some instances, Muslims countered perceived threats by returning the violence; on the 25th a Muslim mob approached a Hindu neighbourhood throwing stones and Molotov cocktails and firing guns. During this time, stories were also told of Sikhs and Hindus coming to the aid of besieged Muslims; in some neighbourhoods, the religious communities cooperated in protecting themselves from violence. The Indian government swiftly characterised the violence as spontaneous. The Delhi Police, which is directly overseen by India's central government, moved into the area in strength on 26 February after the Delhi High Court had ordered it to help remove injured victims to hospitals. India's national security advisor, Ajit Doval, visited the area; the prime minister, Narendra Modi, made an appeal for peace on Twitter. The Delhi police were accused by the affected citizens, eyewitnesses, human rights organizations and Muslim leaders around the world of falling short in protecting Muslims. Videos showed police acting in a coordinated manner against Muslims, on occasion purposefully helping Hindu gangs. Witnesses said some police officers joined the attacks on Muslims. After the violence had abated in the thickly-settled mixed Hindu-Muslim neighbourhoods of North East Delhi, some Hindu organisations continued to parade alleged Hindu victims of Muslim violence in an attempt to reshape the accounting of events and to further inflame hostility towards Muslims. About 1,000 Muslims sought shelter in a relief camp on the fringes of Delhi. Gangs of Hindus appeared in several Muslim neighbourhoods in the days preceding the Hindu festival of Holi, celebrated in 2020 on 9 March, to scare Muslims into abandoning their homes. In the midst of prevailing anti-Muslim attitudes, senior lawyers in Delhi were not accepting cases on behalf of the riot victims. Among Hindus and Muslims who continued to live in their neighbourhoods, the violence created potentially long-living divisions. For at least two weeks after the rioting, they avoided each other during the day and at night blocked their lanes with barriers. (en)
- Die Unruhen in North East Delhi begannen am 24. Februar 2020 im Distrikt North East Delhi, einem Teil der indischen Megastadt Delhi. Bei einer Reihe von gewalttätigen Vorfällen wurden 24 Menschen getötet und rund 189 verletzt. Später wurde die Zahl der Toten auf 53 korrigiert, davon waren zwei Drittel Moslems. Die Ursprünge der Unruhen sind Proteste gegen die Gesetze des , des (NRC) und des (NPR). (de)
- Kravallerna i North East Delhi i Indien pågick mellan den 24 februari och 29 februari 2020. 42 personer dödades och över 200 andra skadades. Protesterna skedde i protest mot paragraferna i som trädde i kraft i december 2019 och mot det som planeras att införas i hela landet under 2020, samt mot det . Under protesterna attackerades ledaren för Bharatiya Janata Party, tillika före detta lagstiftaren, av en folkmassa som stödde tilläggslagen och registren. Detta skedde när partiledaren ledde en fredlig protestaktion i syfte att blockera vägar och tunnelbanestationer. Efter attacken skedde nästa dag flera sammandrabbningar i North East Delhi, vilket resulterade i att poliser och civila dödades. (sv)
- 2020年德里騷亂是2020年2月23日至29日印度德里東北部印度教暴民襲擊穆斯林的動亂,共造成53人喪生,其中約三分之二(36人)為被槍殺、砍殺或燒死的穆斯林,陣亡者還包括一名警察與一名情報人員。此次動亂爆發的導火線為德里東北部賈夫夫拉巴德自2019年12月開始、以穆斯林女性為主的,旨在反對剛通過的2019年公民身份法(修正案),阻塞了當地的主要道路,2月23日政黨印度人民黨領袖呼籲清空道路,否則將採取反制行動,威脅發出後衝突隨即爆發 ,暴動者頭戴安全帽,攜帶手槍、刀劍、棍棒與石頭等武器,持象徵印度教的進入穆斯林社區,呼喊「 」的印度教口號,警方則在旁觀看、未加制止,因穆斯林多曾受割禮,印度教徒則無,許多人遇襲時被迫拖去下身衣著,確認穆斯林身份後便遭攻擊。動亂中有大量穆斯林的房屋、商店與四座清真寺被破壞,其中有些遭縱火焚毀;某些地區的穆斯林集結起來反擊,至印度教社區持槍射擊或投擲汽油彈與石頭,有些社群則團結起來自保。 印度政府稱此騷亂為突發事件,德里高等法院下令後警方協助移送傷患後,德里警方於26日進入衝突區域,也前往衝突地區訪視,總理莫迪則在推特發文呼籲和平。當地民眾、人權組織與各國穆斯林領導人均指控德里警方未盡保護穆斯林的職責,甚至有錄像顯示警方協助印度教暴徒對付穆斯林,也有目擊者稱有警察加入暴徒的行列攻擊穆斯林。 騷亂後有約1000名穆斯林離開家園,到德里周邊的數個救濟營中避難,2月底許多穆斯林離開當地,德里其他區域的穆斯林也有許多人因擔心自身人身安全而遠赴外地避難。事後仍有印度教組織上街遊行,自稱為穆斯林暴力攻擊的受害者,3月9日侯麗節前數天也有印度教徒進入穆斯林社區示威,衝突造成印度教徒與穆斯林的對立加劇,反穆斯林的情緒高漲,許多資深律師宣布拒絕為騷亂受害者辯護,有些年輕的穆斯林律師則免費接案。 (zh)
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- بدأت سلسلة من أعمال الشغب والحوادث العنيفة في شمال شرق دلهي في 24 فبراير 2020، والتي قتل فيها 27 شخصًا وأصيب حوالي 189 شخصًا بجروح. كانت الاحتجاجات مستمرة ضد قضايا تعديل قانون المواطنة، والسجل الوطني للمواطنين (NRC) والسجل الوطني للسكان (NPR) حينما تعرض زعيم حزب بهاراتيا جاناتا والمشرع السابق كابيل ميشرا للهجوم من قِبل مؤيدي تعديل القانون، وذلك أثناء قيادته لاحتجاجٍ ضد إغلاق الطرق ومحطات المترو، إلا أن خطابه كان تحريضيا، بعد ذلك وقعت اشتباكات متعددة في اليوم التالي في شمال شرق دلهي مما أسفر عن مقتل أفراد من الشرطة والمدنيين. (ar)
- Die Unruhen in North East Delhi begannen am 24. Februar 2020 im Distrikt North East Delhi, einem Teil der indischen Megastadt Delhi. Bei einer Reihe von gewalttätigen Vorfällen wurden 24 Menschen getötet und rund 189 verletzt. Später wurde die Zahl der Toten auf 53 korrigiert, davon waren zwei Drittel Moslems. Die Ursprünge der Unruhen sind Proteste gegen die Gesetze des , des (NRC) und des (NPR). (de)
- The 2020 Delhi riots, or North East Delhi riots, were multiple waves of bloodshed, property destruction, and rioting in North East Delhi, beginning on 23 February 2020 and caused chiefly by Hindu mobs attacking Muslims. Of the 53 people killed, two-thirds were Muslims who were shot, slashed with repeated blows, or set on fire. The dead also included a policeman, an intelligence officer and over a dozen Hindus, who were shot or assaulted. More than a week after the violence had ended, hundreds of wounded were languishing in inadequately staffed medical facilities and corpses were being found in open drains. By mid-March many Muslims had remained missing. (en)
- Kravallerna i North East Delhi i Indien pågick mellan den 24 februari och 29 februari 2020. 42 personer dödades och över 200 andra skadades. Protesterna skedde i protest mot paragraferna i som trädde i kraft i december 2019 och mot det som planeras att införas i hela landet under 2020, samt mot det . (sv)
- 2020年德里騷亂是2020年2月23日至29日印度德里東北部印度教暴民襲擊穆斯林的動亂,共造成53人喪生,其中約三分之二(36人)為被槍殺、砍殺或燒死的穆斯林,陣亡者還包括一名警察與一名情報人員。此次動亂爆發的導火線為德里東北部賈夫夫拉巴德自2019年12月開始、以穆斯林女性為主的,旨在反對剛通過的2019年公民身份法(修正案),阻塞了當地的主要道路,2月23日政黨印度人民黨領袖呼籲清空道路,否則將採取反制行動,威脅發出後衝突隨即爆發 ,暴動者頭戴安全帽,攜帶手槍、刀劍、棍棒與石頭等武器,持象徵印度教的進入穆斯林社區,呼喊「 」的印度教口號,警方則在旁觀看、未加制止,因穆斯林多曾受割禮,印度教徒則無,許多人遇襲時被迫拖去下身衣著,確認穆斯林身份後便遭攻擊。動亂中有大量穆斯林的房屋、商店與四座清真寺被破壞,其中有些遭縱火焚毀;某些地區的穆斯林集結起來反擊,至印度教社區持槍射擊或投擲汽油彈與石頭,有些社群則團結起來自保。 印度政府稱此騷亂為突發事件,德里高等法院下令後警方協助移送傷患後,德里警方於26日進入衝突區域,也前往衝突地區訪視,總理莫迪則在推特發文呼籲和平。當地民眾、人權組織與各國穆斯林領導人均指控德里警方未盡保護穆斯林的職責,甚至有錄像顯示警方協助印度教暴徒對付穆斯林,也有目擊者稱有警察加入暴徒的行列攻擊穆斯林。 (zh)