- Ada Hannah Lewis-Hill (* 26. April 1844 in Liverpool; † 13. Oktober 1906 in London) war eine englische Amateurmusikerin und Stifterin. Ada Lewis war die Schwester der Komponistin Hope Temple und Schwägerin des Dirigenten und Komponisten André Messager. Sie selbst spielte Geige und Cello. Sie heiratete 1867 in Dublin den Finanzier und Philanthropen Samuel Lewis. Dieser hinterließ nach seinem Tod einen Betrag von £ 670,000 für den The Samuel Lewis Trust (heute: Southern Housing Group), eine Stiftung zum Bau von Wohnungen für Bedürftige. In zweiter Ehe heiratete Ada Lewis William James Montague Hill. Im Jahr 1901 stiftete sie die Ada Lewis Scholarships für ein Studium an der Royal Academy of Music, die an englische Musiker im Alter unter 22 Jahren vergeben werden. Zu den Preisträgern zählen u. a. Myra Hess, , , Vivian Langrish, Harriet Cohen, John Barbirolli, , , , Douglas Cameron, , , , Guy Jonson, , , , und . Als Dauerleihgabe des Samuel Lewis Trust befindet sich in der Royal Academy ein Porträt Ada Lewis' von . Weiterhin schenkte Lewis der Royal Academy die Habeneck-Violine von Antonio Stradivari. Das Instrument wurde in jüngerer Zeit u. a. von , , und gespielt. Mit einer Spende von £ 5000 unterstützte Lewis die Errichtung des Jewish Maternity Hospital in der Underwood Road, das von 1911 bis 1939 bestand. (de)
- Ada Hannah Lewis-Hill born (26 April 1844–13 October 1906) was an English amateur musician and philanthropist. She was a well-known financier of the arts and lover of music, and played the violin and cello; however she was not considered particularly gifted. Ada Davies was born on 29 June 1844 into a Jewish family in Liverpool and was the third of ten children. One of her younger sisters was Hope Temple. She was brought up in Dublin, where she married the financier and philanthropist Samuel Lewis in 1867, and lived with him in Grosvenor Square until his death in 1901. Ada Lewis was left with a fortune of £2.6 million following her husband's death, of which over £1 million was left to various charities. On 13 July 1904, Ada Lewis married , "a noted Jewish moneylender to the aristocracy". In 1905, she founded the Ada Lewis Nurses' Institute. As of 1906, she became one of the two wealthiest women in the United Kingdom. Lewis-Hill died of cancer on 13 October 1906 and was buried in Hoop Lane Jewish Cemetery in Golders Green, London, together with Samuel. Upon her death, she endowed the Royal Academy of Music with fifteen scholarships at a cost of nearly £20,000 and generous yearly subscriptions. She left her Stradivarius violin to the president of the Royal Academy for the use of the Ada Lewis scholars. The Ada Lewis Women's Lodging House was also opened in her honour in 1913, to provide housing for single, lower-middle class working women. (en)