- الموسوي أو الموسويّة هي عائلة من الأشراف ينتهي نسبها إلى النبي محمد عن طريق حفيده موسى الكاظم (الإمام السابع عند الشيعة). وفي بعض البلدان يطلق على أفراد هذه القبيلة لقب سيد. حاليا يسكن أغلبها في العالم العربي وإيران. (ar)
- Al-Musawi (Arabic: الموسوي, pronounced [ɪl'mu:səwi]) is a surname that indicates a person comes from a prestigious and highly respected Arabian family descending from the Islamic prophet Muhammad through al-Imam Musa al-Kadhim ibn Jafar as-Sadiq (7th Shi'a Imam). Family members from this dynasty are amongst the most respected and well-known Arabs. Members of this family are referred to by the anglicised version of their name. They are usually given the honorific title Sayyid before their first name, implying that a person is a direct descendant of Muhammad through his sixth generation grandson, Musa al-Kadhim. Some Mūsawis of the subcontinent also take the last name of Kazmi (الكاظمي). Some Mūsawis migrated from Mecca and Madina Saudi Arabia to a small village where their ancestor Musa Al-Kadhim is buried in Baghdad Iraq (Kadhimain). Large members of the family are located in Iraq, but they are also located in other Arab countries such as Lebanon, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, and Saudi Arabia. As well as in present day Iran, Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan. The Al Musawi family is one of the largest and most influential families in the world. All Moussawi's are descendants from the Musa Al-Kadhim who is the son of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq son of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir son of Imam Ali Zayn al-Abidin son of Imam Hussain son of Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib and the son of Fatimah the daughter of the Muhammad. Members of the Al-Mūsawi family are called with the title Sayed literally means Mister or Sir. As an honorific title, it denotes males accepted as the direct descendants of the Muhammad. Members are mainly Shi'a Muslims found mainly in Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and other parts of the world. The roots of the Al-Mūsawi family comes from the Head tribe of Banu Hashim, a clan of Quraish, which makes them Adnani Arabs or Northern Arabs who are originated from Ibrahim through his son Ishmael in Mesopotamia, now Iraq, in the ancient city of Ur, near Nasariyah, in Southern Iraq. (en)
- Mūsawī (in arabo: موسوي) è una nisba, comune tra i musulmani iraniani sciiti, malgrado sia di origine araba. La nisba implica che la persona è una discendente diretta del settimo imam sciita duodecimano Musa al-Kazim ibn Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq. Altre traslitterazioni che è possibile incontrare sono: Musawi, Mosavi, Mousawi, Musawi (traslitterazione araba), "Mousavi" o Musavi (traslitterazione persiana), o anche Moussaoui (traslitterazione francofona), Moosawi (traslitterazione talora anglofona) Al Mosawi (traslitterazione anglofona). (it)
- الموسوي أو الموسويّة هي عائلة من الأشراف ينتهي نسبها إلى النبي محمد عن طريق حفيده موسى الكاظم (الإمام السابع عند الشيعة). وفي بعض البلدان يطلق على أفراد هذه القبيلة لقب سيد. حاليا يسكن أغلبها في العالم العربي وإيران. (ar)
- Mūsawī (in arabo: موسوي) è una nisba, comune tra i musulmani iraniani sciiti, malgrado sia di origine araba. La nisba implica che la persona è una discendente diretta del settimo imam sciita duodecimano Musa al-Kazim ibn Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq. Altre traslitterazioni che è possibile incontrare sono: Musawi, Mosavi, Mousawi, Musawi (traslitterazione araba), "Mousavi" o Musavi (traslitterazione persiana), o anche Moussaoui (traslitterazione francofona), Moosawi (traslitterazione talora anglofona) Al Mosawi (traslitterazione anglofona). (it)
- Al-Musawi (Arabic: الموسوي, pronounced [ɪl'mu:səwi]) is a surname that indicates a person comes from a prestigious and highly respected Arabian family descending from the Islamic prophet Muhammad through al-Imam Musa al-Kadhim ibn Jafar as-Sadiq (7th Shi'a Imam). Family members from this dynasty are amongst the most respected and well-known Arabs. (en)