- Albertino Mussato (* 1261 in Padua; † 31. Mai 1329 in Chioggia) war ein italienischer Frühhumanist, Dichter und Geschichtsschreiber. (de)
- Albertino Mussato (1261–1329) was a statesman, poet, historian and playwright from Padua. He is credited with providing an impetus to the revival of literary Latin, and is characterized as an early humanist. He was influenced by his teacher, the Paduan poet and proto-humanist Lovato Lovati. Mussato influenced many humanists such as Petrarch. A native of Padua and a member of its council, Mussato acted as an ambassador between Padua and Emperor Henry VII. He is a member of a group of Latin Paduan poets called the cenacolo padovano. Mussato is renowned for his Latin play Ecerinis, which was based on the tyrannical career of Ezzelino III da Romano. It was the first secular tragedy written since Roman times. Thus, it is considered to be the first Italian tragedy identifiable as a Renaissance work. Ecerinis is not only significant for its historical information, but is modeled after the Senecan tragedy and is an indication of the early revival of classical works and their form – a characteristic of the humanist movement. Mussato received the poet laureate honour as a result of the literary and political qualities of his play. He was one of the first to receive this designation after the classical age. Mussato's other works are a corpus of letters, poetry, and historical works including a chronicle of Henry VII's actions in Italy. In addition to his prolific writings, he was also a champion of poetry which he defended in a 1317 polemical exchange of letters with a Dominican friar, Giovannino of Mantua. (en)
- Albertino Mussato (Padua, 1261 - Chioggia, 31 de mayo de 1329), político, historiador, poeta y dramaturgo prehumanista italiano. Se considera a Albertino Mussato como uno de tres prehumanistas que tuvo el cenacolo padovano o cenáculo de Padua tras el renacimiento de la actividad municipal tras la dictadura de , junto con el juez y poeta (1241-1309) y . Él es el autor del conocido tópico "enanos a hombros de gigantes", que sirve para expresar la deuda de los modernos respecto a los antiguos. (es)
- Albertino Mussato (né en 1261 à Padoue, Vénétie - mort le 31 mai 1329 à Chioggia) était un homme d'État et un écrivain italien du début du XIVe siècle, qui fut à la fois un poète, un historien et un chroniqueur padouan. Le milieu intellectuel padovan des XIIIe et XIVe siècles se trouvait au point de rencontre entre la scolastique et l'humanisme. Avec Geri d'Arezzo (v. 1270-1339), Benvenuto Campesani (1255-1323), Pietro d'Abano (1257-v. 1315), Rolando da Piazzola (....-1324), Geremia da Montagnone (1255-1321), Lovato Lovati (1241-1309), son aîné de vingt ans, dont il fut le disciple, et quelques autres, Albertino Mussato appartient à ce que l'on a appelé l'« École pré-humaniste de Padoue », qui annonce Pétrarque. (fr)
- Albertino Mussato (Padova, 1261 – Chioggia, 31 maggio 1329) è stato un politico, letterato, drammaturgo e uomo di Stato italiano dell'inizio del XIV secolo. Appartenente alla cerchia culturale di Lovato Lovati, partecipò all'attività di recupero dei testi dei grandi autori latini che stava diffondendosi sul finire del XIII secolo con il passaggio tra scolastica e umanesimo. La sua produzione letteraria di maggior pregio riguarda le opere poetiche, affiancate all'opera di storico e cronista. (it)
- Albertino Mussato (ur. 1261 w Padwie, zm. 31 maja 1329 w Chioggii) – włoski poeta. (pl)
- Альбертино Муссато итал. Albertino Mussato (1261, Падуя, — 31 мая 1329, Кьоджа) — итальянский гуманист, поэт и хронист. Происходил из семьи горожан Падуи. В юности зарабатывал себе на жизнь копированием книг. С 1296 года занимал в Падуе многочисленные общественные должности, в том числе был послом при дворе Генриха VII. В 1309 году на него возложены были обязанности в сфере поддержания общественного и правового порядка города Флоренции . Был автором ряда литературных и политических произведений. (ru)
- Albertino Mussato (* 1261 in Padua; † 31. Mai 1329 in Chioggia) war ein italienischer Frühhumanist, Dichter und Geschichtsschreiber. (de)
- Albertino Mussato (Padua, 1261 - Chioggia, 31 de mayo de 1329), político, historiador, poeta y dramaturgo prehumanista italiano. Se considera a Albertino Mussato como uno de tres prehumanistas que tuvo el cenacolo padovano o cenáculo de Padua tras el renacimiento de la actividad municipal tras la dictadura de , junto con el juez y poeta (1241-1309) y . Él es el autor del conocido tópico "enanos a hombros de gigantes", que sirve para expresar la deuda de los modernos respecto a los antiguos. (es)
- Albertino Mussato (Padova, 1261 – Chioggia, 31 maggio 1329) è stato un politico, letterato, drammaturgo e uomo di Stato italiano dell'inizio del XIV secolo. Appartenente alla cerchia culturale di Lovato Lovati, partecipò all'attività di recupero dei testi dei grandi autori latini che stava diffondendosi sul finire del XIII secolo con il passaggio tra scolastica e umanesimo. La sua produzione letteraria di maggior pregio riguarda le opere poetiche, affiancate all'opera di storico e cronista. (it)
- Albertino Mussato (ur. 1261 w Padwie, zm. 31 maja 1329 w Chioggii) – włoski poeta. (pl)
- Альбертино Муссато итал. Albertino Mussato (1261, Падуя, — 31 мая 1329, Кьоджа) — итальянский гуманист, поэт и хронист. Происходил из семьи горожан Падуи. В юности зарабатывал себе на жизнь копированием книг. С 1296 года занимал в Падуе многочисленные общественные должности, в том числе был послом при дворе Генриха VII. В 1309 году на него возложены были обязанности в сфере поддержания общественного и правового порядка города Флоренции . Был автором ряда литературных и политических произведений. (ru)
- Albertino Mussato (1261–1329) was a statesman, poet, historian and playwright from Padua. He is credited with providing an impetus to the revival of literary Latin, and is characterized as an early humanist. He was influenced by his teacher, the Paduan poet and proto-humanist Lovato Lovati. Mussato influenced many humanists such as Petrarch. (en)
- Albertino Mussato (né en 1261 à Padoue, Vénétie - mort le 31 mai 1329 à Chioggia) était un homme d'État et un écrivain italien du début du XIVe siècle, qui fut à la fois un poète, un historien et un chroniqueur padouan. (fr)