Bamboo Boys is a 2002 Indian Malayalam-language comedy film written and directed by Ramasimhan. It stars Kalabhavan Mani, Cochin Haneefa, Harishree Ashokan, and Salim Kumar. The film was released on 11 October 2002.
Bamboo Boys is a 2002 Indian Malayalam-language comedy film written and directed by Ramasimhan. It stars Kalabhavan Mani, Cochin Haneefa, Harishree Ashokan, and Salim Kumar. The film was released on 11 October 2002. (en)
Bamboo Boys is a 2002 Indian Malayalam-language comedy film written and directed by Ramasimhan. It stars Kalabhavan Mani, Cochin Haneefa, Harishree Ashokan, and Salim Kumar. The film was released on 11 October 2002. (en)