Boyaokro is a village in western Ivory Coast. It is in the sub-prefecture of Kounahiri, Kounahiri Department, Béré Region, Woroba District. Boyaokro was a commune until March 2012, when it became one of 1126 communes nationwide that were abolished.
Boyaokro is a village in western Ivory Coast. It is in the sub-prefecture of Kounahiri, Kounahiri Department, Béré Region, Woroba District. Boyaokro was a commune until March 2012, when it became one of 1126 communes nationwide that were abolished. (en)
Boyaokro est une localité du centre de la Côte d'Ivoire et appartenant au département de Kounahiri, Région de la Marahoué. La localité de Boyaokro est un chef-lieu de commune. (fr)
Boyaokro is a village in western Ivory Coast. It is in the sub-prefecture of Kounahiri, Kounahiri Department, Béré Region, Woroba District. Boyaokro was a commune until March 2012, when it became one of 1126 communes nationwide that were abolished. (en)
Boyaokro est une localité du centre de la Côte d'Ivoire et appartenant au département de Kounahiri, Région de la Marahoué. La localité de Boyaokro est un chef-lieu de commune. (fr)