- Buckie (Scottish Gaelic: Bucaidh) is a burgh town (defined as such in 1888) on the Moray Firth coast of Scotland. Historically in Banffshire, Buckie was the largest town in the county until the administrative area was abolished in 1975. The town is the third largest in the Moray council area after Elgin and Forres and within the definitions of statistics published by the General Register Office for Scotland was ranked at number 75 in the list of population estimates for settlements in Scotland mid-year 2006. Buckie is virtually equidistant to Banff to the east and Elgin to the west, with both approximately 17 miles (27 kilometres) distant whilst Keith lies 12 mi (19 km) to the south by road. (en)
- Buckie (gälisch: Bucaidh) ist eine Stadt in der schottischen Council Area Moray. Buckie war die größte Stadt der traditionellen Grafschaft Banffshire und liegt am Moray Firth etwa 75 km östlich von Inverness und nordwestlich von Aberdeen. Im Jahre 2011 verzeichnete Buckie 8273 Einwohner. Die Stadt teilt sich in die beiden Bezirke Burn of Buckie und Nether Buckie (Buckpool). Im Jahre 1877 ließ John Gordon of Cluny für 60.000 £ neue Hafenanlagen (Cluny Harbour) errichten. 1881 waren 1320 Personen auf den 333 Schiffen beschäftigt. 1913 besaß Buckie die größte Flotte von Dampfern in ganz Schottland. Dem Hafen und der angeschlossenen Lebensmittelindustrie kommt auch heute noch eine große Bedeutung in der Stadt zu. Die langjährige Geschichte kann in einem Museum nachvollzogen werden. Buckie liegt an der Grenze der bedeutenden Whiskyregion Speyside. Seit 1871 besteht die Whiskybrennerei Inchgower nahe der Stadt, die heute zu dem internationalen Konzern Diageo gehört. Die A98, die Fraserburgh mit Fochabers verbindet, tangiert die Stadt und schließt sie an das Fernstraßennetz an. Ein Anschluss an das Eisenbahnnetz besteht nicht.
* Hafeneinfahrt von Buckie
* Ehemalige Arbeiterwohnungen der Inchgower-Brennerei
* Kriegerdenkmal (de)
- Buckie, Eskoziako gaeleraz: Bucaidh, Eskoziako udalerri bat da, Moray eremu administratiboan. (eu)
- Buckie es una localidad situada en el concejo de Moray, en Escocia (Reino Unido), con una población estimada a mediados de 2016 de 8760 habitantes. Se encuentra ubicada al noreste de Escocia, cerca de la costa del fiordo de Moray (mar del Norte) y al oeste de la ciudad de Aberdeen. (es)
- Buckie (gaélique écossais : Bucaidh) est un burgh sur la côte du Moray Firth en Écosse, à Moray. Buckie était la plus grande ville du Banffshire avant que la régionalisation de 1975 retire cette division politique de la carte d'Écosse. La ville est la troisième plus grande dans le council area de Moray, après Elgin et Forres, et d'après les statistiques publiées par le Buckie était 75e dans la liste des estimations de population des villes d'Écosse au milieu de l'année 2006. Buckie est équidistant de Banff à l'est et d'Elgin à l'ouest, chaque commune étant approximativement à 27 km, tandis que Keith se situe à 19 km au sud. (fr)
- Is sráidbhaile suite i gComhairle Mhoireibh é Bucaidh. ] (ga)
- Buckie (in gaelico scozzese Bucaidh) è un burgh di circa 8.000 abitanti della Scozia orientale, facente parte dell'area amministrativa del Moray. (it)
- Buckie (gael. Bucaidh) – miasto w Wielkiej Brytanii, położone w północno-wschodniej Szkocji. Pdd względem liczby mieszkańców jest trzecim po Forres i Elgin w hrabstwie Moray. (pl)
- Buckie är en ort i Storbritannien. Den ligger i rådsområdet Moray och riksdelen Skottland, i den norra delen av landet, 700 km norr om huvudstaden London. Buckie ligger 28 meter över havet och antalet invånare är 7 860. Terrängen runt Buckie är varierad. Havet är nära Buckie åt nordväst. Den högsta punkten i närheten är 274 meter över havet, 4,1 km sydost om Buckie. Runt Buckie är det ganska tätbefolkat, med 166 invånare per kvadratkilometer. Buckie är det största samhället i trakten. Klimatet i området är tempererat. Årsmedeltemperaturen i trakten är 6 °C. Den varmaste månaden är augusti, då medeltemperaturen är 12 °C, och den kallaste är februari, med 0 °C. (sv)
- Ба́ки (англ. Buckie, скотс Buckie, гэльск. Bucaidh) — город в округе Мори, на севере Шотландии. Статус города (Burgh) с 1888 года. Город имеет вытянутую форму, располагаясь в основном вдоль побережья. Находится вблизи автотрассы . Ранее были развиты железные дороги. В городе находится порт. (ru)
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- dbr:Cairngorms
- dbr:Cairnie
- dbr:Prawns
- dbr:Robert_Louis_Stevenson
- dbr:Scallops
- dbr:Scotland
- dbr:Scottish_Episcopal_Church
- dbr:Scottish_Gaelic
- dbr:Scottish_Junior_Football_Association
- dbr:Scottish_Junior_Football_North_Division_One
- dbr:Scottish_Parliament
- dbr:List_of_burghs_in_Scotland
- dbr:Moray_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Billy_Milne
- dbc:Populated_coastal_places_in_Scotland
- dbr:Alexander_Hutchison_(1943-2015)
- dbr:Perthshire
- dbr:Petroleum
- dbr:River_Spey
- dbr:Robert_Burns
- dbr:United_Kingdom
- dbr:Victoria_Cross
- dbr:Interwar_period
- dbr:General_Register_Office_for_Scotland
- dbr:Genus
- dbr:Quartzite
- dbr:Christianity
- dbr:Church_of_Scotland
- dbr:Elgin,_Moray
- dbr:England
- dbr:Fraserburgh
- dbr:Garmouth
- dbr:George_McIntosh
- dbr:Great_North_of_Scotland_Railway
- dbr:Ministry_of_Defence_(United_Kingdom)
- dbr:Moray
- dbr:Moray_Coast_Railway
- dbr:Moray_Firth
- dbr:Nairn
- dbr:Thorn_EMI
- dbr:Leicestershire
- dbr:London
- dbr:London_and_North_Eastern_Railway
- dbr:Macduff,_Aberdeenshire
- dbr:Malcolm_Slater
- dbr:Manchester
- dbr:Mandatory_Palestine
- dbr:Shipbuilding
- dbr:St_Peter's_Roman_Catholic_Church,_Buckie
- dbr:Stagecoach_Group
- dbr:Stephen_King
- dbr:Stewart_Stevenson
- dbr:Clinker_(boat_building)
- dbr:Ianstown
- dbr:Strathspey,_Scotland
- dbr:Balquhidder
- dbr:Banff,_Aberdeenshire
- dbr:Banffshire
- dbr:Banffshire_and_Buchan_Coast_(Scottish_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Baptist
- dbr:Barcelona
- dbr:British_Rail
- dbr:Buckie_Rovers_F.C.
- dbr:Buckie_and_Portessie_Branch
- dbr:Buckie_railway_station
- dbr:Buckie_railway_station_(Highland_Railway)
- dbr:Buckpool_railway_station
- dbr:Burgh
- dbr:Trond_Mohn
- dbr:UK
- dbr:Welsh_language
- dbr:Wick_Academy_F.C.
- dbr:Etymological
- dbr:Aberdeen
- dbr:Aberdeen-Inverness_line
- dbr:Alex_Wilson_(footballer,_born_1933)
- dbr:Alicante
- dbr:Amsterdam
- dbr:Cullen,_Moray
- dbr:Dunbartonshire
- dbr:East_Midlands
- dbr:Edinburgh
- dbr:Fellowship_of_the_Royal_Society_of_Edinburgh
- dbr:Findhorn
- dbr:Findochty
- dbr:Fochabers
- dbr:Forres
- dbc:Buckie
- dbr:North_East_Scotland_(Scottish_Parliament_electoral_region)
- dbr:North_Sea
- dbr:Norwegians
- dbr:Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Diocese
- dbr:Folk_etymology
- dbr:Glenlivet
- dbr:File:Buckpool.JPG
- dbr:Reef
- dbr:Roman_Catholic
- dbr:Scottish_Reformation
- dbr:Gospel_Hall_Brethren
- dbr:Hampden_Park
- dbr:Highland_Football_League
- dbr:Highland_Railway
- dbr:Inverness
- dbr:Isla_St_Clair
- dbr:Arradoul
- dbc:Fishing_communities_in_Scotland
- dbc:Ports_and_harbours_of_Scotland
- dbc:Towns_in_Moray
- dbr:Keith,_Moray
- dbr:Keith_railway_station
- dbr:Colin_Mark
- dbr:George_Henry_Bennett
- dbr:Herd_&_McKenzie_Shipbuilders
- dbr:Salvation_Army
- dbr:St._Ninian's_Church,_Tynet
- dbr:Douglas_Ross_(Scottish_politician)
- dbr:Portessie_railway_station
- dbr:Portgordon
- dbr:Portknockie
- dbr:Portsoy
- dbr:Spain
- dbr:Spey_Bay
- dbr:Speyside_Way
- dbr:Sportscotland
- dbr:Schuilkerk
- dbr:Scottish_Cricket_Union
- dbr:Buccinum
- dbr:Buckie_High_School
- dbr:Buckpool
- dbr:Buckpool_Golf_Club
- dbr:National_Lottery_(United_Kingdom)
- dbr:National_Service
- dbr:Ordnance_Survey
- dbr:Rathven
- dbr:World_War_II
- dbr:Longshore_drift
- dbr:Member_of_Parliament_(United_Kingdom)
- dbr:Schooner
- dbr:Seashell
- dbr:Shellfish
- dbr:Victoria_Park,_Buckie
- dbr:Sociolinguistics
- dbr:Linear
- dbr:Fishing
- dbr:Fishing_industry
- dbr:Portessie
- dbr:Strathlene_Golf_Course
- dbr:Nationalised
- dbr:Strathlene
- dbr:Methodist
- dbr:RNLI
- dbr:Buckie_Thistle_Football_Club
- dbr:St._Gregory's_Church,_Preshome
- dbr:Counties_of_Scotland
- dbr:Shabab_Oman
- dbr:Inchgower_Single_Malt
- dbr:Fordyce,_Banffshire
- dbr:A96_road_(Scotland)
- dbr:A98_road_(Great_Britain)
- dbr:Deveronvale
- dbr:2011_UK_Census
- dbr:Macallan
- dbr:Alex_Jappy
- dbr:File:Buckie_GNS_railway_station_1932359.jpg
- dbr:File:Buckie_harbour.jpg
- dbr:File:Buckpool_rauilway_station_1934513_20d1f683.jpg
- dbr:File:St_Peter's_Church_-_geograph.org.uk_-_223361.jpg
- dbr:John_Garden_(footballer)
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- East Church Street looking eastwards (en)
- Buckie - geograph.org.uk - 711749.jpg (en)
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- Buckie (Scottish Gaelic: Bucaidh) is a burgh town (defined as such in 1888) on the Moray Firth coast of Scotland. Historically in Banffshire, Buckie was the largest town in the county until the administrative area was abolished in 1975. The town is the third largest in the Moray council area after Elgin and Forres and within the definitions of statistics published by the General Register Office for Scotland was ranked at number 75 in the list of population estimates for settlements in Scotland mid-year 2006. Buckie is virtually equidistant to Banff to the east and Elgin to the west, with both approximately 17 miles (27 kilometres) distant whilst Keith lies 12 mi (19 km) to the south by road. (en)
- Buckie, Eskoziako gaeleraz: Bucaidh, Eskoziako udalerri bat da, Moray eremu administratiboan. (eu)
- Buckie es una localidad situada en el concejo de Moray, en Escocia (Reino Unido), con una población estimada a mediados de 2016 de 8760 habitantes. Se encuentra ubicada al noreste de Escocia, cerca de la costa del fiordo de Moray (mar del Norte) y al oeste de la ciudad de Aberdeen. (es)
- Buckie (gaélique écossais : Bucaidh) est un burgh sur la côte du Moray Firth en Écosse, à Moray. Buckie était la plus grande ville du Banffshire avant que la régionalisation de 1975 retire cette division politique de la carte d'Écosse. La ville est la troisième plus grande dans le council area de Moray, après Elgin et Forres, et d'après les statistiques publiées par le Buckie était 75e dans la liste des estimations de population des villes d'Écosse au milieu de l'année 2006. Buckie est équidistant de Banff à l'est et d'Elgin à l'ouest, chaque commune étant approximativement à 27 km, tandis que Keith se situe à 19 km au sud. (fr)
- Is sráidbhaile suite i gComhairle Mhoireibh é Bucaidh. ] (ga)
- Buckie (in gaelico scozzese Bucaidh) è un burgh di circa 8.000 abitanti della Scozia orientale, facente parte dell'area amministrativa del Moray. (it)
- Buckie (gael. Bucaidh) – miasto w Wielkiej Brytanii, położone w północno-wschodniej Szkocji. Pdd względem liczby mieszkańców jest trzecim po Forres i Elgin w hrabstwie Moray. (pl)
- Ба́ки (англ. Buckie, скотс Buckie, гэльск. Bucaidh) — город в округе Мори, на севере Шотландии. Статус города (Burgh) с 1888 года. Город имеет вытянутую форму, располагаясь в основном вдоль побережья. Находится вблизи автотрассы . Ранее были развиты железные дороги. В городе находится порт. (ru)
- Buckie (gälisch: Bucaidh) ist eine Stadt in der schottischen Council Area Moray. Buckie war die größte Stadt der traditionellen Grafschaft Banffshire und liegt am Moray Firth etwa 75 km östlich von Inverness und nordwestlich von Aberdeen. Im Jahre 2011 verzeichnete Buckie 8273 Einwohner. Buckie liegt an der Grenze der bedeutenden Whiskyregion Speyside. Seit 1871 besteht die Whiskybrennerei Inchgower nahe der Stadt, die heute zu dem internationalen Konzern Diageo gehört.
* Hafeneinfahrt von Buckie
* Ehemalige Arbeiterwohnungen der Inchgower-Brennerei
* Kriegerdenkmal (de)
- Buckie är en ort i Storbritannien. Den ligger i rådsområdet Moray och riksdelen Skottland, i den norra delen av landet, 700 km norr om huvudstaden London. Buckie ligger 28 meter över havet och antalet invånare är 7 860. Terrängen runt Buckie är varierad. Havet är nära Buckie åt nordväst. Den högsta punkten i närheten är 274 meter över havet, 4,1 km sydost om Buckie. Runt Buckie är det ganska tätbefolkat, med 166 invånare per kvadratkilometer. Buckie är det största samhället i trakten. (sv)
- Buckie (en)
- Buckie (de)
- Buckie (es)
- Buckie (eu)
- Bucaidh (ga)
- Buckie (fr)
- Buckie (it)
- Buckie (pl)
- Buckie (sv)
- Баки (ru)
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- POINT(-2.9649999141693 57.675998687744)
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- dbr:Calcots_railway_station
- dbr:BCK
- dbr:Scottish_Junior_Football_North_Division_One
- dbr:Scottish_Romani_and_Itinerant_people_groups
- dbr:List_of_burghs_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_census_localities_in_Scotland
- dbr:Moray_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:2007–08_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2009–10_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2012–13_Aberdeenshire_Cup
- dbr:2012–13_Highland_Football_League
- dbr:2012–13_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:Billy_Milne
- dbr:List_of_football_stadiums_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_April_1869
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_April_1872
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_April_1876
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_April_1878
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_August_1868
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1861
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1867
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1870
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1886
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_February_1941
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_January_1850
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_January_1859
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_January_1940
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_July_1864
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_June_1878
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_May_1869
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1829
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1865
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1875
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1878
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1858
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1860
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1863
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1864
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1865
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1878
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1880
- dbr:List_of_stadiums_in_the_United_Kingdom_by_capacity
- dbr:Richard_Gordon_(Scottish_author)
- dbr:River_Spey
- dbr:Urquhart_railway_station
- dbr:Deep-fried_Mars_bar
- dbr:Inchgower_distillery
- dbr:List_of_hospitals_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Buckie,_Moray
- dbr:List_of_local_government_areas_in_Scotland_(1930–1975)
- dbr:List_of_long-distance_footpaths_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_museums_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_places_in_Moray
- dbr:List_of_ports_and_harbours_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_post_towns_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_postcode_districts_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_Aberdeen
- dbr:County_of_Moray
- dbr:Craigellachie,_Moray
- dbr:Sandend
- dbr:Scottish_Gaelic_place_names
- dbr:Timothy_Spall:_...at_Sea
- dbr:William_Dyce_Cay
- dbr:1877_in_Scotland
- dbr:Alexander_Hutchison_(1943–2015)
- dbr:Alexander_Mair_(physician)
- dbr:Alexander_Ross_(architect)
- dbr:Enzie_railway_station
- dbr:Garmouth_railway_station
- dbr:George_Cowie
- dbr:George_McIntosh
- dbr:George_McKenzie_(footballer,_born_1908)
- dbr:George_Stewart_(footballer,_born_1927)
- dbr:Girl_Pat
- dbr:Glassaugh_railway_station
- dbr:Great_North_of_Scotland_Railway
- dbr:Bow_Fiddle_Rock
- dbr:Moray
- dbr:Moray_Coast_Railway
- dbr:Moray_Coast_Trail
- dbr:Moray_Firth
- dbr:Morven,_Caithness
- dbr:Ernest_Brady
- dbr:The_Burryman
- dbr:2017–18_Brechin_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Dunfermline_Athletic_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Highland_Football_League
- dbr:2017–18_Scottish_Challenge_Cup
- dbr:2017–18_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2017–18_Scottish_League_Cup_group_stage
- dbr:2018–19_Highland_Football_League
- dbr:2018–19_Inverness_Caledonian_Thistle_F.C._season
- dbr:2019–20_Highland_Football_League
- dbr:2019–20_Inverness_Caledonian_Thistle_F.C._season
- dbr:2019–20_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2020–21_Highland_Football_League
- dbr:2020–21_Inverness_Caledonian_Thistle_F.C._season
- dbr:2020–21_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:Benzie_&_Miller
- dbr:Malcolm_Murray_(footballer)
- dbr:Malcolm_Slater
- dbr:Ship_Space
- dbr:St_Mary's,_Fochabers
- dbr:St_Peter's_Roman_Catholic_Church,_Buckie
- dbr:Stagecoach_Bluebird
- dbr:Cluny_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Ianstown
- dbr:John_Kinross
- dbr:St_Ninian's_Church,_Tynet
- dbr:March_1943
- dbr:Banff,_Portsoy_and_Strathisla_Railway
- dbr:Banffshire
- dbr:Buckie_Rovers_F.C.
- dbr:Buckie_Thistle_F.C.
- dbr:Buckie_and_Portessie_Branch
- dbr:Buckie_railway_station
- dbr:Buckie_railway_station_(Highland_Railway)
- dbr:Buckpool_railway_station
- dbr:Tim_Clark_(artist)
- dbr:Tochieneal_railway_station
- dbr:Trond_Mohn
- dbr:Tutti_Frutti_(1987_TV_series)
- dbr:William_Merrilees
- dbr:Dod_Orsborne
- dbr:James_Barron_(harbour_engineer)
- dbr:John_Gray_(Scottish_bishop)
- dbr:List_of_Category_A_listed_buildings_in_Moray
- dbr:Local_Government_(Scotland)_Act_1947
- dbr:Long-distance_footpaths_in_Scotland
- dbr:St_Gregory's_Church,_Preshome
- dbr:2013–14_Aberdeen_F.C._season
- dbr:2013–14_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2014–15_Rangers_F.C._season
- dbr:2015–16_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2016–17_Dunfermline_Athletic_F.C._season
- dbr:2016–17_Inverness_Caledonian_Thistle_F.C._season
- dbr:2016–17_North_Superleague
- dbr:2016–17_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2016–17_Scottish_League_Two
- dbr:2021–22_Highland_Football_League
- dbr:2021–22_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2022–23_Aberdeen_F.C._season
- dbr:2022–23_Highland_Football_League
- dbr:2022–23_Ross_County_F.C._season
- dbr:2022–23_Scottish_Challenge_Cup
- dbr:2022–23_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2022–23_Scottish_League_Cup_group_stage
- dbr:A98_road
- dbr:Alan_Reid_(mathematician)
- dbr:Alex_Wilson_(footballer,_born_1933)
- dbr:Cullen_railway_station
- dbr:Drybridge_Platform_railway_station
- dbr:Findochty
- dbr:Findochty_railway_station
- dbr:Nikki_Kidd
- dbr:Diocese_of_Aberdeen_and_Orkney
- dbr:John_Taylor_(Scottish_fiddler)
- dbr:List_of_RNLI_stations
- dbr:List_of_Royal_Observer_Corps_/_United_...d_Monitoring_Organisation_Posts_(A–E)
- dbr:List_of_Scottish_Junior_Football_Association_clubs
- dbr:William_Birnie_Rhind
- dbr:HMS_Greetham_(M2632)
- dbr:HMT_Firefly
- dbr:Highland_Football_League
- dbr:Highland_Railway
- dbr:James_Reid_(sport_shooter)
- dbr:Jennifer_Smith_(sociolinguist)
- dbr:Mary_Packer_Harris
- dbr:Arradoul
- dbr:AB_postcode_area
- dbr:A_roads_in_Zone_9_of_the_Great_Britain_numbering_scheme
- dbr:Colin_Mark
- dbr:George_Henry_Bennett
- dbr:Herd_&_McKenzie_Shipbuilders
- dbr:Thorn_Lighting
- dbr:Sir_William_Lithgow,_2nd_Baronet
- dbr:BBC_Radio_Scotland_Young_Traditional_Musician
- dbr:Marine_Scotland
- dbr:Portessie_railway_station
- dbr:Portgordon
- dbr:Portgordon_Victoria_F.C.
- dbr:Portgordon_railway_station
- dbr:Portknockie
- dbr:Portknockie_railway_station
- dbr:Spey_Bay
- dbr:Spey_Bay_railway_station
- dbr:Speyside_Way
- dbr:Findochty_Castle
- dbr:Brown_Robin
- dbr:Buckie_High_School
- dbr:Buckpool
- dbr:Buckpool_Golf_Club
- dbr:Bucky
- dbr:RNOV_Shabab_Oman_(1977)
- dbr:RV_Tellina
- dbr:Rannes,_Queensland
- dbr:Rathven
- dbr:Rathven_railway_station
- dbr:Seafield_Hospital
- dbr:Severn-class_lifeboat
- dbr:Safeway_(UK)
- dbr:Scotland's_Great_Trails
- dbr:Scottish_Fisheries_Protection_Agency
- dbr:Victoria_Park,_Buckie
- dbr:List_of_state_schools_in_Scotland_(council_areas_excluding_cities,_I–R)
- dbr:List_of_whisky_distilleries_in_Scotland
- dbr:Snowblood
- dbr:Fire_in_the_Abyss
- dbr:National_Historic_Fleet
- dbr:Portessie
- dbr:Strathlene_Golf_Course
- dbr:Vera_Schalburg
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_locations:_Bru-Bun
- dbr:Strathlene
is dbp:birthPlace
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