- El 12 d'agost de 2017, un cotxe a gran velocitat va envestir un grup de manifestants contraris a la marxa ultradretana Unite the Right a Charlottesville, Virgínia. Una dona de 32 anys, , morí i 19 persones més van resultar ferides. El conductor del vehicle, James Alex Fields Jr., va ser arrestat i condemnat, posteriorment, a presó perpètua. L'autor de l'atropellament havia expressat amb anterioritat les seves idees supremacistes blanques i neonazis. (ca)
- Dne 12. srpna 2017 došlo k útoku automobilem ve městě Charlottesville ve Virginii. 20letý muž najel úmyslně autem do skupiny lidí protestujících proti konání neonacistického sjezdu, "Unite the Right rally". Následně byl americkým soudem odsouzen na doživotí za několik trestných činů včetně vraždy a zločinu z nenávisti. (cs)
- The Charlottesville car attack was a white supremacist terrorist attack perpetrated on August 12, 2017, when James Alex Fields, Jr. deliberately drove his car into a crowd of people peacefully protesting the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, killing one person and injuring 35. 20-year-old Fields had previously espoused neo-Nazi and white supremacist beliefs, and drove from Ohio to attend the rally. He was convicted in a state court for the first-degree murder of 32-year-old Heather Heyer, eight counts of malicious wounding, and hit and run, and was sentenced to life in prison plus an additional 419 years in July 2019. He also pled guilty to 29 of 30 federal hate crime charges to avoid the death penalty, which resulted in another life sentence handed down in June 2019. A memorial service and vigils were organized. The mayor of Charlottesville, Virginia public safety secretary, US attorney general, and director of the FBI called the attack an act of domestic terrorism. (en)
- El atentado de Charlottesville fue un incidente calificado como terrorismo interno ocurrido en Charlottesville, Estados Unidos, el 12 de agosto de 2017. Empezó después de que un hombre identificado como James Alex Fields embistió con un vehículo a una multitud que estaba en contra de manifestaciones de supremacistas blancos y ultranacionalistas. Finalmente, el atentado acabó en un muerto y 19 heridos. (es)
- Pada 12 Agustus 2017, sebuah mobil menabraki kerumunan orang yang merupakan pengunjuk rasa damai yang menentang pawai Unite the Right di Charlottesville, Virginia, menewaskan satu orang dan melukai 28 orang. Pengendara mobil tersebut, James Alex Fields Jr. yang berusia 20 tahun, berkendara dari Ohio untuk menghadiri pawai tersebut. Fields memegang keyakinan neo-Nazi dan . Ia didakwa dalam pengadilan tingkat negara bagian atas dakwaan , terhadap Heather Heyer yang berusia 32 tahun, dan delapan dakwaan kebencian, dan dihukum penjara seumur hidup dengan tambahan 419 tahun pada Juli 2019. Ia juga menerima pembelaan terhadap 29 dari 30 dakwaan kejahatan kebencian federal untuk menghindari hukuman mati, yang juga menghasilkan hukuman penjara seumur hidup pada Juli 2019. Sebuah acara peringatan dan penyalaan lilin diselenggarakan. , , Jaksa Agung Amerika Serikat dan menyebut serangan tersebut sebagai tindak . (in)
- Le 12 août 2017 est organisée, à Charlottesville en Virginie, la manifestation « Unite the Right », visant à maintenir la statue équestre du général Lee dans un parc de la ville. Après l'annulation de la manifestation par les forces de l'ordre, une voiture-bélier fait irruption dans une foule de contre-manifestants, blessant plusieurs dizaines de personnes et provoquant la mort de Heather Heyer, alors âgée de 32 ans. Le conducteur de la voiture, James Alex Fields, est reconnu coupable de meurtre sur la personne d'Heather Heyer, de blessures corporelles graves sur huit personnes, de délit de fuite et de crime de haine. Il est condamné à l'emprisonnement à perpétuité en 2019. Article connexe : Manifestation « Unite the Right » à Charlottesville. (fr)
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- 90656 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:President_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Ruckersville,_Virginia
- dbr:Sayings_of_Jesus_on_the_cross
- dbr:Schizophrenia
- dbc:Political_violence_in_the_United_States
- dbc:Alt-right_terrorism
- dbr:Bartender
- dbr:Bell_407
- dbr:Bipolar_disorder
- dbr:BlacKkKlansman
- dbr:Blunt_trauma
- dbr:Brian_Moran
- dbr:Democratic_Party_(United_States)
- dbr:Democratic_Socialists_of_America
- dbr:Hitler
- dbr:Richard_B._Spencer
- dbr:Richmond,_Virginia
- dbr:Robert_E._Lee
- dbr:Unite_the_Right_rally
- dbr:United_States
- dbr:United_States_Attorney_General
- dbr:United_States_Department_of_Justice
- dbr:United_States_Department_of_Justice_Civil_Rights_Division
- dbr:United_States_District_Court_for_the_Western_District_of_Virginia
- dbr:University_of_Virginia
- dbr:Vanguard_America
- dbr:Virginia_Secretary_of_Public_Safety
- dbr:Virginia_State_Police
- dbr:Domestic_terrorism
- dbr:Domestic_terrorism_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Downtown_Mall
- dbr:Lethargy
- dbr:Lieutenant
- dbr:Lieutenant_colonel
- dbr:Life_imprisonment
- dbr:White_supremacy
- dbr:United_States_Homeland_Security_Advisor
- dbr:Toledo_Blade
- dbr:Confederate_States_of_America
- dbr:Conspiracy_(civil)
- dbr:Conspiracy_theory
- dbr:Counselor_to_the_President
- dbr:Crime_scene_getaway
- dbr:Matthew_Shepard_and_James_Byrd_Jr._Hate_Crimes_Prevention_Act
- dbr:Maumee,_Ohio
- dbr:Chest_injury
- dbr:Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump
- dbc:Filmed_killings
- dbr:Christopher_A._Wray
- dbr:Emancipation_Park_(Charlottesville,_Virginia)
- dbr:GoFundMe
- dbr:Good_Morning_America
- dbr:Governor_of_Virginia
- dbr:Monclova_Township,_Lucas_County,_Ohio
- dbr:Murder
- dbr:NBC_News
- dbr:NPR
- dbr:The_New_York_Times
- dbr:The_News_Leader
- dbr:The_Washington_Post
- dbr:Thomas_T._Cullen
- dbr:Damages
- dbr:Ohio_Republican_primary,_2016
- dbc:Charlottesville,_Virginia
- dbc:Racially_motivated_violence_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Andrew_Auernheimer
- dbr:Antipsychotic
- dbr:Battery_(crime)
- dbr:Lieutenant_Governor_of_Virginia
- dbr:Lindsay_Walters
- dbr:Lisa_Monaco
- dbr:Slavery
- dbr:Stanardsville,_Virginia
- dbr:Staunton,_Virginia
- dbr:Fatherland
- dbr:Paralegal
- dbr:Paramount_Theater_(Charlottesville,_Virginia)
- dbr:Parole
- dbr:Plea
- dbr:Swastika
- dbr:Mexico–United_States_barrier
- dbc:Politics_and_race_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Barack_Obama
- dbr:Adam_S._Lee
- dbr:Aggravation_(law)
- dbr:Thoughts_and_prayers
- dbr:Tim_Kaine
- dbr:Toyota_Camry
- dbr:Tweeted
- dbr:Waitress
- dbr:White_supremacist
- dbr:William_Monroe_High_School
- dbr:2016_United_States_presidential_election
- dbc:Murder_in_Virginia
- dbr:Akron,_Ohio
- dbr:Amazing_Grace
- dbr:America_the_Beautiful
- dbr:Ed_Gillespie
- dbr:Facebook
- dbr:Fascism
- dbr:Federal_Bureau_of_Investigation
- dbr:First-degree_murder
- dbr:Florence,_Kentucky
- dbr:Anger_management
- dbr:Nily_Rozic
- dbr:Paraplegia
- dbr:Capital_punishment_by_the_United_States_federal_government
- dbc:Terrorist_incidents_in_Virginia
- dbr:Hit_and_run
- dbr:Legal_defense_fund
- dbr:Mark_Fenster
- dbc:Neo-fascist_terrorist_incidents_in_the_United_States
- dbc:Terrorism_in_the_United_States
- dbc:Terrorist_incidents_involving_vehicular_attacks
- dbc:Vehicular_rampage_in_the_United_States
- dbc:2017_in_Virginia
- dbc:2017_murders_in_the_United_States
- dbc:2017_road_incidents
- dbc:August_2017_crimes_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Guilt_(law)
- dbr:Hate_crime
- dbr:Hate_crime_laws_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Heart_attack
- dbr:Internet_meme
- dbr:James_Allsup
- dbr:Jason_Kessler
- dbr:Jeff_Sessions
- dbr:Terry_McAuliffe
- dbr:The_Cincinnati_Enquirer
- dbr:The_Daily_Progress
- dbr:The_Daily_Stormer
- dbr:The_Guardian
- dbc:Terrorist_incidents_in_the_United_States_in_2017
- dbr:Associated_Press
- dbr:Attempted_murder
- dbr:Attention_deficit_hyperactivity_disorder
- dbc:Unite_the_Right_rally
- dbr:Charlottesville,_Virginia
- dbr:Kenton,_Kentucky
- dbr:Black_Lives_Matter
- dbr:Honda_Odyssey
- dbr:The_Blade_(Toledo,_Ohio)
- dbr:Removal_of_Confederate_monuments_and_memorials
- dbr:White_House_Deputy_Press_Secretary
- dbr:Dodge_Challenger
- dbr:Donald_J._Trump_State_Park
- dbr:Donald_Trump
- dbc:Violence_in_Virginia
- dbr:Boone_County_Schools
- dbr:Philadelphia
- dbr:Spike_Lee
- dbr:FBI_director
- dbr:Mayor_of_Charlottesville
- dbr:Ku_Klux_Klan
- dbr:Michael_Signer
- dbr:Michigan
- dbr:Middle_school
- dbr:Nazism
- dbr:New_York_State_Office_of_Parks,_Recreation_and_Historic_Preservation
- dbr:Ohio_National_Guard
- dbr:Carrie_Johnson_(journalist)
- dbr:Ralph_Northam
- dbr:Randall_K._Cooper_High_School
- dbr:Second-degree_murder
- dbr:Ryan_Kelly_(photojournalist)
- dbr:Special_Agent_in_Charge
- dbr:Neo-Nazism
- dbr:New_York's_25th_State_Assembly_district
- dbr:Social_justice
- dbr:Pulitzer_Prize_for_Breaking_News_Photography
- dbr:Terrorist_attack
- dbr:Murder_(United_States_law)
- dbr:Vehicle-ramming_attack
- dbr:Speedy_trial
- dbr:Robert_Edward_Lee_(sculpture)
- dbr:Sawhorse
- dbr:Military_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America
- dbr:Twelfth_grade
- dbr:National_Compassion_Fund
- dbr:Traffic_collision_reconstruction
- dbr:Neo-Nazi
- dbr:Far_right
- dbr:University_of_Virginia_Medical_Center
- dbr:Felonious_assault
- dbr:AR-15_rifle
- dbr:Confederate_flag
- dbr:Malicious_wounding
- dbr:Plea_deal
- dbr:MTV_Video_Music_Award_for_Best_Fight_Against_the_System
- dbr:File:2017_Charlottesville_vehicle-ramming_attack.webm
- dbr:File:Charlottesville_'Unite_the_Right'_Rally_(35780274914)_crop.jpg
- dbr:File:Charlottesville_Reflects_After_Deadly_White_Supremacist_Rally.webm
- dbr:File:Heather_Heyer_Way_located_in_Charlottesville,_Virginia.jpg
- dbr:File:Police_block_of_crash_site_(36195158640).jpg
- dbr:File:Tim_Kaine_inspects_a_makeshift_memorial_to_Heather_Heyer.jpg
- A caucasian woman in her early 30's, with long, straight brown hair, smiling at the camera. (en)
- Photograph of the 2017 Charlottesville vehicle-ramming attack (en)
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- Pulitzer Prize–winning photograph of the attack taken by Ryan Kelly (en)
- for The Daily Progress (en)
- Racially motivated violent interference with a federally protected activity (en)
- Federal convictions:
*Hate crime act resulting in death
*Hate crime act that caused bodily injury involving an attempt to kill
State convictions:
*First-degree murder
*Malicious wounding
*Aggravated malicious wounding
* Felonious assault
*Leaving the scene of an accident (en)
- 2017-08-12 (xsd:date)
- 2017-08-13 (xsd:date)
- 2017-08-16 (xsd:date)
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- Charlottesville, Virginia (en)
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- 896512981319790592 (xsd:decimal)
- 897834894822342656 (xsd:decimal)
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- Lee statue (en)
- The attack (en)
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- Fields ordered to pay $12 million (en)
- Southern half of the Downtown Mall, Charlottesville, Virginia (en)
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- Donald J. Trump (en)
- Heather Heyer (en)
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- Bartender, waitress, and paralegal (en)
- James Alex Fields, Jr. (en)
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- The Cincinnati Enquirer (en)
- Good Morning America (en)
- her last post published on Facebook (en)
- Crowd counter-protesting Unite the Right rally (en)
- And there are others like him out there – we as a society have to do a better job of figuring out how to reach them. This isn't something that happens overnight ... it builds up over time and we need to pay more attention to this. (en)
- Condolences to the family of the young woman killed today, and best regards to all of those injured, in Charlottesville, Virginia. So sad! (en)
- A lot of boys get interested in the Germans and Nazis because they're interested in World War II. But James took it to another level. He researched everything and had an intellectual argument for all his points, which is something you just don't see that often. (en)
- This is something I'm guilty of, too, I kind of brushed it off as just creepy. We thought it was all talk. No one ever thought he would do something so violent. (en)
- Memorial service today for beautiful and incredible Heather Heyer, a truly special young woman. She will be long remembered by all! (en)
- You can be sure we will charge and advance the investigation towards the most serious charges that can be brought because this is unequivocally an unacceptable, evil attack. (en)
- If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention. (en)
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- Charlottesville car attack (en)
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- dbr:Guilt_(law)
- Pleaded guilty (en)
- Federal verdict: (en)
- State verdict: (en)
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- 38.029491666666665 -78.479525
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- El 12 d'agost de 2017, un cotxe a gran velocitat va envestir un grup de manifestants contraris a la marxa ultradretana Unite the Right a Charlottesville, Virgínia. Una dona de 32 anys, , morí i 19 persones més van resultar ferides. El conductor del vehicle, James Alex Fields Jr., va ser arrestat i condemnat, posteriorment, a presó perpètua. L'autor de l'atropellament havia expressat amb anterioritat les seves idees supremacistes blanques i neonazis. (ca)
- Dne 12. srpna 2017 došlo k útoku automobilem ve městě Charlottesville ve Virginii. 20letý muž najel úmyslně autem do skupiny lidí protestujících proti konání neonacistického sjezdu, "Unite the Right rally". Následně byl americkým soudem odsouzen na doživotí za několik trestných činů včetně vraždy a zločinu z nenávisti. (cs)
- El atentado de Charlottesville fue un incidente calificado como terrorismo interno ocurrido en Charlottesville, Estados Unidos, el 12 de agosto de 2017. Empezó después de que un hombre identificado como James Alex Fields embistió con un vehículo a una multitud que estaba en contra de manifestaciones de supremacistas blancos y ultranacionalistas. Finalmente, el atentado acabó en un muerto y 19 heridos. (es)
- The Charlottesville car attack was a white supremacist terrorist attack perpetrated on August 12, 2017, when James Alex Fields, Jr. deliberately drove his car into a crowd of people peacefully protesting the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, killing one person and injuring 35. 20-year-old Fields had previously espoused neo-Nazi and white supremacist beliefs, and drove from Ohio to attend the rally. He was convicted in a state court for the first-degree murder of 32-year-old Heather Heyer, eight counts of malicious wounding, and hit and run, and was sentenced to life in prison plus an additional 419 years in July 2019. He also pled guilty to 29 of 30 federal hate crime charges to avoid the death penalty, which resulted in another life sentence handed down in June 2019. (en)
- Le 12 août 2017 est organisée, à Charlottesville en Virginie, la manifestation « Unite the Right », visant à maintenir la statue équestre du général Lee dans un parc de la ville. Après l'annulation de la manifestation par les forces de l'ordre, une voiture-bélier fait irruption dans une foule de contre-manifestants, blessant plusieurs dizaines de personnes et provoquant la mort de Heather Heyer, alors âgée de 32 ans. Article connexe : Manifestation « Unite the Right » à Charlottesville. (fr)
- Pada 12 Agustus 2017, sebuah mobil menabraki kerumunan orang yang merupakan pengunjuk rasa damai yang menentang pawai Unite the Right di Charlottesville, Virginia, menewaskan satu orang dan melukai 28 orang. Pengendara mobil tersebut, James Alex Fields Jr. yang berusia 20 tahun, berkendara dari Ohio untuk menghadiri pawai tersebut. Fields memegang keyakinan neo-Nazi dan . Ia didakwa dalam pengadilan tingkat negara bagian atas dakwaan , terhadap Heather Heyer yang berusia 32 tahun, dan delapan dakwaan kebencian, dan dihukum penjara seumur hidup dengan tambahan 419 tahun pada Juli 2019. Ia juga menerima pembelaan terhadap 29 dari 30 dakwaan kejahatan kebencian federal untuk menghindari hukuman mati, yang juga menghasilkan hukuman penjara seumur hidup pada Juli 2019. (in)
- Charlottesville car attack (en)
- Atropellament mortal de Charlottesville (ca)
- Útok automobilem v Charlottesville (cs)
- Atentado de Charlottesville de 2017 (es)
- Attaque à la voiture-bélier à Charlottesville (fr)
- Serangan mobil Charlottesville (in)
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- POINT(-78.479522705078 38.029491424561)
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