David Holliday (August 4, 1937 – March 26, 1999) was an American Broadway actor and television voice actor. He is best known as the voice of Virgil Tracy, pilot of Thunderbird 2, in the first series (26 episodes) of Thunderbirds (1965–66).
David Holliday (August 4, 1937 – March 26, 1999) was an American Broadway actor and television voice actor. He is best known as the voice of Virgil Tracy, pilot of Thunderbird 2, in the first series (26 episodes) of Thunderbirds (1965–66). (en)
David Holliday (4 agosto 1937 – Miami, 26 marzo 1999) è stato un doppiatore e attore statunitense, attivo in campo teatrale, televisivo e cinematografico. (it)
David Holliday (August 4, 1937 – March 26, 1999) was an American Broadway actor and television voice actor. He is best known as the voice of Virgil Tracy, pilot of Thunderbird 2, in the first series (26 episodes) of Thunderbirds (1965–66). (en)
David Holliday (4 agosto 1937 – Miami, 26 marzo 1999) è stato un doppiatore e attore statunitense, attivo in campo teatrale, televisivo e cinematografico. (it)