- Anthony Cogan (Slane, 1826–1872) fou un sacerdot catòlic irlandès del segle xix, (guardonat amb el títol religiós de degà; dean, en anglès), per la seva obra d'història de La Diòcesi de Meath d'Irlanda. Publicat en dos volums el 1862 i 1867, The Diocese of Meath va ser un important recull i catalogació de la història del cristianisme a Irlanda. Anthony Coogan va ser fill d'un forner, Thomas Coogan, i la seva dona Anna Sillary. Tingueren altres quatre fills i tres filles. Va estudiar per capellà al seminari de Sant Fininan, a Navan. El treball de Cogan va portar a la denominació d'una vil·la en la seva memòria: Dean Cogan's Place (o el lloc de Dean Cogan, en català), està situada prop de la ciutat de Navan, on havia servit com a capellà, al comtat de Meath. (ca)
- Dean Anthony Cogan (1826–1872) was a nineteenth-century Roman Catholic Irish priest, (awarded the religious title of dean), born in Slane, who wrote a history of the Diocese of Meath in Ireland. Published in two volumes in 1862 and 1867, Cogan's The Diocese of Meath was an important history of Christianity in Ireland. Anthony Coogan was born in 1826, one of five sons and three daughters of baker Thomas Coogan and his wife Ann Sillary, his mother converted from the Church of Ireland to Catholicism to marry. Cogan trained for the priesthood in St. Finian's Seminary in Navan. Cogan's work, which included a humanitarian dimension, led to the naming of a housing estate in his memory: '', located in Navan, where he had served as a curate. A plaque unveiled in 2003 adorns the wall of his birthplace on main street Slane. (en)
- Anthony Cogan (Slane, 1826–1872) fou un sacerdot catòlic irlandès del segle xix, (guardonat amb el títol religiós de degà; dean, en anglès), per la seva obra d'història de La Diòcesi de Meath d'Irlanda. Publicat en dos volums el 1862 i 1867, The Diocese of Meath va ser un important recull i catalogació de la història del cristianisme a Irlanda. Anthony Coogan va ser fill d'un forner, Thomas Coogan, i la seva dona Anna Sillary. Tingueren altres quatre fills i tres filles. Va estudiar per capellà al seminari de Sant Fininan, a Navan. (ca)
- Dean Anthony Cogan (1826–1872) was a nineteenth-century Roman Catholic Irish priest, (awarded the religious title of dean), born in Slane, who wrote a history of the Diocese of Meath in Ireland. Published in two volumes in 1862 and 1867, Cogan's The Diocese of Meath was an important history of Christianity in Ireland. Anthony Coogan was born in 1826, one of five sons and three daughters of baker Thomas Coogan and his wife Ann Sillary, his mother converted from the Church of Ireland to Catholicism to marry. Cogan trained for the priesthood in St. Finian's Seminary in Navan. (en)