- Doctor Foster: A Woman Scorned is a British psychological thriller television series that first debuted on BBC One on 9 September 2015. Created and written by Mike Bartlett, the series is about Gemma Foster (Suranne Jones), a doctor who suspects her husband Simon (Bertie Carvel) is having an affair. After she follows several lines of enquiry, she slowly begins to lose her sanity as her life unravels from what secrets she finds. The storyline was inspired by the ancient Greek myth of Medea, a wronged wife who kills her children and poisons her husband's new bride. Internationally, the series was brought to many countries by different networks (see Broadcast). The second series of the show started on 5 September 2017 and concluded on 3 October 2017. A future third series has been played down by lead actress Jones, citing incompatibility of schedules. Bartlett has said while there is more to explore with Gemma Foster's story, he would bring the show back only if there were a vital story to be told, with no immediate plans for a return. He did, however, write a spin-off, Life, featuring the character of Anna Baker from the first two series. (en)
- Doctor Foster ist eine britische Fernsehserie, bestehend aus zwei Staffeln mit je 5 Folgen. Im deutschsprachigen Raum ist die Serie synchronisiert bei mehreren Anbietern abrufbar. Außerdem erscheinen die Staffeln auf DVD. (de)
- Doctor Foster britainiar telesaila da, 2015etik aurrera BBC-n aireratu zutena. (eu)
- Doctor Foster est une mini-série britannique en dix épisodes de 60 minutes créée par Mike Bartlett et diffusée entre le 9 septembre 2015 et le 3 octobre 2017 sur BBC One. En France, la saison 1 est diffusée à partir du 15 juin 2016 sur D8 et la saison 2 à partir du 14 novembre 2017 sur C8, et au Québec à partir du 10 novembre 2018 sur ICI Radio-Canada Télé. (fr)
- Doctor Foster, è una serie televisiva britannica trasmessa dal 9 settembre 2015 su BBC One. In Italia, la prima stagione della serie è stata interamente pubblicata sul sito web Netflix il 31 marzo 2016, mentre in chiaro è andata in onda su Rai 1 l'11 e il 12 aprile 2017. La seconda stagione è stata pubblicata su Netflix il 2 novembre 2017. (it)
- 닥터 포스터(영어: Doctor Foster)는 2015년 9월 9일부터 10월 7일까지 방영된 영국 BBC One의 드라마이다. 대한민국의 경우 코로나바이러스감염증-19의 여파로 인해 '부부의 세계' 후속작의 제작이 늦어지는 관계로 편성 공백을 메우기 위해, 2020년 5월 29일부터 2020년 7월 3일까지 JTBC에서 대체 방영했다. (ko)
- 『女医フォスター 夫の情事、私の決断』(じょいフォスター おっとのじょうじ わたしのけつだん、英: Docter Foster)は、2015年9月9日から10月7日まで、また2017年9月5日から10月3日まで放送されたイギリスのBBC Oneテレビドラマシリーズ。夫が浮気していると疑う妻が、次第に夫に裏切られ、復讐する様を描く究極のラブサスペンステレビドラマ。2020年には、韓国で夫婦の世界としてリメイクされた。シリーズ1と2、それぞれ全5話。 (ja)
- Doktor Foster (ang. Doctor Foster) – brytyjski serial telewizyjny emitowany od 9 września 2015 roku przez stację BBC One, zaś w Polsce od 3 sierpnia 2016 roku na kanale Ale Kino+. (pl)
- Doctor Foster é uma série de televisão britânica escrita por , e estrelada por Suranne Jones no papel-título. Foi transmitida pela primeira vez na BBC One em 9 de setembro de 2015. O enredo é inspirado no antigo mito de Medéia, uma esposa injustiçada que envenena a nova noiva de seu marido e mata seus filhos. A segunda temporada de Doctor Foster foi ao ar em 5 de setembro de 2017 e terminou em 3 de outubro de 2017. A segunda temporada da série está disponível internacionalmente na Netflix. (pt)
- Doctor Foster är en brittisk dramaserie från 2015 med manus av . Läkaren Gemma Foster misstänker att hennes make är otrogen och får successivt veta sanningen. Den andra säsongen av serien visades i BBC One med början den 5 september 2017. Första säsongen sändes av SVT1 i augusti och september 2016. Den andra säsongen inleddes den 25 september 2017. (sv)
- «Доктор Фостер» (англ. Doctor Foster) ― телевизионный драматический сериал канала BBC One, который впервые был показан 9 сентября 2015 года. (ru)
- 《福斯特医生》(英語:Doctor Foster: A Woman Scorned)是一部英国电视连续剧,于2015年9月9日在英國廣播公司第一台首播。該電視劇的部分故事情节来自希腊神话中的美狄亚。 第二季福斯特医生於2017年9月5日首播。 (zh)
- After Tom's move into Simon's house, Gemma spies on him to find out why he has made a doctor's appointment with new colleague Siân. After several prickly office interactions and an awkward dinner, Gemma learns some details. At Gemma's instigation, Neil meets Simon in an attempt to discover information on his newfound wealth but is lured into a one-night stand by one of Simon's colleagues. Neil tells Gemma that Simon hates her and wants to destroy her. Gemma visits Tom's best friend, Max to learn her son's secrets. Later, she goes to Simon's new house and see Kate kissing a mysterious man. She goes to a pub and begins to drink very heavily and after a surprise run-in with Simon outside the pub he takes a photo of her on his phone to use as leverage with Tom. Meanwhile, Gemma discovers that Simon has a connection to Siân from their university days, and he had suggested that she take the position in Gemma's surgery. After confronting Simon at his workplace, Gemma and Simon are told that Tom is to be expelled from school for attacking Max. (en)
- Gemma has discovered that Simon's mistress is Kate Parks, the daughter of one of her patients and that Ros knew of the affair but was bound by patient confidentiality rules. She also establishes that Kate is now pregnant. At a bar, Gemma meets another patient, Anwar, a married lawyer who is keeping the fact that he might have a brain tumour from his family. Encouraged by Jack Reynolds, whom she has reconciled with and talked out of suicide, Gemma confronts Simon but he denies having an affair. But his ailing mother Helen, whose own husband cheated on her, tells Gemma the affair has been going on for two years, and not three months as he had told Ros. Gemma makes an appointment with Anwar, who specialises in divorce. (en)
- Gemma contrives to embarrass Kate and Simon at an awkward dinner party with her family - where she exposes Simon's infidelity and his financial misdeeds. She also reveals that Kate's father, who knew nothing of the affair, is the mysterious investor in Simon's project despite having a conflict of interest by being a council member. She identifies the accountant Neil's wife as her mysterious online persecutor. When Simon refuses to leave their house Gemma loses control, picks Tom up from school, and drives off with him. Later, Tom and Carly return to the house but after giving Simon the impression that she has harmed Tom, it enrages him, and he slams her against the glass door knocking her unconscious. At a later time, Simon and Kate moved to London after Gemma successfully puts a restraining order against him. The episodes end with Gemma helping a victim with cardiac arrest while Tom assists her. (en)
- Gemma Foster, a doctor at the Parminster Medical Centre, is happily married to property developer Simon, with whom she has a young son, Tom. One day, she finds a blonde hair on Simon's scarf and suspects him of infidelity, possibly with his assistant Becky. Rather than confront him, she confides in her colleague Ros. At work, she forces elderly doctor Jack Reynolds, who has become an alcoholic, to retire. She does a deal with a young patient, Carly, to give her sleeping pills and get rid of her abusive partner by threatening him and demanding he move out - in return for the patient following Simon. (en)
- To Ros's surprise, Gemma stays with Simon, believing his affair is over after Kate had an abortion. However, her work life crumbles after negative comments about her get posted on the Internet, and the police suspect her of involvement in her mother-in-law's death. Carly's boyfriend has also filed a complaint about her for threatening him earlier. Gemma has a breakdown after discovering that Simon is seeing Kate again. She attempts suicide by drowning before finding new strength. (en)
- Simon escalates his plan to push Gemma out of town. After retrieving Tom from the principal's office, he reveals that the reason for the fight with Max was because of the bullying Simon had done to Isobel's mum, Becky when she worked for Simon. Later, Simon arrives at the house, but lies to Kate about his whereabuts. The family have dinner together under the pretext of dealing with Tom's school problems which leads to Simon and Gemma having sex. The next day, Simon forwards a video clip of Tom arguing at a cafe and flipping a table. Gemma looks through Tom's phone and finds phots of a budding romance between Isobel and Tom. Gemma spots Isobel in the cafe, who reveals that Tom sexually assaulted her at the party which is the true cause of the fight between Tom and Max. Tom finds refuge at Anna's. Gemma doesn't understand how Tom could assault a woman and she later learns that Simon knew about the sexual assault. Tom confides his shame and self-loathing to Gemma. They agree that leaving Parminster is the best solution for both. (en)
- Kate finds an envelope on her doorstep, containing a note from Gemma and the tie Simon left at her house. Kate confronts him but he denies anything happened. Kate finally opens the wedding gift from Gemma, revealing a note. She drops Amelie at her parents' house and after leaving university, she runs into Carly again. Kate accuses Carly of dropping off the note; Carly simply asks if Simon could have slept with Gemma again. Her suspicions aroused, Kate searches Simon's phone and finds the picture of the inebriated Gemma. She visits Gemma's Gemma's vacated house, where Anna tells her that she heard Simon and Gemma having sex last week. A flashback to earlier part of the day reveals that Gemma contacted Kate's mum. Arriving at Gemma's hotel, Kate is surprised to find Gemma, her parents and her daughter, who try to convince Kate that Simon did cheat on her. After a sleepless night, Kate secretly meets Gemma at her house, who shows her data points to prove Simon is replicating his marriage to Gemma with Kate and pleads with her not to waste her life on him. The next morning, Simon finds that he can't access the ATM, can't find his business partner, and receives a message from Kate to come home. He finds movers at his house and Kate's parents, her Godfather helping Kate move. Gemma pulls up to the house which enrages Simon. (en)
- On Anwar's advice, Gemma acts towards Simon as if everything is normal, while investigating his love life and financial affairs through other people. She gets Carly to befriend Kate, and sleeps with then blackmails Simon's accountant Neil. Neil reveals that Simon's big project, the re-development of a school, is a financial black hole and that their joint savings and home would be gone if it were not for a mysterious investor bailing him out. Simon's mother, who had been terminally ill and in pain, ends her life. Gemma decides against divorce because of Simon's distress and vulnerability. (en)
- Two years after the events of series one, Simon and Kate return to Parminster with their daughter and host a combined housewarming and wedding reception. Despite not being invited, Gemma brings a date, James, to the party and discovers he is Tom's teacher. Snooping around the house, Gemma finds a bedroom prepared for Tom, and has a confrontation with Simon in which he implies that he plans to force her out of town. Gemma gives a wedding gift to Kate and leaves with Tom, who seems to be in a state of distress for reasons related to his friend Isobel. After Simon tells him something which causes him to turn against his mother, Tom leaves Gemma's home to go and live with Simon and his new family. Having been unable to stop Simon from taking Tom, a distraught Gemma dissolves her wedding ring in acid and is seen preparing some medical items in her doctor's bag. (en)
- Gemma arrives at the hotel just as Simon arrives, and takes Tom to their empty house. Simon arrives at the house, prompting a driveway conversation. Tom clearly doesn't know who or what to believe, but recognizes Simon's manipulation and lies. Gemma reflects on the hours before she learned her world would turn upside down. Gemma and Tom join James, Ros and her new husband for dinner. Simon appears, banging the restaurant window, and pleads for mutual absolution and reconciliation. Tom interrupts to call out Simon's long history of lies and failures. After dinner, James returns to the house with Gemma, proposing a fresh start to their relationship. Tom asks about Gemma's dead parents. Tom is worried about how Simon will persist, unless HE is dead. Gemma reflects on another pre-disaster conversation with Simon.Gemma wakes to hear footsteps and a taxi driving away, and finds Tom missing from bed. When James attempts to calm her down, Gemma dismisses the relationship. Gemma reaches Tom, Simon hijacks the call, and Gemma intuits they're back at the hotel. She finds them on the side of a busy motorway where Simon appears to be on the verge of committing suicide by walking into the traffic. Gemma persuades Simon to come inside with her and Tom and they have breakfast. Tom speaks of an optimistic future, while Simon weeps, consumed with self-hate. Simon prompts the reveal of the wedge he planted with Tom: That Gemma suffered post-natal depression after Tom's birth and abandoned him. Tom thinks that's why Gemma worked so much: to avoid spending time with him. Simon suggests Gemma's work is why he started the affair with Kate. Gemma provides Simon with the drugs she was earlier seen preparing, which will allow him to commit suicide with more privacy. Simon continues to toxically manipulate Tom. Gemma and Tom leave; Simon begins the process, Gemma returns to the hotel room to persuade Simon not to go through with it for their son's sake. Gemma offers a couple of framed pictures and Simon agrees not to use the drugs. Gemma checks her voicemails, but learns Tom has run away. The series ends with Gemma agonizing over pictures of Tom on 'Missing Person' notices. (en)
- Doctor Foster ist eine britische Fernsehserie, bestehend aus zwei Staffeln mit je 5 Folgen. Im deutschsprachigen Raum ist die Serie synchronisiert bei mehreren Anbietern abrufbar. Außerdem erscheinen die Staffeln auf DVD. (de)
- Doctor Foster britainiar telesaila da, 2015etik aurrera BBC-n aireratu zutena. (eu)
- Doctor Foster est une mini-série britannique en dix épisodes de 60 minutes créée par Mike Bartlett et diffusée entre le 9 septembre 2015 et le 3 octobre 2017 sur BBC One. En France, la saison 1 est diffusée à partir du 15 juin 2016 sur D8 et la saison 2 à partir du 14 novembre 2017 sur C8, et au Québec à partir du 10 novembre 2018 sur ICI Radio-Canada Télé. (fr)
- Doctor Foster, è una serie televisiva britannica trasmessa dal 9 settembre 2015 su BBC One. In Italia, la prima stagione della serie è stata interamente pubblicata sul sito web Netflix il 31 marzo 2016, mentre in chiaro è andata in onda su Rai 1 l'11 e il 12 aprile 2017. La seconda stagione è stata pubblicata su Netflix il 2 novembre 2017. (it)
- 닥터 포스터(영어: Doctor Foster)는 2015년 9월 9일부터 10월 7일까지 방영된 영국 BBC One의 드라마이다. 대한민국의 경우 코로나바이러스감염증-19의 여파로 인해 '부부의 세계' 후속작의 제작이 늦어지는 관계로 편성 공백을 메우기 위해, 2020년 5월 29일부터 2020년 7월 3일까지 JTBC에서 대체 방영했다. (ko)
- 『女医フォスター 夫の情事、私の決断』(じょいフォスター おっとのじょうじ わたしのけつだん、英: Docter Foster)は、2015年9月9日から10月7日まで、また2017年9月5日から10月3日まで放送されたイギリスのBBC Oneテレビドラマシリーズ。夫が浮気していると疑う妻が、次第に夫に裏切られ、復讐する様を描く究極のラブサスペンステレビドラマ。2020年には、韓国で夫婦の世界としてリメイクされた。シリーズ1と2、それぞれ全5話。 (ja)
- Doktor Foster (ang. Doctor Foster) – brytyjski serial telewizyjny emitowany od 9 września 2015 roku przez stację BBC One, zaś w Polsce od 3 sierpnia 2016 roku na kanale Ale Kino+. (pl)
- Doctor Foster é uma série de televisão britânica escrita por , e estrelada por Suranne Jones no papel-título. Foi transmitida pela primeira vez na BBC One em 9 de setembro de 2015. O enredo é inspirado no antigo mito de Medéia, uma esposa injustiçada que envenena a nova noiva de seu marido e mata seus filhos. A segunda temporada de Doctor Foster foi ao ar em 5 de setembro de 2017 e terminou em 3 de outubro de 2017. A segunda temporada da série está disponível internacionalmente na Netflix. (pt)
- Doctor Foster är en brittisk dramaserie från 2015 med manus av . Läkaren Gemma Foster misstänker att hennes make är otrogen och får successivt veta sanningen. Den andra säsongen av serien visades i BBC One med början den 5 september 2017. Första säsongen sändes av SVT1 i augusti och september 2016. Den andra säsongen inleddes den 25 september 2017. (sv)
- «Доктор Фостер» (англ. Doctor Foster) ― телевизионный драматический сериал канала BBC One, который впервые был показан 9 сентября 2015 года. (ru)
- 《福斯特医生》(英語:Doctor Foster: A Woman Scorned)是一部英国电视连续剧,于2015年9月9日在英國廣播公司第一台首播。該電視劇的部分故事情节来自希腊神话中的美狄亚。 第二季福斯特医生於2017年9月5日首播。 (zh)
- Doctor Foster: A Woman Scorned is a British psychological thriller television series that first debuted on BBC One on 9 September 2015. Created and written by Mike Bartlett, the series is about Gemma Foster (Suranne Jones), a doctor who suspects her husband Simon (Bertie Carvel) is having an affair. After she follows several lines of enquiry, she slowly begins to lose her sanity as her life unravels from what secrets she finds. The storyline was inspired by the ancient Greek myth of Medea, a wronged wife who kills her children and poisons her husband's new bride. Internationally, the series was brought to many countries by different networks (see Broadcast). (en)