- 663.036956246016 (dbd:squareKilometre)
- مقاطعة إستل (بالإنجليزية: Estill County) هي إحدى المقاطعات في ولاية كنتاكي في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. (ar)
- Estill County je okres ve státě Kentucky v USA. K roku 2010 zde žilo 14 672 obyvatel. Správním městem okresu je . Celková rozloha okresu činí 662 km². (cs)
- Estill County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 14,672. Its county seat is Irvine The county was formed in 1808 and named for Captain , a Kentucky militia officer who was killed in the Battle of Little Mountain during the American Revolutionary War. Estill County is a moist county meaning that the county seat, the city of Irvine, allows the sale of alcohol after the October 9, 2013 vote, but not the rest of Estill County outside the Irvine city limits. Estill County has two adjacent towns, known as the twin cities, Irvine and Ravenna. Both cities sit along the Kentucky River in the central part of the county. Ravenna is home to a former CSX Transportation facility, now owned by Kentucky Steam Heritage Corporation for the restoration of Chesapeake and Ohio 2716. It conducts the Ravenna Railroad Festival annually in late summer, and the historic Fitchburg & Cottage Furnaces are located here. Irvine hosts the annual Mountain Mushroom Festival over the last weekend of April, which celebrates the abundant Morel Mushrooms found in the region. (en)
- Estill County ist ein County im Bundesstaat Kentucky der Vereinigten Staaten. Der Verwaltungssitz (County Seat) ist , das nach Colonel William Irvine benannt wurde, einem frühen Siedler. Das County gehört zu den Dry Countys, was bedeutet, dass der Verkauf von Alkohol eingeschränkt oder verboten ist. (de)
- Estill konderria (ingelesez: Estill County) Kentuckyko konderri bat da, Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan. Hiriburua Irvine da. 2010eko zentsuaren arabera 14.672 biztanle zituen, Estill kilometro koadroko azaleran. (eu)
- El condado de Estill (en inglés: Estill County) es un condado en el estado estadounidense de Kentucky. En el censo de 2000 el condado tenía una población de 15.307 habitantes. La sede de condado es Irvine. El condado fue fundado en 1808 y fue nombrado en honor al capitán James Estill, un militar de Kentucky que murió en la durante la Guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos. (es)
- Le comté d'Estill est un comté situé dans l'État du Kentucky aux États-Unis, fondé en 1808. Son siège est Irvine. Selon le recensement de 2010, sa population était de 14 672 habitants. C'est un dry county. (fr)
- La contea di Estill in inglese Estill County è una contea dello Stato del Kentucky, negli Stati Uniti. La popolazione al censimento del 2000 era di 15 307 abitanti. Il capoluogo di contea è Irvine (it)
- 에스틸군 또는 에스틸 카운티(Estill County)는 미국 켄터키주에 위치한 군이다. 2010년 기준으로 이 지역의 인구 수는 총 14,672명이다. 2018년 추산으로 이 지역의 총 인구 수는 14,198명이다. (ko)
- エスティル郡 (Estill County) はアメリカ合衆国ケンタッキー州内に位置する郡である。2000年現在、人口は15,307人である。ここの郡庁所在地はw:Irvine, Kentuckyである。この郡はジェームズ・エスティル大尉の名を取って命名された。 (ja)
- Estill County is een county in de Amerikaanse staat Kentucky. De county heeft een landoppervlakte van 658 km² en telt 15.307 inwoners (volkstelling 2000). De hoofdplaats is Irvine. (nl)
- Hrabstwo Estill – hrabstwo w USA, w stanie Kentucky. Według danych z 2000 roku, hrabstwo zamieszkiwało 15 307 osób. Siedzibą hrabstwa jest Irvine. Hrabstwo należy do nielicznych hrabstw w Stanach Zjednoczonych należących do tzw. dry county, czyli hrabstw gdzie decyzją lokalnych władz obowiązuje całkowita prohibicja. (pl)
- Estill County är ett administrativt område i delstaten Kentucky, USA. År 2010 hade countyt 14 672 invånare. Den administrativa huvudorten (county seat) är Irvine. (sv)
- O Condado de Estill é um dos 120 condados do estado americano de Kentucky. A sede do condado é Irvine e sua maior cidade é Irvine. O condado possui uma área de 662 km² (dos quais 5 km² estão cobertos por água), uma população de 15 307 habitantes, e uma densidade populacional de 10 hab/km² (segundo o censo nacional de 2000). O condado foi fundado em 1808. O condado proíbe a venda de bebidas alcoólicas. (pt)
- Э́стилл (англ. Estill County) — округ в штате Кентукки, США. Официально образован в 1808 году. По состоянию на 2010 год, численность населения составляла 14 672 человека. (ru)
- Округ Естілл (англ. Estill County) — округ (графство) у штаті Кентуккі, США. Ідентифікатор округу 21065. (uk)
- 埃斯蒂爾县(英語:Estill County)是位於美國肯塔基州東部的一個縣。面積662平方公里。根據美國2000年人口普查,共有人口15,307人。縣治(Irvine)。 埃斯蒂爾县成立於1808年1月27日。縣名紀念在美國獨立戰爭中阵亡的肯塔基军人(James Estill)上校。 埃斯蒂尔县是一个禁酒县。 (zh)
- 655266991.915008 (xsd:double)
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- dbr:Powell_County,_Kentucky
- dbc:Estill_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:2010_United_States_Census
- dbr:Battle_of_Little_Mountain
- dbr:Union_(American_Civil_War)
- dbr:Union_Army
- dbr:County_(United_States)
- dbr:Clark_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:Franklin_D._Roosevelt
- dbr:Morchella
- dbc:1808_establishments_in_Kentucky
- dbc:Populated_places_established_in_1808
- dbr:Lee_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:Madison_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:Pennyroyal_Plateau
- dbr:Per_capita_income
- dbc:Counties_of_Appalachia
- dbc:Kentucky_counties
- dbr:U.S._state
- dbr:American_Civil_War
- dbr:American_Revolutionary_War
- dbr:Daniel_Boone_National_Forest
- dbr:Fitchburg_Furnace
- dbr:Owsley_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:Census
- dbr:Bluegrass_Region
- dbr:Pottsville_Escarpment
- dbr:Red_River_(Kentucky_River)
- dbr:Henry_Clay
- dbr:Irvine,_Kentucky
- dbr:Jackson_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:County_seat
- dbr:Chesapeake_and_Ohio_2716
- dbr:Kentucky
- dbr:Kentucky_River
- dbr:Marriage
- dbr:Boonesborough,_Kentucky
- dbr:Population_density
- dbr:Ravenna,_Kentucky
- dbr:Red_River_Gorge
- dbr:Woodrow_Wilson
- dbr:Poverty_line
- dbr:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Estill_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:Reconstruction_Era
- dbr:Knobs_Region
- dbr:Slave_states_and_free_states
- dbr:U.S._Census_Bureau
- dbr:Lyndon_Johnson
- dbr:James_Estill
- dbr:Race_(United_States_Census)
- dbr:File:Fitchburg_Furnace.jpg
- dbr:File:Knobs_in_Estill_County.jpg
- dbr:File:Morel_Mushroom_commonly_found_in_Estill_County_in_the_spring.jpg
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- Estill County, Kentucky courthouse.jpg (en)
- Estill County courthouse in Irvine (en)
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- Estill County, Kentucky (en)
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- مقاطعة إستل (بالإنجليزية: Estill County) هي إحدى المقاطعات في ولاية كنتاكي في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. (ar)
- Estill County je okres ve státě Kentucky v USA. K roku 2010 zde žilo 14 672 obyvatel. Správním městem okresu je . Celková rozloha okresu činí 662 km². (cs)
- Estill County ist ein County im Bundesstaat Kentucky der Vereinigten Staaten. Der Verwaltungssitz (County Seat) ist , das nach Colonel William Irvine benannt wurde, einem frühen Siedler. Das County gehört zu den Dry Countys, was bedeutet, dass der Verkauf von Alkohol eingeschränkt oder verboten ist. (de)
- Estill konderria (ingelesez: Estill County) Kentuckyko konderri bat da, Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan. Hiriburua Irvine da. 2010eko zentsuaren arabera 14.672 biztanle zituen, Estill kilometro koadroko azaleran. (eu)
- El condado de Estill (en inglés: Estill County) es un condado en el estado estadounidense de Kentucky. En el censo de 2000 el condado tenía una población de 15.307 habitantes. La sede de condado es Irvine. El condado fue fundado en 1808 y fue nombrado en honor al capitán James Estill, un militar de Kentucky que murió en la durante la Guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos. (es)
- Le comté d'Estill est un comté situé dans l'État du Kentucky aux États-Unis, fondé en 1808. Son siège est Irvine. Selon le recensement de 2010, sa population était de 14 672 habitants. C'est un dry county. (fr)
- La contea di Estill in inglese Estill County è una contea dello Stato del Kentucky, negli Stati Uniti. La popolazione al censimento del 2000 era di 15 307 abitanti. Il capoluogo di contea è Irvine (it)
- 에스틸군 또는 에스틸 카운티(Estill County)는 미국 켄터키주에 위치한 군이다. 2010년 기준으로 이 지역의 인구 수는 총 14,672명이다. 2018년 추산으로 이 지역의 총 인구 수는 14,198명이다. (ko)
- エスティル郡 (Estill County) はアメリカ合衆国ケンタッキー州内に位置する郡である。2000年現在、人口は15,307人である。ここの郡庁所在地はw:Irvine, Kentuckyである。この郡はジェームズ・エスティル大尉の名を取って命名された。 (ja)
- Estill County is een county in de Amerikaanse staat Kentucky. De county heeft een landoppervlakte van 658 km² en telt 15.307 inwoners (volkstelling 2000). De hoofdplaats is Irvine. (nl)
- Hrabstwo Estill – hrabstwo w USA, w stanie Kentucky. Według danych z 2000 roku, hrabstwo zamieszkiwało 15 307 osób. Siedzibą hrabstwa jest Irvine. Hrabstwo należy do nielicznych hrabstw w Stanach Zjednoczonych należących do tzw. dry county, czyli hrabstw gdzie decyzją lokalnych władz obowiązuje całkowita prohibicja. (pl)
- Estill County är ett administrativt område i delstaten Kentucky, USA. År 2010 hade countyt 14 672 invånare. Den administrativa huvudorten (county seat) är Irvine. (sv)
- O Condado de Estill é um dos 120 condados do estado americano de Kentucky. A sede do condado é Irvine e sua maior cidade é Irvine. O condado possui uma área de 662 km² (dos quais 5 km² estão cobertos por água), uma população de 15 307 habitantes, e uma densidade populacional de 10 hab/km² (segundo o censo nacional de 2000). O condado foi fundado em 1808. O condado proíbe a venda de bebidas alcoólicas. (pt)
- Э́стилл (англ. Estill County) — округ в штате Кентукки, США. Официально образован в 1808 году. По состоянию на 2010 год, численность населения составляла 14 672 человека. (ru)
- Округ Естілл (англ. Estill County) — округ (графство) у штаті Кентуккі, США. Ідентифікатор округу 21065. (uk)
- 埃斯蒂爾县(英語:Estill County)是位於美國肯塔基州東部的一個縣。面積662平方公里。根據美國2000年人口普查,共有人口15,307人。縣治(Irvine)。 埃斯蒂爾县成立於1808年1月27日。縣名紀念在美國獨立戰爭中阵亡的肯塔基军人(James Estill)上校。 埃斯蒂尔县是一个禁酒县。 (zh)
- Estill County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 14,672. Its county seat is Irvine The county was formed in 1808 and named for Captain , a Kentucky militia officer who was killed in the Battle of Little Mountain during the American Revolutionary War. Estill County is a moist county meaning that the county seat, the city of Irvine, allows the sale of alcohol after the October 9, 2013 vote, but not the rest of Estill County outside the Irvine city limits. Estill County has two adjacent towns, known as the twin cities, Irvine and Ravenna. Both cities sit along the Kentucky River in the central part of the county. Ravenna is home to a former CSX Transportation facility, now owned by Kentucky Steam Heritage Corporation for the restoratio (en)
- Estill County, Kentucky (en)
- مقاطعة إستل (كنتاكي) (ar)
- Estill County (cs)
- Estill County (de)
- Condado de Estill (es)
- Estill konderria (Kentucky) (eu)
- Comté d'Estill (fr)
- Contea di Estill (it)
- エスティル郡 (ケンタッキー州) (ja)
- 에스틸군 (ko)
- Estill County (nl)
- Hrabstwo Estill (pl)
- Condado de Estill (pt)
- Эстилл (округ) (ru)
- Estill County (sv)
- Естілл (округ, Кентуккі) (uk)
- 埃斯蒂爾縣 (肯塔基州) (zh)
- http://gadm.geovocab.org/id/2_35813
- freebase:Estill County, Kentucky
- http://viaf.org/viaf/152446423
- yago-res:Estill County, Kentucky
- http://musicbrainz.org/area/865d5650-2d9f-42c1-a7c3-701b6cf3699c
- wikidata:Estill County, Kentucky
- geodata:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-ar:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-bar:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-bg:Estill County, Kentucky
- http://bpy.dbpedia.org/resource/এসটিল_কাউন্টি,_কেন্টাকি
- http://ceb.dbpedia.org/resource/Estill_County
- dbpedia-cs:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-cy:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-de:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-es:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-et:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-eu:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-fa:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-fr:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-hu:Estill County, Kentucky
- http://hy.dbpedia.org/resource/Էստիլ_շրջան_(Կենտուկի)
- dbpedia-it:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-ja:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-ko:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-nds:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-nl:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-no:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-pl:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-pnb:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-pt:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-ro:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-ru:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-sh:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-simple:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-sq:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-sr:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-sv:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-tr:Estill County, Kentucky
- http://tt.dbpedia.org/resource/Эстилл_(округ,_Кентукки)
- dbpedia-uk:Estill County, Kentucky
- http://ur.dbpedia.org/resource/ایسٹیل_کاؤنٹی،_کینٹکی
- dbpedia-vi:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-war:Estill County, Kentucky
- dbpedia-zh:Estill County, Kentucky
- http://ce.dbpedia.org/resource/Эстилл_(гуо,_Кентукки)
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/4W9y2
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is dbo:subdivision
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- dbr:Pryse,_Kentucky
- dbr:Furnace,_Kentucky
- dbr:Lynch_Town,_Kentucky
- dbr:Macedonia,_Kentucky
- dbr:Stump,_Kentucky
- dbr:Winston,_Kentucky
- dbr:Fitchburg,_Kentucky
- dbr:Fox,_Kentucky
- dbr:Happy_Top,_Kentucky
- dbr:Iron_Mound,_Kentucky
- dbr:Irvine,_Kentucky
- dbr:The_Forks,_Kentucky
- dbr:Jinks,_Kentucky
- dbr:Kimbrell,_Kentucky
- dbr:Sparks,_Kentucky
- dbr:Knob_Lick,_Estill_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:Ravenna,_Kentucky
- dbr:Shade,_Kentucky
- dbr:Witt,_Kentucky
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- dbr:Powell_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:Pryse,_Kentucky
- dbr:Sayre_School
- dbr:List_of_U.S._county_name_etymologies_(E–I)
- dbr:List_of_United_States_FIPS_codes_by_county
- dbr:List_of_United_States_counties_and_county_equivalents
- dbr:List_of_United_States_counties_by_per_capita_income
- dbr:List_of_United_States_tornadoes_from_January_to_March_2022
- dbr:List_of_United_States_tornadoes_from_September_to_October_2009
- dbr:List_of_United_States_tornadoes_in_May_2009
- dbr:List_of_cities_in_Kentucky
- dbr:List_of_counties_by_U.S._state_and_territory
- dbr:List_of_district_attorneys_by_county
- dbr:2008_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:2012_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:Battle_of_Little_Mountain
- dbr:Bedford_Shale
- dbr:Benjamin_F._Rice
- dbr:Area_code_606
- dbr:List_of_Kentucky_supplemental_roads_and_rural_secondary_highways_(2000–2499)
- dbr:List_of_counties_in_Kentucky
- dbr:List_of_state_highways_in_Kentucky_(1000–1999)
- dbr:Reuben_May
- dbr:Robert_F._Stephens
- dbr:United_States_District_Court_for_the_Eastern_District_of_Kentucky
- dbr:Eastern_Kentucky_Coalfield
- dbr:Index_of_U.S._counties
- dbr:List_of_high_schools_in_Kentucky
- dbr:List_of_hospitals_in_Kentucky
- dbr:List_of_middle_schools_in_Kentucky
- dbr:List_of_people_from_Kentucky
- dbr:List_of_pipeline_accidents_in_the_United_States_in_2012
- dbr:List_of_power_stations_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1880_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1884_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1888_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1892_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1896_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1900_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1904_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1908_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1912_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1916_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1920_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1924_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1928_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1932_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1976_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1980_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1984_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1988_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1992_United_States_Senate_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1992_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:May_2009_Southern_Midwest_derecho
- dbr:Louise_Gilman_Hutchins
- dbr:Second_Amendment_sanctuary
- dbr:Clark_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:Clinton_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:Furnace,_Kentucky
- dbr:1936_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1940_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1944_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1948_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1952_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1956_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1960_United_States_Senate_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1960_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1964_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1966_United_States_Senate_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1968_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:1972_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:2019_Kentucky_gubernatorial_election
- dbr:2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:Andy_Barr_(American_politician)
- dbr:Lee_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:Lynch_Town,_Kentucky
- dbr:Macedonia,_Kentucky
- dbr:Madison_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:Stump,_Kentucky
- dbr:May_2009_derecho_series
- dbr:Music_of_Kentucky
- dbr:1996_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:2000_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:2004_United_States_Senate_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:2004_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:Wallace_Estill_Sr._House
- dbr:Winston,_Kentucky
- dbr:Drowning_Creek_(Kentucky)
- dbr:Estill
- dbr:List_of_Appalachian_Regional_Commission_counties
- dbr:2016_Kentucky_Democratic_presidential_primary
- dbr:2016_United_States_presidential_election_in_Kentucky
- dbr:Daniel_Boone_National_Forest
- dbr:Estill_County,_KY
- dbr:Fitchburg,_Kentucky
- dbr:Fitchburg_Furnace
- dbr:Fox,_Kentucky
- dbr:Kentucky_Circuit_Courts
- dbr:Kentucky_District_Courts
- dbr:Kentucky_statistical_areas
- dbr:List_of_Kentucky_locations_by_per_capita_income
- dbr:Happy_Top,_Kentucky
- dbr:Henry_A._Tandy
- dbr:History_of_Estill_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:History_of_Kentucky
- dbr:Iron_Mound,_Kentucky
- dbr:Irvine,_Kentucky
- dbr:Jackson_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:James_Bamford_White
- dbr:Cost_of_rent_by_state_and_county_in_the_United_States
- dbr:The_Forks,_Kentucky
- dbr:Jinks,_Kentucky
- dbr:Kentucky's_1st_congressional_district
- dbr:Kentucky's_4th_congressional_district
- dbr:Kentucky_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:Kentucky_Route_197
- dbr:Kentucky_Route_213
- dbr:Kentucky_Route_499
- dbr:Kentucky_Route_52
- dbr:Kentucky_Route_82
- dbr:Kentucky_Route_89
- dbr:Kentucky_Senate
- dbr:Kentucky_Transportation_Cabinet
- dbr:Kevin_Richardson_(musician)
- dbr:Kimbrell,_Kentucky
- dbr:Bluegrass_Community_and_Technical_College
- dbr:Sparks,_Kentucky
- dbr:Knob_Lick,_Estill_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:Ravenna,_Kentucky
- dbr:Shade,_Kentucky
- dbr:Witt,_Kentucky
- dbr:Loraine_Wyman
- dbr:Upland_South
- dbr:Tornado_outbreak_sequence_of_April_1996
- dbr:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Estill_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:Moist_county
- dbr:Mountain_Maternal_Health_League
- dbr:Rice_Station,_Kentucky
- dbr:Estill_County
is dbp:counties
of | |
is dbp:county
of | |
is dbp:local
of | |
is dbp:subdivisionName
of |
- dbr:Pryse,_Kentucky
- dbr:Furnace,_Kentucky
- dbr:Lynch_Town,_Kentucky
- dbr:Macedonia,_Kentucky
- dbr:Stump,_Kentucky
- dbr:Winston,_Kentucky
- dbr:Fitchburg,_Kentucky
- dbr:Fox,_Kentucky
- dbr:Happy_Top,_Kentucky
- dbr:Iron_Mound,_Kentucky
- dbr:Irvine,_Kentucky
- dbr:The_Forks,_Kentucky
- dbr:Jinks,_Kentucky
- dbr:Kimbrell,_Kentucky
- dbr:Sparks,_Kentucky
- dbr:Knob_Lick,_Estill_County,_Kentucky
- dbr:Ravenna,_Kentucky
- dbr:Shade,_Kentucky
- dbr:Witt,_Kentucky
is foaf:primaryTopic
of | |