- George Julius Scrope (* 10. März 1797 in London; † 19. Januar 1876 in Cobham, Surrey) war ein englischer Geologe. George Julius (Poulett) Scrope wurde am 10. März 1797 als zweiter Sohn des Großkaufmanns J. Poulett Thomson in dem heutigen Londoner Stadtteil Surrey geboren. Nach der Schulausbildung besuchte er kurze Zeit das Pembroke College in Oxford und anschließend das bekannte St John’s College in Cambridge, das er im Jahr 1821 mit dem Bachelor of Arts abschloss. Schon frühzeitig interessierte er sich für naturwissenschaftliche Themen insbesondere für Geographie und Geologie. So studierte er während eines längeren Aufenthalts in Italien (1817–1820) intensiv die vulkanischen Phänomene des Vesuvs und des Ätnas. Im Oktober 1822 wurde er selbst Augenzeuge einer starken Eruption des Vesuv. Scrope protokollierte und diskutierte ausführlich die Expansivkräfte der unterirdischen Magma und vor allem die gewaltigen Expansivkräfte heißer Dämpfe (bis zu 800 °C), die beim unmittelbaren Kontakt mit den kühleren Luftschichten der Atmosphäre nicht kalkulierbare physikalische Phänomene (z. B. pyroklastische Ströme, Eruptionsgewitter) hervorrufen können, von denen eine Gefährdung für Mensch und Umwelt ausgehen kann (s. nebenstehende Illustration von G.J. Scrope aus dem Jahr 1864). 1824 wurde G.J. Scrope Ehrenmitglied der Geological Society of London und 1867 mit der Verleihung der Wollaston-Medaille geehrt. Der Wissenschaftler veröffentlichte während seines Lebens mehrere grundlegende geologische Werke über den Vulkanismus. (de)
- George Julius Poulett Scrope FRS (10 March 1797 – 19 January 1876) was an English geologist and political economist as well as a Member of Parliament and magistrate for Stroud in Gloucestershire. While an undergraduate at Cambridge, through the influence of Edward Clarke and Adam Sedgwick he became interested in mineralogy and geology. During the winter of 1816–1817 he was at Naples, and was so keenly interested in Vesuvius that he renewed his studies of the volcano in 1818; and in the following year visited Etna and the Lipari Islands. In 1821 he married the daughter and heiress of William Scrope of Castle Combe, Wiltshire, and assumed her name; and he entered the House of Commons of the United Kingdom in 1833 as MP for Stroud, retaining his seat until 1868. Meanwhile he began to study the volcanic regions of central France in 1821, and visited the Eifel district in 1823. In 1825 he published Considerations on Volcanos, leading to the establishment of a new theory of the Earth, and in the following year was elected FRS. This earlier work was subsequently amplified and issued under the title of Volcanos (1862); an authoritative text-book of which a second edition was published ten years later. In 1827 he issued his classic Memoir on the Geology of Central France, including the Volcanic formations of Auvergne, the Velay and the Vivarais, a quarto volume illustrated by maps and plates. The substance of this was reproduced in a revised and somewhat more popular form in The Geology and Extinct Volcanos of Central France (1858). These books were the first widely published descriptions of the Chaîne des Puys, a chain of over 70 small volcanoes in the Massif Central. Scrope was awarded the Wollaston Medal by the Geological Society of London in 1867. Among his other works was the History of the Manor and Ancient Barony of Castle Combe (printed for private circulation, 1852). (en)
- George Julius Poulett Scrope (10 mars 1797-19 janvier 1876) est un géologue et économiste britannique. Il est le second fils de J Poulett Thompson. (fr)
- George Julius Poulett Scrope (Londres, 10 de março de 1797 — Fairlawn, perto de , Surrey, 19 de janeiro de 1876), foi um geólogo e economista político inglês, bem como magistrado de Stroud em Gloucestershire. Ele era o segundo filho de J. Poulett Thompson de Waverley Abbey, Surrey. Ele foi educado em Harrow e por um curto período no Pembroke College, Oxford, mas em 1816 ele entrou no St John's College, Cambridge, graduando-se BA em 1821. Através da influência de Edward Clarke e Adam Sedgwick, ele se interessou pela mineralogia e geologia. Durante o inverno de 1816-1817, ele estava em Nápoles e estava tão profundamente interessado no Vesúvio que renovou seus estudos do vulcão em 1818; e no ano seguinte visitou o Etna e as ilhas Lipari. Em 1821 ele se casou com a filha e herdeira de William Scrope de Castle Combe, Wiltshire, e assumiu o nome dela; e ele entrou na Câmara dos Comuns do Reino Unido em 1833 como MP por Stroud, mantendo sua cadeira até 1868. Enquanto isso, ele começou a estudar as regiões vulcânicas da França central em 1821, e visitou o distrito de Eifel em 1823. Em 1825 ele publicou Considerações sobre os Vulcões, levando ao estabelecimento de uma nova teoria da Terra, e no ano seguinte foi eleito FRS. Este trabalho anterior foi posteriormente ampliado e publicado sob o título de Volcanos (1862); um livro-texto oficial cuja segunda edição foi publicada dez anos depois. Em 1827, ele publicou seu clássico Memoir on the Geology of Central France, incluindo as formações vulcânicas de Auvergne, o Velay e o Vivarais, um volume in-quarto ilustrado por mapas e placas. A substância disso foi reproduzida de uma forma revisada e um pouco mais popular em The Geology and Extinct Volcanos of Central France (1858). Esses livros foram as primeiras descrições amplamente publicadas da Chaîne des Puys, uma cadeia de mais de 70 pequenos vulcões no Maciço Central. Scrope foi premiado com a Medalha Wollaston pela Sociedade Geológica de Londres em 1867. Entre suas outras obras estava a História da Mansão e o Baronato Antigo de Castle Combe (impresso para circulação privada, 1852). Ele morreu em Fairlawn perto de Cobham, Surrey, em 19 de janeiro de 1876. (pt)
- George Julius Poulett Scrope, nato Thomson (Londra, 10 marzo 1797 – Cobham, 19 gennaio 1876) è stato un geologo, politico, economista e magistrato inglese. (it)
- George Julius Poulett Scrope, född 10 mars 1797, död 19 januari 1876, var en engelsk geolog. Scrope är mest känd för sin forskning rörande vulkaner och vulkaniska bergarter, särskilt vad gäller Sydeuropa. Hans mest kända skrift Considerations on Volcanos (1825, andra upplagan 1862) bildade länge grundval för vulkanologin. Han tilldelades Wollastonmedaljen 1867. (sv)
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- George Julius Poulett Thomson (en)
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- 37164 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Cambrian
- dbr:Candide
- dbr:Castle_Combe
- dbr:Province_of_Canada
- dbr:Royal_Society
- dbr:David_Hume
- dbr:David_Ricardo
- dbc:People_from_Farnham
- dbc:British_volcanologists
- dbr:House_of_Commons_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:John_Playfair
- dbr:John_Russell,_1st_Earl_Russell
- dbr:Joseph_Butler
- dbr:Pembroke_College,_Oxford
- dbr:Petrology
- dbr:Charles_Richard_Fox
- dbr:University_of_Cambridge
- dbr:University_of_Oxford
- dbr:David_Ricardo_(the_younger)
- dbr:Massif_Central
- dbr:Geologist
- dbr:Christ_Church,_Oxford
- dbr:Christian_Leopold_von_Buch
- dbr:Cobham,_Surrey
- dbr:Edward_Daniel_Clarke
- dbr:Edward_Horsman
- dbr:Eifel
- dbr:Geological_Society_of_London
- dbr:Geology
- dbr:Gold_standard
- dbr:Governor_General_of_Canada
- dbr:Mount_Etna
- dbr:Mount_Vesuvius
- dbr:Thomas_Henry_Huxley
- dbr:Lower_Canada
- dbr:Malthusian_growth_model
- dbr:Chiltern_Hundreds
- dbr:Stroud
- dbr:Emigration
- dbr:Igneous_petrology
- dbr:Pontine_Islands
- dbr:Magistrate
- dbr:Stroud_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbc:Alumni_of_St_John's_College,_Cambridge
- dbc:Fellows_of_the_Royal_Society
- dbc:Liberal_Party_(UK)_MPs_for_English_constituencies
- dbc:People_educated_at_Harrow_School
- dbc:Wollaston_Medal_winners
- dbc:UK_MPs_1847–1852
- dbc:UK_MPs_1857–1859
- dbr:William_Henry_Stanton_(MP)
- dbr:William_Stanley_Jevons
- dbr:Wiltshire
- dbr:James_Hutton
- dbr:Lipari_Islands
- dbr:Principles_of_Geology
- dbr:Abraham_Gottlob_Werner
- dbr:Adam_Sedgwick
- dbr:Anarchist
- dbr:Eton_College
- dbr:Fellow_of_the_Royal_Society
- dbr:Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Harrow_School
- dbr:Henry_Reynolds-Moreton,_3rd_Earl_of_Ducie
- dbr:Archibald_Geikie
- dbc:1797_births
- dbc:1876_deaths
- dbc:UK_MPs_1832–1835
- dbc:UK_MPs_1835–1837
- dbc:UK_MPs_1837–1841
- dbc:UK_MPs_1841–1847
- dbc:UK_MPs_1852–1857
- dbc:UK_MPs_1859–1865
- dbc:UK_MPs_1865–1868
- dbr:Act_of_Union_1840
- dbc:English_geologists
- dbr:Charles_Darwin
- dbr:Charles_Lyell
- dbr:Charles_Poulett_Thomson,_1st_Baron_Sydenham
- dbr:Chaîne_des_Puys
- dbr:John_Forbes_Nash,_Jr.
- dbr:Henry_Selfe_Page_Winterbotham
- dbr:Wollaston_Medal
- dbr:Manor_House_Hotel
- dbr:St_John's_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:Mineralogy
- dbr:Naples
- dbr:Auvergne_(province)
- dbr:Upper_Canada
- dbr:William_Henry_Hyett
- dbr:Member_of_Parliament_(United_Kingdom)
- dbr:Sir_Robert_Long,_6th_Baronet
- dbr:Volcano
- dbr:Neptunism
- dbr:Mistress_(lover)
- dbr:Stroud,_Gloucestershire
- dbr:Human_Science
- dbr:Wiltshire_Archaeological_and_Natural_History_Society
- dbr:Stratigraphy
- dbr:Sir_James_Hall,_4th_Baronet
- dbr:William_Scrope
- dbr:Pamphlet
- dbr:Vesuvius
- dbr:Sir_Charles_Lyell
- dbr:Poor_Law
- dbr:Uniformitarian
- dbr:File:Vesuvius1822scrope.jpg
- dbr:S:Letters_to_Lord_John_Russell_on_the_...or_the_Social_Amelioration_of_Ireland
- dbr:S:Scrope,_George_Julius_Poulett
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- St John's College, Cambridge (en)
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- George Julius Poulett Thomson (en)
- George Julius Poulett Scrope (en)
- 0001-01-19 (xsd:gMonthDay)
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- Describing volcanoes (en)
- George Julius Poulett Scrope (en)
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- Member of Parliament for Stroud (en)
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- Charles Richard Fox 1835 (en)
- Edward Horsman from 1853 (en)
- John Russell 1835–1841 (en)
- Lord Moreton 1852–1853 (en)
- William Henry Hyett to 1835 (en)
- William Henry Stanton 1841–1852 (en)
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- George Julius Poulett Scrope (10 mars 1797-19 janvier 1876) est un géologue et économiste britannique. Il est le second fils de J Poulett Thompson. (fr)
- George Julius Poulett Scrope, nato Thomson (Londra, 10 marzo 1797 – Cobham, 19 gennaio 1876) è stato un geologo, politico, economista e magistrato inglese. (it)
- George Julius Poulett Scrope, född 10 mars 1797, död 19 januari 1876, var en engelsk geolog. Scrope är mest känd för sin forskning rörande vulkaner och vulkaniska bergarter, särskilt vad gäller Sydeuropa. Hans mest kända skrift Considerations on Volcanos (1825, andra upplagan 1862) bildade länge grundval för vulkanologin. Han tilldelades Wollastonmedaljen 1867. (sv)
- George Julius Scrope (* 10. März 1797 in London; † 19. Januar 1876 in Cobham, Surrey) war ein englischer Geologe. George Julius (Poulett) Scrope wurde am 10. März 1797 als zweiter Sohn des Großkaufmanns J. Poulett Thomson in dem heutigen Londoner Stadtteil Surrey geboren. Nach der Schulausbildung besuchte er kurze Zeit das Pembroke College in Oxford und anschließend das bekannte St John’s College in Cambridge, das er im Jahr 1821 mit dem Bachelor of Arts abschloss. Schon frühzeitig interessierte er sich für naturwissenschaftliche Themen insbesondere für Geographie und Geologie. So studierte er während eines längeren Aufenthalts in Italien (1817–1820) intensiv die vulkanischen Phänomene des Vesuvs und des Ätnas. Im Oktober 1822 wurde er selbst Augenzeuge einer starken Eruption des Vesuv. Sc (de)
- George Julius Poulett Scrope FRS (10 March 1797 – 19 January 1876) was an English geologist and political economist as well as a Member of Parliament and magistrate for Stroud in Gloucestershire. While an undergraduate at Cambridge, through the influence of Edward Clarke and Adam Sedgwick he became interested in mineralogy and geology. During the winter of 1816–1817 he was at Naples, and was so keenly interested in Vesuvius that he renewed his studies of the volcano in 1818; and in the following year visited Etna and the Lipari Islands. In 1821 he married the daughter and heiress of William Scrope of Castle Combe, Wiltshire, and assumed her name; and he entered the House of Commons of the United Kingdom in 1833 as MP for Stroud, retaining his seat until 1868. (en)
- George Julius Poulett Scrope (Londres, 10 de março de 1797 — Fairlawn, perto de , Surrey, 19 de janeiro de 1876), foi um geólogo e economista político inglês, bem como magistrado de Stroud em Gloucestershire. Ele era o segundo filho de J. Poulett Thompson de Waverley Abbey, Surrey. Ele foi educado em Harrow e por um curto período no Pembroke College, Oxford, mas em 1816 ele entrou no St John's College, Cambridge, graduando-se BA em 1821. Através da influência de Edward Clarke e Adam Sedgwick, ele se interessou pela mineralogia e geologia. (pt)
- George Julius Scrope (de)
- George Julius Poulett Scrope (en)
- George Poulett Scrope (fr)
- George Julius Poulett Scrope (it)
- George Julius Poulett Scrope (pt)
- George Julius Poulett Scrope (sv)
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- George Julius Poulett Scrope (en)
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