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George Wilcken Romney (July 8, 1907 – July 26, 1995) was an American businessman and Republican Party politician. He was chairman and president of American Motors Corporation from 1954 to 1962, the 43rd governor of Michigan from 1963 to 1969, and 3rd secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1969 to 1973. He was the father of Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts and 2012 Republican presidential nominee who currently serves as United States senator from Utah; the husband of 1970 U.S. Senate candidate Lenore Romney; and the paternal grandfather of current Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel.

Property Value
  • جورج رومني (بالإنجليزية: George Wilcken Romney )‏ (و. 1907 – 1995 م)|عنوان=صفحة جورج رومني في National Thesaurus for Author Names identifier|عمل=NTA| تاريخ الوصول = 18 يناير 2019 }} هو ‏، وشخصية أعمال، وسياسي أمريكي، كان عضوًا في الحزب الجمهوري، توفي في بلومفيلد هيلز، عن عمر يناهز 88 عاماً ، بسبب نوبة قلبية.وهو عضو في الحزب الجمهوري، رجل أعمال أمريكي وسياسي بالحزب الجمهوري، وكان ورئيسا لشركة أمريكان موتورز من 1954 إلى 1962، وحاكم ولاية ميشيغان من 1963 إلى 1969، ووزير الإسكان والتنمية الحضرية في الولايات المتحدة من 1969 إلى 1973، وكان والد الحاكم السابق لماساتشوستس والمرشح الجمهوري للرئاسة ميت رومني وزوج مرشح مجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي السابق . (ar)
  • George Wilcken Romney (* 8. Juli 1907 in , Chihuahua, Mexiko; † 26. Juli 1995 in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker und von 1963 bis 1969 der 43. Gouverneur von Michigan sowie zwischen 1969 und 1973 Bau- und Entwicklungsminister unter US-Präsident Richard Nixon. Er ist der Vater von Mitt Romney, US-Präsidentschaftskandidat im Jahr 2012. (de)
  • George Wilcken Romney (July 8, 1907 – July 26, 1995) was an American businessman and Republican Party politician. He was chairman and president of American Motors Corporation from 1954 to 1962, the 43rd governor of Michigan from 1963 to 1969, and 3rd secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1969 to 1973. He was the father of Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts and 2012 Republican presidential nominee who currently serves as United States senator from Utah; the husband of 1970 U.S. Senate candidate Lenore Romney; and the paternal grandfather of current Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel. Romney was born to American parents living in the Mormon colonies in Mexico; events during the Mexican Revolution forced his family to flee back to the United States when he was a child. The family lived in several states and ended up in Salt Lake City, Utah, where they struggled during the Great Depression. Romney worked in a number of jobs, served as a Mormon missionary in the United Kingdom, and attended several colleges in the U.S. but did not graduate from any of them. In 1939, he moved to Detroit and joined the American Automobile Manufacturers Association, where he served as the chief spokesman for the automobile industry during World War II and headed a cooperative arrangement in which companies could share production improvements. He joined Nash-Kelvinator in 1948, and became the chief executive of its successor, American Motors Corporation, in 1954. There he turned around the struggling firm by focusing all efforts on the compact Rambler car. Romney mocked the products of the "Big Three" automakers as "gas-guzzling dinosaurs" and became one of the first high-profile, media-savvy business executives. Devoutly religious, he presided over the Detroit Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Having entered politics in 1961 by participating in a state constitutional convention to rewrite the Michigan Constitution, Romney was elected Governor of Michigan in 1962. Re-elected by increasingly large margins in 1964 and 1966, he worked to overhaul the state's financial and revenue structure, greatly expanding the size of state government and introducing Michigan's first state income tax. Romney was a strong supporter of the American Civil Rights Movement. He briefly represented moderate Republicans against conservative Republican Barry Goldwater during the 1964 U.S. presidential election. He requested the intervention of federal troops during the 1967 Detroit riot. Initially a front runner for the Republican nomination for president of the United States in the 1968 election cycle, he proved an ineffective campaigner and fell behind Richard Nixon in polls. After a mid-1967 remark that his earlier support for the Vietnam War had been due to a "brainwashing" by U.S. military and diplomatic officials in Vietnam, his campaign faltered even more and he withdrew from the contest in early 1968. After being elected president, Nixon appointed Romney as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Romney's ambitious plans, which included housing production increases for the poor and open housing to desegregate suburbs, were modestly successful but often thwarted by Nixon. Romney left the administration at the start of Nixon's second term in 1973. Returning to private life, he advocated volunteerism and public service and headed the National Center for Voluntary Action and its successor organizations from 1973 through 1991. He also served as a regional representative of the Twelve within his church. (en)
  • George Wilcken Romney (8 de julio de 1907-26 de julio de 1995) fue un empresario y político estadounidense. Fue presidente de American Motors Corporation de 1954 a 1962, el 43.° gobernador del estado de Míchigan de 1963 a 1969 por el Partido Republicano y Secretario de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de 1969 a 1973. Fue el padre del gobernador de Massachusetts de 2003 a 2007 y candidato presidencial republicano en 2012 Mitt Romney. (es)
  • George Wilcken Romney (8 juillet 1907 - 26 juillet 1995) est un homme d'affaires et un homme politique américain. Né au Mexique de parents américains, ses grands-parents, mormons polygames, ont fui les États-Unis après l'interdiction de la polygamie. George Romney est revenu aux États-Unis alors qu'il était enfant. Devenu homme d'affaires, il est président d'American Motors Corporation de 1954 à 1962. Il fait son entrée en politique en participant à l'assemblée constituante réécrivant la Constitution de l'État du Michigan en 1961-1962 et fut élu gouverneur du Michigan de 1963 à 1969 sous la bannière du Parti républicain. Il fut candidat, défait, aux élections primaires républicaines lors de l'élection présidentielle de 1968. Il est nommé secrétaire au Logement et au Développement urbain des États-Unis de 1969 à 1973 dans l'administration Nixon. Il est le père de Mitt Romney, gouverneur du Massachusetts de 2003 à 2007 et candidat à l'élection présidentielle américaine de 2012. Il a par ailleurs un lien de parenté avec le peintre anglais George Romney (1734-1802). (fr)
  • George Wilcken Romney (8 Juli 1907 - 26 Juli 1995) adalah seorang pengusaha dan politikus Partai Republik Amerika. Dia adalah ketua dan presiden Amerika Motors Corporation 1954-1962, 1963-1969 yang ke-43, dan pada tahun 1969-1973. Ia juga adalah ayah dari mantan Gubernur Massachusetts dan calon presiden pada tahun 2012 dari Partai Republik, Mitt Romney dan suami dari mantan calon Senat AS . Romney lahir dari orang tua berkebangsaan Amerika dan tinggal di Mormon, Meksiko; kondisi selama Revolusi Meksiko memaksa keluarganya untuk melarikan diri kembali ke Amerika Serikat ketika ia masih kecil. Keluarga itu tinggal di beberapa negara dan berakhir di Salt Lake City, Utah, di mana mereka berjuang selama Great Depression. (in)
  • ジョージ・ウィルケン・ロムニー(英語:George Wilcken Romney、1907年7月8日 - 1995年7月26日)は、アメリカ合衆国の政治家、実業家。アメリカン・モーターズ・コーポレーション会長、第43代ミシガン州知事、リチャード・ニクソン政権にて第3代アメリカ合衆国住宅都市開発長官を歴任した。次男は元マサチューセッツ州知事のミット・ロムニーである。 (ja)
  • George Wilcken Romney è stato un imprenditore e politico statunitense, membro del Partito Repubblicano. È stato presidente della American Motors Corporation dal 1954 al 1962, quindi governatore del Michigan dal 1963 al 1969 e in seguito, dal 1969 al 1973, Segretario della Casa e dello Sviluppo Urbano durante il primo mandato dell'amministrazione guidata da Richard Nixon. Era il padre di Mitt Romney, governatore del Massachusetts dal 2003 al 2007 e in seguito senatore per lo stato dello Utah. La nipote abiatica, Ronna Romney McDaniel, è attualmente presidente del Partito Repubblicano. (it)
  • 조지 윌컨 롬니(영어: George Wilcken Romney, 1907년 7월 8일 ~ 1995년 7월 26일)는 미국의 정치인이자 기업인이다. 아메리칸 모터스 코퍼레이션 (AMC) 회장 (1954년 ~ 1962년), 미시간 주지사 (1963년 ~ 1969년), 닉슨 행정부의 미국 주택도시개발 장관 (1969년 ~ 1973년)을 역임했다. 소속 정당은 공화당으로, 차남은 미트 롬니이다. (ko)
  • George Wilcken Romney (ur. 8 lipca 1907 w Chihuahua, zm. 26 lipca 1995 w Bloomfield Hills) – amerykański polityk. (pl)
  • George Wilcken Romney (Nuevo Casas Grandes (Chihuahua), 8 juli 1907 - Bloomfield Hills (Michigan), 26 juli 1995) was een Amerikaans ondernemer en politicus van de Republikeinse Partij. Zijn ouders Gaskell Romney (1871–1955) en Anna Amelia Pratt (1876-1926) waren Amerikaanse burgers (Utah) die in 1895 waren gehuwd en leefden in een mormonenkolonie in Mexico. Hij is de vader van Mitt Romney, in 2008 en 2012 kandidaat voor het presidentschap van de Verenigde Staten. (nl)
  • Джордж Уилкен Ромни (англ. George Wilcken Romney; 8 июля 1907 — 26 июля 1995) — американский бизнесмен и политик, министр жилищного строительства и городского развития США (1969—1973). (ru)
  • George Wilcken Romney (Chihuahua, 8 de julho de 1907 — Bloomfield Hills, 26 de julho de 1995), foi governador de Michigan entre 1963 e 1969. Empresário e político norte-americano, era um membro do Partido Republicano e pai do ex-governador de Massachusetts Mitt Romney. Nasceu na Colonia mórmon de Dublan em Chihuahua, México, país de onde sua família fugiu por causa da Revolução Mexicana, cresceu em Idaho e Utah. Em sua juventude, ele passou dois anos como missionário mórmon na Inglaterra e na Escócia. Frequentou a Universidade de Utah e também a Universidade George Washington, mas nunca se formou. George Romney se casou em 1931 com a atriz Lenore LaFount, com quem teve quatro filhos, Lynn, Jane, Scott e Mitt. Durante a II Guerra Mundial foi CEO da Automobile Manufacturers Asssociation. Em 1954 foi nomeado presidente da American Motors. Como chefe da American Motors, Romney tornou-se um homem rico conhecido. Isso lhe valeu a chance de saltar para a arena política. Em 1962 decidiu concorrer para o governo de Michigan pelo Partido Republicano, ele derrotou o governador democrata , quebrando 14 anos consecutivos de domínio Democrata no estado. Ele foi reeleito em 1964 e 1966 sendo governador por três mandatos consecutivos. Em 1968 ele foi um dos pré-candidatos a presidência dos Estados Unidos mas perdeu para Richard Nixon, em meados de 1967, as pesquisas mostravam Nixon com 39%, seguido por Romney com 25%, devido a alguns embates com a imprensa pelo fato de ter nascido no México e por ser contra a guerra do Vietnã, o apoio a sua candidatura desapareceu de forma constante, e com as pesquisas mostrando-o muito atrás de Nixon, ele retirou-se da corrida em 28 de fevereiro de 1968 Ele foi nomeado Secretário de Habitação e Desenvolvimento Urbano (1969-1973). Permaneceu à frente do Departamento de Habitação durante todo o primeiro mandato de Nixon. Morreu em sua casa em Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, de um ataque cardíaco enquanto fazia exercício físico em 26 de julho de 1995 aos 88 anos. (pt)
  • George Wilcken Romney, född 8 juli 1907 i Nuevo Casas Grandes kommun, Chihuahua, Mexiko, död 26 juli 1995 i Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, var en amerikansk republikansk politiker och affärsman. Han var guvernör i Michigan (1963–1969) och USA:s bostadsminister (1969–1973). (sv)
  • Джордж Вількен Ромні (англ. George Wilcken Romney; нар. 8 липня 1907 — пом. 26 липня 1995) — американський бізнесмен і політик, міністр житлового будівництва і міського розвитку США (1969—1973). (uk)
  • 喬治·威肯·羅姆尼(英語:George Wilcken Romney,1907年7月8日-1995年7月26日)是一位美國政治人物及企业家。 (zh)
  • 1907-07-08 (xsd:date)
  • George Wilcken Romney (en)
  • 1995-07-26 (xsd:date)
  • 318677 (xsd:integer)
  • 179300 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124711164 (xsd:integer)
  • right (en)
  • Five children standing in descending order of age and height, adult male sitting next to the youngest one (en)
  • 1907-07-08 (xsd:date)
  • George Wilcken Romney (en)
  • Colonia Dublán, Chihuahua, Mexico (en)
  • George with his mother, Anna Amelia Pratt Romney, in Mexico in 1908 (en)
  • Gaskell Romney, sitting, and family, of Colonia Dublan, Chihuahua, c. 1910. Son George is fourth from the left. (en)
  • center (en)
  • 4 (xsd:integer)
  • 1995-07-26 (xsd:date)
  • Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, U.S. (en)
  • horizontal (en)
  • center (en)
  • Anna Amelia Pratt Romney with George Romney 1908.jpg (en)
  • Miles Park Romney family.jpg (en)
  • American (en)
  • 3 (xsd:integer)
  • 43 (xsd:integer)
  • 1969-01-22 (xsd:date)
  • 1973-01-20 (xsd:date)
  • 1963-01-01 (xsd:date)
  • 1969-01-22 (xsd:date)
  • 140 (xsd:integer)
  • 260 (xsd:integer)
  • 1954 (xsd:integer)
  • 1963 (xsd:integer)
  • 1969 (xsd:integer)
  • 196219641966 (xsd:decimal)
  • جورج رومني (بالإنجليزية: George Wilcken Romney )‏ (و. 1907 – 1995 م)|عنوان=صفحة جورج رومني في National Thesaurus for Author Names identifier|عمل=NTA| تاريخ الوصول = 18 يناير 2019 }} هو ‏، وشخصية أعمال، وسياسي أمريكي، كان عضوًا في الحزب الجمهوري، توفي في بلومفيلد هيلز، عن عمر يناهز 88 عاماً ، بسبب نوبة قلبية.وهو عضو في الحزب الجمهوري، رجل أعمال أمريكي وسياسي بالحزب الجمهوري، وكان ورئيسا لشركة أمريكان موتورز من 1954 إلى 1962، وحاكم ولاية ميشيغان من 1963 إلى 1969، ووزير الإسكان والتنمية الحضرية في الولايات المتحدة من 1969 إلى 1973، وكان والد الحاكم السابق لماساتشوستس والمرشح الجمهوري للرئاسة ميت رومني وزوج مرشح مجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي السابق . (ar)
  • George Wilcken Romney (* 8. Juli 1907 in , Chihuahua, Mexiko; † 26. Juli 1995 in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker und von 1963 bis 1969 der 43. Gouverneur von Michigan sowie zwischen 1969 und 1973 Bau- und Entwicklungsminister unter US-Präsident Richard Nixon. Er ist der Vater von Mitt Romney, US-Präsidentschaftskandidat im Jahr 2012. (de)
  • George Wilcken Romney (8 de julio de 1907-26 de julio de 1995) fue un empresario y político estadounidense. Fue presidente de American Motors Corporation de 1954 a 1962, el 43.° gobernador del estado de Míchigan de 1963 a 1969 por el Partido Republicano y Secretario de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de 1969 a 1973. Fue el padre del gobernador de Massachusetts de 2003 a 2007 y candidato presidencial republicano en 2012 Mitt Romney. (es)
  • ジョージ・ウィルケン・ロムニー(英語:George Wilcken Romney、1907年7月8日 - 1995年7月26日)は、アメリカ合衆国の政治家、実業家。アメリカン・モーターズ・コーポレーション会長、第43代ミシガン州知事、リチャード・ニクソン政権にて第3代アメリカ合衆国住宅都市開発長官を歴任した。次男は元マサチューセッツ州知事のミット・ロムニーである。 (ja)
  • 조지 윌컨 롬니(영어: George Wilcken Romney, 1907년 7월 8일 ~ 1995년 7월 26일)는 미국의 정치인이자 기업인이다. 아메리칸 모터스 코퍼레이션 (AMC) 회장 (1954년 ~ 1962년), 미시간 주지사 (1963년 ~ 1969년), 닉슨 행정부의 미국 주택도시개발 장관 (1969년 ~ 1973년)을 역임했다. 소속 정당은 공화당으로, 차남은 미트 롬니이다. (ko)
  • George Wilcken Romney (ur. 8 lipca 1907 w Chihuahua, zm. 26 lipca 1995 w Bloomfield Hills) – amerykański polityk. (pl)
  • George Wilcken Romney (Nuevo Casas Grandes (Chihuahua), 8 juli 1907 - Bloomfield Hills (Michigan), 26 juli 1995) was een Amerikaans ondernemer en politicus van de Republikeinse Partij. Zijn ouders Gaskell Romney (1871–1955) en Anna Amelia Pratt (1876-1926) waren Amerikaanse burgers (Utah) die in 1895 waren gehuwd en leefden in een mormonenkolonie in Mexico. Hij is de vader van Mitt Romney, in 2008 en 2012 kandidaat voor het presidentschap van de Verenigde Staten. (nl)
  • Джордж Уилкен Ромни (англ. George Wilcken Romney; 8 июля 1907 — 26 июля 1995) — американский бизнесмен и политик, министр жилищного строительства и городского развития США (1969—1973). (ru)
  • George Wilcken Romney, född 8 juli 1907 i Nuevo Casas Grandes kommun, Chihuahua, Mexiko, död 26 juli 1995 i Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, var en amerikansk republikansk politiker och affärsman. Han var guvernör i Michigan (1963–1969) och USA:s bostadsminister (1969–1973). (sv)
  • Джордж Вількен Ромні (англ. George Wilcken Romney; нар. 8 липня 1907 — пом. 26 липня 1995) — американський бізнесмен і політик, міністр житлового будівництва і міського розвитку США (1969—1973). (uk)
  • 喬治·威肯·羅姆尼(英語:George Wilcken Romney,1907年7月8日-1995年7月26日)是一位美國政治人物及企业家。 (zh)
  • George Wilcken Romney (July 8, 1907 – July 26, 1995) was an American businessman and Republican Party politician. He was chairman and president of American Motors Corporation from 1954 to 1962, the 43rd governor of Michigan from 1963 to 1969, and 3rd secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1969 to 1973. He was the father of Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts and 2012 Republican presidential nominee who currently serves as United States senator from Utah; the husband of 1970 U.S. Senate candidate Lenore Romney; and the paternal grandfather of current Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel. (en)
  • George Wilcken Romney (8 Juli 1907 - 26 Juli 1995) adalah seorang pengusaha dan politikus Partai Republik Amerika. Dia adalah ketua dan presiden Amerika Motors Corporation 1954-1962, 1963-1969 yang ke-43, dan pada tahun 1969-1973. Ia juga adalah ayah dari mantan Gubernur Massachusetts dan calon presiden pada tahun 2012 dari Partai Republik, Mitt Romney dan suami dari mantan calon Senat AS . (in)
  • George Wilcken Romney (8 juillet 1907 - 26 juillet 1995) est un homme d'affaires et un homme politique américain. Né au Mexique de parents américains, ses grands-parents, mormons polygames, ont fui les États-Unis après l'interdiction de la polygamie. George Romney est revenu aux États-Unis alors qu'il était enfant. Devenu homme d'affaires, il est président d'American Motors Corporation de 1954 à 1962. (fr)
  • George Wilcken Romney è stato un imprenditore e politico statunitense, membro del Partito Repubblicano. È stato presidente della American Motors Corporation dal 1954 al 1962, quindi governatore del Michigan dal 1963 al 1969 e in seguito, dal 1969 al 1973, Segretario della Casa e dello Sviluppo Urbano durante il primo mandato dell'amministrazione guidata da Richard Nixon. (it)
  • George Wilcken Romney (Chihuahua, 8 de julho de 1907 — Bloomfield Hills, 26 de julho de 1995), foi governador de Michigan entre 1963 e 1969. Empresário e político norte-americano, era um membro do Partido Republicano e pai do ex-governador de Massachusetts Mitt Romney. George Romney se casou em 1931 com a atriz Lenore LaFount, com quem teve quatro filhos, Lynn, Jane, Scott e Mitt. Durante a II Guerra Mundial foi CEO da Automobile Manufacturers Asssociation. Em 1954 foi nomeado presidente da American Motors. (pt)
  • George W. Romney (en)
  • جورج رومني (ar)
  • George W. Romney (de)
  • George Romney (es)
  • George W. Romney (in)
  • George W. Romney (fr)
  • George W. Romney (it)
  • 조지 W. 롬니 (ko)
  • ジョージ・ロムニー (ja)
  • George W. Romney (nl)
  • George W. Romney (pl)
  • George W. Romney (pt)
  • Ромни, Джордж Уилкен (ru)
  • George W. Romney (sv)
  • Джордж Вількен Ромні (uk)
  • 喬治·羅姆尼 (州長) (zh)
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