Georgia Mason (March 16, 1910 - October 8, 2007) was a botanist at the University of Oregon and author of Guide to the Plants of the Wallowa Mountains of Northeastern Oregon, and Plants of Wet to Moist Habitats in and Around Eugene Oregon.
جورجيا ماسون (بالإنجليزية: Georgia Mason) هي عالمة نبات أمريكية، ولدت في 16 مارس 1910، وتوفيت في 8 أكتوبر 2007. (ar)
Georgia Mason (March 16, 1910 - October 8, 2007) was a botanist at the University of Oregon and author of Guide to the Plants of the Wallowa Mountains of Northeastern Oregon, and Plants of Wet to Moist Habitats in and Around Eugene Oregon. (en)
جورجيا ماسون (بالإنجليزية: Georgia Mason) هي عالمة نبات أمريكية، ولدت في 16 مارس 1910، وتوفيت في 8 أكتوبر 2007. (ar)
Georgia Mason (March 16, 1910 - October 8, 2007) was a botanist at the University of Oregon and author of Guide to the Plants of the Wallowa Mountains of Northeastern Oregon, and Plants of Wet to Moist Habitats in and Around Eugene Oregon. (en)