- Gronda lagunare (lagunar eaves) is a term used to indicate the area of the Lagoon of Venice by its mainland shore. The term is derived from the fact that it receives the waters from the rivers and streams which flow into the lagoon from the drainage basin of the plain of the mainland by the lagoon. It is also reached by the tidal flows form he sea. , it is meant to be a belt that forms a transition area between the open lagoon and the mainland. Since it is between the inflow of freshwater form rivers and sea saltwater, in its natural state it would be an area with freshwater wetlands, barene (saltmarshes), velme (mudflats), and lagunar channels which forms a transitional belt between the mainland and the open lagoon rather than forming a fixed boundary, with its conformation changing according to the interplay of the hydrodynamic forces of the lagoon and their hydrodynamic equilibrium. However, this complex hydrologic and environmental system has undergone dramatic changes, both natural and, especially, man-made and has by and large lost it character as a transitional belt. (en)
- Per gronda lagunare si intende l'area di contatto tra la laguna di Venezia e la terraferma veneziana. Si tratta di un articolato intreccio di terre emerse, spesso bonificate, e di barene, attraversate da una rete di velme e canali: un sistema fisico e ambientale complesso, sottoposto a profondi processi di trasformazione, di origine sia naturale sia antropica. (it)
- Per gronda lagunare si intende l'area di contatto tra la laguna di Venezia e la terraferma veneziana. Si tratta di un articolato intreccio di terre emerse, spesso bonificate, e di barene, attraversate da una rete di velme e canali: un sistema fisico e ambientale complesso, sottoposto a profondi processi di trasformazione, di origine sia naturale sia antropica. (it)
- Gronda lagunare (lagunar eaves) is a term used to indicate the area of the Lagoon of Venice by its mainland shore. The term is derived from the fact that it receives the waters from the rivers and streams which flow into the lagoon from the drainage basin of the plain of the mainland by the lagoon. It is also reached by the tidal flows form he sea. , it is meant to be a belt that forms a transition area between the open lagoon and the mainland. (en)