- For sae as you, James Macpherson and James Gordon, pannals [the accused], are found guilty, ane verdict of ane , to be knoune holden, and repute to be Egiptians and vagabonds, and oppressors of his matie's free lieges, in ane bangstrie manner, and going up and doune the country armed, and keeping the mercats in ane hostile manner; and that you are thieves, and receptors of thieves, and that you are of pessima fama: Therefore, the Shireff-depute of Banff, and I, in his name, adjudges and decernes you, the sds James Macpherson and James Gordon to be taken to the cross of Banff, from the tolbooth yrof, where you now lye, and yr upon ane gibbet to be erected, to be hanged by the neck to the death, by the hand of the comone executioner, upon Friday nixt, being the 16 Nover instant, being a publick weeklie mercat-day, betwisxt the houres of two and three in the afternoon, and, in the meantyme, declairs their haill movele goods and gear to be scheat and inbrought to the fiscall, for his matie's interest; and recomends this sentences to be sene put in executioune by the magistrats of Banff (en)