- Jason Lee "Jay" Payton (born November 22, 1972) is an American former Major League Baseball (MLB) outfielder who played for the New York Mets (1998-2002), Colorado Rockies (2002-2003, 2010), San Diego Padres (2004), Boston Red Sox (2005), Oakland Athletics (2005-2006) and Baltimore Orioles (2007-2008). He batted and threw right-handed. Payton was an opposite-field hitter with some power. He had great speed as a runner, but did not steal many bases. Defensively, he was a solid outfielder with an above-average arm, and his quickness getting rid of the ball helped him hold baserunners on the base paths. He is currently serving as an in game analyst with ESPNU for college baseball. (en)
- ジェイソン・リー・ペイトン(Jason Lee Payton, 1972年11月22日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国・オハイオ州マスキンガム郡ゼインズビル出身の元プロ野球選手(外野手)。右投右打。 ジョージア工科大学時代はノマー・ガルシアパーラ、ジェイソン・バリテックとチームメイトだった。 (ja)
- 제이슨 리 "제이" 페이턴(Jason Lee "Jay" Payton, 1972년 11월 22일 ~ )은 미국의 전 프로 야구 선수이다. 메이저 리그 베이스볼(MLB) 팀 뉴욕 메츠, 콜로라도 로키스, 샌디에이고 파드리스, 보스턴 레드삭스, 오클랜드 애슬레틱스, 볼티모어 오리올스 등지에서 뛰었다. (ko)
- Jason Lee "Jay" Payton (born November 22, 1972) is an American former Major League Baseball (MLB) outfielder who played for the New York Mets (1998-2002), Colorado Rockies (2002-2003, 2010), San Diego Padres (2004), Boston Red Sox (2005), Oakland Athletics (2005-2006) and Baltimore Orioles (2007-2008). He batted and threw right-handed. Payton was an opposite-field hitter with some power. He had great speed as a runner, but did not steal many bases. Defensively, he was a solid outfielder with an above-average arm, and his quickness getting rid of the ball helped him hold baserunners on the base paths. He is currently serving as an in game analyst with ESPNU for college baseball. (en)
- ジェイソン・リー・ペイトン(Jason Lee Payton, 1972年11月22日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国・オハイオ州マスキンガム郡ゼインズビル出身の元プロ野球選手(外野手)。右投右打。 ジョージア工科大学時代はノマー・ガルシアパーラ、ジェイソン・バリテックとチームメイトだった。 (ja)
- 제이슨 리 "제이" 페이턴(Jason Lee "Jay" Payton, 1972년 11월 22일 ~ )은 미국의 전 프로 야구 선수이다. 메이저 리그 베이스볼(MLB) 팀 뉴욕 메츠, 콜로라도 로키스, 샌디에이고 파드리스, 보스턴 레드삭스, 오클랜드 애슬레틱스, 볼티모어 오리올스 등지에서 뛰었다. (ko)