- James Mountain Inhofe (* 17. listopadu 1934, Des Moines, Iowa) je americký politik za Republikánskou stranu. Od roku 1994 je senátorem USA za stát Oklahoma. V letech 1987–1994 byl poslancem Sněmovny reprezentantů, v níž zastupoval Oklahomu za první kongresový okres. Také byl starostou města Tulsa v letech 1978–1984 a v letech 1969–1977 působil v kongresu Oklahomy. Inhofe je konzervativním republikánským politikem, který se nechvalně proslavil svým projevem o klimatu v roce 2003, v němž prohlásil, že řeč o „člověkem způsobeném globální oteplování je největším podvodem, který kdy byl spáchán na americkém lidu.“ Jako popírač klimatických změn přirovnal v roce 2006 odbornou veřejnost varující před globálním oteplováním k nacistům a americkou agenturu pro ochranu životního prostředí ke gestapu. (cs)
- جيمس ماونتاين «جيم» إنهوف (بالإنجليزية: Jim Inhofe) (المولود بتاريخ 17 نوفمبر 1934)، سياسي أمريكي من . وهو عضو في الحزب الجمهوري، ويشغل حاليا منصب أكبر سيناتور من ولاية أوكلاهوما. يعتبر من أكبر المفندين والمشككين لقضية الاحترار العالمي في الكونغرس. (ar)
- James Mountain „Jim“ Inhofe (* 17. November 1934 in Des Moines, Iowa) ist ein US-amerikanischer Politiker (Republikanische Partei) und seit 1994 Senator für den Bundesstaat Oklahoma. Vorher war er von 1967 bis 1969 Mitglied im Repräsentantenhaus und von 1969 bis 1977 im Senat von Oklahoma. Zwischen 1987 und 1994 vertrat er Oklahoma im US-Repräsentantenhaus. Außerdem war er 1978 bis 1984 Bürgermeister von Tulsa. (de)
- James Mountain Inhofe (Des Moines, Iowa; 17 de noviembre de 1934) es un político estadounidense. Como miembro del Partido Republicano, actualmente sirve como senador senior para Oklahoma. En el Congreso está entre las mayores voces negacionistas del cambio climático. A menudo cita la Biblia como fuente de su posición en varios aspectos políticos. En febrero de 2022, Inhofe anunció su retiro para fines del 117.° Congreso, lo que lleva a convocar a una elección especial en Oklahoma para llenar la vacante. La fecha de realización de esta, será el 8 de noviembre, en coincidencia con las elecciones de medio término. (es)
- James Mountain Inhofe (/ˈɪnhɒf/ INN-hoff; born November 17, 1934) is an American politician serving as the senior United States senator from Oklahoma, a seat he was first elected to in 1994. A member of the Republican Party, he chaired the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW) from 2003 to 2007 and again from 2015 to 2017. Inhofe served as the U.S. representative for Oklahoma's 1st congressional district from 1987 to 1994 and as mayor of Tulsa from 1978 to 1984. Inhofe is known for his rejection of climate science. He has supported a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage and has proposed the Inhofe Amendment to make English the national language of the United States. Inhofe served as acting chairman of the Armed Services Committee while John McCain fought cancer in 2018. After McCain's death, he became chairman. Since February 2021, he has served as Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. On July 15, 2021, Inhofe told Tulsa World he planned to retire at the end of his current term, in 2027. In February 2022, The New York Times reported that Inhofe was planning to resign at the end of the 117th United States Congress. (en)
- James Mountain Inhofe dit Jim, né le 17 novembre 1934 à Des Moines (Iowa), est un homme politique et homme d'affaires américain membre du Parti républicain, ancien maire de Tulsa de 1978 à 1984 et sénateur de l'Oklahoma au Congrès des États-Unis depuis 1994. (fr)
- Is é James Inhofe (ar 17 Samhain 1934 a rugadh é) seanadóir Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá sinsearach ó Oklahoma. Is ball den Pháirtí Poblachtach é. (ga)
- James Mountain (Jim) Inhofe (Des Moines (Iowa), 17 november 1934) is een Amerikaans politicus van de Republikeinse Partij. Hij is een senator voor Oklahoma sinds 1994, daarvoor was hij lid van het Huis van Afgevaardigden voor het 1e district van Oklahoma van 1987 tot 1994. Daarvoor was Inhofe burgemeester van Tulsa van 1978 tot 1984. (nl)
- James Mountain Inhofe, detto Jim (Des Moines, 17 novembre 1934), è un politico statunitense, attuale senatore per lo stato dell'Oklahoma e membro della Camera dei Rappresentanti per lo stesso stato dal 1987 al 1994. (it)
- Jim Inhofe, właśc. James Mountain Inhofe (ur. 17 listopada 1934 w Des Moines, Iowa) – amerykański polityk, senator ze stanu Oklahoma (wybrany w 1994 w wyborach uzupełniających i ponownie w 1996 i 2002), członek Partii Republikańskiej. W latach 1987-1994 zasiadał w Izbie Reprezentantów. Inhofe jest jednym z największych sceptyków globalnego ocieplenia w Kongresie. W rankingu z 2008 zajął pierwsze miejsce pod względem systematycznego głosowania przeciwko ustawom mającym chronić środowisko. (pl)
- Mountain James "Jim" Inhofe (Des Moines, 17 de novembro de 1934) é um político estadunidense, membro do Partido Republicano. É considerado um dos maiores negacionistas das mudanças climáticas nos Estados Unidos. Em um famoso discurso no Senado dos Estados Unidos, em 2003, ele disse que o aquecimento global era “a maior fraude já perpetrada contra o povo estadunidense”. Em 2010, ele pediu que o Departamento de Justiça abrisse investigações criminais contra os cientistas que estudam as mudanças climáticas. (pt)
- James Mountain "Jim" Inhofe, född 17 november 1934 i Des Moines, Iowa, är en amerikansk republikansk politiker. Han var ledamot av USA:s senat från delstaten Oklahoma från november 1994 till 2023. Han var ledamot av USA:s representanthus 1987–1994. Inhofe utexaminerades 1973 från University of Tulsa. Han var borgmästare i Tulsa 1978–1984. Inhofe rankades av som den åttonde mest konservativa amerikanska senatorn i sin konservativa/liberala rankning i mars 2007. Enligt GovTrack under 2015–2017 röstnings bedömning, rankades Inhofe som den mest konservativa medlemmen i senaten. (sv)
- Джеймс Моунтайн «Джим» Інгоф (інколи Інхоф, англ. James Mountain «Jim» Inhofe; нар. 17 листопада 1934, Де-Мойн, Айова) — американський політик, сенатор від штату Оклахома (обраний у 1994 році, переобирався у 1996, 2002, 2008 і 2014 роках), член Республіканської партії. У 1987–1994 роки він був членом Палати представників. Мер Талси з 1978 по 1984. Інгоф є одним з найбільших скептиків глобального потепління в Конгресі. У рейтингу Ліги збереження виборців на 2008 рік посів перше місце з точки зору систематичного голосування проти законів, покликаних захистити довкілля. У 2013 році включив Інгофа до п'ятірки найбільш консервативних членів Сенату. (uk)
- 詹姆斯·芒廷因·「吉姆」·英霍夫(英語:James Mountain "Jim" Inhofe;1934年11月17日-),是一位共和黨的美国政治家,1994年-2023年為奧克拉荷馬州聯邦參議員。此前他曾是美国众议院1987年至1994年期間代表議員及第32任塔爾薩市長(1978年-1984年)。 (zh)
- Джеймс Маунтин Инхоф (англ. James Mountain Inhofe; род. 17 ноября 1934) — американский политик-республиканец, сенатор США от штата Оклахома (с 1994). (ru)
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- James Mountain Inhofe (en)
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- 113720 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Carbon_dioxide
- dbr:Carol_Browner
- dbr:Presidency_of_George_W._Bush
- dbr:Rodger_Randle
- dbr:Roger_Wicker
- dbr:Ron_Wyden
- dbr:Ronald_Reagan
- dbr:Same-sex_marriage
- dbr:Fact_checking
- dbr:List_of_United_States_representatives_from_Oklahoma
- dbr:Marc_Morano
- dbr:2008_United_States_Senate_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:2009_United_Nations_Climate_Change_Conference
- dbr:Big_Lie
- dbr:Bloomberg_News
- dbr:Bob_Smith_(New_Hampshire_politician)
- dbr:Brett_Kavanaugh
- dbr:Dave_McCurdy
- dbr:David_Boren
- dbr:David_Vitter
- dbr:David_Walters
- dbr:Democratic_Party_(United_States)
- dbr:Des_Moines,_Iowa
- dbr:Dewey_F._Bartlett
- dbc:Christians_from_Oklahoma
- dbc:Military_personnel_from_Oklahoma
- dbc:Republican_Party_members_of_the_United...ouse_of_Representatives_from_Oklahoma
- dbc:Aviators_from_Iowa
- dbc:Members_of_the_Oklahoma_House_of_Representatives
- dbc:Candidates_in_the_1974_United_States_elections
- dbc:University_of_Tulsa_alumni
- dbr:Hockey_stick_graph_(global_temperature)
- dbr:Human_Rights_Campaign
- dbr:Hurricane_Sandy
- dbr:Joint_Comprehensive_Plan_of_Action
- dbr:Joni_Ernst
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_from_Oklahoma
- dbr:Patrick_Michaels
- dbr:Patty_Murray
- dbr:Petroleum_industry
- dbr:Republican_Party_(United_States)
- dbr:Richard_Lindzen
- dbr:Robert_J._LaFortune
- dbr:Union_of_Concerned_Scientists
- dbr:United_Nations_Framework_Convention_on_Climate_Change
- dbr:United_Parcel_Service
- dbr:United_States_Africa_Command
- dbr:United_States_Army
- dbr:United_States_Army_Corps_of_Engineers
- dbr:United_States_Congress
- dbr:United_States_Congressional_International_Conservation_Caucus
- dbr:United_States_Department_of_Commerce
- dbr:United_States_Environmental_Protection_Agency
- dbr:United_States_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:United_States_Senate
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Committee_on_Armed_Services
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Committee_on_Commerce,_Science,_and_Transportation
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Committee_on_Environment_and_Public_Works
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Committee_on_Small_Business_and_Entrepreneurship
- dbr:University_of_Oklahoma
- dbr:University_of_Tulsa
- dbr:Van's_Aircraft_RV-8
- dbr:David_Legates
- dbc:Republican_Party_United_States_senators_from_Oklahoma
- dbr:Earmark_(politics)
- dbr:Inhofe_Amendment
- dbr:J._Peter_Pham
- dbr:Electric_utilities
- dbr:List_of_mayors_of_Tulsa,_Oklahoma
- dbr:Obergefell_v._Hodges
- dbr:117th_United_States_Congress
- dbc:20th-century_American_politicians
- dbc:21st-century_American_politicians
- dbc:Living_people
- dbc:Oklahoma_state_senators
- dbr:1986_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections
- dbr:1988_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections
- dbr:1990_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections
- dbr:1992_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections
- dbr:1994_United_States_Senate_special_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:Constitution_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Copenhagen
- dbr:Ruth_Bader_Ginsburg
- dbr:Sallie_Baliunas
- dbr:Elitism
- dbr:Offshore_drilling
- dbr:Chris_Christie
- dbr:Chris_Mooney_(journalist)
- dbr:Christianity
- dbr:Cinema_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Classes_of_United_States_senators
- dbr:Climate_change_denial
- dbr:Elena_Kagan
- dbr:Frank_Keating
- dbr:Frank_Luntz
- dbr:Fred_Singer
- dbr:George_Nigh
- dbr:Gerald_Ford
- dbr:Gestapo
- dbr:Global_cooling
- dbr:Governor_of_Oklahoma
- dbr:Missouri
- dbr:Mitsubishi_MU-2
- dbr:Morocco
- dbr:The_New_York_Times
- dbr:The_Situation_Room_with_Wolf_Blitzer
- dbr:LGBT
- dbr:Temperature_record
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Armed_Services_Subcommittee_on_Airland
- dbr:Real_estate_developer
- dbr:1974_Oklahoma_gubernatorial_election
- dbr:2020_Congressional_insider_trading_scandal
- dbr:2020_United_States_Senate_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:Liquidation
- dbr:Stephen_Jones_(attorney)
- dbr:Stephen_Schneider_(scientist)
- dbr:Steve_Largent
- dbr:Clear_Skies_Act_of_2003
- dbr:Climate_Stewardship_Acts
- dbr:Climatic_Research_Unit_email_controversy
- dbr:Comprehensive_Immigration_Reform_Act_of_2006
- dbr:David_L._Boren
- dbr:Ice_age
- dbr:Specialist_(rank)
- dbr:1996_United_States_Senate_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:2002_United_States_Senate_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:Bachelor_of_Arts
- dbr:Barbara_Boxer
- dbc:1934_births
- dbc:21st-century_Presbyterians
- dbc:American_Presbyterians
- dbc:American_businesspeople_in_insurance
- dbc:American_conspiracy_theorists
- dbr:CNN
- dbr:Tim_Hutchinson
- dbr:Tom_Coburn
- dbr:Tom_Wigley
- dbr:Trent_Lott
- dbr:Tulsa,_Oklahoma
- dbr:Western_Sahara
- dbr:Joan_Hastings_(politician)
- dbr:File:Inhofefamily-noglbt.png
- dbr:Seal_of_the_United_States_Senate
- dbr:Republican_Party_presidential_primaries,_2016
- dbr:Separation_of_church_and_state_in_the_United_States
- dbr:2014_United_States_Senate_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:2017_Las_Vegas_shooting
- dbr:2022_United_States_Senate_special_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:2026_United_States_Senate_elections
- dbr:2006_North_American_heat_wave
- dbr:Algeria
- dbr:American_Civil_Liberties_Union
- dbr:American_Medical_Association
- dbc:Politicians_from_Des_Moines,_Iowa
- dbr:EAA_AirVenture_Oshkosh
- dbr:Federal_government_of_the_United_States
- dbr:First_impeachment_of_Donald_Trump
- dbr:Fox_News
- dbc:20th-century_Presbyterians
- dbr:American_conservatism
- dbr:Owasso,_Oklahoma
- dbr:Paris_Agreement
- dbr:Central_High_School_(Tulsa,_Oklahoma)
- dbr:Discharge_petition
- dbr:Fossil_fuel_industry
- dbr:Israeli-occupied_territories
- dbr:Israeli_settlement
- dbr:Exxon
- dbr:Receivership
- dbr:Hans_von_Storch
- dbr:Hate_crime
- dbr:Israel_Anti-Boycott_Act
- dbr:Israel–Morocco_normalization_agreement
- dbr:Jack_Reed_(Rhode_Island_politician)
- dbr:James_Boren
- dbr:James_Hormel
- dbr:James_Lankford
- dbr:James_R._Jones
- dbr:January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack
- dbr:Jay_Inslee
- dbr:Ted_Cruz
- dbr:Terrorist
- dbr:Terry_Young_(American_politician)
- dbr:The_Fellowship_(Christian_organization)
- dbr:Arctic_National_Wildlife_Refuge
- dbr:Associated_Press
- dbr:Attribution_of_recent_climate_change
- dbc:Commercial_aviators
- dbc:American_Christian_Zionists
- dbc:Candidates_in_the_1976_United_States_elections
- dbc:Central_High_School_(Tulsa,_Oklahoma)_alumni
- dbr:Jesus
- dbr:Jim_Jeffords
- dbr:Jim_Webb
- dbr:John_Barrasso
- dbr:John_Kasich
- dbr:John_McCain
- dbr:Keystone_Pipeline
- dbr:League_of_Conservation_Voters
- dbc:Mayors_of_Tulsa,_Oklahoma
- dbr:Hoax
- dbr:Tokyo_Rose
- dbr:Tulsa_World
- dbr:Don_Nickles
- dbr:Donald_Trump
- dbr:Douglas_Coe
- dbr:Assistant_Secretary_of_State_for_African_Affairs
- dbr:Markwayne_Mullin
- dbr:Marsha_Blackburn
- dbr:Phil_Jones_(climatologist)
- dbr:Polisario_Front
- dbr:PolitiFact
- dbr:Political_Action_Committee
- dbr:Post-9/11_Veterans_Educational_Assistance_Act_of_2008
- dbr:Sonia_Sotomayor
- dbr:Mayor_of_Tulsa
- dbr:Science_of_climate_change
- dbr:Impeachment_of_Bill_Clinton
- dbr:Incumbent
- dbr:Independent_politician
- dbr:Inhuman_or_degrading_treatment
- dbr:Inspector_General
- dbr:Intergovernmental_Panel_on_Climate_Change
- dbr:Kit_Bond
- dbr:Koch_Industries
- dbr:Kyoto_Protocol
- dbr:Michael_Crichton
- dbr:Michael_E._Mann
- dbr:Mike_Braun
- dbr:Milan
- dbr:National_Association_for_the_Advancement_of_Colored_People
- dbr:National_Association_of_Realtors
- dbr:National_Defense_Authorization_Act_for_Fiscal_Year_2019
- dbr:National_Oceanic_and_Atmospheric_Administration
- dbr:National_Rifle_Association
- dbr:Nazi_Germany
- dbr:Neil_Gorsuch
- dbr:Oklahoma
- dbr:Oklahoma's_1st_congressional_district
- dbr:Oklahoma_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:Oklahoma_Republican_Party
- dbr:Oklahoma_Senate
- dbr:OpenSecrets
- dbr:Orrin_Hatch
- dbr:Raytheon_Company
- dbr:Seniority_in_the_United_States_Senate
- dbr:Sexual_orientation
- dbr:Sheldon_Whitehouse
- dbr:Withdrawal_of_United_States_troops_from_Afghanistan_(2020–2021)
- dbr:Sanctuary_city
- dbr:Wagoner_County,_Oklahoma
- dbr:The_Republican_War_on_Science
- dbr:National_language
- dbr:Politics_of_Oklahoma
- dbr:State_of_Fear
- dbr:Soon_and_Baliunas_controversy
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Armed_Services_Su...e_on_Readiness_and_Management_Support
- dbr:Iraqi_insurgency_(Iraq_War)
- dbr:Global_warming_conspiracy_theory
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Armed_Services_Subcommittee_on_Strategic_Forces
- dbr:Tulsa_County,_Oklahoma
- dbr:United_States_order_of_precedence
- dbr:WND_Books
- dbr:Daily_Oklahoman
- dbr:Abu_Ghraib_prisoner_abuse
- dbr:Detainee_Treatment_Act_of_2005
- dbr:Aircraft_Owners_&_Pilots_Association
- dbr:109th_Congress
- dbr:115th_Congress
- dbr:File:Inhofe_holding_snowball.jpg
- dbr:File:Amy_Coney_Barrett_and_Jim_Inhofe.jpg
- dbr:File:CODEL_James_Inhofe_visit_to_Kyiv,_Ukraine,_October_27-28,_2014_01.jpg
- dbr:File:Inhofe_Gilday_handshake_(48423570207).jpg
- dbr:File:Neil_Gorsuch_and_Jim_Inhofe.jpg
- dbr:File:President_Joe_Biden_meets_with_a_bipartisan_group_of_Senators.jpg
- dbr:File:Reagan_Contact_Sheet_BW_6088_(cropped).jpg
- dbr:Quaker_Life_Insurance_Company
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- 1934-11-17 (xsd:date)
- (en)
- James Mountain Inhofe (en)
- Des Moines, Iowa, U.S. (en)
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- dbr:Dave_McCurdy
- dbr:David_Boren
- dbr:David_Walters
- dbr:Joan_Hastings_(politician)
- dbr:James_Boren
- Robert Murphy (en)
- Tom Seymour (en)
- Denzil D. Garrison (en)
- Jim Inhofe (en)
- Robert T. Murphy (en)
- Tony Caldwell (en)
- Danny Corn (en)
- Agnes Marie Regier (en)
- Bill Maguire (en)
- Chris Nedbalek (en)
- Dan Lowe (en)
- Neil Mavis (en)
- Evelyn Rogers (en)
- James Germalic (en)
- Evelyn L. Rogers (en)
- Andrew Rice (en)
- Dennis Lopez (en)
- Ted Ryals (en)
- Aaron DeLozier (en)
- Joan Farr (en)
- Matt Silverstein (en)
- Ray Woods (en)
- Rob Moye (en)
- Abby Broyles (en)
- John Tompkins (en)
- JJ Stitt (en)
- Rodger Randle (en)
- Stephen P. Wallace (en)
- Bill Colvert (en)
- Carl E. McCullough, Jr. (en)
- Erick Paul Wyatt (en)
- Gary D. Allison (en)
- J.D. Nesbit (en)
- Jean McBride-Samuels (en)
- Jim Primdahl, Jr. (en)
- John Selph (en)
- Kurt Glassco (en)
- Richard L. Bunn (en)
- Official portrait, 2018 (en)
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- 35 (xsd:integer)
- 70 (xsd:integer)
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- United States Senator (en)
- Democratic Party (en)
- Republican Party (en)
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- 32 (xsd:integer)
- Chair of the Senate Environment Committee (en)
- Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee (en)
- Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (en)
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- 0.730000 (xsd:double)
- 0.950000 (xsd:double)
- 1.210000 (xsd:double)
- 1.230000 (xsd:double)
- 1.280000 (xsd:double)
- 1.290000 (xsd:double)
- 1.390000 (xsd:double)
- 1.500000 (xsd:double)
- 1.840000 (xsd:double)
- 2.210000 (xsd:double)
- 2.400000 (xsd:double)
- 2.750000 (xsd:double)
- 3.140000 (xsd:double)
- 3.640000 (xsd:double)
- 4.140000 (xsd:double)
- 4.360000 (xsd:double)
- 4.440000 (xsd:double)
- 4.530000 (xsd:double)
- 4.840000 (xsd:double)
- 5.280000 (xsd:double)
- 6.280000 (xsd:double)
- 6.390000 (xsd:double)
- 7.790000 (xsd:double)
- 15.310000 (xsd:double)
- 16.490000 (xsd:double)
- 22.200000 (xsd:double)
- 24.660000 (xsd:double)
- 28.550000 (xsd:double)
- 29.290000 (xsd:double)
- 32.290000 (xsd:double)
- 32.750000 (xsd:double)
- 36.090000 (xsd:double)
- 36.310000 (xsd:double)
- 37.070000 (xsd:double)
- 39.180000 (xsd:double)
- 40.080000 (xsd:double)
- 40.560000 (xsd:double)
- 41.240000 (xsd:double)
- 42.810000 (xsd:double)
- 44.040000 (xsd:double)
- 45.810000 (xsd:double)
- 47.210000 (xsd:double)
- 47.370000 (xsd:double)
- 51.050000 (xsd:double)
- 52.630000 (xsd:double)
- 52.790000 (xsd:double)
- 54.210000 (xsd:double)
- 54.790000 (xsd:double)
- 55.210000 (xsd:double)
- 55.960000 (xsd:double)
- 56.680000 (xsd:double)
- 57.300000 (xsd:double)
- 58.760000 (xsd:double)
- 59.290000 (xsd:double)
- 62.910000 (xsd:double)
- 63.910000 (xsd:double)
- 67.710000 (xsd:double)
- 68.010000 (xsd:double)
- 74.050000 (xsd:double)
- 75.340000 (xsd:double)
- 77.800000 (xsd:double)
- 84.180000 (xsd:double)
- 87.680000 (xsd:double)
- 100 (xsd:integer)
- Joseph McGraw (en)
- L. Beauchamp Selman (en)
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- All these numbers are out of the $16+ million for total federally reportable contributions since 1989. Even the $90,950 claimed for Koch Industries is less than 0.6%. (en)
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- 1959 (xsd:integer)
- (en)
- Kay Kirkpatrick (en)
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- Warren Green (en)
- Richard Hancock (en)
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- 1969-01-07 (xsd:date)
- 1977-01-04 (xsd:date)
- 1984-05-08 (xsd:date)
- 1994-11-15 (xsd:date)
- 2007-01-03 (xsd:date)
- 2017-01-03 (xsd:date)
- 2021-02-03 (xsd:date)
- 0001-09-06 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 1967-01-07 (xsd:date)
- 1969-01-07 (xsd:date)
- 1978-05-09 (xsd:date)
- 1987-01-03 (xsd:date)
- 1994-11-16 (xsd:date)
- 2003-01-03 (xsd:date)
- 2015-01-03 (xsd:date)
- 2021-02-03 (xsd:date)
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- 2412 (xsd:integer)
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- 263775 (xsd:integer)
- 277868 (xsd:integer)
- 290459 (xsd:integer)
- 369789 (xsd:integer)
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- 392488 (xsd:integer)
- 474162 (xsd:integer)
- 509763 (xsd:integer)
- 514389 (xsd:integer)
- 527736 (xsd:integer)
- 542390 (xsd:integer)
- 558166 (xsd:integer)
- 583579 (xsd:integer)
- 670610 (xsd:integer)
- 763375 (xsd:integer)
- 804848 (xsd:integer)
- 820733 (xsd:integer)
- 979140 (xsd:integer)
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- 1018424 (xsd:integer)
- 1183150 (xsd:integer)
- 1346819 (xsd:integer)
- 1556361 (xsd:integer)
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- Democratic Party (en)
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- 7 (xsd:integer)
- 1974 (xsd:integer)
- 1978 (xsd:integer)
- 1987 (xsd:integer)
- 1994 (xsd:integer)
- 2003 (xsd:integer)
- 2007 (xsd:integer)
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- 2015 (xsd:integer)
- 2018 (xsd:integer)
- 2021 (xsd:integer)
- 9223372036854775807 (xsd:decimal)
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- جيمس ماونتاين «جيم» إنهوف (بالإنجليزية: Jim Inhofe) (المولود بتاريخ 17 نوفمبر 1934)، سياسي أمريكي من . وهو عضو في الحزب الجمهوري، ويشغل حاليا منصب أكبر سيناتور من ولاية أوكلاهوما. يعتبر من أكبر المفندين والمشككين لقضية الاحترار العالمي في الكونغرس. (ar)
- James Mountain „Jim“ Inhofe (* 17. November 1934 in Des Moines, Iowa) ist ein US-amerikanischer Politiker (Republikanische Partei) und seit 1994 Senator für den Bundesstaat Oklahoma. Vorher war er von 1967 bis 1969 Mitglied im Repräsentantenhaus und von 1969 bis 1977 im Senat von Oklahoma. Zwischen 1987 und 1994 vertrat er Oklahoma im US-Repräsentantenhaus. Außerdem war er 1978 bis 1984 Bürgermeister von Tulsa. (de)
- James Mountain Inhofe dit Jim, né le 17 novembre 1934 à Des Moines (Iowa), est un homme politique et homme d'affaires américain membre du Parti républicain, ancien maire de Tulsa de 1978 à 1984 et sénateur de l'Oklahoma au Congrès des États-Unis depuis 1994. (fr)
- Is é James Inhofe (ar 17 Samhain 1934 a rugadh é) seanadóir Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá sinsearach ó Oklahoma. Is ball den Pháirtí Poblachtach é. (ga)
- James Mountain (Jim) Inhofe (Des Moines (Iowa), 17 november 1934) is een Amerikaans politicus van de Republikeinse Partij. Hij is een senator voor Oklahoma sinds 1994, daarvoor was hij lid van het Huis van Afgevaardigden voor het 1e district van Oklahoma van 1987 tot 1994. Daarvoor was Inhofe burgemeester van Tulsa van 1978 tot 1984. (nl)
- James Mountain Inhofe, detto Jim (Des Moines, 17 novembre 1934), è un politico statunitense, attuale senatore per lo stato dell'Oklahoma e membro della Camera dei Rappresentanti per lo stesso stato dal 1987 al 1994. (it)
- Jim Inhofe, właśc. James Mountain Inhofe (ur. 17 listopada 1934 w Des Moines, Iowa) – amerykański polityk, senator ze stanu Oklahoma (wybrany w 1994 w wyborach uzupełniających i ponownie w 1996 i 2002), członek Partii Republikańskiej. W latach 1987-1994 zasiadał w Izbie Reprezentantów. Inhofe jest jednym z największych sceptyków globalnego ocieplenia w Kongresie. W rankingu z 2008 zajął pierwsze miejsce pod względem systematycznego głosowania przeciwko ustawom mającym chronić środowisko. (pl)
- Mountain James "Jim" Inhofe (Des Moines, 17 de novembro de 1934) é um político estadunidense, membro do Partido Republicano. É considerado um dos maiores negacionistas das mudanças climáticas nos Estados Unidos. Em um famoso discurso no Senado dos Estados Unidos, em 2003, ele disse que o aquecimento global era “a maior fraude já perpetrada contra o povo estadunidense”. Em 2010, ele pediu que o Departamento de Justiça abrisse investigações criminais contra os cientistas que estudam as mudanças climáticas. (pt)
- James Mountain "Jim" Inhofe, född 17 november 1934 i Des Moines, Iowa, är en amerikansk republikansk politiker. Han var ledamot av USA:s senat från delstaten Oklahoma från november 1994 till 2023. Han var ledamot av USA:s representanthus 1987–1994. Inhofe utexaminerades 1973 från University of Tulsa. Han var borgmästare i Tulsa 1978–1984. Inhofe rankades av som den åttonde mest konservativa amerikanska senatorn i sin konservativa/liberala rankning i mars 2007. Enligt GovTrack under 2015–2017 röstnings bedömning, rankades Inhofe som den mest konservativa medlemmen i senaten. (sv)
- 詹姆斯·芒廷因·「吉姆」·英霍夫(英語:James Mountain "Jim" Inhofe;1934年11月17日-),是一位共和黨的美国政治家,1994年-2023年為奧克拉荷馬州聯邦參議員。此前他曾是美国众议院1987年至1994年期間代表議員及第32任塔爾薩市長(1978年-1984年)。 (zh)
- Джеймс Маунтин Инхоф (англ. James Mountain Inhofe; род. 17 ноября 1934) — американский политик-республиканец, сенатор США от штата Оклахома (с 1994). (ru)
- James Mountain Inhofe (* 17. listopadu 1934, Des Moines, Iowa) je americký politik za Republikánskou stranu. Od roku 1994 je senátorem USA za stát Oklahoma. V letech 1987–1994 byl poslancem Sněmovny reprezentantů, v níž zastupoval Oklahomu za první kongresový okres. Také byl starostou města Tulsa v letech 1978–1984 a v letech 1969–1977 působil v kongresu Oklahomy. (cs)
- James Mountain Inhofe (Des Moines, Iowa; 17 de noviembre de 1934) es un político estadounidense. Como miembro del Partido Republicano, actualmente sirve como senador senior para Oklahoma. En el Congreso está entre las mayores voces negacionistas del cambio climático. A menudo cita la Biblia como fuente de su posición en varios aspectos políticos. (es)
- James Mountain Inhofe (/ˈɪnhɒf/ INN-hoff; born November 17, 1934) is an American politician serving as the senior United States senator from Oklahoma, a seat he was first elected to in 1994. A member of the Republican Party, he chaired the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW) from 2003 to 2007 and again from 2015 to 2017. Inhofe served as the U.S. representative for Oklahoma's 1st congressional district from 1987 to 1994 and as mayor of Tulsa from 1978 to 1984. (en)
- Джеймс Моунтайн «Джим» Інгоф (інколи Інхоф, англ. James Mountain «Jim» Inhofe; нар. 17 листопада 1934, Де-Мойн, Айова) — американський політик, сенатор від штату Оклахома (обраний у 1994 році, переобирався у 1996, 2002, 2008 і 2014 роках), член Республіканської партії. У 1987–1994 роки він був членом Палати представників. Мер Талси з 1978 по 1984. Інгоф є одним з найбільших скептиків глобального потепління в Конгресі. У рейтингу Ліги збереження виборців на 2008 рік посів перше місце з точки зору систематичного голосування проти законів, покликаних захистити довкілля. (uk)
- Jim Inhofe (en)
- جيم إنهوف (ar)
- James Inhofe (cs)
- Jim Inhofe (de)
- Τζιμ Ίνχοφ (el)
- Jim Inhofe (es)
- James Inhofe (ga)
- James Inhofe (fr)
- Jim Inhofe (it)
- Jim Inhofe (nl)
- Jim Inhofe (pl)
- Jim Inhofe (pt)
- Инхоф, Джим (ru)
- Jim Inhofe (sv)
- Джим Інгоф (uk)
- 吉姆·英霍夫 (zh)
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- dbr:America's_Climate_Security_Act_of_2007
- dbr:Amy_Coney_Barrett_Supreme_Court_nomination
- dbr:Ron_Wyden
- dbr:Samuel_J._Locklear
- dbr:Scott_Pruitt
- dbr:Energy_Tax_Prevention_Act
- dbr:English_Language_Unity_Act
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Senate_committees
- dbr:List_of_United_States_representatives_from_Oklahoma
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_in_the_103rd_Congress
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_in_the_104th_Congress
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_in_the_105th_Congress
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_in_the_106th_Congress
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_in_the_107th_Congress
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_in_the_108th_Congress
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_in_the_109th_Congress
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_in_the_110th_Congress
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_in_the_111th_Congress
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_in_the_112th_Congress
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_in_the_113th_Congress
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Tulsa_people
- dbr:List_of_former_members_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives_(I)
- dbr:Marc_Morano
- dbr:Pro-nuclear_movement
- dbr:1934_in_the_United_States
- dbr:2008_United_States_Senate_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:2008_United_States_Senate_elections
- dbr:2008_United_States_presidential_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:2010_United_States_Senate_election_in_Alaska
- dbr:2011_United_Nations_Climate_Change_Conference
- dbr:2012_Ingleside,_San_Francisco_homicide
- dbr:2020_congressional_insider_trading_scandal
- dbr:2020_in_United_States_politics_and_government
- dbr:2020s_in_United_States_political_history
- dbr:2022_Oklahoma_elections
- dbr:Bernard_M._Jones
- dbr:Bernie_Sanders_2016_presidential_campaign
- dbr:Dave_McCurdy
- dbr:David_Boren
- dbr:David_Dunnels_White
- dbr:David_Hall_(Oklahoma_governor)
- dbr:David_Holt_(politician)
- dbr:David_Vitter
- dbr:David_Walters
- dbr:December_2019_impeachment_protests_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Del_City,_Oklahoma
- dbr:Dewey_F._Bartlett
- dbr:Annie_Caputo
- dbr:Hockey_stick_graph_(global_temperature)
- dbr:Howard_Twilley
- dbr:List_of_Donald_Trump_2016_presidential_campaign_endorsements
- dbr:List_of_Mitt_Romney_2012_presidential_campaign_endorsements
- dbr:List_of_The_Daily_Show_episodes_(2015)
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_from_Oklahoma
- dbr:List_of_new_members_of_the_118th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:List_of_people_and_organizations_sanctioned_during_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War
- dbr:Patty_Murray
- dbr:Religious_affiliation_in_the_United_States_Senate
- dbr:Republican_Revolution
- dbr:Rob_Anders
- dbr:Robert_Bluey
- dbr:Robert_J._LaFortune
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Committee_on_Armed_Services
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Committee_on_Commerce,_Science,_and_Transportation
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Committee_on_Environment_and_Public_Works
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Committee_on_Small_Business_and_Entrepreneurship
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Select_Committee_on_Intelligence
- dbr:Inhofe_Amendment
- dbr:Intermediate-Range_Nuclear_Forces_Treaty
- dbr:November_17
- dbr:Lincoln_County,_Oklahoma
- dbr:List_of_members_of_the_United_States_H...es_in_the_100th_Congress_by_seniority
- dbr:List_of_members_of_the_United_States_H...es_in_the_101st_Congress_by_seniority
- dbr:List_of_members_of_the_United_States_H...es_in_the_102nd_Congress_by_seniority
- dbr:List_of_members_of_the_United_States_H...es_in_the_103rd_Congress_by_seniority
- dbr:List_of_people_from_Des_Moines,_Iowa
- dbr:List_of_people_from_Iowa
- dbr:November_1934
- dbr:100th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:101st_United_States_Congress
- dbr:102nd_United_States_Congress
- dbr:103rd_United_States_Congress
- dbr:104th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:105th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:106th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:108th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:109th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:110th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:111th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:112th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:113th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:114th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:115th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:116th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:117th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:1976_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections
- dbr:1986_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections
- dbr:1988_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections
- dbr:1990_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections
- dbr:1992_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections
- dbr:1994_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections
- dbr:1994_United_States_Senate_elections
- dbr:1994_United_States_Senate_special_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:Criticism_of_Amazon
- dbr:Members_of_the_110th_United_States_Senate
- dbr:Members_of_the_111th_United_States_Congress
- dbr:Mike_Jackson_(Oklahoma_politician)
- dbr:Cleta_Mitchell
- dbr:Climate_change_denial
- dbr:Climatic_Research_Unit_documents
- dbr:Endorsements_in_the_2012_Republican_Party_presidential_primaries
- dbr:G._T._Bynum
- dbr:Gary_England
- dbr:Google
- dbr:Molly_Rapert
- dbr:Congressional_Unmanned_Systems_Caucus
- dbr:Congressional_endorsements_for_the_2008_United_States_presidential_election
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Armed_Services_Subcommittee_on_Airland
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Environment_and_P...structure_Security,_and_Water_Quality
- dbr:Osama_bin_Laden_death_conspiracy_theories
- dbr:1974_Oklahoma_gubernatorial_election
- dbr:1974_United_States_gubernatorial_elections
- dbr:2018_Oklahoma_gubernatorial_election
- dbr:2020_United_States_Senate_election_in_Alabama
- dbr:2020_United_States_Senate_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:2020_United_States_Senate_elections
- dbr:2013_United_States_federal_government_shutdown
- dbr:Andrew_Dessler
- dbr:Andrew_R._Wheeler
- dbr:Andrew_Rice
- dbr:Animal_Enterprise_Terrorism_Act
- dbr:Appalachia
- dbr:Lisa_P._Jackson
- dbr:Living_Legends_of_Aviation
- dbr:Stephen_Jones_(attorney)
- dbr:Steve_Largent
- dbr:Steve_McIntyre
- dbr:Stillwater,_Oklahoma
- dbr:Clear_Skies_Act_of_2003
- dbr:Climate_change_conspiracy_theory
- dbr:Climate_change_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:Climatic_Research_Unit_email_controversy
- dbr:Fred_Davis_III
- dbr:Patrick_Davis_(politics)
- dbr:Pigeon-shooting
- dbr:1996_United_States_Senate_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:1996_United_States_Senate_elections
- dbr:2002_United_States_Senate_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:2002_United_States_Senate_elections
- dbr:2004_United_States_Senate_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:2004_United_States_Senate_elections
- dbr:Barbara_Boxer
- dbr:Bryce_Marlatt
- dbr:Timeline_of_Tulsa,_Oklahoma
- dbr:Tom_Coburn
- dbr:Transgender_personnel_in_the_United_States_military
- dbr:Tulsa,_Oklahoma
- dbr:U.S._Route_412
- dbr:U.S._Route_412_in_Arkansas
- dbr:U.S._Route_412_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:Weekly_Republican_Address
- dbr:Wegman_Report
- dbr:Wes_Watkins
- dbr:Western_Hemisphere_Institute_for_Security_Cooperation
- dbr:William_M._(Mac)_Thornberry_National_D...uthorization_Act_for_Fiscal_Year_2021
- dbr:Willie_Soon
- dbr:Wilma_Mankiller
- dbr:Skeptical_Science
- dbr:2014_United_States_Senate_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:2014_United_States_Senate_elections
- dbr:2014_United_States_Senate_special_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:2017_Nangarhar_airstrike
- dbr:2022_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:2022_United_States_Senate_election_in_Alabama
- dbr:2022_United_States_Senate_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:2022_United_States_Senate_election_in_Utah
- dbr:2022_United_States_Senate_elections
- dbr:2022_United_States_Senate_special_election_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:2022_United_States_elections
- dbr:2026_United_States_Senate_elections
- dbr:31st_Oklahoma_Legislature
- dbr:32nd_Oklahoma_Legislature
- dbr:33rd_Oklahoma_Legislature
- dbr:34th_Oklahoma_Legislature
- dbr:35th_Oklahoma_Legislature
- dbr:2008_Oklahoma_state_elections
- dbr:American_Enterprise_Institute
- dbr:Aminatou_Haidar
- dbr:An_Inconvenient_Truth
- dbr:Earl_Garrison
- dbr:First_impeachment_trial_of_Donald_Trump
- dbr:Fort_Gibson,_Oklahoma
- dbr:Fort_Reno_(Oklahoma)
- dbr:North_Report
- dbr:Central_High_School_(Tulsa,_Oklahoma)
- dbr:Discharge_petition
- dbr:Fantasyland:_How_America_Went_Haywire
- dbr:Global_warming_controversy
- dbr:Graham–Cassidy_health_care_amendment
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Environment_Subco..._on_Transportation_and_Infrastructure
- dbr:List_of_Donald_Trump_2020_presidential_campaign_political_endorsements
- dbr:List_of_John_Kasich_2016_presidential_campaign_endorsements
- dbr:2014_Oklahoma_state_elections
- dbr:Grove,_Oklahoma
- dbr:International_Conference_on_Climate_Change
- dbr:Israel–Morocco_normalization_agreement
- dbr:Jack_Reed_(Rhode_Island_politician)
- dbr:James_Inhofe
- dbr:James_Lankford
- dbr:James_R._Jones
- dbr:Terry_Young_(American_politician)
- dbr:Thad_Cochran
- dbr:The_Greatest_Hoax
- dbr:The_Irrawaddy
- dbr:Jim_(given_name)
- dbr:Marco_Rubio_2016_presidential_campaign
- dbr:Senate_Taiwan_Caucus
- dbr:AIG_bonus_payments_controversy
- dbr:Jim_Jeffords
- dbr:John_Barrasso
- dbr:John_McCain
- dbr:Kelly_Loeffler
- dbr:Ken_Buck
- dbr:Kendra_Horn
- dbr:Killing_of_Osama_bin_Laden
- dbr:T._W._Shannon
- dbr:Don_Nickles
- dbr:Markwayne_Mullin
- dbr:Political_positions_of_Jim_Inhofe
- dbr:Fred_Thompson_2008_presidential_campaign
- dbr:Inhofe
- dbr:Kony_2012
- dbr:Merrick_Garland
- dbr:Michael_E._Mann
- dbr:Michael_O'Rielly
- dbr:Nathan_Dahm
- dbr:Oklahoma
- dbr:Oklahoma's_1st_congressional_district
- dbr:Oklahoma_City_Community_College
- dbr:Oklahoma_Republican_Party
- dbr:Second_impeachment_of_Donald_Trump
- dbr:Senate_Republican_Conference
- dbr:Senator_Inhofe
- dbr:Sharon_Begley
- dbr:Withdrawal_of_United_States_troops_from_Afghanistan_(2020–2021)
- dbr:Steve_Hindi
- dbr:Stacy_H._Schusterman
- dbr:List_of_special_elections_to_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:List_of_special_elections_to_the_United_States_Senate
- dbr:Son_Jong-nam
- dbr:Nathan_Simington
- dbr:National_language
- dbr:United_States_congressional_delegations_from_Oklahoma
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Armed_Services_Su..._on_Emerging_Threats_and_Capabilities
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Environment_and_P...lobal_Warming_and_Wildlife_Protection
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Environment_and_P...tee_on_Green_Jobs_and_the_New_Economy
- dbr:Political_impact_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic
- dbr:Political_party_strength_in_Oklahoma
- dbr:Political_positions_of_Bernie_Sanders
- dbr:Political_positions_of_Susan_Collins
- dbr:Politics_of_Oklahoma
- dbr:State_of_Fear
- dbr:Soon_and_Baliunas_controversy
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Armed_Services_Su...e_on_Readiness_and_Management_Support
- dbr:US_Senate_career_of_John_McCain_(2001–2014)
- dbr:Republican_reactions_to_Donald_Trump's_claims_of_2020_election_fraud
- dbr:Resignation_from_the_United_States_Senate
- dbr:Responses_to_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_May_2020
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Armed_Services_Subcommittee_on_Strategic_Forces
- dbr:U.S.–Afghanistan_Strategic_Partnership_Agreement
- dbr:Voices_of_Oklahoma
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Environment_and_Public_Works_Subcommittee_on_Oversight
- dbr:United_States_and_the_United_Nations_Convention_on_the_Law_of_the_Sea
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Armed_Services_Subcommittee_on_Cybersecurity
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Environment_Subco...Clean_Air,_Climate_and_Nuclear_Safety
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Environment_Subcommittee_on_Fisheries,_Water,_and_Wildlife
- dbr:United_States_withdrawal_from_the_Paris_Agreement
- dbr:Rick_Perry_2012_presidential_campaign
- dbr:Temperature_record_of_the_last_2,000_years
- dbr:Representative_Inhofe
- dbr:James_M._Inhofe
- dbr:James_Mountain_"Jim"_Inhofe
- dbr:James_Mountain_Inhofe
- dbr:Jim_M._Inhofe
- dbr:Inhofe,_James
- dbr:Inhoffe
- dbr:Sen._Jim_Inhofe
- dbr:Senator_Jim_Inhofe
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