Julian (Jules) Christopher Paul Eden is an author, journalist, businessman and former doctor with specialisms in remote medicine and dive medicine. He was the founder of the UK's first online medical clinic, e-Med in 2000.
جوليس إيدن (بالإنجليزية: Jules Eden) هو صحفي وكاتب وطبيب أمريكي، ولد في 1962. (ar)
Julian (Jules) Christopher Paul Eden is an author, journalist, businessman and former doctor with specialisms in remote medicine and dive medicine. He was the founder of the UK's first online medical clinic, e-Med in 2000. (en)
جوليس إيدن (بالإنجليزية: Jules Eden) هو صحفي وكاتب وطبيب أمريكي، ولد في 1962. (ar)
Julian (Jules) Christopher Paul Eden is an author, journalist, businessman and former doctor with specialisms in remote medicine and dive medicine. He was the founder of the UK's first online medical clinic, e-Med in 2000. (en)