- الطيطاوات (الاسم العلمي: Vanellinae) هي أسرة من الطيور تتبع فصيلة الزقزاقية من الرتبة الزقزاقيات. (ar)
- Die Kiebitze sind eine Unterfamilie der Regenpfeifer (Charadriidae) innerhalb der Ordnung der Regenpfeiferartigen (Charadriiformes). (de)
- Los vanelinos (Vanellinae) son subfamilia de aves Charadriiformes de la familia Charadriidae que incluye las avefrías o teros. (es)
- Lapwings (subfamily Vanellinae) are any of various ground-nesting birds (family Charadriidae) akin to plovers and dotterels. They range from 10 to 16 inches (25 to 41 cm) in length, and are noted for their slow, irregular wingbeats in flight and a shrill, wailing cry. A group of lapwings is called a "deceit". The traditional terms "plover", "lapwing", and "dotterel" do not correspond exactly to current taxonomic models; thus, several of the Vanellinae are often called plovers, and one a dotterel, while a few of the "true" plovers (subfamily Charadriinae) are known colloquially as lapwings. In general, a lapwing can be thought of as a larger plover. In Europe's Anglophone countries, lapwing refers specifically to the northern lapwing, the only member of this group to occur in most of the continent and thus the first bird to go by the English name lapwing (also known as peewit or pyewipe). (en)
- Les Vanellinae (Vanellinés en français) sont une sous-famille de la famille des Charadriidae. (fr)
- I Vanellinae sono una sottofamiglia di uccelli caradriiformi a cui appartengono le pavoncelle e il corriere dalle ginocchia rosse. (it)
- Чайчині (Vanellinae) — підродина птахів родини сивкових (Charadriidae). (uk)