- لويس فرديناند ألفرد موري (بالفرنسية: Alfred Maury) هو بروفيسور ومؤرخ فرنسي، ولد في 23 مارس 1817 في مدينة مو في فرنسا، وتوفي في 11 فبراير 1892 في باريس في فرنسا. (ar)
- Louis Ferdinand Alfred Maury (Meaux, 23 de marzo de 1817 - París, 11 de febrero de 1892) fue un erudito francés. (es)
- Louis Ferdinand Alfred Maury (March 23, 1817 – February 11, 1892), was a French scholar and physician, important because his ideas about the interpretation of dreams and the effect of external stimuli on dreams pre-dated those of Sigmund Freud. He is mentioned by Freud in The Interpretation of Dreams, and by Sebastian Faulks in Human Traces. He coined the term hypnagogic hallucination and reported a dream that famously inspired Salvador Dalí's painting Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening. Alfred Maury was contemporary with Hervey de Saint Denys and the two dream researchers were in disagreement with each other (Blanken & Meijer, 1988). He was born at Meaux. In 1836, having completed his education, he entered the Bibliothèque Nationale, and afterwards the Bibliothèque de l'Institut (1844), where he devoted himself to the study of archaeology, ancient and modern languages, medicine and law. Gifted with a great capacity for work, a remarkable memory and an unbiased and critical mind, he produced a number of learned pamphlets and also books on the varied subjects. He rendered great service to the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, of which he had been elected a member in 1857. Napoleon III employed him in research work connected with the Histoire de César, and he was rewarded, proportionately to his active, if modest, part in this work, with the positions of librarian of the Tuileries (1860), professor at the Collège de France (1862) and director-general of the Imperial Archives (1868). It was not, however, to the imperial favor that he owed these high positions. He used his influence for the advancement of science and higher education, and with Victor Duruy was one of the founders of the École des Hautes Etudes. He died in Paris four years after his retirement from the last post. (en)
- Alfred Maury, né le 23 mars 1817 à Meaux et mort le 11 février 1892 à Paris, est un érudit français. (fr)
- Louis Ferdinand Alfred Maury, född den 23 mars 1817 i Meaux, död den 11 februari 1892 i Paris, var en fransk kulturhistoriker. Maury blev 1862 professor i historia vid Collège de France och var riksarkivarie 1868-1888, under vilken tid han bland annat räddade arkivet från att förstöras av kommunarderna. Han visade stor och mångsidig lärdom i sina skrifter, bland vilka kan nämnas Essai sur les légendes pieuses du moyen âge (1843), La terre et l'homme (1857; 5:e upplagan 1891), Histoire des religions de la Grèce antique (3 band, 1857-60), La magie et l'astrologie dans l'antiquité et au moyen âge (1860; 4:e upplagan 1877), Le sommeil et les rèves (1861; 4:e upplagan 1877), Croyances et légendes de l'antiquité (1863; senaste upplagan 1896, med Maurys bibliografi) och Les fôrets de la Gaule et de l'ancienne France (1867). Maury lämnade även en mängd bidrag till tidskrifter och redigerade som sekreterare i under en längre tid dess bulletiner. År 1857 blev Maury ledamot av Institutet. (sv)
- Луи Фердинанд Альфред Мори (фр. Louis Ferdinand Alfred Maury; 23 марта 1817 — 11 февраля 1892) — французский учёный. (ru)
- لويس فرديناند ألفرد موري (بالفرنسية: Alfred Maury) هو بروفيسور ومؤرخ فرنسي، ولد في 23 مارس 1817 في مدينة مو في فرنسا، وتوفي في 11 فبراير 1892 في باريس في فرنسا. (ar)
- Louis Ferdinand Alfred Maury (Meaux, 23 de marzo de 1817 - París, 11 de febrero de 1892) fue un erudito francés. (es)
- Alfred Maury, né le 23 mars 1817 à Meaux et mort le 11 février 1892 à Paris, est un érudit français. (fr)
- Луи Фердинанд Альфред Мори (фр. Louis Ferdinand Alfred Maury; 23 марта 1817 — 11 февраля 1892) — французский учёный. (ru)
- Louis Ferdinand Alfred Maury (March 23, 1817 – February 11, 1892), was a French scholar and physician, important because his ideas about the interpretation of dreams and the effect of external stimuli on dreams pre-dated those of Sigmund Freud. He is mentioned by Freud in The Interpretation of Dreams, and by Sebastian Faulks in Human Traces. He coined the term hypnagogic hallucination and reported a dream that famously inspired Salvador Dalí's painting Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening. Alfred Maury was contemporary with Hervey de Saint Denys and the two dream researchers were in disagreement with each other (Blanken & Meijer, 1988). (en)
- Louis Ferdinand Alfred Maury, född den 23 mars 1817 i Meaux, död den 11 februari 1892 i Paris, var en fransk kulturhistoriker. Maury blev 1862 professor i historia vid Collège de France och var riksarkivarie 1868-1888, under vilken tid han bland annat räddade arkivet från att förstöras av kommunarderna. Han visade stor och mångsidig lärdom i sina skrifter, bland vilka kan nämnas Essai sur les légendes pieuses du moyen âge (1843), La terre et l'homme (1857; 5:e upplagan 1891), Histoire des religions de la Grèce antique (3 band, 1857-60), La magie et l'astrologie dans l'antiquité et au moyen âge (1860; 4:e upplagan 1877), Le sommeil et les rèves (1861; 4:e upplagan 1877), Croyances et légendes de l'antiquité (1863; senaste upplagan 1896, med Maurys bibliografi) och Les fôrets de la Gaule et (sv)