- La Missió de Verificació de les Nacions Unides a Guatemala (MINUGUA) va ser una missió de pau de les Nacions Unides acordada mitjançat la Resolució 1094 del Consell de Seguretat de les Nacions Unides del 20 de gener de 1997. (ca)
- Die Verifikationsmission der Vereinten Nationen in Guatemala (spanisch Misión de Verificación de las Nacionas Unidas en Guatemala, MINUGUA) basierte auf der UN-Resolution vom 20. Januar 1997 und war eine Friedensmission, die von Januar bis September 1997 in Guatemala stattfand. Ziel des Mandats war die Überprüfung des am 4. Dezember 1996 in Oslo unterzeichneten Waffenstillstandsabkommens zwischen der Regierung von Guatemala und der (URNG). Die Einigung von Oslo (Oslo Agreement, S/1996/1045) beinhaltete die offizielle Kontrolle über die Einstellung der Kampfhandlungen, die Bereinigung der Streitkräfte und die Entwaffnung und die Demobilisierung der URNG-Guerillakämpfer in den dafür vorgesehenen Entwaffnungsstellen. Das Hauptquartier befand sich in Guatemala-Stadt. Sonderbeauftragter des UN-Generalsekretärs und Leiter der Mission war aus Frankreich. Er wurde unterstützt durch den spanischen Brigadegeneral Jose B. Rodriguez Rodriguez als Oberhaupt der rund 150 Mann umfassenden Truppe von Militärbeobachtern, begleitet durch Sanitätspersonal. Unterstützt wurde MINUGUA durch Argentinien, Australien, Brasilien, Deutschland, Ecuador, Kanada, Norwegen, Österreich, Russland, Schweden, Singapur, Spanien, Ukraine, Uruguay, U.S.A. und Venezuela. (de)
- بعثة الأمم المتحدة للتحقق في غواتيمالا (MINUGUA) كانت بعثة حفظ السلام تابعة للأمم المتحدة أنشئت في الفترة من 20 يناير 1997 إلى سبتمبر 1997 بموجب قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي رقم 1094 كان الهدف من التفويض مراجعة اتفاقية الهدنة الموقعة في أوسلو في 4 ديسمبر 1996 بين حكومة غواتيمالا والوحدة الثورية الوطنية الغواتيمالية. تضمنت الاتفاقية السيطرة الرسمية على وقف اطلاق النار وتنظيم القوات المسلحة ونزع سلاح مقاتلي الاتحاد الثوري الغواتيمالي وتسريحهم في نقاط نزع السلاح المحددة. كان المقر الرئيسي في مدينة غواتيمالا. وكان المبعوث الخاص للأمين العام للأمم المتحدة ورئيس البعثة «جان أرنو» من فرنسا، يدعمه العميد الإسباني خوسيه ب. رودريغيز رودريغيز كرئيس لقوة من المراقبين العسكريين قوامها 150 فردًا يرافقهم أفراد طبيون. تم دعم البعثة من قبل الأرجنتين وأستراليا والبرازيل وألمانيا والإكوادور وكندا والنرويج والنمسا وروسيا والسويد وسنغافورة وإسبانيا وأوكرانيا وأوروغواي والولايات المتحدة وفنزويلا. (ar)
- MINUGUA (United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala) was a United Nations humanitarian mission in Guatemala that involved, at the most critical point in the peace process, a three-month peacekeeping mission. The original name of this operation was United Nations Mission for the Verification of Human Rights and of Compliance with the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights in Guatemala. It was changed to United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala when peacekeepers were deployed. The aim of the operation was to conclude the 36-year Civil War which had ravaged the country. It was the international community's response to the decision by both government and guerrillas to return to the negotiating table in 1994 and the subsequent signing of the on 29 March 1994, one of several documents adopted in the run-up to the final peace agreement. In 1994, the Government of Guatemala and the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca (URNG) agreed to resume negotiations to end the longest conflict in Latin America. In September 1994, the General Assembly decided to establish a Human Rights Verification Mission in Guatemala acting on a recommendation by the Secretary-General that such a mission could make a contribution to a persisting pattern of human rights abuse. A series of agreements had earlier been concluded covering a wide range of problems in Guatemalan society:
* Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights (March 1994)
* Agreement on a Timetable for the Negotiation of a Firm and Lasting Peace (March 1994)
* Agreement on Resettlement of the Population Groups Uprooted by the Armed Conflict (June 1994)
* Agreement on the Establishment of the Commission to Clarify Past Human Rights Violations and Acts of Violence (June 1994) Since November 1994, MINUGUA carried out verification activities and institution-building throughout the country. More than 250 human rights monitors, legal experts, indigenous specialists and police were posted throughout Guatemala, including in its remotest areas. Their presence and verification activities have focused public attention on human rights and the related problem of impunity, reinforcing the declining trend in political violence. In 1996, measures aimed at democratic change were consolidated. They included a broad appeal for participation in presidential elections and the unilateral cessation of hostilities by the URNG during the two rounds of elections, the URNG's offer to cease offensive military action in March, followed by a similar commitment from the Government. The year 1996 also saw the conclusion of agreements on Social and Economic Aspects and Agrarian Situation (May 1996) and the Strengthening of Civilian Power and the Role of the Army (September 1996). An earlier agreement covered the identity and rights of indigenous persons (March 1995). In December 1996, the Guatemalan Government and the URNG reached an agreement on the details of a cease-fire, on constitutional and electoral reforms, and the reintegration of the URNG into Guatemala's political life, which was followed by a final peace accord, the Agreement on a Firm and Lasting Peace, signed on 29 December 1996. MINUGUA had already been involved in verification of the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights and the human rights aspects of the Agreement on Identity and Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Upon conclusion of the Agreement on a Firm and Lasting Peace, all other agreements entered into force. By adopting resolution 1094 (1997) on efforts towards peace in Central America, the Security Council authorized on 20 January 1997 the attachment of a group of 155 military observers and requisite medical personnel to MINUGUA for a three-month period, operational as of 3 March 1997. The task of the observer group were verification of the agreement on the definitive ceasefire. While retaining its acronym MINUGUA, the peacekeeping mission's name was changed to United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala as of 1 April 1997 in order to reflect the new mandate. In a Presidential Statement of 5 March 1997 (S/PRST/1997/9), the Council welcomed the deployment on 3 March 1997 of the group of United Nations military observers attached to the United Nations Mission for the Verification of Human Rights and of Compliance with the Commitments of the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights in Guatemala (MINUGUA) for the purposes of verification of the Oslo ceasefire agreement and reaffirmed its full support for the peace process in Guatemala. The Secretary-General reported to the Security Council on 4 June 1997 on the group of military observers attached to MINUGUA (S/1997/432), stating that of the 155 authorized personnel, 132 military observers from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Norway, the Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, the United States of America, Uruguay and Venezuela were deployed to the Mission area. In addition, 13 medical personnel from Austria, Germany and Singapore served in the mission. The 1996 Oslo Agreement provided for the formal ceasefire to enter into force as of 00:00 hours on D-day, on which date the United Nations military observer group as the verification authority was ready to assume its responsibilities. On 13 February 1997, the Secretary-General informed the Security Council (S/1997/123) that the operation it had mandated could begin on 3 March 1997, following completion of the preparatory work for the deployment of the group and the establishment of the URNG assembly points. Until then, the parties maintained the informal ceasefire that they had observed since 19 March 1996. On day D-15 (16 February 1997), URNG provided information on 3,570 personnel to be demobilized. It also provided an inventory of the weapons, explosives and mines in its possession and information on the location of remaining minefields. The Guatemalan Army, for its part, provided the requisite list of units that were to be redeployed to their bases. On D-10 (21 February 1997), members of the military observer group were deployed to the six verification centres (Finca Sacol, Finca Claudia, Finca Las Abejas, Tululché, Tzalbal and Mayalán) responsible for monitoring the eight URNG assembly points. In addition, two sector headquarters and a main headquarters were set up to provide command and control. The separation of forces between the Guatemalan Army and URNG was carried out through the establishment of two concentric areas around each URNG assembly point. Army units were not permitted to enter an inner 6-kilometre-wide "security zone" and police units could only do so after coordinating their movements with the military observer group. As Army units left the security zones, URNG troops moved to the assembly points according to a plan presented to the military observer group on D+2 (5 March 1997). As envisaged by the Agreement, two United Nations military observers were attached to each of the Guatemalan Army units subject to verification. As former combatants concentrated in the assembly points, their weapons, munitions, explosives, mines and related military equipment were registered and handed over to the United Nations military observers for storage in special containers and explosive dumps. Although demining was not foreseen in the Agreement, URNG helped to identify and clear all its minefields, in particular that located on the Tajumulco Volcan. By 18 April 1997, 378 mines and explosive devices had been lifted and destroyed. 2,928 URNG rebels were demobilized, and a total of 535,102 weapons and rounds of ammunition were handed over to the United Nations military observer group by URNG. On 14 May 1997, URNG weapons, munitions and equipment, as well as the lists of destroyed explosive devices, were delivered to the Ministry of the Interior of Guatemala. The corresponding handover certificate was signed by the Government of Guatemala, and by the UN Chief Military Observer This last act signalled the completion of the mandate of the military observer group. Repatriation of the members of the United Nations military observer group began on 17 May 1997. A rear party remained at headquarters in the capital until 27 May, when the last United Nations military observers departed Guatemala. (en)
- 国際連合グアテマラ人権監視団(こくさいれんごうグアテマラじんけんかんしだん United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala,MINUGUA)はグアテマラに展開した国際連合平和維持活動。1997年1月20日の号を受けて設立されたものであり、グアテマラ内戦の和平合意の遵守状況監視にあたった。 (ja)
- La Missione di Verifica delle Nazioni Unite in Guatemala (MINUGUA dallo spagnolo Misión de Verificación de las Nacionas Unidas en Guatemala) fu una missione di paecekeeping dell'ONU decisa il 20 gennaio 1997 con la risoluzione 1094 del Consiglio di Sicurezza. Il mandato della missione, che iniziò ad operare nel gennaio 1997, era quello di verificare il rispetto del cessate il fuoco stabilito tra il governo del Guatemala e i ribelli marxisti dell'Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca dopo anni sanguinosi di guerra civile. Il contingente fu composto da circa 150 militari provenienti da: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brasile, Canada, Ecuador, Germania, Norvegia, Russia, Singapore, Spagna, Stati Uniti, Svezia, Ucraina, Uruguay e Venezuela. Il quartier generale della missione fu posto a Città del Guatemala, la missione venne guidata dal generale spagnolo . La missione terminò nel settembre dello stesso anno; il costo totale fu di circa 4 milioni di dollari.Ad uno sguardo attento la MINUGUA ricalca in maniera piuttosto fedele l'ONUSAL di cui è considerato spesso l'evoluzione (it)
- De United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala (MINUGUA), of Missie van de VN voor Verificatie van de Mensenrechten in Guatemala in het Nederlands, is een vredesoperatie in Guatemala. Nederlandse deelnemers kwamen in aanmerking voor de Herinneringsmedaille VN-Vredesoperaties. De secretaris-generaal van de Verenigde Naties kende de deelnemende militairen en politieagenten de MINUGUA Medaille toe. (nl)
- A Missão de Verificação das Nações Unidas na Guatemala (em inglês: United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala, MINUGUA) foi uma missão humanitária das Nações Unidas na Guatemala, que envolveu, no ponto mais crítico do processo de paz, uma missão de paz de três meses. A MINUGUA foi aprovada em 20 de janeiro de 1997 pela do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas. O mandato da missão, que começou a operar em janeiro de 1997, seria o de verificar o cumprimento do cessar-fogo estabelecido entre o governo da Guatemala e os rebeldes marxistas da Unidad Revolucionária Nacional Guatemalteca após anos de sangrenta guerra civil. (pt)
- La Missió de Verificació de les Nacions Unides a Guatemala (MINUGUA) va ser una missió de pau de les Nacions Unides acordada mitjançat la Resolució 1094 del Consell de Seguretat de les Nacions Unides del 20 de gener de 1997. (ca)
- 国際連合グアテマラ人権監視団(こくさいれんごうグアテマラじんけんかんしだん United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala,MINUGUA)はグアテマラに展開した国際連合平和維持活動。1997年1月20日の号を受けて設立されたものであり、グアテマラ内戦の和平合意の遵守状況監視にあたった。 (ja)
- De United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala (MINUGUA), of Missie van de VN voor Verificatie van de Mensenrechten in Guatemala in het Nederlands, is een vredesoperatie in Guatemala. Nederlandse deelnemers kwamen in aanmerking voor de Herinneringsmedaille VN-Vredesoperaties. De secretaris-generaal van de Verenigde Naties kende de deelnemende militairen en politieagenten de MINUGUA Medaille toe. (nl)
- بعثة الأمم المتحدة للتحقق في غواتيمالا (MINUGUA) كانت بعثة حفظ السلام تابعة للأمم المتحدة أنشئت في الفترة من 20 يناير 1997 إلى سبتمبر 1997 بموجب قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي رقم 1094 كان الهدف من التفويض مراجعة اتفاقية الهدنة الموقعة في أوسلو في 4 ديسمبر 1996 بين حكومة غواتيمالا والوحدة الثورية الوطنية الغواتيمالية. تضمنت الاتفاقية السيطرة الرسمية على وقف اطلاق النار وتنظيم القوات المسلحة ونزع سلاح مقاتلي الاتحاد الثوري الغواتيمالي وتسريحهم في نقاط نزع السلاح المحددة. (ar)
- Die Verifikationsmission der Vereinten Nationen in Guatemala (spanisch Misión de Verificación de las Nacionas Unidas en Guatemala, MINUGUA) basierte auf der UN-Resolution vom 20. Januar 1997 und war eine Friedensmission, die von Januar bis September 1997 in Guatemala stattfand. Unterstützt wurde MINUGUA durch Argentinien, Australien, Brasilien, Deutschland, Ecuador, Kanada, Norwegen, Österreich, Russland, Schweden, Singapur, Spanien, Ukraine, Uruguay, U.S.A. und Venezuela. (de)
- MINUGUA (United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala) was a United Nations humanitarian mission in Guatemala that involved, at the most critical point in the peace process, a three-month peacekeeping mission. The original name of this operation was United Nations Mission for the Verification of Human Rights and of Compliance with the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights in Guatemala. It was changed to United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala when peacekeepers were deployed. (en)
- La Missione di Verifica delle Nazioni Unite in Guatemala (MINUGUA dallo spagnolo Misión de Verificación de las Nacionas Unidas en Guatemala) fu una missione di paecekeeping dell'ONU decisa il 20 gennaio 1997 con la risoluzione 1094 del Consiglio di Sicurezza. Il mandato della missione, che iniziò ad operare nel gennaio 1997, era quello di verificare il rispetto del cessate il fuoco stabilito tra il governo del Guatemala e i ribelli marxisti dell'Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca dopo anni sanguinosi di guerra civile. (it)
- A Missão de Verificação das Nações Unidas na Guatemala (em inglês: United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala, MINUGUA) foi uma missão humanitária das Nações Unidas na Guatemala, que envolveu, no ponto mais crítico do processo de paz, uma missão de paz de três meses. (pt)