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About: Maleeha Lodhi

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Maleeha Lodhi (Urdu: مليحه لودهى; born 15 November 1952) is a Pakistani diplomat, political scientist, and a former Pakistan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations|Representative to the United Nations]]. She was the first woman to hold the position. Previously, she served as Pakistan's envoy to the Court of St James' and twice as its ambassador to the United States.

Property Value
  • Maliha Lodhi, née à Lahore (Pakistan), est une femme politique et diplomate pakistanaise. Ambassadrice du Pakistan aux États-Unis entre 1994 et 1997 puis entre 1998 et 2002, elle est Haut-commissaire du Pakistan au Royaume-Uni entre 2003 et 2008. Elle est depuis professeur à la John F. Kennedy School of Government de l'université Harvard et a également été membre du conseil directeur auprès du secrétaire général des Nations unies chargé du désarmement. (fr)
  • Maleeha Lodhi (Urdu: مليحه لودهى; born 15 November 1952) is a Pakistani diplomat, political scientist, and a former Pakistan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations|Representative to the United Nations]]. She was the first woman to hold the position. Previously, she served as Pakistan's envoy to the Court of St James' and twice as its ambassador to the United States. Born in Lahore to an upper-middle-class family, Lodhi studied political science at the London School of Economics and after receiving her doctorate from the school in 1980, she remained there as a member of the Government Dept] teaching political sociology. She returned to Pakistan in 1986 to become the editor of The Muslim, making her the first woman to edit a national newspaper in Asia. In 1990, she moved to become the founding editor of The News International. In 1994, she was appointed by Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto as Pakistan's envoy to the United States, a position she retained until 1997. She was once again appointed to the same position in 1999 by President Musharraf until 2002 when she completed her tenure and moved on to be High Commissioner to the UK. In 2001, Lodhi became a member of the United Nations Secretary General's Advisory Board on Disarmament, she served on the board until 2005. In 2003, President Musharraf appointed her as Pakistan's High Commissioner to the United Kingdom at the Court of St James's, where she remained until 2008. Between 2008 and 2010, she served as a resident fellow at the Institute of Politics and the Kennedy School of Harvard University. In February 2015, Lodhi was appointed by Prime Minister Sharif to serve as Permanent Representative and Ambassador of Pakistan to the UN in New York City, making her the first woman to hold the position. Lodhi is one of Pakistan's prominent diplomats. She has been named as an international scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center and, in 1994, Lodhi was named by Time magazine as one of a hundred people in the world who will help to shape the 21st century. Lodhi was also a member of the National Defence University's Senate, and has been a member of the advisory council of IISS and continues to be a member of the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum. Lodhi is the recipient of the Hilal-i-Imtiaz for Public Service and holds an honorary fellowship from the London School of Economics since 2004 and received an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters from the London Metropolitan University in 2005. She is the author of two books, Pakistan: The External Challenge and Pakistan's Encounter with Democracy. She edited Pakistan: Beyond the Crisis State in 2010. (en)
  • Maliha Lodhi ou Maleeha Lodhi (Lahore, Paquistão, 15 de novembro de 1952) é uma política e diplomata paquistanesa. Foi embaixadora do Paquistão nos Estados Unidos entre 1994 e 1997 e entre 1998 e 2002, foi Alta Comissária do Paquistão no Reino Unido entre 2003 e 2008. Desde então, é professora na Escola de Governo John F. Kennedy da Universidade de Harvard e também desempenhou funções no Conselho Diretivo junto do Secretariado-Geral das Nações Unidas para o Desarmamento. Nascida em Lahore, uma família de classe média alta, Lodhi estudou ciência política na London School of Economics e, depois de se doutorar na escola em 1980, permaneceu lá como membro do ensino de sociologia política. Regressou ao Paquistão em 1986 para se tornar editora de The Muslim, tornando-se a primeira mulher a editar um jornal nacional na Ásia. Em 1990, mudou-se para editora fundadora da The News International. Em 1994, foi nomeada pelo Primeiro-Ministro Benazir Bhutto como enviado do Paquistão para os Estados Unidos, cargo que manteve até 1997. [6] Foi novamente nomeada para o mesmo cargo em 1999 pelo Presidente Pervez Musharraf até 2002, quando completou o seu mandato e passou a ser Alta Comissária para o Reino Unido. Em 2001, Lodhi tornou-se membro do Conselho Consultivo do Secretário-Geral das Nações Unidas para o Desarmamento, tendo exercido funções no conselho até 2005. Em 2003, o Presidente Pervez Musharraf nomeou-a Alta Comissária do Paquistão para o Reino Unido em Court of St. James, onde permaneceu até 2008. Entre 2008 e 2010, foi residente no Instituto de Política e na Kennedy School da Univ. de Harvard. Em fevereiro de 2015, Lodhi foi nomeada pelo Primeiro-Ministro Sharif para servir como Representante Permanente e Embaixador do Paquistão na ONU em Nova Iorque, tornando-se a primeira mulher a ocupar esse cargo. Lodhi é um dos diplomatas proeminentes do Paquistão. Foi nomeada académica internacional no Woodrow Wilson Center e, em 1994, Lodhi foi nomeada pela Time megazine como uma das centenas de pessoas no mundo que ajudarão a moldar o século XXI. [9] Lodhi também foi membro do Senado da Universidade de Defesa Nacional, e foi membro do conselho consultivo do IISS e continua a ser membro do Conselho de Agenda Global do Fórum Económico Mundial. Lodhi é o galardoado com o Hilal-i-Imtiaz para o Serviço Público e detém uma bolsa honorária da London School of Economics desde 2004 e recebeu o grau de doutor honoris causa de Letras pela em 2005. É autora de dois livros, o Paquistão: o Desafio Externo e o Encontro do Paquistão com a Democracia. Editou o Paquistão: Beyond the Crisis State em 2010. Foi presidente da UNICEF em 2015. (pt)
  • Малиха Лодхи, в ряде источников также Малиха Лоди (урду مليحه لودهى‎, HI, PhD; род. в Лахоре, провинция Пенджаб, Пакистан, предположительно в 1953 году) — пакистанская публицистка, учёный-политолог, деятель образования и дипломат. Посол Пакистана в США и Великобритании (2003—2008), в 2015—2019 годах — постоянный представитель Пакистана в Организации Объединённых Наций (первая женщина на этом посту). (ru)
  • 瑪莉哈·洛迪,PhD(英語:Maleeha Lodhi ,乌尔都语:مليحه لودهى‎‎,1952年11月15日-),出生于拉合尔;巴基斯坦外交官、学者及政治家。她是巴国史上第一位女性擔任常驻联合国代表。之前曾是駐美大使及駐英。洛迪是巴基斯坦最重要的外交官之一。 (zh)
  • Маліха Лодхі (урду مليحه لودهى‎) — пакистанська публіцистка, вчений-політолог, діяч освіти і дипломат. Посол Пакистану в США і Великій Британії, з лютого 2015 року — постійний представник Пакистану в Організації Об'єднаних Націй (перша жінка на цій посаді). (uk)
  • 1952-11-15 (xsd:date)
  • 1338275 (xsd:integer)
  • 39132 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1123586304 (xsd:integer)
  • right (en)
  • Pakistan (en)
  • #c6dbf7 (en)
  • 1952-11-15 (xsd:date)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • Lodhi at the Pakistan-US talks in 2001 (en)
  • the United States (en)
  • left (en)
  • Maleeha Lodhi (en)
  • Diplomat, strategist, academician (en)
  • "The prolonged conflict in Afghanistan has not only imposed epic suffering on its people, it has also prevented Afghanistan and the entire region from realizing its immense economic potential. A peaceful and stable Afghanistan is essential for regional stability and economic progress. As Pakistan has affirmed repeatedly, peace in Afghanistan is in Pakistan's vital interest." (en)
  • There is the view that during the Cold War, Pakistan was the most allied ally and then, within the space of just a few months, we became America's most sanctioned friend. (en)
  • 0001-04-05 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • Lodhi talking to United Nations Population Fund Q&A on 11 Mar 2015 (en)
  • 0001-09-30 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • — Lodhi at the Security Council Debate on United Nations Assistnce Mission in Afghanistan. (en)
  • 1997-01-30 (xsd:date)
  • 2002-08-04 (xsd:date)
  • 2008-06-14 (xsd:date)
  • 2019-10-30 (xsd:date)
  • 1994-01-21 (xsd:date)
  • 1999-12-17 (xsd:date)
  • 2003-04-01 (xsd:date)
  • 2015-02-06 (xsd:date)
  • 2.1143592E9
  • We're struggling out here, but there is not enough knowledge. We're depicted sometimes as a rogue state, and that is not fair. (en)
  • 25 (xsd:integer)
  • April 2003 – June 2008 (en)
  • December 1999 – August 2002 (en)
  • January 1994 – January 1997 (en)
  • Maliha Lodhi, née à Lahore (Pakistan), est une femme politique et diplomate pakistanaise. Ambassadrice du Pakistan aux États-Unis entre 1994 et 1997 puis entre 1998 et 2002, elle est Haut-commissaire du Pakistan au Royaume-Uni entre 2003 et 2008. Elle est depuis professeur à la John F. Kennedy School of Government de l'université Harvard et a également été membre du conseil directeur auprès du secrétaire général des Nations unies chargé du désarmement. (fr)
  • Малиха Лодхи, в ряде источников также Малиха Лоди (урду مليحه لودهى‎, HI, PhD; род. в Лахоре, провинция Пенджаб, Пакистан, предположительно в 1953 году) — пакистанская публицистка, учёный-политолог, деятель образования и дипломат. Посол Пакистана в США и Великобритании (2003—2008), в 2015—2019 годах — постоянный представитель Пакистана в Организации Объединённых Наций (первая женщина на этом посту). (ru)
  • 瑪莉哈·洛迪,PhD(英語:Maleeha Lodhi ,乌尔都语:مليحه لودهى‎‎,1952年11月15日-),出生于拉合尔;巴基斯坦外交官、学者及政治家。她是巴国史上第一位女性擔任常驻联合国代表。之前曾是駐美大使及駐英。洛迪是巴基斯坦最重要的外交官之一。 (zh)
  • Маліха Лодхі (урду مليحه لودهى‎) — пакистанська публіцистка, вчений-політолог, діяч освіти і дипломат. Посол Пакистану в США і Великій Британії, з лютого 2015 року — постійний представник Пакистану в Організації Об'єднаних Націй (перша жінка на цій посаді). (uk)
  • Maleeha Lodhi (Urdu: مليحه لودهى; born 15 November 1952) is a Pakistani diplomat, political scientist, and a former Pakistan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations|Representative to the United Nations]]. She was the first woman to hold the position. Previously, she served as Pakistan's envoy to the Court of St James' and twice as its ambassador to the United States. (en)
  • Maliha Lodhi ou Maleeha Lodhi (Lahore, Paquistão, 15 de novembro de 1952) é uma política e diplomata paquistanesa. Foi embaixadora do Paquistão nos Estados Unidos entre 1994 e 1997 e entre 1998 e 2002, foi Alta Comissária do Paquistão no Reino Unido entre 2003 e 2008. Desde então, é professora na Escola de Governo John F. Kennedy da Universidade de Harvard e também desempenhou funções no Conselho Diretivo junto do Secretariado-Geral das Nações Unidas para o Desarmamento. Foi presidente da UNICEF em 2015. (pt)
  • Maliha Lodhi (fr)
  • Maleeha Lodhi (en)
  • Maleeha Lodhi (pt)
  • Лодхи, Малиха (ru)
  • Маліха Лодхі (uk)
  • 瑪莉哈·洛迪 (zh)
  • Maleeha Lodhi (en)
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