- Mare Liberum (La llibertat dels mars) és una obra d'Hugo Grocio, jurista de les Províncies Unides dels Països Baixos, publicada en 1609. Defensa la llibertat de navegació a alta mar. (ca)
- Mare Liberum (or The Freedom of the Seas) is a book in Latin on international law written by the Dutch jurist and philosopher Hugo Grotius, first published in 1609. In The Free Sea, Grotius formulated the new principle that the sea was international territory and all nations were free to use it for seafaring trade. The disputation was directed towards the Portuguese Mare clausum policy and their claim of monopoly on the East Indian Trade. Grotius wrote the treatise while being a counsel to the Dutch East India Company over the seizing of the Santa Catarina Portuguese carrack issue.The work was assigned to Grotius by the Zeeland Chamber of the Dutch East India Company in 1608. Grotius' argument was that the sea was free to all, and that nobody had the right to deny others access to it. In chapter I, he laid out his objective, which was to demonstrate "briefly and clearly that the Dutch [...] have the right to sail to the East Indies", and, also, "to engage in trade with the people there". He then went on to describe how he based his argument on what he called the "most specific and unimpeachable axiom of the Law of Nations, called a primary rule or first principle, the spirit of which is self-evident and immutable", namely that: "Every nation is free to travel to every other nation, and to trade with it." From this premise, Grotius argued that this self-evident and immutable right to travel and to trade required (1) a right of innocent passage over land, and (2) a similar right of innocent passage at sea. The sea, however, was more like air than land, and was, as opposed to land, common property of all: The air belongs to this class of things for two reasons. First, it is not susceptible of occupation; and second its common use is destined for all men. For the same reasons the sea is common to all, because it is so limitless that it cannot become a possession of any one, and because it is adapted for the use of all, whether we consider it from the point of view of navigation or of fisheries. Mare Liberum was published by Elzevier in the spring of 1609. It has been translated into English twice. The first translation was by Richard Hakluyt, and was completed some time between the publication of Mare Liberum in 1609 and Hakluyt's death in 1616. However, Hakluyt's translation was only published for the first time in 2004 under the title The Free Sea as part of Liberty Fund's "Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics" series. The second translation was by Ralph Van Deman Magoffin, associate professor of Greek and Roman History at Johns Hopkins University. This translation was a part of a debate on free shipping during the First World War, and was published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Oxford University Press in 1916 as The Freedom of the Seas, Or, The Right Which Belongs to the Dutch to Take Part in the East Indian Trade. (en)
- Mare Liberum (La libertad de los mares) es una obra de Hugo Grocio, jurista de las Provincias Unidas de los Países Bajos, publicada en 1609. Defiende la libertad de navegación en alta mar. (es)
- Mare Liberum (atau Kebebasan Laut) adalah sebuah buku berbahasa Latin tentang hukum internasional yang ditulis oleh ahli hukum dan filsuf Belanda Hugo Grotius, yang pertama kali terbit pada 1609. Dalam karya tersebut, Grotius merumuskan prinsip baru bahwa laut adalah wilayah internasional dan semua negara bebas untuk melakukan perdagangan laut. (in)
- Mare liberum (Latijn voor "de vrije zee") is de term die in het internationaal recht of volkenrecht wordt gebruikt voor het principe van vrije handel op zee. Volgens dit principe zijn de oceanen en zeeën van iedereen en hebben alle landen vrije toegang tot de zee om te reizen en handelen. De term Mare liberum stamt uit de 17e eeuw maar wordt vandaag de dag nog steeds gebruikt voor de internationale wateren, dat wil zeggen de oceanen en zeeën buiten de territoriale wateren. (nl)
- 『自由海論』(じゆうかいろん、ラテン語: Mare Liberum)は、フーゴー・グロティウスによってラテン語で書かれ1609年に初版が刊行された本。『海洋自由論』、『海洋の自由』と翻訳されることもある。正確な題名は『自由海論、インド貿易に関してオランダに帰属する権利について』(Mare Liberum, sive de jure quod Batavis competit ad Indicana commercia dissertatio)という。『戦争と平和の法』(ラテン語:De jure belli ac pacis)と並び「国際法の父」といわれるグロティウスが著わした代表的な法学書のひとつである。母国オランダの立場を擁護する観点から海洋の自由を論じ、それを論拠としてすべての人が東インドとの通商に参加する権利を有するとして、オランダは東インドとの通商を継続すべきであることを主張した。『』(ラテン語:De jure praedae)がグロティウスの死後の1864年に発見されたことにより、この『自由海論』は『捕獲法論』の第12章として書かれたものに修正を加えたものであったことが明らかになった。『自由海論』は学術的論争の発端となり、その後の近代的な海洋法秩序形成を促すこととなった。現代の公海に関する制度にはこの『自由海論』で論じられた理論に起源をもつものもある。 (ja)
- Mare Liberum (título original: Mare Liberum, sive de jure quod Batavis competit ad Indicana commercia dissertatio; em português, 'Mar livre ou uma dissertação sobre o direito dos neerlandeses de manter o comércio nas Índias') é um tratado de autoria do jurista neerlandês Hugo Grotius. Publicado, como excerto, em 1609, Mare Liberum discute o direito a governar os mares, contestando sobretudo a política de Mare clausum, defendida por Espanha e Portugal, dado que, se tais países pudessem governar e dominar os mares, os holandeses estariam impedidos de navegar às Índias Orientais. A tese de Grotius é que a liberdade dos mares era um aspecto primordial na comunicação entre os povos e nações. Portanto, nenhum país poderia monopolizar o controle do oceano, dada sua imensidão e falta de limites estabelecidos. (pt)
- Mare Liberum (La llibertat dels mars) és una obra d'Hugo Grocio, jurista de les Províncies Unides dels Països Baixos, publicada en 1609. Defensa la llibertat de navegació a alta mar. (ca)
- Mare Liberum (La libertad de los mares) es una obra de Hugo Grocio, jurista de las Provincias Unidas de los Países Bajos, publicada en 1609. Defiende la libertad de navegación en alta mar. (es)
- Mare Liberum (atau Kebebasan Laut) adalah sebuah buku berbahasa Latin tentang hukum internasional yang ditulis oleh ahli hukum dan filsuf Belanda Hugo Grotius, yang pertama kali terbit pada 1609. Dalam karya tersebut, Grotius merumuskan prinsip baru bahwa laut adalah wilayah internasional dan semua negara bebas untuk melakukan perdagangan laut. (in)
- Mare liberum (Latijn voor "de vrije zee") is de term die in het internationaal recht of volkenrecht wordt gebruikt voor het principe van vrije handel op zee. Volgens dit principe zijn de oceanen en zeeën van iedereen en hebben alle landen vrije toegang tot de zee om te reizen en handelen. De term Mare liberum stamt uit de 17e eeuw maar wordt vandaag de dag nog steeds gebruikt voor de internationale wateren, dat wil zeggen de oceanen en zeeën buiten de territoriale wateren. (nl)
- 『自由海論』(じゆうかいろん、ラテン語: Mare Liberum)は、フーゴー・グロティウスによってラテン語で書かれ1609年に初版が刊行された本。『海洋自由論』、『海洋の自由』と翻訳されることもある。正確な題名は『自由海論、インド貿易に関してオランダに帰属する権利について』(Mare Liberum, sive de jure quod Batavis competit ad Indicana commercia dissertatio)という。『戦争と平和の法』(ラテン語:De jure belli ac pacis)と並び「国際法の父」といわれるグロティウスが著わした代表的な法学書のひとつである。母国オランダの立場を擁護する観点から海洋の自由を論じ、それを論拠としてすべての人が東インドとの通商に参加する権利を有するとして、オランダは東インドとの通商を継続すべきであることを主張した。『』(ラテン語:De jure praedae)がグロティウスの死後の1864年に発見されたことにより、この『自由海論』は『捕獲法論』の第12章として書かれたものに修正を加えたものであったことが明らかになった。『自由海論』は学術的論争の発端となり、その後の近代的な海洋法秩序形成を促すこととなった。現代の公海に関する制度にはこの『自由海論』で論じられた理論に起源をもつものもある。 (ja)
- Mare Liberum (or The Freedom of the Seas) is a book in Latin on international law written by the Dutch jurist and philosopher Hugo Grotius, first published in 1609. In The Free Sea, Grotius formulated the new principle that the sea was international territory and all nations were free to use it for seafaring trade. The disputation was directed towards the Portuguese Mare clausum policy and their claim of monopoly on the East Indian Trade. Grotius wrote the treatise while being a counsel to the Dutch East India Company over the seizing of the Santa Catarina Portuguese carrack issue.The work was assigned to Grotius by the Zeeland Chamber of the Dutch East India Company in 1608. (en)
- Mare Liberum (título original: Mare Liberum, sive de jure quod Batavis competit ad Indicana commercia dissertatio; em português, 'Mar livre ou uma dissertação sobre o direito dos neerlandeses de manter o comércio nas Índias') é um tratado de autoria do jurista neerlandês Hugo Grotius. Publicado, como excerto, em 1609, Mare Liberum discute o direito a governar os mares, contestando sobretudo a política de Mare clausum, defendida por Espanha e Portugal, dado que, se tais países pudessem governar e dominar os mares, os holandeses estariam impedidos de navegar às Índias Orientais. A tese de Grotius é que a liberdade dos mares era um aspecto primordial na comunicação entre os povos e nações. Portanto, nenhum país poderia monopolizar o controle do oceano, dada sua imensidão e falta de limites es (pt)