- Mauricio Rosencof (Florida, 1933) és un escriptor i periodista uruguaià. (ca)
- Mauricio Rosencof (* 30. Juni 1933 in Florida, Uruguay) ist ein zeitgenössischer Schriftsteller und Dramatiker aus Uruguay, der sich in seinen Werken insbesondere sozialen und politischen Themen widmet. Aufgrund seiner Mitgliedschaft in der Guerillabewegung Tupamaros war er von 1972 bis 1985 inhaftiert. (de)
- Mauricio Rosencof gaztelaniazko idazle bat da. (eu)
- Mauricio Rosencof (Florida, 30 de junio de 1933) es un escritor, dramaturgo y periodista uruguayo. (es)
- Mauricio Rosencof (born June 30, 1933) is a Uruguayan playwright, poet and journalist from Florida, Uruguay. Since 2005 he has been Director of Culture of the Municipality of Montevideo. He was a founder of the Communist Youth Union and leader of the National Liberation Movement (Tupamaros) (MLN-T) and in 1972 was arrested and tortured. After the coup of 1973 he was held "hostage" with eight more prisoners. After twelve years in prison, he was released in 1985.He has written several books. One of them, El regreso del Gran Tuleque, inspired the film El chevrolé. His 12-year tenure in prison with Eleuterio Fernández Huidobro and José Mujica was the basis for the film A Twelve-Year Night. He lives in Montevideo. (en)
- Mauricio Rosencof, né le 30 juin 1933 à Florida, en Uruguay, est un journaliste, dramaturge, poète et écrivain uruguayen, qui fit partie de la direction du Mouvement de libération national - Tupamaros (MLN-T). (fr)
- Mauricio Rosencof (Florida, 30 giugno 1933) è uno scrittore, giornalista, politico ed ex-tupamaro uruguaiano. È stato dirigente del Movimento di Liberazione Nazionale uruguayano, meglio conosciuto come movimento Tupamaros. (it)
- Маурисио Розенкоф (исп. Mauricio Rosencof, род. 30 июня 1933) — уругвайский драматург, поэт, писатель, журналист, политический деятель, член руководства Тупамарос. (ru)
- Маурісіо Розенкоф (ісп. Mauricio Rosencof; нар. 30 червня 1933, , Уругвай) — уругвайський драматург, поет, письменник, журналіст, політичний діяч, член керівництва Тупамарос. (uk)
- Mauricio Rosencof (Florida, 1933) és un escriptor i periodista uruguaià. (ca)
- Mauricio Rosencof (* 30. Juni 1933 in Florida, Uruguay) ist ein zeitgenössischer Schriftsteller und Dramatiker aus Uruguay, der sich in seinen Werken insbesondere sozialen und politischen Themen widmet. Aufgrund seiner Mitgliedschaft in der Guerillabewegung Tupamaros war er von 1972 bis 1985 inhaftiert. (de)
- Mauricio Rosencof gaztelaniazko idazle bat da. (eu)
- Mauricio Rosencof (Florida, 30 de junio de 1933) es un escritor, dramaturgo y periodista uruguayo. (es)
- Mauricio Rosencof, né le 30 juin 1933 à Florida, en Uruguay, est un journaliste, dramaturge, poète et écrivain uruguayen, qui fit partie de la direction du Mouvement de libération national - Tupamaros (MLN-T). (fr)
- Mauricio Rosencof (Florida, 30 giugno 1933) è uno scrittore, giornalista, politico ed ex-tupamaro uruguaiano. È stato dirigente del Movimento di Liberazione Nazionale uruguayano, meglio conosciuto come movimento Tupamaros. (it)
- Маурисио Розенкоф (исп. Mauricio Rosencof, род. 30 июня 1933) — уругвайский драматург, поэт, писатель, журналист, политический деятель, член руководства Тупамарос. (ru)
- Маурісіо Розенкоф (ісп. Mauricio Rosencof; нар. 30 червня 1933, , Уругвай) — уругвайський драматург, поет, письменник, журналіст, політичний діяч, член керівництва Тупамарос. (uk)
- Mauricio Rosencof (born June 30, 1933) is a Uruguayan playwright, poet and journalist from Florida, Uruguay. Since 2005 he has been Director of Culture of the Municipality of Montevideo. He was a founder of the Communist Youth Union and leader of the National Liberation Movement (Tupamaros) (MLN-T) and in 1972 was arrested and tortured. After the coup of 1973 he was held "hostage" with eight more prisoners. After twelve years in prison, he was released in 1985.He has written several books. One of them, El regreso del Gran Tuleque, inspired the film El chevrolé. His 12-year tenure in prison with Eleuterio Fernández Huidobro and José Mujica was the basis for the film A Twelve-Year Night. (en)