- L'or de Moscou és el terme encunyat durant la Guerra Civil espanyola per a referir-se a l'operació de trasllat, per part del govern de la II República, de 510 tones d'or, un 72,6% de les del Banc d'Espanya, de la seu central d'aquest, a Madrid, fins a la Unió Soviètica pocs mesos després de l'esclat de la Guerra Civil espanyola. També es fa servir per a referir-se a les gestions posteriors a l'enviament: a la venda de l'or a l'URSS, a la utilització dels fons obtinguts gràcies a aquesta venda i a altres enviaments similars de béns confiscats durant la guerra. La decisió de traslladar l'or del Banc d'Espanya, presa pel govern presidit per Francisco Largo Caballero i a iniciativa del ministre d'Hisenda, Juan Negrín, va fer, a més a més, que la resta de l'or, 193 tones, fos traslladat i venut a França per obtenir divises en una operació que, tot i que molt menys coneguda, es coneix per analogia com l'“Or de París”. L'expressió “Or de Moscou” (en anglès: Moscow Gold) ja l'havia utilitzada durant la dècada dels 30 la premsa internacional, però va ser durant la Guerra Civil i els primers anys del règim franquista en què es va popularitzar en referència a l'episodi històric espanyol. Durant la Guerra Freda va ser utilitzada sobretot per la propaganda antisoviètica i la contrària als partits i sindicats comunistes occidentals per a desqualificar les fonts de finançament d'aquests últims, considerant que els recursos monetaris d'aquests provenien de l'URSS, i per això es va popularitzar l'expressió “a sou de Moscou”. Aquest episodi històric ha estat des de la dècada de 1970 el centre de moltes obres i assajos a partir de documents oficials i privats, però també objecte de debat historiogràfic i de moltes controvèrsies, especialment a l'Estat Espanyol. Els desacords en aquests debats es donen sobretot en la interpretació política de les motivacions que van dur al trasllat de l'or, a les conseqüències pel desenvolupament de la guerra així com en la influència que va tenir aquest fet en el govern de la República a l'exili i les relacions entre l'Espanya franquista i el govern soviètic. Mentre que alguns autors (com Ángel Viñas o ) veuen l'enviament de l'or com l'única opció viable davant l'avenç de les tropes nacionals i la no-intervenció de les democràcies occidentals i que va permetre la supervivència de la República, d'altres (com ) consideren que es va tractar d'una gran estafa i d'un dels factors clau en la derrota republicana. (ca)
- ذهب موسكو (بالإسبانية: Oro de Moscú) أو ذهب الجمهورية (الإسبانية) (بالإسبانية: Oro de la República) وهو مصطلح يشير إلى عملية نقل 510 طن من الذهب، أي ما يعادل 72.6٪ من احتياطي الذهب لبنك إسبانيا من مكان إيداعه في مدريد إلى الاتحاد السوفيتي بعد أشهر من بدء الحرب الأهلية الإسبانية، بأمر من حكومة الجمهورية الثانية برئاسة فرانسيسكو لارجو كاباليرو (PSOE)، وبمبادرة من وزير المالية خوان نيغرين، وكذلك الخطوات اللاحقة المتعلقة ببيعها لاتحاد الجمهوريات الاشتراكية السوفياتية واستخدام الأموال التي تم الحصول عليها. تم تحويل الربع المتبقي من احتياطي البنك أي 193 طنًا إلى فرنسا وبيع أيضًا معظمها، وهي عملية تُعرف على سبيل المقارنة باسم ذهب باريس. تقدر تلك السبائك المعدنية المنقولة إلى الاتحاد السوفيتي بالقيمة الإجمالية الحالية بـ 12.2 مليار يورو (بأحوال 2010) بسبب محتواها المعدني، وقيمة نقدية قد تتجاوز 20 مليار يورو. كانت عبارة ذهب موسكو قد استخدمتها الصحافة الدولية في ثلاثينيات القرن الماضي، وانتشرت خلال الحرب الأهلية الإسبانية والسنوات الأولى من نظام فرانكو في إشارة إلى الحلقة التاريخية الإسبانية. وتم استخدامه دوليًا خلال الحرب الباردة من قبل الدعاية والدعاية المناهضة للسوفيات ضد الأحزاب والنقابات الشيوعية الغربية لحرمان مصادر التمويل لأنشطة الأخيرة، معتبرين أن الأموال جاءت في الغالب من الاتحاد السوفيتي، حتى أصبح شائعًا عبارة «دفعته موسكو». كانت تلك الحلقة التاريخية الإسبانية منذ السبعينيات، موضوعًا للعديد من الأعمال والمقالات المستندة إلى الوثائق الرسمية والخاصة، ولكنها كانت أيضًا موضوعًا للنقاش التأريخي والخلافات القوية، خاصة في إسبانيا نفسها. تركز الخلافات على التفسير السياسي لدوافعه وبيعه للاتحاد السوفيتي، واستخدام العملة الأجنبية التي تم الحصول عليها معه ووجهتها وعواقبها على تطور الصراع، وكذلك تأثيره اللاحق على الجمهورية في المنفى. وفي العلاقات الدبلوماسية بين حكومة فرانكو والاتحاد السوفياتي. اعتبر المؤرخون مثل أو أن إرسال الذهب إلى الاتحاد السوفيتي كان الخيار الوحيد القابل للتطبيق في مواجهة تقدم المتمردين وعدم تدخل الديمقراطيات الغربية، مما سمح ببقاء الجمهورية. ومع ذلك اعتبر زعيم الكونفدرالية أن ذلك كان من أهم العوامل في هزيمة الجمهوريين، وألقى باللوم فيه مباشرة على خوان نيغرين. من جانبه ذكر البريطاني جيرالد هوسون أن وثائق الأرشيف العسكري الروسي التي درسها تكشف أنه «من خلال تغيير سعر صرف الروبل مقابل الدولار خلسة لكل عنصر يشحنونه، من قاذفة إلى المحامل وشمعات الإشعال، خدع السوفييت الجمهورية الإسبانية بملايين الدولارات (وربما وصل إلى 51 مليون دولار فقط في مبيعات الأسلحة)». (ar)
- El término Oro de Moscú, u Oro de la República, se refiere a la operación de traslado de 510 toneladas de oro, correspondientes al 72,6 % de las reservas de oro del Banco de España, desde su depósito en Madrid hacia la Unión Soviética, a los pocos meses del inicio de la Guerra Civil Española, por orden del gobierno de la II República, presidido por Francisco Largo Caballero (PSOE), y a iniciativa de su ministro de Hacienda, Juan Negrín,[cita requerida] así como a las posteriores gestiones relacionadas con su venta a la URSS y la utilización de los fondos obtenidos. La cuarta parte restante de la reserva del Banco, es decir 193 toneladas, fue trasladada a Francia y también vendida en su mayor parte, una operación que, por analogía, se conoce como el «». Estas monedas trasladadas a la URSS tendrían actualmente un valor mínimo bruto de 12 200 millones de euros (en términos del año 2010), por su contenido metálico, y un valor numismático que podría superar los 20 000 millones de euros. La expresión «Oro de Moscú» ya había sido utilizada en la década de 1930 por la prensa internacional, siendo popularizada durante la Guerra Civil española y los primeros años del régimen franquista en referencia al episodio histórico español. Durante la Guerra Fría, también fue empleada a nivel internacional por la propaganda antisoviética y la contraria a partidos y sindicatos comunistas occidentales para descalificar las fuentes de financiación de las actividades de estos últimos, considerando que los fondos provenían en su mayoría de la URSS, por lo que se popularizó la expresión «a sueldo de Moscú». El episodio histórico español ha sido, desde la década de 1970, tema de numerosas obras y ensayos a partir de documentos oficiales y privados, pero también objeto de debate historiográfico y fuertes controversias, especialmente en la propia España. Los desacuerdos se centran en la interpretación política de sus motivaciones, su venta a la Unión Soviética, la utilización y destino de las divisas obtenidas con la misma y sus consecuencias para con el desarrollo de la contienda, así como su influencia posterior en la República en el exilio y en las relaciones diplomáticas del gobierno franquista con el soviético. Historiadores como Ángel Viñas o Enrique Moradiellos han considerado que el envío del oro a la URSS fue la única opción viable ante el avance de los sublevados y la "no-intervención" de las democracias occidentales, que permitió la supervivencia de la República. Sin embargo, el dirigente de la CNT Francisco Olaya Morales ha considerado que fue uno de los factores más importantes de la derrota republicana, culpando directamente de la misma a Juan Negrín. Por su parte, el británico Gerald Howson ha afirmado que la documentación de los Archivos Militares Rusos estudiada por él revela «que a fuerza de alterar subrepticiamente el tipo de cambio de rublo a dólar por cada uno de los artículos que enviaban, desde un bombardero hasta rodamientos y bujías, los soviéticos le estafaron a la República española millones de dólares (probablemente hasta 51 millones de dólares, tan sólo en ventas de armas)». (es)
- The Moscow Gold (Spanish: Oro de Moscú), or alternatively Gold of the Republic (Spanish: Oro de la República), was 510 tonnes of gold, corresponding to 72.6% of the total gold reserves of the Bank of Spain, that were transferred from their original location in Madrid to the Soviet Union a few months after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. This transfer was made by order of the government of the Second Spanish Republic, presided over by Francisco Largo Caballero, through the initiative of his Minister of Finance, Juan Negrín. The term also encompasses the subsequent issues relating with the gold's sale to the USSR and the use of the funds obtained. The remaining quarter of the Bank's gold reserves, 193 tonnes, was transported and exchanged into currency in France, an operation which is also known by analogy as the "Paris Gold". Since the world now was aware of the existence of a large mass of gold in Moscow, the term "Moscow Gold" would eventually be popularized for any Russian funding worldwide. Since the 1970s the specific episode in Spanish history has been the focus of many essays and works of literature, many relying on information from official documents and records of the time. It has also been the source of strong controversy and historical debate, especially in Spain. Disagreements are centred on the political interpretation of its motivations, on its supposed usage, its effects on the development of the conflict, its subsequent influence on the exiled Government of the Republic and on the diplomatic relations between the Francoist government and the Soviet Union. (en)
- L’or de Moscou (en espagnol : El oro de Moscú) est une expression utilisée pendant la guerre civile espagnole et les premières années du franquisme pour se référer au transfert de la plus grande partie des réserves en devises de la Banque d'Espagne depuis son siège à Madrid vers l'Union soviétique en septembre 1936, puis à leur gestion tout au long de la guerre civile espagnole. Ce transfert est le fait de la deuxième république espagnole, proclamée depuis la victoire de la gauche aux municipales d'avril 1931. Raconté dans de nombreux ouvrages tirés de documents officiels, cet épisode historique reste controversé, particulièrement en Espagne, quant à l'interprétation politique de ses motivations, de son influence sur la république espagnole en exil ou des conséquences pour le développement du conflit espagnol et les relations diplomatiques entre le gouvernement franquiste et l'Union soviétique. Plus largement, l'expression fut utilisée dès les années 1930, puis lors de la guerre froide des années 1950, par la propagande anti-soviétique pour dénigrer les partis et syndicats communistes occidentaux, considérant qu'ils étaient principalement financés par l'URSS, d'où l'expression « à la solde de Moscou ». (fr)
- Il termine Oro di Mosca, o anche Oro della Repubblica, si riferisce all'operazione di trasferimento di 510 tonnellate d'oro, corrispondenti al 72,6% delle riserve internazionali del Banco de España, dal loro deposito a Madrid verso l'Unione Sovietica, a pochi mesi dall'inizio della guerra civile spagnola, così come la posteriore gestione relazionata con la vendita all'U.R.S.S. e l'utilizzazione dei fondi ottenuti e i simili invii di beni sequestrati durante la contesa per ordine del governo della seconda repubblica, presieduto da Francisco Largo Caballero, e per iniziativa del suo Ministro delle finanze, Juan Negrín. La parte restante della riserva della Banca, consistente in 193 tonnellate, fu spostata e trasformata in valuta in Francia, operazione conosciuta per analogia come l'Oro di Parigi. L'espressione "Oro di Mosca", già utilizzata negli anni trenta dalla stampa internazionale, era divenuta popolare in riferimento all'episodio storico spagnolo. Durante la Guerra fredda fu adoperata nuovamente a livello internazionale per la propaganda antisovietica e contraria a partiti e sindacati comunisti occidentali per dequalificare la fonte di finanziamento delle attività di questi ultimi, considerando che i fondi provenivano in larga misura dall'URSS, così che divenne popolare l'espressione "al soldo di Mosca". L'episodio storico spagnolo è stato, dalla decade del 1970, tema di numerose opere e saggi a partire da documenti ufficiali e privati, ma anche oggetto di dibattito storiografico e forti controversie, specialmente nella stessa Spagna. I disaccordi si centrano sull'interpretazione politica delle motivazioni, la sua presunta utilizzazione, e sugli effetti sullo sviluppo del conflitto, così come la sua influenza posteriore sulla e sulle relazioni diplomatiche del governo franchista con quello sovietico. (it)
- モスクワの金(モスクワのきん)、もしくは共和国の金(きょうわこくのきん)は、スペイン内戦勃発数カ月後にスペイン銀行の金保有量の72.6%に当たる510トンの金がマドリードからソビエト連邦に移送された作戦を指す。この移送は第二共和制スペイン共和国政府の命令として共和国大統領によって指示され、財務大臣の指揮によって行われた。またこの頁ではソビエト連邦に対する金の売却だけではなく、その後金と引換に得られた資金の用途も記述する。ソビエト連邦に輸送されなかった残りの金、193トン相当はフランスに移送されそこで通貨に交換された。この作戦はパリの金と呼ばれる。 (ja)
- Com a expressão Ouro de Moscou se fez referência, originalmente, às reservas de ouro do Banco de España que foram entregues pelo governo republicano espanhol à União Soviética durante a Guerra Civil Espanhola. As reservas nunca foram restituídas a seu legítimo proprietário, o Banco de España, argumentando-se de que serviu como pagamento pela ajuda militar soviética ao governo republicano durante a guerra. Se tratava da quarta maior reserva de ouro do mundo. Em 27 de julho de 1936, o total das reservas de ouro chegava a,51 pesetas-oro, equivalentes a 5.199.576.026,24 pesetas efetivas, cuja circulação garantiam. Em termos de poder aquisitivo, equivaleriam actualmente a 8.200 milhões de euros. (pt)
- Московское золото (исп. Oro de Moscú) или Золото Республики (исп. Oro de la República) — собирательное обозначение операции по переводу части золотого запаса Банка Испании из Мадрида в Советский Союз. В общей сложности из Испании в Советский Союз было перевезено 510 тонн золота, что соответствовало 73 процентам золотого запаса Банка Испании. Операция по переброске золота была проведена спустя несколько месяцев после начала Гражданской войны в Испании. Инициатором вопроса передачи золота Советскому Союзу стал министр финансов Испании Хуан Негрин, инициатива которого была поддержана правительством Второй Испанской Республики во главе с премьер-министром Франсиско Ларго Кабальеро. Помимо прочего термином «Московское золото» обозначались вопросы, касающиеся продажи золота в СССР и использования полученных средств для финансирования боевых действий. Оставшаяся часть золотого запаса Банка Испании — 193 тонны, что соответствовало 27 процентам, была перевезена во Францию, а операция по переводу части золотого запаса Испании во Францию получила название «Парижское золото». Термин «Московское золото» появился в результате кампаний антисоветской пропаганды, основной целью которых стала дискредитация профсоюзов и политических партий западных стран, придерживающихся коммунистической идеологии, получавших финансовую поддержку со стороны Москвы. В конце 1930-х годов, когда Иосиф Сталин сосредоточил свои усилия на продвижении идей «мировой пролетарской революции», англоязычные средства массовой информации, такие как журнал «Time», использовали термин «Московское золото» для обозначения планов советского руководства по интенсификации активности международного коммунистического движения, которое к тому времени уже заявило о себе в Соединенных Штатах Америки и Великобритании. В начале 1990-х годов термин «Московское золото» (фр. l'or de Moscou) активно применялся во Франции для дискредитации французской Коммунистической партии. История с перевозкой золота в Советский Союз получила широкую огласку в международной прессе во время Гражданской войны в Испании и первые годы диктаторского режима Франко. Перевозка золота во Францию и Советский Союз всегда привлекала к себе большое внимание, и, начиная с 1970-х годов, появляется литература с исследованиями этого эпизода испанской истории. Вопрос передачи золотого запаса Банка Испании во время Гражданской войны породил массу слухов и домыслов, и особо ожесточенные дискуссии по этому вопросу велись в Испании. В основе таких дискуссий лежали различные трактовки мотивов решения о передаче золотого запаса иностранным государствам и вариантах его использования, влияния вопроса о золотом запасе на развитие Гражданской войны, отношения республиканского правительства в изгнании к вопросу о золотом запасе и отношениях между правительством Франко и Советским Союзом. (ru)
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- Mid-September of 1937, according to the personal and direct information of Mr. Martínez Fresneda to the Chief Counsellor, on the 14th, an extraordinary and secret meeting of the Council was called for the following day, the 15th. On that day Fresneda was told by the Governor that the Government had made arrangements, before the advance of the rebel troops, to take hold of all the gold of the Bank, to transport it to a place and locality where it could be safeguarded with greater security than provided by Madrid, towards which the aforementioned troops were heading with the intention of capturing, and that in effect the transport has already begun. Then Mr. Martínez Fresneda said that, since the execution of the Government agreement was already under way, there was no place to discuss the possibility of contesting and impeding its realization, but if there was no place for discussion, there was place to express, in his most solemn fashion, his energetic opposition, because he considered the agreement to be illegal and ineffective by right. It was illegal, because being the gold exclusive property of the Bank, neither the State nor the Government could take hold of it. On another account, he said, the gold is the reserve that is backed by the law and that guarantees the convertibility of currency notes, and this being so, the gold could not be kept anywhere else but in the vault of the Bank, precisely when the new vault has been inaugurated, which responds to all the advancements in security against fires, bombs, etc., all that demonstrates the unfortunateness of the agreement. He concluded re-declaring his opposition to the measure, and to such an opinion Mr. Álvarez Guerra also subscribed. He added that it was the logical consequence of his opposition that be presented his resignation to the Council. (en)
- The PSOE will not be able to boast of the most miserable results that concluded of their adventure, but in justice cannot, as some propaganda would wish, unload all the responsibility on the communists. A socialist minister asked for authorization to proceed freely; the Government, which was formed by another five socialists, including he who presided it, conceded to such a request, and the bank agents that handed over as much as they were asked were also socialists, in Spain as in Russia, as well as the countrymen that convoyed the load between Madrid and Cartagena. (en)
- The present Junta, in the interests of moral order, underlines, once again, the scandal that the exit of the gold from the Bank of Spain has caused in the universal conscience, decreed by the badly-called Government of Madrid. But the issue principally to point out is the consequences of this operation in judicial terms, as they have been undertaken openly in violation of the fundamental precepts of the currently in force Ley de Ordenación Bancaria, it is evident that they lead by their manifest illegality of the inexcusable conclusion of their nullity, which is to reach in its civil effects as many persons, national or foreign, that have participated in them, with independence to their criminal responsibility, already regulated in a separate Decree. And it is logically complementary that this declaration, the prevention of the damages that may be caused, with measures of caution, which are to be adopted with urgency as is demanded by the defence of the national interests. (en)
- The area around the dike was cleared and surrounded by Soviet troops. Through this empty space between the wharf and the railway tracks, the highest chiefs of the OGPU transported the boxes of gold on their backs. Throughout numerous days they were transporting the gold, loading it on the trucks and taking it to Moscow in armed convoys. He tried to give me an idea of the amount of gold that they had unloaded in Odessa while we were walking down the Red Square. He pointed out the area that surrounded us and said "if all the boxes of gold that we piled up on the wharfs of Odessa were to be placed here side by side, they would completely cover up the Red Square." (en)
- A few foreign newspapers are in the business of publishing articles about the Spanish gold deposited twenty years ago in the Soviet Union, without mentioning all the consumption of such gold by the Spanish Republican government, which confuses the public opinion creating the impression that there is still non-utilized leftovers of such gold. The weight and verification of the gold while being transferred to Soviet authorities was done conjunctly by Soviet and Spanish representatives. The Spanish government stipulated that it would have the faculty to pay off orders made abroad and to carry out currency transactions through the Soviet State Bank based on the gold reserves deposited in the Soviet Union. (en)
- Article the first. All operations financed with the guarantee of the gold extracted from the Bank of Spain, from the 18th of last July, are declared to be null, and further on any and all actions that correspond by Right will be undertaken for the rescue of the aforementioned gold, regardless of the location where it may be found. (en)
- Decree number 164: (en)
- Francoist interpretation on the Moscow Gold: (en)
- Los caminos del oro español (en)
- By His Excellence the President of the Republic, on the 13th of this present month, the following confidential decree has been signed: The abnormal situation created within the country by the military insurrection compels the government to adopt these precautionary measures considered necessary to safeguard the metallic reserves of the Bank of Spain, basis of the public credit. The nature of the measure itself and the reasons behind its adoption demand that this agreement be kept confidential. Based on the aforementioned considerations, in agreement with the Council of Ministers, and on the proposal of the Ministry of Finance, I hereby ordain, in confidentiality, the following:
*Article I: The Ministry of Finance is hereby authorized to mandate, when considered necessary, the transportation, with the highest guarantees, and to the location esteemed to be the safest, of the gold, silver, and bills present at the time at the central headquarters of the Bank of Spain.
*Article II: The Government will, when appropriate, answer to the Cortes Generales for the present decree. (en)
- The Spanish government has contacted various foreign Chanceries denouncing the payments abroad that the USSR may carry out with the gold from the deposit made in Moscow by the red Government in 1936 [...] During the course of the Liberation Crusade [Spanish Civil War] these same warnings were formulated about the payments that could be done with this gold [...] It is logical that our Government repeats its protest when it is known that the USSR is effecting exports with this gold [...] Today the details of this robbery are known, as they were reported by their own protagonists. Furthermore: its motives are known and the true dimension of the wile created to justify their departure from Spain towards Odessa. The "resemblances" of sovereignty created by the red Government have been debunked a long time ago. Since the start of our war of Liberation, the red zone had been governed in effect by Soviet emissaries endowed with all the powers [...] The plunder of Spain was, in effect, a double operation, economic and political, and the form in which the resupply of the red Government was to be carried out was also a political operation destined to control the Bolshevikation of the area under the control of Largo Caballero. [...] In those boxes 1,581,642 million of gold-pesetas were taken to Russia. This figure and details concur with the testimonies by Valentín Gomez, by Jesús Hernández and by Prieto. All of them have sufficient reasons to be informed, as they were direct authors or concealers until the rivalries arisen by the distribution of the spoils pitied them against each other. [...] With this gold [...] the campaign of communist inspiration against Spain was financed, subsidized, acquiring newspapers and radio stations. The USSR, which had not sent more than old armaments in exchange for the stolen gold, spent it in the second phase of its attempt to take control of Spain from 1945 onwards [...] A curious detail remains: the tragic fate of the men that directly intervened in the plunder [...] The paths of this stolen gold have been sinister. (en)
- I wish to note that, at that time, the Spanish government did not fully control the situation. I truthfully told the Minister of Finance Negrín that if anyone were to find out about it, if the anarchists intercepted my men, Russians, with their trucks full with Spanish gold, they would kill them and it would be an enormous worldwide political scandal, that could even provoke an internal revolution. Considering this I asked him if the Spanish government could offer me credentials under a fictitious name as a representative of the Bank of England or the Bank of America, because then I could say that the gold was being transported to America for security reasons Negrín did not object. He thought it was a good idea. I could speak relatively good English and could pass by as a foreigner. Thus, he gave me the credentials of a man named Blackstone and I became the representative of the Bank of America. (en)
- Article the second. Without prejudice to the criminal responsibility defined in the Decree number 36, the values, credits, rights and goods of all kinds that national or foreign persons or entities possess in Spain that have intervened or will intervene directly or indirectly in the operations mentioned in the preceding article, will be immediately retained, in order to assure the responsibilities of any kind that may be derived from such actions. (en)
- The executorial decision of Mr. Juan Negrín has caused me stupor. Regardless of how much I inquire into the motives of it I do not find anything satisfactory. I only see two probables: a patriotic zeal or a desire for revenge. The first case it would have been a colossal mistake of appreciation, as handing money to Franco and his accomplices is like throwing water to the sea. The second case would imply such depth of ruin that it seems incompatible with the concept that I had of the illustrious disappeared. But in both supposes, the actions of doctor Negrín are treason to the cause of the Spanish people and the Republic [...] By acting in such an objectionable manner doctor Negrín proclaimed that he regarded Franco as legitimate... (en)
- It must be mentioned that, upon requirement of the Spanish Republican government, the Soviet government gave it a credit of 85 million dollars, of which they only repaid 35. There is thus still a debt [to the Soviet government] of 50 million dollars. Negrín knew it, as he signed all his orders relative to the gold and the credits. None of the deposited gold was used for the support of the emigrants and Spanish children that sought refuge in the Soviet Union. These expenses were covered by the Soviet Union and its social institutions, in particular the labour unions. (en)
- We are in the presence of a colossal embezzlement. Whatever my opinion of Juan Negrín were, I declare him incapable of the terrible joke of arranging that after his death -if he so arranged it- a document that nothing positive represented should be handed over to Franco [...] although all these expenses were done based on the gold deposited in Russia, its complete exhaustion is impossible. I repeat that this is an extraordinary defalcation. In order to exculpate themselves, Russia would have falsified as many justificatory documents as needed, in the same way as they falsified so many to justify their monstrous processes against the enemies of Bolshevism and against more or less dissident Bolshevists. Negrín, from his tomb, will not be able to deny the authenticity of his signatures, traced by expect fabricators. (en)
- In its virtue, as President of the Junta de Defensa Nacional, and in accordance with it, I come to decree the following: (en)
- Largo Caballero's criticism of Negrín's administration: (en)
- 0001-01-13 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-05-15 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-09-22 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- — Asuntos pendientes de recuperación en reivindicación de bienes; (en)
- Juan Negrín, Minister of Finance (en)
- Miguel Cabanellas, President of the National Defense Junta (en)
- — United States Congress, Senate, Scope of Soviet Activity, p. 3431–32. (en)
- — Walter Krivitsky, In Stalin's Secret Service, pp. 112–3. (en)
- — Francisco Largo Caballero, March 1939. (en)
- — Félix Gordón Ordás (en)
- — Indalecio Prieto (en)
- 30 (xsd:integer)
- 80 (xsd:integer)
- 90.0 (dbd:perCent)
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- モスクワの金(モスクワのきん)、もしくは共和国の金(きょうわこくのきん)は、スペイン内戦勃発数カ月後にスペイン銀行の金保有量の72.6%に当たる510トンの金がマドリードからソビエト連邦に移送された作戦を指す。この移送は第二共和制スペイン共和国政府の命令として共和国大統領によって指示され、財務大臣の指揮によって行われた。またこの頁ではソビエト連邦に対する金の売却だけではなく、その後金と引換に得られた資金の用途も記述する。ソビエト連邦に輸送されなかった残りの金、193トン相当はフランスに移送されそこで通貨に交換された。この作戦はパリの金と呼ばれる。 (ja)
- Com a expressão Ouro de Moscou se fez referência, originalmente, às reservas de ouro do Banco de España que foram entregues pelo governo republicano espanhol à União Soviética durante a Guerra Civil Espanhola. As reservas nunca foram restituídas a seu legítimo proprietário, o Banco de España, argumentando-se de que serviu como pagamento pela ajuda militar soviética ao governo republicano durante a guerra. Se tratava da quarta maior reserva de ouro do mundo. Em 27 de julho de 1936, o total das reservas de ouro chegava a,51 pesetas-oro, equivalentes a 5.199.576.026,24 pesetas efetivas, cuja circulação garantiam. Em termos de poder aquisitivo, equivaleriam actualmente a 8.200 milhões de euros. (pt)
- ذهب موسكو (بالإسبانية: Oro de Moscú) أو ذهب الجمهورية (الإسبانية) (بالإسبانية: Oro de la República) وهو مصطلح يشير إلى عملية نقل 510 طن من الذهب، أي ما يعادل 72.6٪ من احتياطي الذهب لبنك إسبانيا من مكان إيداعه في مدريد إلى الاتحاد السوفيتي بعد أشهر من بدء الحرب الأهلية الإسبانية، بأمر من حكومة الجمهورية الثانية برئاسة فرانسيسكو لارجو كاباليرو (PSOE)، وبمبادرة من وزير المالية خوان نيغرين، وكذلك الخطوات اللاحقة المتعلقة ببيعها لاتحاد الجمهوريات الاشتراكية السوفياتية واستخدام الأموال التي تم الحصول عليها. تم تحويل الربع المتبقي من احتياطي البنك أي 193 طنًا إلى فرنسا وبيع أيضًا معظمها، وهي عملية تُعرف على سبيل المقارنة باسم ذهب باريس. (ar)
- L'or de Moscou és el terme encunyat durant la Guerra Civil espanyola per a referir-se a l'operació de trasllat, per part del govern de la II República, de 510 tones d'or, un 72,6% de les del Banc d'Espanya, de la seu central d'aquest, a Madrid, fins a la Unió Soviètica pocs mesos després de l'esclat de la Guerra Civil espanyola. També es fa servir per a referir-se a les gestions posteriors a l'enviament: a la venda de l'or a l'URSS, a la utilització dels fons obtinguts gràcies a aquesta venda i a altres enviaments similars de béns confiscats durant la guerra. La decisió de traslladar l'or del Banc d'Espanya, presa pel govern presidit per Francisco Largo Caballero i a iniciativa del ministre d'Hisenda, Juan Negrín, va fer, a més a més, que la resta de l'or, 193 tones, fos traslladat i venu (ca)
- El término Oro de Moscú, u Oro de la República, se refiere a la operación de traslado de 510 toneladas de oro, correspondientes al 72,6 % de las reservas de oro del Banco de España, desde su depósito en Madrid hacia la Unión Soviética, a los pocos meses del inicio de la Guerra Civil Española, por orden del gobierno de la II República, presidido por Francisco Largo Caballero (PSOE), y a iniciativa de su ministro de Hacienda, Juan Negrín,[cita requerida] así como a las posteriores gestiones relacionadas con su venta a la URSS y la utilización de los fondos obtenidos. La cuarta parte restante de la reserva del Banco, es decir 193 toneladas, fue trasladada a Francia y también vendida en su mayor parte, una operación que, por analogía, se conoce como el «». (es)
- The Moscow Gold (Spanish: Oro de Moscú), or alternatively Gold of the Republic (Spanish: Oro de la República), was 510 tonnes of gold, corresponding to 72.6% of the total gold reserves of the Bank of Spain, that were transferred from their original location in Madrid to the Soviet Union a few months after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. This transfer was made by order of the government of the Second Spanish Republic, presided over by Francisco Largo Caballero, through the initiative of his Minister of Finance, Juan Negrín. The term also encompasses the subsequent issues relating with the gold's sale to the USSR and the use of the funds obtained. The remaining quarter of the Bank's gold reserves, 193 tonnes, was transported and exchanged into currency in France, an operation which is (en)
- Il termine Oro di Mosca, o anche Oro della Repubblica, si riferisce all'operazione di trasferimento di 510 tonnellate d'oro, corrispondenti al 72,6% delle riserve internazionali del Banco de España, dal loro deposito a Madrid verso l'Unione Sovietica, a pochi mesi dall'inizio della guerra civile spagnola, così come la posteriore gestione relazionata con la vendita all'U.R.S.S. e l'utilizzazione dei fondi ottenuti e i simili invii di beni sequestrati durante la contesa per ordine del governo della seconda repubblica, presieduto da Francisco Largo Caballero, e per iniziativa del suo Ministro delle finanze, Juan Negrín. La parte restante della riserva della Banca, consistente in 193 tonnellate, fu spostata e trasformata in valuta in Francia, operazione conosciuta per analogia come l'Oro di Pa (it)
- L’or de Moscou (en espagnol : El oro de Moscú) est une expression utilisée pendant la guerre civile espagnole et les premières années du franquisme pour se référer au transfert de la plus grande partie des réserves en devises de la Banque d'Espagne depuis son siège à Madrid vers l'Union soviétique en septembre 1936, puis à leur gestion tout au long de la guerre civile espagnole. Ce transfert est le fait de la deuxième république espagnole, proclamée depuis la victoire de la gauche aux municipales d'avril 1931. (fr)
- Московское золото (исп. Oro de Moscú) или Золото Республики (исп. Oro de la República) — собирательное обозначение операции по переводу части золотого запаса Банка Испании из Мадрида в Советский Союз. В общей сложности из Испании в Советский Союз было перевезено 510 тонн золота, что соответствовало 73 процентам золотого запаса Банка Испании. Операция по переброске золота была проведена спустя несколько месяцев после начала Гражданской войны в Испании. Инициатором вопроса передачи золота Советскому Союзу стал министр финансов Испании Хуан Негрин, инициатива которого была поддержана правительством Второй Испанской Республики во главе с премьер-министром Франсиско Ларго Кабальеро. Помимо прочего термином «Московское золото» обозначались вопросы, касающиеся продажи золота в СССР и использовани (ru)
- ذهب موسكو (ar)
- L'or de Moscou (ca)
- Oro de Moscú (es)
- Or de Moscou (fr)
- Oro di Mosca (it)
- Moscow gold (Spain) (en)
- モスクワの金 (ja)
- Ouro de Moscou (pt)
- Московское золото (ru)
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