- Quotation My dear children! Life in the household is beset with many trials and tribulations. In spite of all these turmoils it has one advantage to provide – it can bring opportunities for realization of God and self Swami Nigamananda Paramahansa (born Nalinikanta Chattopadhyay; 18 August 1880 – 29 November 1935) was an Indian yogi, guru and mystic well known in Eastern India. He is associated with the Shakta tradition and viewed as a perfect spiritual master of vedanta, tantra, yoga and prema or bhakti. His followers idealized him as their worshipped and beloved thakura. Nigamananda was born into a Bengali Brahmin family in the hamlet of Kutabpur in Nadia district (at present Meherpur district Bangladesh). He was a sannyasi from Adi Shankar's dashanami sampradaya. After his ordination as a sannyasi, he came to be known as Paribrajakacharya Paramahansa Srimat Swami Nigamananda Saraswati Deva. Nigamananda achieved siddhi (perfection) in four different sadhanas (spiritual disciplines): tantra, gyan, yoga and prema. Based on these experiences, he wrote five Bengali language books: Brahamcharya Sadhana (ब्रह्मचर्य साधन), Yogi Guru (योगिगुरु), Gyani Guru (ज्ञानीगुरु), Tantrika Guru (तांत्रिकगुरु), and Premik Guru (प्रेमिकगुरु). Nigamananda reportedly experienced the state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi. After retiring from Saraswata Matha, Nigamananda spent the last fourteen years of his life in Puri. Durga Charan Mohanty, a school student, met him at Nilachala Kutir in 1930 and recognized him as sadguru. Mohanty became Nigamananda's disciple and wrote books for Nigamananda's establishment Nilachala Saraswata Sangha and translated Nigamananda's Bengali books into Odia. Under Mohanty's encouragement, more than 100 ashrams operate in Odisha. Mohanty continued to spread the message of Nigamananda until his death on 7 December 1985. (en)
- Swami Nigamananda Paramahansa (né Nalinikanta Chattopadhyay ; 18 août 1880 – 29 novembre 1935) est un yogi Indien, gourou et mystique connu dans l'est de l'Inde. Il est associé au culte de Shakti et considéré comme un parfait maître spirituel de tantra, védanta, yoga et bhakti. Nigamananda est née dans une famille de brahmanes bengali dans le hameau de Kutabpur, dans le district de Nadia (actuellement district de Meherpur au Bangladesh). C'est un sannyasin du culte de Adi Shankara. Après son ordination en tant que sannyasin, il devient Paribrajakacharya Paramahansa Srimat Swami Nigamananda Saraswati Deva. Nigamananda atteint la perfection dans quatre sadhanas (disciplines spirituelles) différentes : le tantra, le védanta, le yoga et la bhakti. Sur la base de ces expériences, il écrit cinq livres en bengali : Brahamcharya Sadhana (ब्रह्मचर्य साधन), Yogi Gourou (योगिगुरु), Gyani Gourou (ज्ञानीगुरु), Tantrika Gourou (तांत्रिकगुरु), et Premik Gourou (प्रेमिकगुरु) Nigamananda aurait connu l'état de Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Après sa retraite de la Saraswata Matha, Nigamananda passe les quatorze dernières années de sa vie à Purî. (en), un élève de l'école, le rencontre à (en) en 1930 et le reconnaît en tant que (en) (vrai gourou en sanskrit). Mohanty devient le disciple de Nigamananda, écrit des livres pour l'établissement de Nigamananda, (en), et traduit les livres bengali de Nigamananda en Odia. Sous les encouragements de Mohanty, plus de 100 ashrams opèrent en Odisha. Mohanty continue à diffuser le message de Nigamananda jusqu'à sa mort le 7 décembre 1985. (fr)
- Swami Nigamananda Paramahansa (né Nalinikanta Chattopadhyay ; 18 août 1880 – 29 novembre 1935) est un yogi Indien, gourou et mystique connu dans l'est de l'Inde. Il est associé au culte de Shakti et considéré comme un parfait maître spirituel de tantra, védanta, yoga et bhakti. (fr)
- Quotation My dear children! Life in the household is beset with many trials and tribulations. In spite of all these turmoils it has one advantage to provide – it can bring opportunities for realization of God and self Swami Nigamananda Paramahansa (born Nalinikanta Chattopadhyay; 18 August 1880 – 29 November 1935) was an Indian yogi, guru and mystic well known in Eastern India. He is associated with the Shakta tradition and viewed as a perfect spiritual master of vedanta, tantra, yoga and prema or bhakti. His followers idealized him as their worshipped and beloved thakura. (en)