- Nomorhamphus es un género de peces beloniformes de la familia zenarcoptéridos. (es)
- Nomorhamphus is a southeast Asian genus of viviparous halfbeaks from streams, rivers and lakes in Sulawesi (Indonesia) and the Philippines. They are all viviparous, producing small clutches of around a dozen fry about 10 to 15 mm long at birth. Females are generally larger than the males. In the largest species, such as Nomorhamphus liemi, the females typically reach about 10 cm (3.9 in) in length, whereas the males reach about 6–7 cm (2.4–2.8 in) in length. Males are also more brightly coloured than the females (often having red, black, or blue patches on their fins). Compared with many other halfbeaks, the lower mandible, or beak, is relatively short, on females in particular barely protruding beyond the length of the upper mandible. The males of some species (e.g., N. ebrardtii) have short, straight beaks, but those of others (e.g., ) have short beaks that curve downwards forming a shape often compared to a goatee beard by aquarists. is unique within Nomorhamphus because of its lack of lower jaw elongation. Nomorhamphus feed extensively on small insects, either in the form of aquatic larvae or as flying insects that have fallen onto the surface of the water. They are important predators on insects such as mosquitoes, so play a role in controlling malaria. Nomorhamphus are too small to be of value as food, but they do have some value as aquarium fish. (en)
- Nomorhamphus – rodzaj ryb z rodziny Zenarchopteridae. (pl)
- Nomorhamphus is een geslacht van straalvinnige vissen uit de familie van de halfsnavelbekken (Hemiramphidae). (nl)
- Nomorhamphus är ett släkte av fiskar. Nomorhamphus ingår i familjen Hemiramphidae. Kladogram enligt Catalogue of Life: (sv)
- Os Peixes-agulhas do Gênero Nomorhamphus eatão distribuidos no sudeste asiático, em particular nas Filipinas,indonésia e Sulawesi. Todos são ovovivíparos, produzindo cerca de 12 alevinos com 10 a 15 mm de comprimento . Fêmeas são mais largas que os machos. Na maior parte das espécies,como Nomorhamphus liemi, as fêmeas possuem 10 cm de comprimento, enquanto os machos só atingem cerca de 6 a7 cms de comprimento. Machos são mais coloridos do que as fêmeas (frequentemente possuem vermelho ,preto , ou manchas azuis em suas nadadeiras ). Comparado com outros agulhas,seu "queixo" é relativamente curto, nas fêmeas, em particular a "agulha" mal vai além do comprimento da mandíbula superior.Os machos de algumas espécies (e.g., N. ebrardtii) tem uma curta e estreita agulha,mas outras espécies (e.g., N. liemi) possuem agulhas curtas viradas para baixo formando a algo parecido com um cavanhaque. Nomorhamphus comem extensivamente pequenos insetos, na forma de larvas aquáticas ou como insetos voadores que tenham caído na superfície d`água. Eles são importantes predadores de insetos como mosquitos e assim desempenham um importante papel no controle da malária. Nomorhamphus tem também pouco valor como alimento, mas tem algum valor no aquarismo. (pt)
- Nomorhamphus es un género de peces beloniformes de la familia zenarcoptéridos. (es)
- Nomorhamphus – rodzaj ryb z rodziny Zenarchopteridae. (pl)
- Nomorhamphus is een geslacht van straalvinnige vissen uit de familie van de halfsnavelbekken (Hemiramphidae). (nl)
- Nomorhamphus är ett släkte av fiskar. Nomorhamphus ingår i familjen Hemiramphidae. Kladogram enligt Catalogue of Life: (sv)
- Nomorhamphus is a southeast Asian genus of viviparous halfbeaks from streams, rivers and lakes in Sulawesi (Indonesia) and the Philippines. They are all viviparous, producing small clutches of around a dozen fry about 10 to 15 mm long at birth. Females are generally larger than the males. In the largest species, such as Nomorhamphus liemi, the females typically reach about 10 cm (3.9 in) in length, whereas the males reach about 6–7 cm (2.4–2.8 in) in length. Males are also more brightly coloured than the females (often having red, black, or blue patches on their fins). Compared with many other halfbeaks, the lower mandible, or beak, is relatively short, on females in particular barely protruding beyond the length of the upper mandible. The males of some species (e.g., N. ebrardtii) have sh (en)
- Os Peixes-agulhas do Gênero Nomorhamphus eatão distribuidos no sudeste asiático, em particular nas Filipinas,indonésia e Sulawesi. Todos são ovovivíparos, produzindo cerca de 12 alevinos com 10 a 15 mm de comprimento . Fêmeas são mais largas que os machos. (pt)